Remember Project Re Fantasy, the big project Persona developer Atlus has had in development for years? Well, it's finally been re-revealed as the awkwardly named Metaphor: ReFantazio — a fantastical turn-based RPG that's very reminiscent of the Shin Megami Tensei games. It looks packed with potential in its debut gameplay trailer, even if the footage is a bit rough at times. It's targeting a 2024 release.

Alas, we don't yet know whether Metaphor is coming to PlayStation. Microsoft has once again placed an embargo on mentioning platforms that aren't Xbox or PC, but honestly, we'd be shocked if this isn't heading to PS5 as well. We've reached out to SEGA for clarification, although we probably won't get the whole truth until the aforementioned embargo is lifted, which is likely to happen within the next few days.

What do you think of Metaphor: ReFantazio? Transport yourself to a new fantasy world in the comments section below.