Update: Speaking during a webcast, chief financial officer Hiroki Totoki blamed the quarter's decline in PS Plus subscribers and overall monthly active users on the previous year's coronavirus lockdowns and how they increased game time activity (thanks VGC). "Of course, 104m is not a strong number, but are we looking at it as a declining trend? We don’t think so. "
"We are trying to analyse different elements, but there are no conspicuous trends that we can capture. Maybe this month or next month we will have to continue to watch and do an analysis."
"At the risk of repetition, may I say that last year the stay-at-home demand was so significant in hindsight, so compared to that period last year as a trend of course [it’s declined]. [But] compared to fiscal 2019 there is an increase."
Original story: Here's a bit of a weird one: the number of PlayStation Plus subscribers recorded by Sony has actually dropped for the first significant time. Detailed in the company's Q1 report for the 2021 fiscal year, there are now 46.3 million members. That's a loss of 1.3 million subscribers compared to the previous quarter. Across fiscal year 2020, Q1 recorded 45 million memberships, which then increased to 45.9 million in Q2. It then trended upwards once more with 47.4 million in Q3, and finally 47.6 million subscribers in Q4. The first count of fiscal year 2021 now brings it back down to 46.3 million members.
What could the reason for this be? Potentially the PS5, of course. Sony has never sold a PlayStation console quicker, and some of those buyers may have been newcomers that picked up a temporary PS Plus subscription with the system to check out the likes of the PS Plus Collection. Then they let it expire, maybe? We're just spitballing here, but the fact remains that the service has now experienced a drop off of 1.3 million. The offering of free PS Plus titles has been incredibly strong as of late — this month's is a dud, obviously — so there have been more than enough reasons to sign up. It will be interesting to see if Sony regains those members back when the next quarterly report is published.
Have you unsubscribed from PS Plus lately? If so, why? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source sony.com]
Comments 130
Doubt it's because of the PS5. From what I can remember, the number has been steadily increasing for a long time now and there wasn't a big jump when new generation was released.
Can't be because of the free games selection, as the start of this year was simply great. Maybe more people have been migrating to xbox and their gamepass?
Anyways, with ps5 still being hard to get and some crappy free games in the last few months I wouldn't be suprised if the numbers will continue to decline
@Chimhog I guess they can make that statement based on a poll they did a few days ago? Vast majority of people hated this month
@Chimhog Try and tell that to the majority of people who voted they hate it in our poll. 😂
Or it’s possible that Game Pass is actually impacting PS+ subscriptions.
Many parts of the world are coming out of the lockdown now and people are getting out more, perhaps not renewing their subs now that they can level up in the real world. Tbh there are many potential reasons and I wouldn't read too much into it unless it continues to decline.
@LiamCroft wait, people posted online saying they hate something? Weird. Usually the gaming community is so positive.
I don't care about PS Plus Games, I only buy PS Plus because Sony forces me to buy it for multiplayer and I am pretty sure I am not the only one either. Lately I stopped playing multiplayer games so there is no reason to buy PS Plus.
One of those being me.
I got a month free with my PS5 and got a couple of games from the collection, but the monthly games weren't interesting so didn't renew.
Not saying I won't be back, though.
I only had ps plus for the save backup and occasional good game. I haven't been interested in any ps plus game for ages, so I'm one in 1.3 million
@naruball ..sarcasm gets you nowhere 🤣🤣🤣 made me smile though
@mwatcher then why MS didn't share it for 6 months in a row? maybe they loss more subs than PS Plus? after all, people prefer to pay $60 (majority pay ~$45) than $180 (without $1 offer for newcomers), even when with counting of which one is good or less!
@Chimhog well, yes, I do agree on that. They could have used different wording
Sony needs to give better games for their psplus games of the month collections, psplus from ps3 era is way better than this.
@Chimhog While I do agree that the wording wasn't the best, the whole "freebie" part is a fallacy considering PS+ is a paid service.
I suspect this will worry Sony. Which is a good thing and I expect to see some nice Plus perks in coming months.
@Chimhog "But hey ho, I'm just an oldie that remembers what games in the 80's used to be like. Any 'free' titles I'm grateful for..."
I get that the games come as part of a sub so technically they're not free, but I mean, I remember getting Ranger X for my birthday in 1995 for around £60.00 and playing nothing else until Christmas.
Now Microsoft are running a "normalise playing 10 games at once" campaign like anything less isn't hardcore. It sounds exhausting to me.
