As well as sharing our latest look at Gotham Knights gameplay, today's info dump from Warner Bros has revealed one unexpected detail: the PlayStation 4 version has been cancelled. Confirmed in a press release, it reads: "Please note, to provide players with the best possible gameplay experience, the game will release on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S and PC and will not be available for PlayStation 4 or Xbox One consoles."
The game was originally announced for PS4 alongside a PS5 version back in August 2020, but the last-gen edition will now no longer make it to launch on 25th October 2022. This means Gotham Knights joins Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League in prioritising the experience for current-gen players. It does mean the title can only be bought on Sony systems by 19.3 million PS5 owners at the time of writing, ditching the PS4 audience in the process.
Comments 73
I'm not surprised, even Playstation exclusives are selling very little on PS4 compared to the next gen version these days as many are waiting to upgrade before playing these games. So it's probably not worth the effort now to get these games running on last gen machines anymore
Excellent news!
We are 2 years in to new generation when this game releases, about time we started focusing on it.
Hope they start making this with other games but at the same time I hope Sony makes more consoles available to everyone
Great news.
I also see Sony have updated the information on the PlayStation Store.
It is no longer listed as 4 player. Back to a 2 player only game.
Supports up to 2 online players with PS Plus
I wish Sony had the balls to do this.
Arkham Knight is still prettier than any PS5 game, so this isn't unexpected
Yeah, it's time to focus on PS5.
I’m not disappointed but I’m surprised as the player base and availability of consoles is still a way away from what it should be but good to see ps5/XSX power being unleashed finally
@BoldAndBrash it's really not. 😁
I think this sucks for PS4 owners, especially those struggling to get hold of a PS5.
Good. As someone interested in this game and is still only rocking an original ps4.
Don't blame them. It must be a pain for devs having to work around not only the OG PS4 & Xbox One. But also the enhanced versions as well. Then sometimes they may develop a Switch port adding more headache.
Not in the slightest bit interested in the game, but good to see some actual next gen games only.
If this means that the developers can now focus on providing the best possible gaming experience, then I'm all for it. The cross gen game releases have lasted a lot longer than past gens due to stock shortages but support for last gen has to stop eventually in favor of prioritizing what is possible with current gen technology.
Very happy about this as it means they aren't being held back. Hopefully we see more of this.
This has Cyperpunk written all over it.
Good lesson and a good move.
Unrelated, but do we know if this game has local co-op? Or is it just online?
Good. I don’t want the game to be held back by PS4 limitations
They gave it an honest shot and it just didn't work out. No shame in canceling it. I applaud this move and honesty!
Surely this game is too far into development to not already have been held back by the last gen versions, unless they were ditched a while back and we're only hearing about it now.
Thank goodness. More of this strategy please.
Great news, indeed. Hopefully we see more of this going forward.
Let's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Screw last gen, put it in the grave where it needs to be!
Screw last gen already. TY
As much as it hurts for ps4 owners that might struggle to upgrade to a ps5, but it’s time that the cross gen development is going to end soon. The capabilities of the ps4 are far exceeded. A great console with fantastic games and visuals. But after almost 9 years after launch, it’s time.
Good to see! Less pressure on the devs
Definitely is one of, if not, the most impressive looking game out there still. And that for an openworld game.
Rocksteady knows what they're doing.
Glad they had the balls to skip the PS4. I don't even own a PS5 yet, but I don't want the game to be held back like all the Sont titles, because Jim Ryan is a spineless fool
Makes complete sense to me (& I'm saying that as a PS4 player)
I have watched the trailer and I haven't seen anything that couldn't be on last-gen consoles.
I guess this move is only to lessen the need for optimization and spare some time/money.
This is great news. I'm so tired of games being held back by the last gen.
Ps4 version cancelled: confirmed 4 player coop
Good. It's time to move forward and it will end up with better quality games when you don't have to worry and spend your resources and time to make sure it can run on last gen
If it were on PS4 I probably would have bought it. Now I won't.
