As sure as the Earth keeps turning and the weeks keep passing, No Man's Sky is about to receive another update. This time, Hello Games' epic, evolving sci-fi game is getting its fourth expedition, bringing a new event and story for players to explore. Named Emergence, this event is focused on gigantic sandworms.

When you fire up the new expedition, you'll find yourself stranded on the planet Wasan, "a barren world ravaged by dust storms and infested with Titan Worms", Hello Games says. The aim is to "destroy the wretched Hungering Tendrils, and collect the Vile Spawn that lingers behind", which sounds disgusting. A narrative will play out as you "cleanse planets of cursed dust and hunt the titanic sandworms", so there's more to it than just a bunch of big, angry noodles. You'll get various rewards for playing the expedition too, so it'll be worth checking out.

The impending update also makes some game-wide changes. Sandworms appearing in the main game will now be more varied, and some of the game's particle effects have been improved. Perhaps best of all, you'll be able to tame and ride sandworms as "pets". This game is mad, isn't it?

You can read more details about all this through here. Will you be checking out the Emergence expedition in No Man's Sky? Worm your way into the comments section below.
