As the new PlayStation Plus prepare to launch across Asian territories, even more details concerning the classic PS1 titles are hitting the web. Now, courtesy of Exophase, we have the Trophy lists for Syphon Filter, Intelligent Qube, Hot Shots Golf, Ape Escape, and Wild Arms. That final one hadn't been confirmed for the service, so it's another PS1 game to add to the official list of All PS Plus Games.
Better yet, all five have Platinum Trophies, with the overall lists consisting of 16 to 19 Trophies. Wild Arms, however, has 38 gongs to unlock. Many of the lists attach Trophies to story progression and performing specific stunts during levels. Ape Escape, for example, asks you to catch 100 monkeys and collect 40 Specter Coins. Meanwhile, Hot Shots Golf wants you to unlock characters and hit a hole in one.
There are even separate Trophy lists for the PS5 and PS4 versions, so you could unlock the Platinum twice over for each title if you really wanted to.
To view them all for yourself, click through to Exophase. Will you be trying to unlock any of these Platinum Trophies? Let us know in the comments below.
[source exophase.com]
Comments 51
Not Surprised About Wild Arms Having Trophy's As Its a Sony IP. Now If They Could Just Add Alundra And Legend Of Dragoon.
Trophies look pretty straightforward, especially with save states and rewind. This is going to be a lot of fun!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Would prefer them not to have separate PS5 and PS4 lists as it leads to auto-popping, but now I’m just being picky. Really hope more devs continue to do this.
Yes! Trophies for an RPG. Come on Final Fantasy Tactics, you know you want them too!
Ape Escape with a trophy list is absolutely something I'd purchase.
Wonder if they finally patch all the PS2 Games that have issues on PS5
So it's looking true then that any game that is by Sony will have Trophies more than likely. Any gamed that's 3rd party, it's whether that developer wants to do it.
Does anyone think that the games that don't have Trophies could get an update later on that adds them?
@Snake_V5 It's definitely possible to do that (some free-to-play games patch in Trophies later, for example).
@thefourfoldroot1 - MVG put a video out suggesting all these older games will have trophies due to them being repackaged and having to pass certification, a mandatory requirement of which is trophy support.
Okay, sold. I was only thinking of getting Extra but will be getting Premium (Deluxe here in Aus) the second it comes out bc this is fantastic. I'm shocked! I really hope there isn't just a few PS1 games with trophies at launch and then it gets dropped afterwards.
@get2sammyb Do you know if the whole rewind and also save state apply to PS2 games too? PSP they do right?
Wild arms 1 has one of the best opening theme ever for any games, it's been more than 20 years and I still remember the theme songs 😃
@wiiware That opening theme is so beautiful, it can't leave my head. I'm really great to see Wild Arms 1 and 3 on the service, and only hope that means 2, 4 and 5 will follow
MGS1 with a Platinum then I'll have the whole set.
Although that's probably down to Konami so if it comes it likely won't have a trophy list, unfortunately.
@Snake_V5 The only PS2 Games that will be on the Service are the Remasters already available on PS4. And they have neither Rewind nor Save States
The article I've been waiting for!!! 😁
do the ps4 versions of the ps2 games not work properly on ps5 then?
why do they have a ps4 version and a ps5 version of these ps1 games ?
@trev666 Quite a few have massive graphical issues. Like Ape Escape 3, Okage Shadow King and The Warriors. And Sony never patched them.
@IonMagi I thought that they were adding more and more PS2 games over time? And I thought that there's going to be new PS2 games.
@trev666 because they decided to have a native PS5 version of the PS1 emulator instead of running the PS4 version in backcompat mode, and all PS4/5 games have separate trophy lists instead of shared due to PS5 supporting a newer trophy list format that PS4 doesn't support (like progress tracking and more trophies per list). I'd be surprised if any of the PS1 games used any of the new trophy features though.
@Snake_V5 eeh no lol. In the Blog Post were they showed off some Classics they didnt even call it the "PS2 list" but "Remasters" one. And it only had the ones already available on PS4. And since so far not a single new PS2 Game appeared or leaked anywhere its save to assume that they didnt bother with working on their PS2 Emulator (which still has issues on PS5).