Sony needs to take notes for their games.
About time they moved on from antiquated Hardware and having to scale down everything just to 'run' adequately. Its obviously getting more difficult to even deliver a 'stable' 30fps - let alone a 'reasonable' Visual presentation on a HD TV, let alone a 4k TV.
If you haven't or 'can't' upgrade for whatever reason, that's just tough! You'll complain you spent money on something and that it looks 'poor', doesn't run smoothly etc etc when the Devs 'struggled' to get it running at all on such dated Hardware!!
It's not going anywhere soon so like wanting to play any Game you thought might be on your platform and it turns out not to be coming now, you have a choice - buy the Platform its on or miss out! I know stock maybe difficult right now, but the game will still be there when you do get the new hardware!!
Makes sense. It's not like it's hard to find a PS5, Series X/S anymore. Everything I go to Walmart I see Series S in the glass case. You can now get used and refurbished Series X and PS5 from Gamestop so if you want one you can get one.
Yikes. That Series S is looking really good to me right about now..
GOOD . the sooner next gen can be 100% next gen the better
@The_Mask fingers crossed
On second thought after watching that awful gameplay footage they can keep that junk out of my PS4 .😆 If developers follow suit with this anti consumer practices however, I will jump ship and get a Series S. It's currently the cheapest next gen console on the market and gamepass seem interesting.. Not all of us can afford a PS5 especially now when prices are increasing
Great news it gets me even more pumped for the game! I'm at a point where cross gen games aren't getting me excited as they are essentially designed with near 10 year old hardware in mind.
Even as someone fortune enough to have a PS5 I hope this isn't a growing trend, not whilst PS5s are so hard to come by. It's not as many people just can't be 'bothered' to upgrade is it?!
I was lucky to be notified last summer that PS5s were available at a time when I could actually act upon the heads-up. On previous occasions I was either driving or at work, so impossible to take advantage of the early warning.
Sad to see many comments that boil down to "sucks to be you!".
@Olmaz thanks always hard to judge.
From framerate, loading times, enemy account, lightning… and many more.
This huge jump that we have some decades ago in video game visuals are not to expect with this gen but there are still a lot of details that are not longer possible on the last gen consoles.
@BoldAndBrash Arkham Knight is a pretty game with awesome art style no doubt, but prettier than any PS5 game??? You mad bro? Either you haven't played Ratchet & Clank, Demon's Souls, Horizon or you need to go to Specsavers. lol
(I'd love an Arkham Knight PS5 patch though, 60fps and higher res would be wonderful)
bruh lmbo. this is embarrassing. I've played arkham knight and it is looks nowhere near any ps exclusive. it being night all the time must be throwing you off my guy. it's world not even that big really. also rocksteady is not making gotham knights lol. jim ryan already said next year is the cutoff for ps4...calm down. it ain't that deep.
@middyone when was the last time you saw batman in the day?
I dont agree that last gen consoles are holding back this gen..if the devs really wanted to make a native full bore ps5 game they could and still make a last gen version..whats holding this gen back when it comes to cross gen games is the cost of developing for both consoles (actually is it 5 different consoles including all the xbox ones?) There is an awful lot of people who are going to miss out on what looks like its going to be a great game..
As a PS4 owner, with no desire (or money) to upgrade to a PS5, this is actually great news. It's time for developers and publishers to leave behind the PS4 and X1 and really leverage the current gen hardware.
I don't mind being left behind. I'm not going to be salty that I can't play Returnal or Gotham Knights because they're not being hamstrung by also being available on an aging system.
Good. Time to leave the last gen in the dust. I have a feeling more and more games will go this way cos I mean we are on the way to the 2 year mark since the Ps5 was released and after the 3rd you won’t see any games released on last gen
I do hope they did something to take advantage of it being current gen only
Developers' word don't mean sh#t nowadays.
Well guess I won't be playing it then 🤷♂️
@Stocksy did you not notice that it also says PC let's see what the minimum specs for the pc version is before we start unleashing the power of the series X & ps5 ...
