The first footage of mysterious PlayStation 5 survival game Abandoned was supposed to debut this week, as part of an update to the previously released Realtime Experience app. The idea, as we understand it, was that fans would be able to watch the trailer rendered in realtime on their console, rather than simply on YouTube.
However, over two days later, Dutch developer Blue Box Game Studios is still struggling with what it describes as “technical issues”. Taking to Twitter it urged calm, and reiterated that it’s “100 per cent real” – presumably in response to some fans who have started to question whether the team even exists.
“We dealt with multiple engine issues that occurred last minute after we spotted a graphical glitch,” the studio said, explaining the reason for the trailer’s delay. “For that we wanted to do a quick update. We are almost there as most of the testing is completed. We would like to thank you again for the patience [sic] and apologise for the inconvenience.”
Earlier this week, the team said that the trailer hadn’t been delayed – even though it has, quite clearly, been delayed. It’s going to be fascinating to see how this story ends, but social media engagement continues to be through the roof – even if the final product disappoints, we reckon Blue Box Game Studios has a future in viral marketing for sure.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 60
And the circus continues….I honestly don’t even care if it’s Silent Hill anymore. Just end it already.
Is the (sic) really necessary for tweets? It's not as if "per cent" is correct either. Not criticizing just curious.
Unless the "graphical glitch" is that the trailer doesn't render at all, they would've been better off just releasing it on time and saying that they'd update it as soon as they could to fix the glitch.
@zupertramp “Per cent” is perfectly acceptable. I’ve seen it quite often in Canada and England. Not to common here in the states.
Redman featuring method man whatheva man🤔.word up son
Yawn moves along
@Hypnotoad107 ah I see. Sorry. Never seen it that way. It looks wack to me (y'know, since percent is one word and all) but I get it.
And sorry for the off-topic comment I just can't find it in me to care about any of this.
I suspect this whole situation will be a complete letdown.
The people involved seem to crave the spotlight, no matter the cost.
Who even cares anymore 😴
Waiting for Friday the 13th? Would be the right time to unveil Silent Hill...or an immediate disappointment from a smalltime shill company that literally said it started with an S and ended in an L in which case i'll be boycotting these scumbags
Why can't they just put the trailer up on Youtube like a normal human? It would save them, us and everyone in-between a headache or two 😐
Enough of the games already lol
The fact that Sony or Kojima haven't said anything, says everything! No way are Sony letting this carry on with a ps5 exclusive, unless it was planned and why would Kojima (and Konami) let a new team use their ip's to tease a game that isnt one of their ip's?
Their silence is deafening!
Why are people making such a big thing about this wait and see and please stop all the rumours. They already said Kojima has nothing to do with this game.
Ridiculous at this point. Next time just release a normal trailer like every other developer on Earth.
@Flaming_Kaiser they said the very same thing about mgs. They said phantom pain had a flying whale on fire and that it wasnt a mgs game. They aren't above lying to us.
@zupertramp per cent comes from the Latin "per centum", which is also where French gets "par cent" from, both of which translate as "in every hundred". IIRC it's only get recently that "percent" was coined, in the USA
It's ok Blue Box, it happens to everyone.
(It didn't really had happened to anyone, ever)
If only there were websites that let you upload videos so that you could send people a link and they could watch it from that website. Then these poor game developers wouldn't have to create an app just to showcase them.
"we reckon Blue Box Game Studios has a future in viral marketing for sure."
Good lord I hope not!
@theheadofabroom huh. Interesting. The more you know I guess.
Hilarious how many people care enough to comment that they do not care.
I hope Blue Box take their time and get this fully fixed. The last thing they need after all of this is something that doesn't work.
@Loftimus Yeah ill wont go mental over a reveal anymore ill just wait. Unless i see the words the words the Legend continues with Dragons.
@Loftimus I don't see why Sony would care. It's not like there's any quality control to get into the PSN store and as far as we know, Sony isn't funding this "game". Best case scenario, Sony makes a few bucks from people buying the game, worst case scenario the game isn't real so Sony doesn't make any money from it.
Also they aren't using Kojima or Konami IPs.
@Loftimus what will you do if Sony are? Will it change anything?
@Milktastrophe So they havent blatantly teased mgs and silent hill?
@Bleachedsmiles yes! It will change everything as Sony will be incompetent and not to be trusted.
@claytortot213 YES. FINALLY someone in the internet agrees with me. I have the same opinion as you. This NEEDS to end.
@Loftimus no they haven't. People who want those games have made up things that weren't there and Blue Box has embraced and expressly denied that for free publicity.
How do you think would have went, after all this time, a broken trailer gets released the cry baby's would be up in arms pitch forks and torches in hand for the old twitter or some other crappy social media for a bitch fest, and then for sure the reputation would be ruined before it even gets released. So this way they just take the hits and disappointment from people then release proper working trailer and maybe its amazing and the crap surrounding it will be forgotten
Sus. Devs don't call bugs "glitches".
What kind of "graphical glitch" would cause a significant delay?
Graphical corruption? Streaming? Culling? A particularly nasty LOD pop?
Pretty sus.