Perspectives change I guess. People want outstanding bonus games with their sub each month. I'm just happy I don't have to wait 10 minutes for Return of the Jedi on C64 to load anymore.
I think my PS+ sub is sorted until the end of 2025 or so. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.
@RolyTheBeerGeek same. With my backlog and my multiplayer weekend therapy.. I am not going anywhere.
@LiamCroft There wasn't an option for hate. There was an option for "crap selection". I voted for that. I don't hate the games this month but they are not for me. Hate is too strong a term for a few games you don't want to play.
I think it probably just peaked. Was never going to keep going up forever and ever. They’ll probably fluctuate around this number from now on.
@Chimhog Fair enough. Compared to that era we are definitely a bit "spoiled".
I guess I got do used to receiving good games monthly that I became more demanding than I was in the past.
As a teen I used to rent every weekend Ogre Battle 64 and try to finish it before someone else erased my save data. Now I have dozens of games to select from and sometimes I feel like there's nothing to play.
Certainly with TV and movie subs there's more people that are just signing up for them for a short amount of time and then dropping them when they've watched what they want.
I don't know if that translates completely over to PS+ though as if you aren't subscriber then you miss the included games each month, but perhaps for people that use it for the online element then they might play a game for a while and then not bother re-subbing if they aren't playing it.
I've got a few years of plus built up and I'd imagine that there's a few people like me out there that have. I doubt that makes up the majority of subscribers though but be an interesting poll.
@parvaz1 Well
If i have to choose between paying 60$ for right to play online and 2-3 games per month or to pay 180$ per year for right to play 200+ games many of them Day One releases i will sure as ***** choose the latter.
@Chimhog That's it! Birthday and Christmas, and then play them to bits in between. I was just saying this exact thing to someone last week.
And honestly in my 20s and early 30s I used to play way too many games. If it was in the top 10 that month I'd play it, but that burned me out and I couldn't enjoy them anymore. I had to do a gaming detox just to remember what I actually enjoy.
I'm almost 38, and for a few years now I've been getting back to just playing a few games a year, playing them to bits, and honestly it's the most fun I've had playing games since the 2000s.
I'll be steering well clear when it comes to accessing 100s of games at once.
@get2sammyb That's my take. Plus, was it Jim Ryan the other week who was saying that they are competing against several other industries for people's entertainment time, and not just with XBOX.
There's a lot out there now. Too much, and people only have so much free time to spare.
To be expected with the scrap they hand out about 60% of the time,ps plus numbers would be much less if it wasn't required for online play
Ps plus has been crap lately.so sony needs to have a better psplus lineup.word up son
Negative sentiment is always going to affect things like this via social media. Im not saying there won't be people who won't like these games. But how did Sony not anticipate the effect of sentiment towards their latest PS Plus offering. Honestly I largely pay for ps plus to play online. But clearly a lot people expect games as well.
"I think this months games were terrible and I don't really understand why people are defending it."
Because that's your opinion and not everyone shares it. Shocking, I know.
"I guess a lot of people like to be a contrarian."
Nope. Guess again.
"I don't understand why people think a consumer complaining about a service they're paying for is "entitled"."
Because it depends how much you pay for something. If you pay $60 per month, you have a reason to expect some great and recent games. If you pay $60, or less (with the several deals available all the time) per year, that's $5 per month or less. If you think you deserve the best for $5 every single month, then yes you're entitled, in my opinion.
"I think if Sony aren't going to provide better games, a way of competing with game pass would be to offer better exclusive discounts to PS Plus subscribers."
Who says they need to compete with game pass? Does Steam need to compete with Epic Store?
I haven't bought a game in over a year, so little ps4 time. And because I keep getting free ones (that I virtually never play) I'm overwhelmed by the Amount of games I've never touched.
Beginning to think maybe I should cancel it so that I have to buy a game that genuinely interests me,perhaps then I would put more time into it and get more out of it. Boardgaming has become my new passion these last 2 years and I feel that gaming is currently under a big black stale cloud with so few new stuff and the same old franchises year after year.
Not been able to get a hold of a PS5 yet and in hindsight I'm probably glad as theres nothing but the same old same old and when this Steam Deck thing was announced I jumped onboard and threw my money at that, it'll offer so much more variety and over 10000 titles at launch. Think Sony may well have peaked.