Has everyone forgotten they're also developing for the less powerful series S & pc's with lower specs 😂
What the hell does any one of those do that's more impressive than a huge detailed city with amazing gameplay with an incredibly blockbuster incorporated Batmobile that does damage to every building pretty much.
Horizon maybe. The rest are linear games that are great, but unimpressive in presentation.
Arkham Knight is one of the most impressive games ever made through and through. Not only in visuals. In physics, gameplay and everything else.
Games nowadays absolutely suck in physics. Spider-Man games seem like child's game in comparison. It's pretty, but it doesn't have any substance. At all.
Only Rockstar and Naughty Dog have made games that are this impressive.
Serves them right for skipping PS4. Not surprising at all
the trailer was rough for me.. honestly this being only next gen, I expected this to look a little bit better then last game.. looks pretty much same to me
Good. Time to move on. Hopefully other studios will move on, stop games from being hobbled by old tech.
This looks rough - to the point I’m actually surprised It wasn’t playing on last gen consoles. It’s certainly doesn’t look like it’s doing anything the ps4 hasn’t put out at similar, or better, quality.
Really not feeling this one. Visuals aside, the frame rate/animations look a bit janky. The AI poor…doing the usual waiting their turn to attack. The world life less. The combat, upgrade system…it just looks like every super hero game I’ve played before. Maybe it will have a good story. Maybe co op will add a lot. But I can’t say the demo left me feel excited to get my hands on this tbh
Was kind of curious about this game... and not anymore!
I can't imagine being happy that fewer people get to play a game. It's a shame they seemingly couldn't get it running satisfactorily on the older systems.
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@Durnford52 you just wrote a lot of nonsense to the point of being laughable.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out, fanboy.
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@Would_you_kindly The lowest PC specs developers will probably aim for is a 1080 and an old i7. The bare minimum an 1060 and an old i5. These are still a significant step up from the a PS4 and Xbox One, and won't hold back game designed for SeriesX/PS5 due to better CPU performance.
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Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
@Ilovecoffee here's the attention you ordered. Nobody cares.
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@Bleachedsmiles it does state its a work in progress..remember when god of war 2018 was first shown and it was really rough looking..one may say it looked awful to be honest and then it was very quickly optimised and all was forgiven..there is still a bit of time for this to be worked on..
@N1ghtW1ng @Ilovecoffee @sketchturner @Kopite @BoldAndBrash @Reeneman @nookie_egg @Col_McCafferty Here's hoping PS5s will become more easier to obtain at retail price, and eventually go on sale for cheaper!
Everyone deserves a chance to upgrade if they desire to and have the spare money to dump.
On the supply side, I do the PS5 shortage ends soon. Unfortunately, living in what is deemed to be a Third World/Developing country, I don't think there's any likelihood that current gen consoles would go on sale. Where I live, it didn't happen with the last gen consoles, so I don't expect any change to that.
It sucks to be priced out of a PS5, but that's life. Hopefully, in a few years, I'll be in a better financial position to consider a PS5 (unlikely) or a Gaming PC (more likely).
@BoldAndBrash I played arkham knight...let's be honest. it's not that impressive, detailed(maybe if I could see anything I would change my mind), gameplay is button mashy...I was literally just button mashing and doing just fine. I press square...batman does a flip, punch, backflip into a sommersalt lol. it feels automatic. also batmanmobile was overused to extreme. too much. it's not like every building is crumbing down if you try to go through it with the batmobile. just a little damage on certain buildings at the edge. not very impressive ngl. most ps exclusives aren't linear lol. naughty dog games and that's it. but does it really matter? not every game needs to be open world and they are open enough that I can't complain. most if not all of them have great presentation. physics? lol yes because The bat mobile is supposed be very bouncy like a rubber ball. what are you talking about in spiderman?
you just sound like a dude who is salty you couldn't get a ps5 lol.
@N1ghtW1ng My condolences, but hopefully you can still snag a PS5 at normal price eventually.
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