After two years of frankly fantastic support, NetherRealm Studios has confirmed that it’s moving on to pastures new, and ceasing DLC support for Mortal Kombat 11. The fighter’s had an exceptional run, with multiple character additions – including Rambo and the Joker – as well as an entirely new story add-on. The title will continue to be played competitively, of course, but its developer will be focusing on its next project.
Exactly what that will entail is still unknown. NetherRealm Studios has, historically, bounced between Mortal Kombat and its DC fighting franchise Injustice, but there are rumours that the Warner Bros-owned outfit may be making a Marvel brawler next. While that may seem wild, it’s worth remembering that TT Games – another WB Games subsidiary – has worked on various Marvel and Star Wars titles, albeit LEGO-themed adaptations.
Whatever the case, we can’t imagine an announcement is too far away – hopefully we’ll have a better idea of what the developer is up to before the end of the year.
[source twitter.com, via reddit.com]
Comments 39
Would be cool to see a crossover like JLA/Avengers as a fighting game. Of course nothing like JLA/Avengers because that was pants.
A little disappointing but MK11 really got me back into fighting games and luckily that doesn’t stop anyone from still playing it.
Excited to see what they do next too.
It took them long enough to come out and finally say that MK11 was finished ; people have been speculating for months and months to almost a year for more news about more characters dropping- and after a long hiatus we finally get that the answer is nothing.. . this is sad for MK fans , im not the biggest fan of MK ; but a lot of us were still hoping for more ninjas to come back and a lot of people begged for more ninjas and iconic characters.
dang man...just dang. an MK9 remaster or MK trilogy remaster is long overdue , but im also all for new ideas and projects.
still bad news though - RIP smoke , cyrax , reptile , ermac etc MK11 had so much more potential and its just wasted.
MK11's roster is barely better than X's by a hair because of kombat pack 2 and if it wasnt for that it wouldve been trash.
PlayStation All Stars 2?????
@Voltan i wouldnt say ''a little'' , alot of MK fans arent going to take this lightly . im not the biggest MK fan , but this hurts.
Street Fighter V is still getting updates today and that game is 3 years older than MK11 .
Time for bigger and better. Kudos to a team when they know when to move on and not stay stagnant.
@nomither6 Yeah, but tbf MK11 had tons of content at launch and even more added with Aftermath - very good for such a short time. Also I believe it was technically the longest supported NRS game (even if not by much), so I guess it wasn't unexpected.
Also - people still play MKX, so they will also continue to play MK11 for a few more years for sure.
@nomither6 You know, sometimes you have to accept that some studios don't want to spend too long on a single game and want to eventually branch out onto another project. It stinks, but I'm sure that NetherRealm's next game will be worth it.
Also, Street Fighter has always taken forever to move on to the next installment (I mean like 2 to 3 or 4 to V, not 4 to Super 4), so it's not that much of a surprise when you really think about it.
And as the above comment stated, MK11 already had a lot of content at launch.
@HotGoomba good point , i actually am dying for street fighter 6 already lol .
its like 2 choices - you either pick to stick with the same game with continued updates , or get something new. ill go with the latter . like i said , im not the biggest mk fan anyway but i do like fighting games . whether this new game is a fighter or not , at least its something new.
im down.
Ah that's excellent news, so that means Ultimate MK 11 is the complete edition? I'll give it a few weeks just to see if they backtrack on this decision before I finally pick it up!
@ralphdibny Ultimate has everything except a couple skin packs. It goes on sale often so you’ll probably want to wait for one (if there isn’t one right now)
@Voltan cheers, will probably get it physical anyway. Normally goes for around £25 over here!
Really hoping it's Injustice 3 the second game was the best fighter of the PS4/XB1 generation by a long way for me.
I loved MK9. However, in 10 and 11 they toned down the sexualization of a lot of characters for some bizarre reason to the point where I think that they don't know what their target group was. In 11 I was not a big fan of the main menu and of how the game tried to make you spend more money in stuff with all those paid expansions like the real ending that was locked in a paid dlc. Still the game was very fun though. I look forward to what they do next.
@Stragen8 I'd have loved another all-stars. Especially now there's a few new characters to go in- Aloy, Jin, Miles, maybe?
Expected it to be longer after their big mouthed statements before launch.
@Voltan same here and couldn’t believe how easy it was to pick up and play, but tough to put down.
Keen to play the Robocop story as it features Peter Wellers voice.
@Residentsteven couldn’t agree more!! Imagine this game in the arcades now, after Covid has ended
I could go for some more injustice...but a marvel one would be interesting to see how their take differs from capcoms. Beyond sticking the Joker in there.
I'd be interested to see them take on killer instinct too. Rumblings of Microsoft being interested in them have heated back up...and Phil Spencer has been talking about his want for a new killer instinct...claiming it's just about finding the right studio.
Might be nice to see them try something outside of beat'em ups now though.
Really hope the new game is the rumored Marvel one.
Hopefully their next project is either Injustice 3, or the heavily rumored Marvel project (please be a Marvel vs. DC game).
Shame as i would love a KP3 but its hard amazing support and 100's and 100's of hours from me so its all good, can't wait for Injustice 3 and MK12.
@belmont They didn't really tone the sexualization its more they removed how stupid some of those female looks were. There is still sexualization if you want it like Sindel's KL skin what has a mountain of cleavage complete with vainy boobs and all.
Cute tag line, but the community manager promised much longer support at launch. This might have to do with the WB /AT&T merger that are cutting resources for NRS (speculation), but either way this isn’t positive news.
@belmont why do you want sexualised characters? A lot of that stuff is very misogynistic.