@Uromastryx even during the ps3 era when ps+ peaked, the number of ps+ subscribers was tiny compared to now. Most buy it for online multiplayer. The vocal minority that posts online makes it sound like ps+ games matter a lot to the average gamer, which couldn't be further from the case.
I think the drop is because there was a load of bad Playstation news around that time. Stuff like the PS3/PS Vita store shutdown announcement, MLB The Show 21 pricing ($70 vs. day 1 Game Pass), Japan Studio's closure, no big Sony event in June, etc.
@Chimhog Ah fair point. When you get that spare money and you have little to no responsibility at that point in your life, what else are you going to do other than spend it on games every month? That's more or less exactly what I did.
No kids for us yet though, but I have a feeling it won't be much longer 😬
I figure the only way to have game time after that will be to turn them in to little nerds ASAP.
They can play Mario Kart for the first few years.
You can add psnow for 60$ and have 800+ game.
It’s almost like there was a pandemic and people who would have not otherwise signed up for plus did and you know they didn’t renew because there popular or attractive or something.
It's probably the games. What major multiplayer game do we have that people haven't either played to death, I.e. R6 Siege or Destiny 2 or are fed up with like Warzone.
We have the same games we've had for years and years and while we get a few new ones but they rarely catch on. Splitgate is the most exciting thing going ATM but it's f2p. Maybe things will bounce back with BF 2042.
@Grumblevolcano To be fair, I'd be shocked if even one million of the 40 million subscribers knew anything about all of that, let alone cared.
It's a clear signal most PlayStation gamers don't care much for multiplayer games. I would skip the month if possible to freeze my sub.
Sewn a lot of people threaten to leave plus after a bad month of games... maybe everyone finally held true to their promise!
@naruball "Because it depends how much you pay for something."
No it doesn't! I guess people can't ever complain about Netflix since that's only 8.99 or anything else that seems low to you, I say you as $5 for gamers in poorer countries is not nothing.
"Who says they need to compete with game pass? Does Steam need to compete with Epic Store?"
Not at the moment but Epic needs to compete with Steam and they are constantly making deals with anyone they can get to try and chip into Steam's numbers.
I don't understand people that ride or die for a multi-billion/trillion dollar corporation and will play defense or offence against the little guy which in this case is the customer.
It's a new generation and it seems a large number of players have moved over to Xbox or if they are lucky to have both then chose Game Pass (the massively better value option) over plus.
@mwatcher Hahahaha no.
To those saying because of gamepass 🤡
PlayStation plus isn't in competition with gamepass, that's playstation now.......
PlayStation plus is just for the free monthly games and cloud saves
@Juanalf Yes it does! There you go. Argument.
When you book a hotel room for $40 a night, you don't expect the same as when you pay $400 per night.
It doesn't matter if $5 is a lot in poor countries. Games and consoles still cost a ton there. Gaming is an expensive hobby for some people. So relatively to the rest of the costs of being a gamer, $5 is a tiny amount.
"Not at the moment but Epic needs to compete with Steam and they are constantly making deals with anyone they can get to try and chip into Steam's numbers."
You're missing my point. Just because another service offers insane value, it doesn't mean all other companies should try to compete and offer something similar, because a) they may not have equally deep pockets and/or b) they may not need to. Steam is way ahead of competition and so is Sony. If they offer more/better games, they may lose significant profits from the rest of purchases that gamers would be willing to make. There is only so much time that one has to play video games.
"I don't understand people that ride or die for a multi-billion/trillion dollar corporation and will play defense or offence against the little guy which in this case is the customer."
This has nothing to do with corporation or the "little guy". If the "little guy" has a point, in my opinion, I will defend him. If a company does, I will do the same. A company is not instantly evil and the "little guy" is not always right.
For example, I defended indie developers when I thought that Sony was not treating them right.
@DekuGotNext your not alone. I hate the fact that I have to pay more money just so I can play online. I don't have much time to play games so the idea of paying extra for free games does not appeal to me. I like going online but not often and paying £50 a year to go online maybe 10 times is just not worth it for me.
They should have different packages. Ps plus for free games, ps plus with game pass and then just an online only pass to play multiplayer. I would be more than happy to pay let's say £10 a year to just play online, it's more than you would pay if you owned a pc.
PlayStation Plus comes in waves, when something big like a third party multiplayer game or a Sony exclusive comes out. There is a bump in number from engament.