As someone who has never been interested in subscription gaming whatsoever… I gotta be honest you have my attention Sony. God damn!
Awesome. I really can’t wait.
@Snake_V5 Unlikely because they're using the old PS2 games that were on PS4, which didn't have those features. (Unless they're being updated.)
@thefourfoldroot1 They wont mate. For the reasons I already listed.
Wild ARMs! If we get the Alter Code F remake, I'd consider subscribing.
There will be. The full list isn’t even Released yet, these stories are just leaks of a few. Sony will be adding new games every month. No reason to think they will restrict themselves to only PS1 and PSP.
Please please please suikoden trophies. Please please please
@thefourfoldroot1 They even literally avoided calling it "PS2 Games" in the Blog Post lol. But hold on to your hopium for a few more hours since the Launch for Asia is soon.
You do realise they will continue to release games right? And that they’ve already got PS2 emulation?
@IonMagi I know Shadow Hearts got rated in Japan and that's PS2.
@IonMagi This whole service for me is more for PS2 than anything else, PS2 is what I'm most interested in.
Yeah, the hope is that Sony will add more games every month. They need an incentive to keep people subscribed so I wouldn't rule it out.
If they're doing it properly there'll be good monthly updates.
@WizzNL I mean PS1 and PSP Games not listed in the Blog Post have leaked via Store ID or Trophies. Meanwhile not a single other PS2 Game
@Snake_V5 That was just the usual licence refresher. The Publisher told Gematsu last year that they have no plans on re-releasing it in any way.
@thefourfoldroot1 They didnt even bother patching all the PS2 Games that are pretty much unplayable on PS5 because of Graphical glitches. What makes you think that they will add more PS2 Games? Because so far its not clear that they will actually do that regularly.
Because it’ll be cheaper than adding PS5/PS4 games? The question is why you presume they won’t. I can think of no reason.
And I have heard that some games have some glitches whereas others run significantly better. It’s a mixed bag and, of course, I would hope Sony patch these issue now that many more people are going to experience these games. It’s been an extremely niche issue up until now.
@Shigurui we know that Oddworld doesn't have trophies. The thing about that mandate is Sony can choose to revoke it when they please, which seems to be the case with emulation. I think that's the best move since we know the trophy mandate negatively impacted the PS2 on PS4 program.
Wild arms!! :swoon:
I have Wilds Arms 2 on my Vita such a great game. Probably a long shot but I hope Legend of Legaia shows up.
@Orpheus79V - Fair point, as I mentioned he only suggested it might happen.
@Yomogi, yes Wilds Arms Alter Code: F! I love Wild Arms, but this remake was amazing, buffing up the graphics, but also gameplay..., the world and puzzles were far less linear. Good shout!
@WadeIsInsane I think the vast majority will be PS3 Games in the end. Makes way less work than actual getting PS1/PSP to run via Emulator
A potato can run a PS1 emulator. PSP is only marginally more difficult.
I agree with you that I think we will see way less PS2 games than expected. But PS1 and PSP games should drop at a fairly consistent rate.
@OrtadragoonX I mean if its so easy then I have to wonder why they didnt at least release 10-15 PS1/PSP and PS2 Games at Launch. Its not like they would run out of Games to add on those Systems
Hurray, fun and straightforward trophies! That's all I wanted...the list of games is still TERRIBLY thin lol wtf
I've never actually played ape escape so colour me interested.
@get2sammyb Can you ask Sony if we can still use the Cheat on the first Wild Arms unlimited items using the controller I remember it on the PS1 version you need all the characters with you use the item heal twice and then transfer the item you want to cheat.
I'll definitely be attempting the plats for Syphon Filter, Ape Escape, and Wild Arms.
I think a lot of it is licensing and I do honestly believe that Sony thought of this idea at the last possible second.
I’m willing to bet actual currency that Sony’s original plans for Spartacus was PS4 and PS5 games only. But then they realized that without day one releases it would be looked at very unfavorably to Gamepass.
So they created the middle tier and put the original plans there. Then they created the premium tier and went for the retro games.
But I do feel like it was a fairly late decision. Explains why there are so many confirmed PS4 and PS5 titles versus PS1/PS2/PSP titles.
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