Imagine, if you will, an alternate history in which the French Revolution is quashed before it can even begin — not by the other great powers of the age, fearful of change, but by the tyrannical King Louis XVI himself and, well, his army of clockwork automatons.
This is the narrative setup for the awesome-looking Steelrising, an action RPG developed by French studio Spiders (who is perhaps best known for 2019's Greedfall). It's an incredibly original take on a fascinating period in European history, and one that is not often explored in games.

In Steelrising, you play as Aegis, a masterpiece automaton created by Vaucanson, an engineer in the service of the Clockwork King. In this alternate version of 1791 Paris, the streets are overrun with mechanical monstrosities, and it is only through the careful application of force that the Revolution can be restored, and allowed to run its rightful course.
Combat looks to be fast, frenetic, and bloody, with a focus on character action. It remains to be seen how it handles, though, as fighting was probably the weakest part of the otherwise great Greedfall. Here's hoping some lessons have been learned in the intervening years.
With its Gothic art style, unique and striking enemy design, and grim setting, Steelrising is more than a little reminiscent of Bloodborne, which should be an exciting proposition for any true PlayStation fan.
Originally set to release on 22nd June, Steelrising has been delayed until 8th September, giving Spiders a little more time to tighten things up. In the meantime, gear up in the comments section below.
Comments 18
Yes, the true Scottsmen...err I mean Playstation fans...should be quite excited.
Contacted them the other day asking about difficulty options and thankfully it has them, I've had to give up on elden ring because of difficulty (late atlus plains) so didn't want another game like that.
Definitely getting this. Hoping the combat is more polished than Spider’s earlier work. Looks promising though!
@UltimateOtaku91 Don’t give up! You can do it! Spend some time leveling up your character, and if you can get to the castle in Atlus there’re some great co-op areas for rune farming.
spider is going to hit with one of these games eventually they do make some great games they just lack some AAA polish. jank can be charming it can also be off-putting
I love Spiders, they improve with every release and aren't afraid to get a bit weird and that is worth the jank that makes them so charming.
@UltimateOtaku91 if you made it all the way to Altus then you can doooo eeeet! like @Ear_wiG said do some levelling up, maybe go try and find some delves and catacombs you might've missed in earlier areas or spend a Larval tear with Rennala to re-do your build.
Im into this, but im being cautious as it seems like they're going down a souls-like path in regards to combat etc but does look good!
@UltimateOtaku91 Try another build or level up a bit. You can get op quite easily by just overleveling or using strong builds. The latest update also buffed a lot of weapons and magic/abilities. Get the mimic tear summon and every boss is a cakewalk for the most part.
I’m really interested in this.
Although what’s up with the complete rip-off of Aigis from Persona 3? The character model is very similar and then they had to use the same name? At least name the character Sophia or Elise or something. 😅
@UltimateOtaku91 You can do it! Don’t be afraid to summon others to help! I definitely needed help in the last third of the game. There’s definitely a community of people that will help you finish the game. I thought the Souls community was toxic and all about “git gud,” but that’s not the case at all. Souls games are about overcoming hardship and there’s a good chunk of the community that understands this.
@Ear_wiG @Mintie @Amusei @somnambulance wow thanks for the support guys, I will definitely keep at it and I've recently picked up the mimic tear as well but since I'm a magic focused based attack my defence is awful so I don't think my mimic would be much use, but il give it a try and level it up at the roundtable first, I have been using summons lately it I've noticed the further I get in the game the less people there are to summon, on some dungeons I could be standing there 25 minutes waiting for a gold rune to appear.
But il grind a lot frist, currently level 81 and my intelligence is at 49 so maybe I need to level that up some more?
@UltimateOtaku91 I despise Souls-likes for this very reason. Tried Bloodborne and kept dying after getting past first enemy. Great world-building and story-telling in these games, but if I can't progress then what's the point?
As someone who loves the history of the French Revolution, I really hope this game is as accessible as they said.
@UltimateOtaku91 Something the game doesn't really explain when you summon another player it massively increases a boss's health, but if you only have a spirit summon with you the boss keeps its single player health making things significantly easier. If you're a mage build I highly recommend looking up a guide to get either Kristoff or Oleg as they're beefy tank chaps. I found the Mimic to be a bit too squishy during my Mage play through.
@Santifa if you're really struggling but still would like to get something out of Bloodborne I recommend using Fighting Cowboy's 100% guide ( at least until you're more familiar and comfortable with the game. If you'd rather go guideless the two tips that got me through my first playthrough are;
1) Watch humanoid enemies' elbow when they raise their arm to hit you the signal to shoot is as soon as the elbow moves down/towards you (Yes, I know it sounds daft)
2) Don't be afraid to do suicide runs to get to a new lamp and hoover up items in the mad dash, it is often easier to work backwards clearing areas (this can be useful for every From game)
And a final bonus tip that applies to all From games that a lot of people don't talk about enough - most of your damage comes from upgrading weapons, so early levels should go into health. then stamina/mana with everything else getting some early weapon upgrades.
It is my goal to makes Souls games as comfortable as possible.
Pretty sure this was an episode in Doctor Who.
Looks amazing going to be a big hit for shore.
@UltimateOtaku91 check out BeyondtheFog on Reddit. Also, there’s certain groups that are still very active in multiplayer. I started getting burnt out with the Fire Giant, but when I finally grinded to level 100, slayed him, and encountered the Godskin Duo. I was ready to throw something. Lol. I had a friend helping me at the Atlus Plateau, but he took a break from the game, and I was still hooked.
Anyway, I found the group, and they helped me through that last stretch of bosses. Actually beat Hoarah Lux the first try, thanks to the help. Finished the game under level 120. Would’ve probably been level 100 at the end of the game, honestly, if I didn’t grind to beat the Fire Giant. Lol. Imagine having two max leveled friends assisting you. It’s a huge difference. Had that for the last boss and I was in awe. Lol
I'll join in with everyone else and say don't give up, @UltimateOtaku91. I'm an ol' boy (will be 60 next year) and today I beat the final boss, and will hopefully get the Xbox version of the Platinum tomorrow. I highly, highly recommend a Youtuber called FightinCowboy (there is no G). I have used his guides on every Souls like game. He will talk you through absolutely everything. I followed his 100% walkthrough, wherein he does literally everything; picks up every item no matter how minor, goes everywhere (all underground places included) kills every minor Boss and proper Boss. He is extremely well liked and regarded. Ultimately, if he can get me through a Souls like game (Elden Ring included) then he can get anyone through. Give him a go. You won't regret it...
For me, I mostly want to know if the game will still play like an RPG in dialogue / choices. Those were the best parts of previous Spider games
@UltimateOtaku91 I’m also a mage, around level 110 I think, 70 intelligence. I’m probably over-leveled, but I was a bit lost for a while, so… oops! Anyways, I spent a lot of time supporting others at the big Atlus fortress with the horn blowers and gold knights, helped me level up quick and learn the enemy patterns. Also the Rennala gear is your best friend as a mage—get that staff and level it up!
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