To those saying Gamepass may be the reason. No. Perhaps a small amount, as in those hardcore gamers with both consoles may only want one subscription and go for Gamepass over PS Plus or PS Now…but they are relatively minor numbers.
It’s likely for exactly the reason they said - people aren’t locked at home anymore, so are less likely to want to renew.
There are going to be a lot of stories this year about companies having 'incredible growth' or 'surprising declines'.
I'm not going to read too much into any of them, because we've been through a very abnormal time period, and comparisons to the immediate past aren't worth a lot.
Loads of casuals would have got subs during lockdowns. Those that think it's because of Game Pass or "bad" plus lineup are just looking for a story.
@AdamNovice well said.
Single player gamer really and if I want a game I'll buy it. No reason to subscribe.
@LiamCroft I have to see one where everyone is positive.
@Juanalf You cant pay €5 a month but you can pay for a console? Im sorry am i missing something here? If you buy it at a discount you can get €40/45 i never understood why someone would buy it every month thats just stupid. And Netflix is €14 nowadays or you would ha e to go for a SD account.
@wiiware I dont understand do i get different games i got quite a few good one the last few months.
@Neverwild Really?
Yeah. I can. I can fork 60 bucks for service that only includes first-party games sometimes, that have 400+ stream only games and have literally no Day 1 release.
So yeah. I will rather pay for quality. 180$ per year got me Outriders, MLB The Show 21, Ascent, Psychonauts 2, Flight Sim, Medium, Halo Infinite, Age of Empires IV and Forza Horizon 5 on day 1.
Meanwhile I can pay PS Now for privilege to play Marvel's Avengers half a year after release and when Sony decides to put their old exclusives for three months there...
Gold vs. PS Plus? Plus is better without a doubt. So If i was trying to buy a console that have better service for online play, i would choose PS5.
But PS Now vs. Game Pass? We are talking about AHL vs. NHL here
@LiamCroft I voted I was somewhat looking forward to it and it worked out like I thought. PvZ is a good game and I’m quite enjoying Hunters Arena. So much of the crying I’ve seen directed towards HA is way off the mark.
I agree. If you are all caught up with game releases, or need to play the latest game when everyone is talking about it, then Gamepass is great value.
By contrast, if you don’t need to play games when new and don’t keep up with the latest releases, then spending half as much on PS Now, for twice the number of downloadable games, becomes the better value (I’m completely ignoring streaming PS3 games in that equation, because it requires a good internet connection which some may not have).
Still a subscriber, have been since almost the first moment I bought a PS4 back in early 2017.
Interesting figures, time will tell if this downward trend continues.
No need to panic just yet!
Good. Looking forward to PS plus improvements - new good games and older good games offered.
Instead of loads of multiplayer bull***t. I don't want to recive this money traps with my subscription. Also, I don't have time to grind through them.
@Godot25 But why do people keep complaining then you pay next to nothing less then a game. I get quite a few nice titles the games i want are the games i just buy anyway.
Nobody is complaining.
It's all about value. If I'm subbed to PS Plus I want to know that I'm getting something in return. And if I have two competing services I would sub to the service that is providing me better value.
I can still go to store and buy a Blu-ray movies. Or rather i can choose streaming service that is providing me with best bang for my buck. Same applies for gaming.
I didn't want to sub to both PS Plus and Game pass, so I went with GP (muilt player & a large choice of content)
This just seems to be all the more reason Sony should just combine PS Plus and PS Now.
Yeah mine ran out in July and I jumped ship to Xbox and Game Pass this generation. My PS4 is in storage. Couldn't bear the long file updates and the fan and the controller.
Probably because of Game Pass.
Is there anyone surprised by that? Surely, nobody thought the highs of 2020 in this industry were permanent.... And hopefully none of them budgeted and planned their produced pricing and rollouts based on that assumption.
I stopped paying for mine and use game pass.
Please combine both services Sony...
Gimme some PSVR 2 news. Thought you guys would have had an article on it by now?
It's time for PS+ and PSNow to be merged into one service.
the decreased PS+ member numbers was from the Q1 statement which was for the months April, May June, ending June 30th so Augusts supposed "rubbish" games has nothing to do with it
@james_games Yeah I hear you.
I got to the point where if I was playing more than one game at once I'd just quit. None of them would get finished.
And there's no denying the value game pass offers, but like you say, it's overwhelming.
@BlaizeV agreed.
