The Day Before is a zombie survival MMO that we had initially anticipated on PS5, as it had a bit of buzz about it, and our imaginations ran wild with comparisons to The Last of Us and The Division. We were quickly brought back to earth by the one-two gut punch of a somewhat stale gameplay showing and a bizarre episode where the developer, Fntastic, failed to trademark the game's name, leading to a lengthy delay and accusations that the game wasn't even real.

A new trailer for the game certainly shows it in a better light, but it comes with news of a delay on PC, where The Day Before will be released into Early Access instead of the expected full 1.0 release on 7th December. More pertinent to PlayStation players, this means the release has been delayed indefinitely on console until whenever the Early Access period ends. Fntastic says this should last around 6-8 months but that that timeline could change.

Are you optimistic about The Day Before? What do you think of this latest look at gameplay? Let us know in the comments section below.

[source, via,]