Pseudo-Soviet shooter Atomic Heart's release date is right around the corner, with the BioShock-esque title set to blast off on PS5, PS4 on 21st February. As the appointed time draws closer, we learn ever more delicious details, such as how long an average playthrough might take and the ways in which we will destroy Russian robots.
In an interview with SegmentNext, game director Robert Bagratuni revealed details regarding the length of the game. He stated that "to complete the main story campaign, players will need to spend approximately 20-25 hours. But since the world of Atomic Heart is quite huge and filled with various activities, the full completion will take much longer". Bagratuni estimates that a completionist playthrough would likely take "about 35-40 hours."
In addition, Bagratuni revealed that "there will be 12 types of weapons in total, and for each of them, there are several various types of upgrades and multiple skill branches." Players will need to scrounge for components in order to be able to upgrade their arsenal, as "you will be able to use a crafting machine NORA, whose AI will surprise you with its sassy attitude. You will have an opportunity to create bullets, add elementary effects to them, and create other things as well.”
You will also have access to an experimental AI-powered glove called CHAR-les, which will act as a companion and essential tool, allowing the use of telekinetic and elemental powers. Hopefully, CHAR-les will liven things up a little and provide some helpful context on the unfolding techno-apocalypse that is the world of Atomic Heart. If you need a reminder of what it all looks like in action, be sure to check out this recently released gameplay overview trailer.
Where are your hype levels at, will you be picking up Atomic Heart at launch? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source segmentnext.com]
Comments 38
I’ve really been looking forward to this and it does look very stylistic and potentially very good. I just hope it lives up to expectations!
Thats a pretty good length for a shooter. I am quite interested in this as it looks as good as it is bonkers..i'll pick this up after i have played hogwarts legacy..
Gameplay length sounds perfect for a game like this, but will still wait for the price to dip down to $25 New or cheaper.
I keep politics out of my gaming and judge games on the game
looks to me my type of game
Not usually my type of game. But it looks and sounds pretty interesting. I’ll try it on gamepass then decide if I’ll buy it.
@Victor_Meldrew I knew the developer is Russian, but how do you know they're extremists?
LoL I'm used to a marathon 40-60 even 80 hours lol I'm happy I'm getting this on game pass though. A offline gamer friend of mines told another friend who only likes online games that he can clear mass effect 1 in an hour side quests and all I was in stitches , both wouldn't know about speed runs. An hour would be a world record lol and he loses 4 or 5 hours of game play cause he forgot to save lol ( older xbox360 titles we don't use auto save it has a way of erroring out on ya lol)
That's entirely a myth that was unfounded. Youtuber Math Chief became close friends with the lead guy who worked on this game back in 2018 and has debunked all those claims. This game is no more pro Soviet than Singularity or Metro.
@Victor_Meldrew eh? I've been to Russia the people are lovely and only want to meet other people from other countries.
@Victor_Meldrew and I loved that actors shows growing up very funny lol
@PegasusActual93 To be fair, Metro is developed by Ukrainian devs and based on a book by one of the most vocal anti-Putin authors to come out of Russia. I don’t know much about these devs but they originated in Russia!
Removed - unconstructive feedback
Did anyone else read the info about your tech companion CHAR-les and getting Cuff/Forspoken vibes? Hmmmm... I am now wary.
It looks real good. Wish it had a third person option as first person games give me motion sickness.
There is a video by a Youtuber called "Harenko", discussing what @Victor_Meldrew mentions.
I have no vested interest in the game personally, but i did stumble across this vid a couple of days ago, discussing some points about the devs alleged connections etc... So may be of interest to some or indeed not.
Apologies mods, if the link isnt allowed
Got it on pre-order and really looking forward to it, I hope it delivers, always happy to see a new dev with new IP do well so fingers crossed it hits.
Will pick up on sale. Sadly only one full priced game this month and Hogwarts won out.
Playing a Russian backed game from a russian owned studio, thats full of the same russian symbolism currently being dropped on innocent civilians right now, is not something I will choose to do. Looks like a poor mans bioshock anyway, so im not missing much tbh.
The above is my personal choice and im in no way wishing to criticise anyone who is looking forward to this and hope everyone who wants it gets a great game!
@trev666 Except politics are very much entwined with this game, you can't keep it out however much you want to. A game about an alternate USSR, made by Russian devs, isn't going to be completely apolitical. You can still play the game and not contribute to its sales by picking it up second hand. With everything going on in Ukraine right now, I would feel a bit icky picking this up at launch.