@naruball Consider how much more the service offered at the PS4’s launch and before. They don’t even support all platforms anymore (PSVR). And adrift from Plague Tail, last month was insulting with its PS4 offerings.
It’s reasonable to not expect “we have nothing to give you” offerings two months in a row.
I have a constant ps+ sub..i usually enjoy the games each month but this is only the 2nd time i've found the selection to be poor..i hammer my playstation in the winter months and from spring onwards when the weathers decent and daylight hours are longer i'm down the golf course every other evening after work so i dont play as much..me and the wife dont have kids and my wife works full time and has her art business which keeps her very busy in the evenings..i consider ps+ to be top notch value for money and i have been playing video games from 1980 to present day and we have never had it so damn good..so i do think gamers these days including myself here can appear to be entitled even if we dont mean to..game on folks and enjoy..
Last months was more of a dud for me. I didn't add either of the ps4 games. Got PvZ downloaded, ready to try atm. However, my net seems to have just hit the fritz. Rrrrrr.
Also, yeah, he's probably right about the 2 play at home games drawing new owners in and then some people trying the sub for a few months. New ps5 owners would gave tried it probably, too. Are they even that many ps5 specific games that are online focused atm?
Lets' not confuse matters. I doubt many people buy Plus for the free games. Most buy it for online play, paywalled cloud saves, or sale discounts.
@Jaz007 that's not nothing, though. Far from insulting.
I’m an annual and loyal PS Plus member.. I do it mainly for the few games that look interesting during the year.. I’d be happier if they’d combine PS Now w PS Plus for a little extra
For me, the "best value" option is to own something to take advantage of Game Pass while keeping a PlayStation around for the first party titles, which really don't require Plus.
I can't be the only one to see it this way. But there is also the 'coming off of lockdowns' aspect so probably no reason for Sony to panic just yet.
@MinerWilly if you are overwhelmed now get ready for the 10,000 game steam library
You are just older mate. It's happened to me the last 12 months. I had psnow and it would have been amazing when I was school age. Home at 4pm, homework, tea, game till 9 and go to bed. Then on a lazy weekend. I can only dream of being available at 4pm most of the time and weekends? What are they anymore? With kids, cars, mortgages and other responsibilities it's difficult to find 40 hours to play a AAA game.
Gaming is a damn good and relatively cheap hobby, we have more games than ever and there is nothing stopping you jumping on some retro stuff. But your problem would likely be time especially as you've played manic miner and could be around my age.
@Chimhog haha I must've kept my local Blockbuster open with all my Mega Drive rentals back then too. Sensi might've been my most rented or maybe Ecco 2.
I will not be renewing my ps plus as all games over last month are complete rubbish
@get2sammyb I think at the least, the absence of a big event would be most noticed. Sure E3 is nowhere near as big as it used to be but you can see the effects without even watching it in the sense of Playstation's the only console with a very unknown 2nd half of 2021 (Switch has an insane lineup, Xbox is again heavily relying on Forza and Halo).
Something to do with the utter tripe we PS4 owners have been given as part of PS minus recently?
The only reason for ps plus is the multiplayer. Such a waste of money.
A year of PS Plus came with my PS5 bundle, so that's the only reason why I have it right now. The free games each month are fine even though I prefer having physical over digital. I already own most of the PS Plus Collection so that didn't benefit me personally, and I mostly play online on Switch and Xbox. Playstation I mainly play single player games, so I'm still debating on whether I'll renew my membership or not...
I've been a subscriber since 2008 this is the first time I let my sub lapse this month. I didn't see the point as I hardly play online and have psnow to fill my needs plus this month's games were of no interest to me
@themcnoisy all true mate. 5 year old and a 2 year old. The last game I purchased was Train Sim World mainly to impress the then 4 year old whos obsessed with trains. It was strangely relaxing and therapeutic to play during that first lockdown (along with tiger king of course!)
The better the technology has become the more difficult it has become for anyone but the huge companies to be able to afford to make games and most of them are making endless sequels or focusing on those last man standing things with endless micro transactions. Oh for the days of the bedroom programmers like Mathew Smith.
Could be lack of new games, GamePass, PS Now improving a little; who knows. PS + is good, but once you e played the bangers there’s not much else. I bought a 1 year subscription and will probably renew.
Perhaps a lot of people just subscribe when there's a reason to. I generally only get PS Plus or XBL when there's an included game I want or one I want to play online.
Is the price! But sonyfans the pain in the a...
