Next Far Cry Game Multiplayer Shooter

While it's widely believed that Ubisoft has Far Cry 7 in the works, it's now being reported that the next Far Cry title to actually release will be an extraction-based shooter. According to the reliable Insider Gaming, It's codenamed 'Project Maverick', and it's basically a multiplayer spin-off.

Supposedly, the gameplay loop revolves around gathering resources and loot before retreating from an Alaska-inspired battlefield. You'll then use your hoarded items in order to upgrade your gear and unlock perks, which will obviously give you an advantage during your next excursion. However, there's specific mention of permadeath — as in, if your character dies, that's it. You get to keep the stuff you've left back at your base of operations, but everything else — including your current gear and character skills — is lost, and you'll need to start over.

The team is reportedly aiming for an April 2025 release date, and the game's been in development for several years — in which time it's "changed scope" more than once. Again, this isn't Far Cry 7, which is assumed to be a more traditional Far Cry experience.

How does Project Maverick sound to you? Is an extraction-based Far Cry shooter something you'd be interested in? Fight for your life in the comments section below.