I feel the game should be judged on its own merits
not all Russians are bad people
Im am looking forward to it and will be playing it
@Victor_Meldrew my god the developers aren’t Russian extremists
@JB_Whiting here’s a internet pat on the back you’re so brave
@dellyrascal yes yes resetera loves posting this so I doubt you stumbled across it but people there have already debunked things from that video and the rest is just flimsy conjecture
I could care less where the game is was made.. it looks amazing.. not gonna let real world crap muddy up what could be one of the best new IPs this year.. same thing w Hogwarts Legacy.. I’m a 33yo highly functioning autistic gamer.. I just wanna play a fun game.. F*** the woke haters
i so hope the review starts with 'we dont condone the war etc'
because this is by far and away more important than one womans belief.
I’ll be honest, I’m definitely not going to be plowing through Hogwarts before this drops after starting that game up the other day. Just being realistic. It’s on Gamepass and the year is flooded with games, so I’m in no rush. I think it looks interesting and I’ll be reading reviews. I’ll try it at some point regardless of reviews, but, for all I know, this could be another Scorn.
Gotta say, I just love all the armchair politicians in this thread. Like ANY of us know what's REALLY going on between Russia and Ukraine. We know exactly and only what our respective governments and their propaganda arms (IE the media) feed us. Sure, war is bad and nothing I condone, but the truth of what's really going on over there isn't known by the average person. We all just 'see what we want to see'. Don't let something as crappy as politics ruin your entertainment experience. If all of us only listened to musicians we agreed with, and watched film and TV done by people we agree with, etc. etc., we'd have almost no content to enjoy. Just enjoy what you want and let the rest of it all sort itself out.
@OddEyes noooo the woke part was referring to dumba** JK Rowling and her ignorant comments and opinions and how people don’t wanna play the Hogwarts game because of her opinion on that one subject.. F*** Putin btw but Atomic heart looks amazing
@OddEyes he’s losing money fast and dying of cancer.. this war ends when he dies.. and hopefully soon lol
@dark_knightmare2 - Don't be so presumptuous in assuming anything about me, other than what you read in my bio.. either that or the crystal ball you use, is on the blink...
I found the video, as funnily enough the YouTube algorithm knows that I have been searching for the game and watching videos, due to.... Guess what, my interest in the game and this came up, along with hundreds of other vids about it.
As for the site you mention, Ive never knowingly been to it, nor have knowledge of what it posts, so again, stop trying to mind read, you are doing a thoroughly bad job so far Mr Holmes.
Would Miss Marple want my internet history to prove it? Or she to busy assuming everything too...
I was merely adding meat to the comment by @Victor_Meldrew which was somewhat vague and so, as I had seen this vid some 24-36hrs ago, the reference was in my mind still.. nothing more..
I would also be happy to watch anything that counters the video and see it posted here too, as I am generally interested in the story, that is literally it..
But hey, rather than say, "Hey that's not right, here is said counter video to prove you wrong" to which I would say "thanks for that, I will watch it", the same tired old clichéd responses appear.. unfortunately, I don't have the ability to keep a finger glued to the pulse as you clearly do...
For that I'm sincerely sorry that I have other life stuff going on..
Will it affect ,whether I will purchase it.. unlikely
Am I not sure about the game itself on its own merits?
Yes I am
As I said, I have no vested interest. I couldn't give a rats a**e if someone wishes to play or not play the game on whatever basis, that is personal choice, nor do I have the energy to even attempt to dictate to people what they should or shouldn't do..
I treat people how I wish to be treated, no more no less, and I certainly don't feel the need to go around throwing horse**** at other commenters, because I disagree with them...
@stvevan that’s not going to happy because they would be risking their lives and their families lives for doing that just to make some people feel better about playing a video game
Looks amazing, but not really sure about it. Will wait for reviews to get a better idea. For me personally sick of games that always require crafting. What happened to good old fashioned pick up weapons ammo, find better weapons, with easy upgrades.
That still quite long for an FPS! Hopefully it is fun to play!
Too many games to play this month! Yakuza Ishin! Wanted: Dead, Atomic Heart, Wild Hears, Company of Heroes 3...
Ill wait for a sale
You should watch the mightykeef latest hogwarts youtube video.
I bet they support stuff they wouldn't like to support without them knowing.
Jesus. I don't know the devs personally, and like someone said above, if I didn't buy things because I don't agree with something with one the makers, I wouldn't have fun. Do not put all russians in a basket.
There’s actually a lot of people in Russia who are against the war anyway. No one here can claim to know what’s in the minds of the people who created this game.
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