Will always say is great price and games.not always i and many others say!
Price and games is not so good.if sony want more subs. Think better.the lrice to call more players and better games.this month is ok i dont like pvz but tennis is good. I have the first on xbox amd i always play tennis.but is not everyone that play. Thin better and respect all players sony. And you players respect opinion of others players.
I'm honestly not surprised with how much garbage and trash they bring out to subscribers! Do they expect us to eat up this crap?
@Vladspartan the price is high £50 a month and the games for PS4 are horible, I can understand why people would cancel tbh
@Geordiedave they would just up the price even more 🙄🙄🙄 as much as I want the service to improve in this way 😊😊
@Neverwild how will you have the time to play it all tho? I see it as a waste of money tbh
@Chimhog man you sure missed out.
Whole lot of entitled cry babies in these comment sections since the PSPlus got leaked. Apparently they deserve Demon’s Souls and Ratchet level games every month 🤷🏻♂️
@Jacko11 😏😏😏😏😏
I subscribed for two years and then dropped it a few years ago. It's just too expensive for what you get.
@Godot25 What better service do you get for the same price?
Hunter's arena is a bullcrap by the way.
I've already deleted it.
@themcnoisy I cant even finish 100 games.
@huyi I just started a free trial for PS NOW and why more people haven't switched or tried the service out boggles me. Definetely has been better the past few months on Now games wise then Plus.
@parvaz1 that would be me. I have a Day 1 PS5 and all sony has done to me with it is annoy the heck* out of me. No 1440p support? it took like half a year to get generic support for 120hz on 1080p monitors. No freesync support yet still?? That OS runs like crap. Why is one of the RAM chips not under a heat sink?!?! I can't play it during the day because it'll risk frying that chip. Hardly any cross progression.
List goes on.
So i bought an xbox series S to hold me off till i got a series X but ironically landed a series X a little later. I've been utterly content with it. Discovered how godlike gamepass is. I boot up my PS5 now maybe once every two months. Last major time i did was rift apart.
So yes. Long story short, PS+ did lose me to game pass.
Actually, sony has dang near lost me entirely. I'm on my xbox, switch, and PC near daily. Freesync support on xbox. 1440p support on xbox. 120hz support flat out for everything that can handle it on my xbox.
Notice the trend? support? Even on old games just freesync an 120hz. Its just a severe game changer for me. Something I wish sony would do but they just don't. They really need to get it together.
@mrtennis1990 I hate that Plus is required for cloud saves. Pretty much the only reason I use it. And worse is you need it MORE if you're using Now and streaming anywhere off your console. Other than that, I wouldn't really use it.
Now drove me crazy with it's whole "can't use Dual Sense, must use DS4, can't use it wireless at all on PC" thing but third party button remappers let me use my Xbox controllers or Dual Sense, so everything's right with it now. Definitely a good value service. I'm still using GP Ultimate/xCloud more for now, and the 720p resolution (for now?) thing is irritating, but it's been fun getting back to games like Eternal Sonata that I never really finished on PS3, and it looks and runs great even streamed. The library browser on PC is horrid though. Who thought alphabetical was a good idea?
I did a month just to check it out, as I'm kind of shifting slightly away from Switch and toward streaming for "portable" play and focused mainly on GPU/xCloud, but it's fun, and it's a good price. I bought one month to check it out. Just added another. Still not sure if I'll do the half price full year sub, which is a great value, just because when I'm not playing portable so much I have a huge huge backlog already.
Three months of junk, what do you expect. I'm actually really annoyed with them, and myself really because I forgot to remove auto renew so they charged me full price normally I'd only purchase a years when it's on sale or from someplace offering it cheaper. Also being subbed to ea play I get all their games anyway.
@mrtennis1990 erm laggy junk?
@Chimhog Why not?
@Flaming_Kaiser Sometime we get good games, but when it's a bad month, the games are really not good or obscure.
Maybe it's just saturated and the graph is now in the plateau phase.
@wiiware For me its games i dont own so i rather have those. If i really want a game im not wait for it to go PS Plus.
@Nalverus they only need to get it together when they're not doing well. They're doing exceptionally well, so nothing is gonna change. You and others may switch to any platform you want. If demand for ps5s remains high, they have no reason to take into account the tiny number that you and some others represent. Hence the way they dealt with psvita, etc. Many psvita owners were vocal, but by no means a significant number.
