Well, here’s something you don’t see all that often: developer Sucker Punch has made inFAMOUS: Second Son’s limited edition Cole’s Legacy DLC free for everyone on the PS Store. The mission pack was previously bundled with select copies of the game, before being flogged for a few bucks. However, now everyone can download and experience the add-on, which outlines the events between inFAMOUS 2 and the most recent full-length game.
If you complete all of the objectives, you’ll unlock an additional Cole MacGrath-style jacket for hero Delsin Rowe to wear. The Seattle-based studio also said that it’s working to make standalone expansion inFAMOUS: First Light’s pre-order exclusive DUP outfit available for free as well. By the way, if you haven’t played either game, you can enjoy them as part of the All PS Plus Games library – pretty neat, eh?
[source store.playstation.com]
Comments 39
I wonder what’s the motivation for doing this now, all these years later. This was one of the first PS4 games; it’s been a whole generation. It’s a nice gesture, but quite random.
Awesome. I really loved Infamous Second Son. I’m also finding that I play it a lot when I just feel like chilling. Would love another infamous-or a remake of the first 2 for Ps5
I didn't even know this existed. Thanks for informing us, guys.
Would rather have a new game but this franchise seems abandoned. A shame as I liked them and wish the older games could be played on PS4/5.
I'm guessing that they are Making Ghost of Tsushima 2 next.
Very nice timing. Been thinking about playing Second Son and First Light after I finish with Stray and Forbidden West.
@Th3solution Game's on PS Plus so they probably just feel it's a simple thing to do for some goodwill.
I owned this and wasn't even aware...
That's a surprising and completely random goodwill gesture. This is still my favorite "Western" Sony series so it's nice to see it getting some love, even if it's just token appreciation.
N.i.c.e. i will be downloading this.word up son
Awesome news, I'm about halfway done so this was some good timing.
Sweet I'll spend the weekend playing this and the Paper Trail questline.
Very random but I'll take it! Whether we get a Infamous remastered collection, new Infamous or GoT 2 I will be happy regardless.
@Th3solution why now? I've played and brought all the infamous games so far in the past, why from hibernation 🤔🤔
sonys getting desperate
@huyi Next up — Sony announces new free DLC for Knack and The Order 1886. 😄
@Th3solution both at the same time? We are doomed 😰😰
I genuinely don’t know why they did this.
I’m not complaining at all this is a really cool move.
But who at Suckerpunch just woke up this morning and said “yeah this should be free”
Clear the decks I suppose.
They've said there's no interest in revisiting the franchise, so I think it's just to make sure fans can access everything available.
A nice gesture but I didn’t like Second Son that much. It felt like such a downgrade from the the first two inFamous games in terms of the story and characters. First Light was a bit better but nothing will ever surpass those original games. Remastered collection s'il vous plaît 👌
This is a nice gesture, but I wonder if Sucker Punch is doing this because they peed in all of our Cheerios when they announced no inFamous was in development.
@Th3solution I'll take those two, but Haze remake when?
@BritneyfR_ee 110% agreed! I liked it enough bit it didn't hold a candle to the original series and definitely felt rushed and incomplete for PS4 launch window. And First Light definitely was half a step up. Cole ended too soon.
Now I'm hoping sony does the same for Demon's Souls remake's pre-order exclusive equipment.
The great thing about this is the DLC is free immediately when they made the announcement, and not two weeks later like when Techland did the same thing with Dying Light.
I went back and played Infamous Second Son again on my PS5 last year to get the Platinum. Wish this would have been available for free then... o well, mabey I'll get to it one of these days. I didn't care for Second Son that much, didn't click with Delsin. Infamous 1 & 2 I loved, Cole is awesome! I would love for the first 2 games to come to PS5 with a remake or remaster. That would be great, Sucker Punch! I still need to play First Light also...
Cool to see Sucker Punch still showing some love to Infamous. As much as I like Spider-Man I do miss Infamous. Infamous 2 is definitely among my favorite PS3 games and while Second Son didn't quite reach that level it was still a great time and a great showcase for the PS4 at the time.
I didn't enjoy Second Son enough to ever finish it. I enjoyed First Light decently. Not exactly sure why it was more enjoyable for me, but I did complete that one.
This is so random, maybe testing the waters for a Infamous remasters?
Awesome I've got last light but not this one I'll get it now 👍🏻
@Th3solution 😁 a skull from the past ☠☠
gotta play the first infamous titles on rpcs3 first
"Something went wrong. Try again later"
@Th3solution Could be to test if they can drum up some support for Infamous... or on the complete other side of the coin as a tiny apology for saying Infamous is not in development last week. But free is free. I'd expect more people to play it off this small gesture. Nice bit of PR.
Cole's Legacy is a series of 3 simple missions, and it's a big letdown overall, unfortunately.
For anyone that didn't play it - don't go in expecting too much, you'll be very disappointed!
If this is an attempt from Sucker Punch to atone for the statement they made a short while ago, about not having any current plans for a new Infamous game, it's a poor one at best.
If not a new entry in the franchise, the least they can do is a Remake of the first 2 Infamous games.
Wishful thinking on my part though... they are only interested in Ghost of Tsushima nowadays.
@Arloth that statement doesn't say anything about the DLC being free.
@Arloth also it doesn't say the DLC is available right away, that they're working on it. Techland said their DLC would be free immediately and then continued to charge for it for weeks.
@Shinnok789 @CieloAzure @DTfeartheBEARD @BritneyfR_ee @Juanalf @Cyrus29 I would love to see inFamous 1 & 2 remakes!
Only if they were rebuilt from the ground up using the Unreal Engine 5/PS5 technology though.
As for Second Son and First Light, they would just need to be remastered for PS5.
I'm not picky, they don't have to be built from the ground up remakes to please me. I'll take dynamic 4K at 60fps and I'd be happy. Obviously a remake would be better, but I'm sure Sucker Punch is working on Ghost Of Tsushima 2, which I want also lol...
I think Second Son looks amazing on PS5 already and it runs at 60fps so that's fine as is...
Maybe we'll see more free DLC suddenly? IDK if there are many PS4 games with DLC still locked behind limited editions. This is definitely strange, but it's just releasing DLC made years ago for free. They didn't have to put much effort into it.
@Cyrus29 Yea, infamous and spiderman are my chill out games. I guess city traversal is therapeutic.
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