Update (Monday 6th September 2021): Sony has now revealed the official list of PS4 games heading to PS Now on the PlayStation Blog, confirming all of the titles listed below are indeed hitting the service. They are:
- Tekken 7 (Until 18th February 2022)
- Final Fantasy VII
- Killing Floor 2
- Windbound
- Moonlighter
- Pathfinder Kingmaker
It's also worth mentioning that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and World War Z both leave the service today. For more information, check out our list of All PS Now Games.
Original article (Sunday 5th September 2021): It looks like the PS Now lineup for September 2021 has started to leak, although we’ve been unable to corroborate the story so perhaps keep your expectations in check until the offering is officially announced on Monday, 6th September. The selection is pretty large, and starts with Final Fantasy VII (the original version), as previously announced.
Here’s the full lineup, as reported by PlayStation Portal:
- Tekken 7 (Now also available in Europe)
- Final Fantasy VII
- Killing Floor 2
- Windbound
- Ghost of a Tale
- Moonlighter
- Pathfinder Kingmaker
The lineup this month, if accurate, certainly leans on smaller, interesting indie experiences – although we strongly recommend the likes of Moonlighter if you haven’t played it already. We’ll check in with the platform holder and try to get some kind of confirmation regarding this selection, and we’ll update as soon as we know more. In the meantime, you can find All PS Now Games through the link.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 32
That would be a very good lineup if true. Plenty of hours of great games there.
I've been curious about Pathfinder, but steering clear of Now and Game Pass.
Maybe this is the month I give one of them a go.
Recently decided not to renew my subscription, but this is one decent lineup. Most of these "smaller" games I already own on Switch and have been some of the most fun I had lately.
I'm all for PS Now being used to host copious indie games. They're time efficient and give the opportunity to try new genres and ideas.
Ghost of a Tale is an awesome Adventure Game thats looks and runs great on PS5. Play this!
Moonlighter is really good.
Pathfinder is on my list especially since a new one just came out thats supposed to be good
Sounds right - I just bought a bunch of those in the last sale! That’ll teach me not to buy stuff!
If true, this month would have nothing I would be interested to play. Also would mean ps plus lineup is actually better imo, and that haven't happened in forever.
Tekken 7 would be pretty hype, not gonna lie.
Also that Ghost of a Tale game looks really interesting.
This reminds me about how badly I want a PS5 Tekken 😭
@Deadlyblack I completed it last year, was fantastic for a little story driven stealth adventure game. You may want to check EVERY yellow footnote btw, I missed the trophy for that and was planning on mostly ignoring the conversation for my second playthrough in which I have to not get caught even once.
I always wanted Moonlighter on Switch but never got it, but Ghost of a Tale is good and so is killing floor 2, though I really only got 2 because it was packaged with the VR enabled first game. Ff7 isn't great if you also have had plus this year. Not entirely sure on the others but Tekken is usually a good game.
Ooh Killing Floor, I'll keep that in mind for when I get it.
@Jayofmaya it's the original ff7... Not the remake
Damn was really hoping for FF7 remake!
Meh generally. I do own Moonlighter though, which is a pretty good game! It's nice to see PS Now being extended beyond three games, and including some niche indie's though (regardless of whether they interest me personally).
FFVII is perma? Hopefully its the same for the 4 other FF Games coming to PS Now in the next month
It’s kinda a bit rubbish that Tekken 7 is timed. A game like that would massively benefit from being evergreen like Street Fighter V is. Fighting games require time to be put in.
A couple I’d play there. Problem is I don’t have the time to justify PS Now when I already have more games on PS Plus and Collection than I possibly have time to play as it is. Just connect Plus and Now already! I’d pay an extra £15 per year to have more choice, but I’m not paying an extra £40-50.
Any idea which ones can be downloaded and which ones are streamable only?
@DominusPlatypus you can download all of then. Only PS3 Games are Stream only
So...is Ghost of a Tale included? They talk about it on the Website but then dont list the Game
"Also available on Tuesday September 7 are Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Definitive Edition, Ghost of a Tale and Moonlighter"
@IonMagi Oh, that's cool. Just waiting for it to come to more countries now.
Rumor has it that the Killing Floor 2 is being removed and won’t be on PS Now due to the recent backlash against the dev. Maybe they’ll replace it?
I thought tekken 7 was already on psnow? Not stoked with this months lineup. I only play single so killing floor is not for me . I do not like final fantasy never have. The rest look ok at best
Friendly reminder that Borderlands 3 is leaving the service at the end of the month and Judgement is leaving in October.
I'm currently playing Pathfinder Kingmaker at the moment (about 40 hours in) @Subsided & @Shepherd_Tallon
The PS4 port is a bit rough around the edges so far on the technical side (It's Owlcat's first game as far I'm aware to be fair) but I'm quite enjoying it. The PC version seems to be a lot smoother from what I gather though.
If you want more detail, as PushSquare doesn't have anything about it, I wrote a LONG impressions piece in the forums if you're interested.
The sequel Path Of The Righteous looks really interesting! Looking forward to March when it comes out on consoles
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Oh nice one. Will give it a read. Thanks!
No worries @Shepherd_Tallon hope it helps!
Ghost of a Tale showing as Stream-only for me
Decent month though, fancied Pathfinder for a while
They're just recycling ps plus games in ps now and vice versa, what an awful service.
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