Set to drop on PS Plus Premium inside the next 12 hours, there's a Platinum Trophy attached to the PS5, PS4 release of PS1 classic MediEvil 2. The full Trophy list has appeared on Exophase, though it doesn't appear to be joined by one for Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings — at the time of writing, at least. There are 40 Trophies in total, and you can earn a Platinum Trophy for Sir Dan's second adventure.
There are a number of Trophies for completing the levels that make up the campaign, and then you can dive into finding Chalices to affect the ending you get. You'll also need to find Life Bottles, perform some miscellaneous tasks, and finish a level without taking any damage. Reading the complete diary of Professor Hamilton Kift is also a required task, and so too is collecting 2,500 coins.
You can have a look at the full Trophy list through the link. We'll have a post on the site when MediEvil 2 goes live on PS Plus Premium, along with the 10 other PS5, PS4, and Classic titles that make up the January 2025 offering. Will you try to earn the Platinum Trophy in MediEvil 2? Let us know in the comments below.
[source exophase.com]
Comments 16
Mostly pointless busy-work nonsense. Trophies - sucking the fun out of gaming since 2008.
Disappointing that Indiana Jones didn't get them. With Disney supporting there games with trophies i was for sure they would add them to this one.
@MrPeanutbutterz You literally just described gaming in general, lol.
I never played Medievil 2 but i wish Sony remake it like the first game which i really like and it also has the PS1 version as a bonus.
I've always wanted to play the sequel! Really looking forward to this one. I used to oggle at the medievil 2 screenshots in playstation magazine.
I'm just glad to see Sir Daniel getting some recognition in 2025. I've always loved both games so I'll probably check this version out. Still hoping for a sequel remake to go with the first though 🤞
Oh, now the game is good.
This has probably been the No.1 game that I've wanted Sony to release (from their first/second party catalogue), so I'm really thrilled it's finally arrived - and with a platinum.
I never played the original on PS1, only the demo that came with a magazine - many, many times. When the PS4 remake was released, it was like a dream come true. I had so much fun and was really glad they kept the gameplay true to the original (even if the wonky platforming really tested my patience in the swamp level - that, I wouldn't have minded them fixing).
While I'd love a remake for this game as well, realistically, I think this is the best we can expect - and I'll take it gladly.
Now, Sony, it's time to give us some more of your lesser known gems, like Disruptor, Downhill Domination and Crash Bash.
@MrPeanutbutterz for you maybe.
@J_e_f_f__D Yeah no duh. We're not supposed to stick an explicit "IMO" at the end of everything we say to clarify that we are in fact expressing a personal opinion, but I appreciate basic literacy has fallen off a cliff in recent years.
@MrPeanutbutterz Gotta disagree. Trophies can provide great replay value and some fun challenges to games. And of course they completely optional. Also provide a consolidated list of all the games you've played.
@AK4tywill I'm pretty disappointed that they didn't remake the game along with the original.
@ThroughTheIris56 That's the thing though, most games don't have interesting lists. A lot of them are arbitrary goals because the devs aren't arsed but have to have them.
Replay value for me is highly enjoyable mechanics, not running around looking for 100 McGuffins.
@MrPeanutbutterz Thing about boring trophies is that you can ignore them if you're not going for the platinum. In any game you choose how many trophies you want to go for, and what game you want to Platinum. If a trophy list is fun enough, then I'll try, if it looks tedious then I'll just play the main game and maybe get some trophies along the way. Either way, having a game isn't necessarily worse off for having boring trophies. I completely some trophy lists need to be revamped, but that doesn't mean trophies are inherently a bad idea.
@ThroughTheIris56 Honestly, I agree with you there. I enjoy trophies that are tests of skill, that makes you learn the mechanics of a game inside out, which in turn make you better at the game. I've Platinumed games like Titanfall 2 (a mostly easy list bar "... Becomes The Master" which is a huge skill check that really forces you to learn and engage with the mechanics), WipEout Omega Collection (about a third of the trophies are at 0.1% completion, because it's nails), Sekiro (no explanation needed). But in doing so it made me so much better at playing those games.
Like my PSN account is in its 16th year and PlayStation is always my main platform, so I have a ridiculous amount of trophies anyways (in excess of 12,000), but it's incredibly rare that I find a game engaging enough to actually pursue a Plat (plus, I have trophy notifications turned off, so I've managed to finish games without even seeing their lists).
You know what my genuine beef is with? Online multiplayer trophies where team-mates or your opponents aren't playing the game to you know, play the game, rather pursuing some asinine trophy unlock requirements, which spoils others' fun.
@MrPeanutbutterz Those are all absolutely fair points. My favourite Platinum is CODWAW, because it was very challenging but straight forward and really rewarding. Astro Bot is also great for this.
And 100%, MP and trophies don't go well together, unless MP trophies aren't required for a Platinum.
@ThroughTheIris56 Yeah I kinda liked the idea of trophies when they were akin to getting your name on the high score table in the arcade - effectively bragging rights as they took skill to do, and are rewarding.
The MP stuff is wack. I don't mind things like say survive the twelve weeks with both factions in The Last of Us as it forces you to play intelligently and doesn't jeopardize others' enjoyment. Worst one I encountered was some fella using turbo fire on Virtua Fighter 5 FS to do something like 1,600 fights. Ugh.
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