It could be that the delay is connected to whenever the next state of play is. It was rumoured that sop was supposed to be around this time. Maybe it was delayed because of nindies or they want to do it around the time of gamescon. Seeing that blurry person with eyepatch image and the mgs font I am cautiously optimistic for some mgs news.
How come 10 minutes before it was die to launch they were tweeting are you ready and then they mysteriously discover a graphical glitch just a few minutes later as it was meant to go live.
They're attention seeking liars and nothing else,
who jumped on a bandwagon created by deluded fanboys that thought this was somehow Kojima. I've never heard of a glorified trailer been delayed multiple times and good luck to anyone who actually buys anything from them, should they ever actually release anything
I still believe it's either silent hill or metal gear solid, or even both 😃
Kept you waiting, huh?
@Lyonjak man if the trailer starts like that, people will lose their *****…Screw that though, if it is a marketing campaign, it’s jumped the shark.
They delayed a TEASER two months and then only noticed a graphical glitch within 12 minutes of said teaser launching. (estimating 12 minutes as that is when they tweeted "Are you ready?") Turns out they weren't. But I don't understand how they could work on it for 2 months and not have it ready....A TEASER! This isn't even a full trailer, this isn't even a full gameplay video, this is a teaser!
I get the argument that they are a small team and so are having a few difficulties but if that’s the case why are they wasting resource on gimmicks like this rather than on the game
Not sure if it was true but their track record on making games in the past is DREADFUL. It just sounded like they were con men really so god knows why SONY are letting them mess PlayStation Fans around with all this :-/ The only way I could think of SONY letting them do this is if it's something big and amazing really(like a Kojima past game or SH) I have given up on it anyway(well I'll let them know I am not happy sometimes anyway)
The whole thing is staged, and even the slightest bit of attention to it (such as I am by commenting in this thread) means we've fallen for it.
BTW apparently yesterday was the anniversary of P.T. arriving.
@zupertramp I reckon it is as the point of it is to make us aware the grammar error is part of the original tweet, not the article writers error (talking about sic, not per cent, which I actually think should be percent as per cent implies per a 100th of a dollar).
Still don't get why people think this is SH... they have been trying to make this game for years https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1300326342/rewind-a-cinematic-horror-game-for-pc-vr-and-conso/description and for a small team why have they wasted so much effort in this app when they could have just released a trailer
Why are we supposed to care? Literally the only thing I've heard about this "game" is nonsense like this.
Got milk.... Because they are milking this so much that every cow is completely dry.
If the rumours about this company I've seen online are legit, they have a habit for doing things like this dating back to 2015
Until something solid actually comes out from them (i.e. a trailer/gameplay footage) then I stand by what I said on the previous article about them which is that they are seemingly a bunch of trolls
If it isn't an elaborate hoax, it just proves they're incompetent. I don't know which is better at this point.
@PossibLeigh Yeah I mean I get what it's for, it was kind of just a joke about how tweets are seldom grammatically correct, but that got a little lost in the fog when I ignorantly provided per cent as an example of this.
Ah well. At least I learned something.
Check out the BlueBox website now. It says the issue has been resolved and the patch is going live in the next few hours.
@zupertramp Oooh, haha, sorry bud! A fine joke ruined by my eagerness to be a know-it-all! Per cent looks wrong to me too though. Language! Thanks for being chill about it.
@get2sammyb the website now says issue resolved
@Milktastrophe have you actually seen the teases and played the games they are teasing? Like i said it is blatant.
Id love to know why people are arguing that it's not real. What is in it for you? Lighten up!
@PossibLeigh I'd like to think I'm nothing if not chill. But that may not withstand too much scrutiny either.
@Loftimus yeah, people thought with no basis that it was Silent Hill and so Blue Box denied that while also tweeting the game's title started with S and ends with L. A brilliant marketing move because it got people going crazy and talking about the game for free. That doesn't mean it's Silent Hill, there are lots of words and phrases that start with S and end with L. The final name of the game doesn't even need to be like that because they can just say they decided to change the name. That sort of thing would never have happened if people weren't making up connections that aren't there.
I wonder what's in it for people like you though? I guess disappointment when the game either never materializes or turns out to be something else.
@Milktastrophe well it either has to be Splinter Cell or Spyro: A Hero's Tail?
@Milktastrophe having a fun conspiracy to follow is the spice of life. I'm a big boy now and i can handle my emotions. If im wrong, i will instantly get over it as i've had some fun and it hasn't cost me a penny.
What about the 7 second teaser with the guy wearing blue jeans and a greeny brown jacket (the clothing of James mason), or the eyepatch clearly referencing mgs? Konami and Kojima start following each other on twitter again at the same time as the S and L tease? The fact that Kojima has done this twice before. P.T was released by 7780studio! Phantom pain was being developed by Moby dick games?
Off you go down the rabbit hole...
There is a 60 per centum chance that this is all a social experiment studying game journalists and online communities.
@zupertramp You seem pretty chill, you took my infodump in the manner it was intended which 90% of the internet would not.
These investment scammers are getting so much free press, but I guess the articles get a lot of clicks among PS fans, so I guess they will keep getting the free press well into the future.
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