@WallyWest @Arnna I really don't get this. We are ok in Mortal Kombat with oversexual male characters and not female ones even though this was a tradition in the series and almost all characters were shown to be almost equally strong? The different portrait of my favourite character Sonya Blade makes no sense in MK 11. She looks way off. Same for Kitana and some male characters too.
We are ok in Mortal Kombat with oversexual male characters and not female ones
Are we? This is speculation.
it’s a problem because the sexualised nature of the costumes are traditionally created by and for men and always have been.
even though this was a tradition in the series
Sorry this is crap. Hyper sexualised females and skimpy costumes happened across all pop culture for decades.
@Arnna I am not sure this is speculation. I see games like MK9, Arkham Batman series, Dead or Alive been criticized for the sexualised female characters only while some male characters in those games are also way over sexualised. In MK's case this is a strange critique due to the way over the top violent nature. Games may have been made from men to men in the past but the male characters usually were over the top. As for Mortal Kombat it was never a kid friendly game. Sexualised characters was a part of it. There are other fighting game series that don't focus on this. Some female characters in MK10 and 11 feel like completely different people in both appearance and writing/character.
My heart breaks for Reptile… no love 😢
@Arnna "why do you want sexualised characters? A lot of that stuff is very misogynistic."
This is some warped up logic. Go outside and tell any teenage girl or young adult wearing skimpy clothes, that they are representing misogynistic behaviors.
Don't get me wrong, I have limit to how much I can also take sexualization, for example I like the sexualization in Guilty Gear, but I also think its sister series, Blazblue, kinda goes a bit to hard on the anime sexualization.
@belmont I agree with you here, one of those example of characters that feel written different is Kotal Khan, they made him a jobber in MK11.
Mileena also doesn't look as hot as she does in MK10(which was literally the point of the character), but ironically for me, I kinda love Kitanas new design in MK11, is that weird?
"their story mode is easily the best in any fighting game"
It really isn't personally, MK lacks an interesting and cohesive lore like Blazblue, melty blood,
skullgirls and undernight in birth, and also lacks the ingenuity of implementing gamplay elements correctly into the story mode like Thems fighting herds.
@rachetmarvel Kotal Khan is one of the characters that was off in MK11. There were many others too. The former female lead and my favourite character Sonya is a victim too. You could say its due to motherhood, but her personality is way different. As for Mileena se looks way off in MK11.
It is not weird to like the new look of Kitana. It sure has its fans. I personally liked her MK9 appearance more but this is most due to nostalgia since the costume was similar to the former ones.
Nostalgia and familiarity is why I am into the story of MK. The lore is simply a cheesy "hit the bad guy" but it is charming to see characters like Sonya, Sub Zero etc. that I loved playing as a kid interact with cinematic cutscenes now that technology allows it.
As for Blazblue I love it but it became confusing as the story progressed. I had NO idea melty blood has a fighting game, thanks for the heads' up.
@Residentsteven Melty blood, Blazblue, Skullgirls, under night in birth and Them fighting herds are all great figthing games, and they all belong to the air dashing fighting game sub genre.
They have all beautifull sprite work and animation. In case of Blazblue, the second last game in its series, called chronophatasma extend, has much more single player content than MK11, its last game, centralfiction, doen't really, but it is still good(if arcsys dubbed it like they did with the other prevouis three games in the series, this game would be perfect)
Skull girls, Blazblue, Them fighting herds and Undernight in birth have great tutorial modes, that explains the game pretty intuitivly, because this games have vey deep gameplay mechanism, more so than MK. All this games also have gatling(light buttons cancel into heaver buttons), so expect long combos and blockstrings.
Melty blood is a game made by the creators of undernight in birth , and is bascically a sequel to the type moon visual novel game Tsukihime. It is getting a new release in three months time, check it out if you like Tsukihime and /or the Fate series to an extent.
All this games that i have mentioned , have been GOATed and included in many people in the fighting game communities, greatest fighting games of all time, because this games are fun to play, their lore are interesting, and the games as a whole does so much right.
I wish this great fighting games would get the spotlight that they deserve, like other classics in other video game genres.
Dammit, where is my Ragna the bloodedge apperication thread?
@Kopite yea I loved the gear system of the injustice series. Loot that wasn't just cosmetic was actually functional.
@WallyWest Nah Mk11 has the least sexy females of the series. Dunno why people keep complaining about sexy females in games when most of the male characters are buffed to the max or androgynous.
@z0d15g0d Revealing outfits don't always make one sexy. The female characters in MK11 look the best because they actually look like people because well the faces are from real people, MK9 female characters look like men because prior to Injustice 2 NRS were terrible at getting faces right especially female characters, if not for the OTT revealing outfits in MK9 and past games people wouldn't be bigging them up.
@belmont What males are oversexulized in MK11? A topless male is not usually seen as sexualization unless its been designed that way (think Chris Hemsworth when topless in Marvel films) and it very common for males when fighting in sports to well be topless like in boxing, when Mileena was near full on naked in MK9 it was pure sexualization and nothing more. I recently replayed MK9 and the sexualization just came across as immature and something a 14 year old boy thought off, it wasn't even sexy especially when the faces were awful. I much prefer MK11's looks because they look like actual people and the sexiness is more subtle, i'm nearly 30 now and i dunno maybe i've just grown out of that period in my life when i need video game characters with mountains of cleavage and in bikini's because its the only way i'm going to see it, i guess a ton of MK fans just never left being a young horny teenager what makes sense after playing KL for more then 10 minutes.
@Residentsteven lol
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