I was thinking that before I read the comments. And you're probably right.
Maybe this will will entice Sony to do better. Maybe they'll eventually realise there are options out there and they're not untouchable.
Success can rise and fall.
I've said several times, throw in PSNow with the plus subscription and I have no doubt the numbers will increase exponentially. Utilise it and it will be a competitor to GamePass. Sure it won't have day and date releases but some newer games can appear.
Instead of directly porting your games to PC make them have to use PSNow.
And don't underestimate your old catalogue. Put a crap tonne of PS1 and 2 games on there and people will pay to play them.
Because when Sony reports on actual total real PS Plus subscribers right now, they are talking about actual total real PS Plus subscribers right now. It's gonna go up and down and I guess it's gonna be surprising when it goes down for the first time ever.
Its certainly better then Microsoft's funny number of people that have tried game pass for 1 second in their life. The problem is, there are people, even websites that convince themselves that the number Microsoft is talking about is actual total real game pass subscribers right now.
It isn't that latter. Because that former number CAN NEVER go down lol.
Even though we all know game pass numbers fluctuate massively when a big game comes along every year and a half like Gears 5. Don't pretend like that isn't a thing.
I even remember the most hardcore Xbox fans, 2 years ago, boasting about how they are going to use the gp trial to play Gears 5. Why even pretend that game pass has 20 million actual subscribers right now then?
Doesn't that mean that it's the biggest flop the games industry has ever seen? I mean why isn't at least 10 million people playing a new release that comes to the service within 2 or 3 days, or hell, even a measly ONE million people???
@Chimhog I agree if its good you can buy if its ok you can buy it a little later with a discount.
@B_Lindz but they won't do that, because they, in the long run, care about profits. ANYONE thinking that SONY is doing anything for us gamers, is living in a fake ass universe.......
@Flaming_Kaiser I don't expect sony 1st party titles, but when gamepass pc got octopath traveler, hades, the ascent, cris tales, narita boy, katana zero, and others great games, psplus just doesn't compare.
When you have crap games for about 3 months in a row. Apart from plague tale that's what happens. I'm not an Xbox fanboy btw but Xbox clearly have more options than ps and if ps want to compete in that aspect they at least need to put GOOD games in monthly. Not outdated call or dutys and indy games. It just doesn't work
Not surprising, alot of new people only subbed during the pandemic when they had alot of free time.
Now that most businesses are re-opened they have less free time to game.
@Chimhog That just means you talk too much.
@naruball in what world was WWE Battlegrounds not insulting? Now we have a forgotten PvZ game and an okay at best tennis game, which is really really niche and they knor make of us won’t care about. These games were signed on because they didn’t have anything good lined up or because they were practically given away by the publisher.
@Jaz007 in this world. Some of us don't live most of our lives feeling insulted every other second over such trivial matters. The PVZ got a good score here (it doesn't matter if it's forgotten, many may have yet to play it and this is the perfect opportunity to do so), the tennis game is good for those interested in the sport and it's something we haven't received in the past. If there were three months in a row where they'd give only tennis games, I'd see your point. For $5 or less, this is far from insulting.
@wiiware Its half the price what do you expect.
@MakersMark You think Nintendo or MS do it because they like you. 😂
I honestly never played any PS+ game since I have owned every one I cared for already. I also never play online. Only reason I have not canceled my PS+ subscription is because my save files are held hostage and will be deleted if I cancel my subscription…
@naruball In the world, some of don’t feel insulted every 5 seconds but call out bad service when we see it. Trying to generalize me doesn’t do much. I have fairly consistent views on PS Plus and how it’s handled so it doesn’t take that much from me. I do really enjoy seeing a good Plus game get delivered though, so I feel like I’m missing out a bit when this does happen.
@mwatcher I honestly doubt it. I have an XSX and subscribe to GamePass and my PS5 still gets 95% of my attention. I honestly never feel like the game selection and library that XSX has appeals to me as much as Sony’s. If Sony goes with a monthly subscription as such I feel like they’ll be unrivaled.
@Halucigens that and I’m guessing you couldn’t secure a PS5?
@Apathiik I got an X series and a switch. I didn’t really enjoy my time with my PS4 so I hopped back to the Xbox platform. I get Nintendo to game with my family and have jumped between Xbox and PlayStation since PS1. I tried Game Pass on my PC and loved it and didn’t need to upgrade my PC yet but wanted to run games better.
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