Spider-Man 2 Sales PS5

According to Sony's latest financial briefing, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has topped a rather impressive 11 million sales. The PS5 exclusive launched in October of last year, and got off to a flying start as the fastest-selling PlayStation Studios game to date. It moved a staggering 2.5 million copies in the space of 24 hours.

And it's obviously been selling well since, racking up roughly 9 million sales over the last seven months or so. But for the sake of context, how does it compare to its predecessors? Well, the original Marvel's Spider-Man — which released as a PS4 exclusive in 2018 — has reportedly sold over 20 million copies. Meanwhile, smaller semi-sequel Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is sitting around 14 million sales, last we heard.

It goes without saying that Spider-Man has colossal reach as a property, but Insomniac's video game adaptations are clearly hitting the mark. We'd imagine that Spider-Man 2 will continue selling for years to come, with Sony already calling it a "great success" in its report.

Sony Spider-Man 2 Sales

Did you ever see Spider-Man 2 being anything other than a hit? Or did you think it'd be doing even better by now? Miss your swing and slap straight into the side of a building in the comments section below.

[source sony.com]