The upcoming month's line-up of PlayStation Plus titles has been subject to the usual response from enthusiasts: some think it's a perfectly acceptable offering while others are convinced it is the worst selection of titles from Sony yet. That sure sounds like the internet, doesn't it? No matter which side you fall on, though, it's clear to see that PS Plus members in Asia are getting a much better deal in October. The region is being treated to a bonus PS4 game, just cuz.
Alongside Hell Let Loose on PS5 and PS4 titles Mortal Kombat X and PGA Tour 2K21, Asian subscribers also receive Castlevania Requiem for the month of October 2021. The bundle includes Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and Castlevania: Rondo of Blood. Good for them, we suppose.
Even if this is a collection of two older titles, it's still arguably the best game in the lineup. As we concluded in our 8/10 Castlevania Requiem review: "The simplest way to recommend Castlevania Requiem is by acknowledging that it includes one of PSone's best ever games, in 1997's frightfully superb Castlevania: Symphony of the Night." You enjoy this one, Asia.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 28
I will take castlevania any day and replace it with that golf 🤔game.and come on sony why not give the whole mortal kombat experience with xl.especially they are Halloween 🎃 characters in there.word up son
I take it there is no way to claim this in other regions? It’s the only title in the lineup that I would actually claim. It’s been 3 months now in a row where I will not claim any of these games, but I would had certainly claimed this.
Oof, that’s a way way better game as well! Two classics in a bundle that I’ve been meaning to pick up.
Would be great if Sony could offer us the same
Already have castlevania requirem day one but that's a good game.
Gutted… I’m waiting for Requiem to go on sale… would be even better on +!
I'm about to throw hands at PlayStation headquarters
Symphony of the night is a huge win! One of the best PS1 games out there.
Dang, asia members always getting the good stuff lol
I rarely complain about Plus games but this month is *****.
I wish online would go free like it use to be and I would drop it.
Meh Requiem goes on sales so often and it's already cheap as it is. It's far better to just own it than have it thru a sub
SOTN on PS4 just feels and plays so good. Love it!
Dude this is cruel, Castlevania Requiem is the best game of the lot and I would genuinely love to play it.
"ASIAN subscribers also receive Castlevania Requiem for the month of October 2021"
I didn't receive anything😆😆😆
Ironically the golf game is the only one I am interested in. It is the perfect PS Plus - something you will never buy but sometimes feel the need to play.
Have to say would rather have Castlemania than either of the other two
Any way to claim this if you’re outside the region like on Xbox?
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. I forgot to check the website as they seem to be the same lot every other month lately, but this is nice. Even though I don't know the game
@Tharsman @RunGMhx No they're region locked, only thing you could do is make an asian account and get plus on it but you'd eventually just be paying extra for the one game besides it being on a seperate account.
Not into castlevania anyway but giving away an extra game to only 1 continent seems pretty unfair
That would've been way better than Mortal Kombat...
I would take just this over the other three games ..how unfortunate.
.......................really? The *one * title (since MK X is already part of the PS+ collection) that would be worth getting, and it's exclusive to Asia? *sigh *
Also, why is Mortal Kombat X here, when, again, it's part of the PS+ collection? (If it was the XL version, with the horror movie characters thrown in, I might understand it, but it's just the same base version, so, what gives?)
I would have happily claimed that 4th title, oh well.
Glad PS+ Asia getting a extra good game.
@FullMetalWesker PS+ Collection games get included due to us PS4 owners not investing in large white appliances and getting a collection of PS4 games for free.
Why we are getting guff like MKX rather than Castlevania is anybody's guess. At least PS5 owners get 3 games for the same sub price, though I don't envy you for this month's tripe.
Yeah, I would've taken the castlevania collection over any other game on the list... time to move to Asia, I guess?
... Or vpn and make an Asian account? 😱
@playstation1995 I've come to think Sony only ever put games on ps plus with the hopes that we'll all buy every dlc for the games we get...
@J2theEzzo. Yeah i see. That word up son
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