Monster Hunter Rise Sales

Already a hit on Nintendo Switch and PC before coming to PS5 and PS4 early this year, Monster Hunter Rise has now topped a whopping 13 million sales. In other words, Capcom now has another undeniable blockbuster on its hands, adding to a string of hugely successful projects over the last five years or so. As we've pointed out previously, the Japanese just can't seem to stop winning.

What's more, Rise's Sunbreak expansion has shifted an impressive 6 million units. People really like Monster Hunter, don't they?

For some additional context, Monster Hunter World — Rise's immediate predecessor — remains Capcom's best selling game ever, with over 20 million sales reported in 2021. While we doubt Rise will ever catch that particular juggernaut, 13 million is still massive.

Of course, we can't help but wonder what the future holds for Monster Hunter as a franchise. It's broadly believed that Capcom has been working on a sequel to World for at least a few years now, and if that can maintain the series' current momentum, we could have an absolute colossus on the horizon.

Are you a fan of Monster Hunter? Draw your weapon and get grinding in the comments section below.
