In a number of multiplayer focused job listings, Naughty Dog has expressed its goal to “bring the same level of ambition and quality of our signature, story-driven games” to its new online experience. It’s almost certain the team is referring to its spin-off, standalone The Last of Us multiplayer game, which was announced over a year ago, prior to the release of The Last of Us: Part II.
The details of this project remain very much under-wraps, but its scale seems to grow with each soundbite released. The original Factions proved an extremely popular part of The Last of Us and The Last of Us Remastered, but it seems like the Californian team has outrageously large plans for its successor. Sony, incidentally, has also been hunting for big multiplayer hits.
Hopefully we don’t have to wait too much longer to see the online outing in action.
[source naughtydog.com]
Comments 60
Given how big in scale they make it sound, it seems it will either be paid dlc or released as a separate game..
@VatoLoco47 It's 100% a separate game. The job listing even describes it as "standalone".
There is so much potential with factions, I can’t wait to see what ND have been working on. I’m really hoping for some version of a base building mechanic. It just makes so much sense to me for this world.
@get2sammyb Ah woops I missed that part
Not sure how to feel about this. They are the kings and queens of single player story driven games. I’d rather see them continue down that road without wading into the multiplayer waters I think.
Multiplayer , hell yeah
@FatalBubbles i mean , they did have the best multiplayer of a genre back in 1999 ... y'know thats only 22 years ago ...no big deal.
Which means it's still miles off.... I cant cope anymore.
Not really interested in the concept tbh, but I'll still give it a look whenever it actually arrives. 1/2 of my gaming friends only have Xbox so the likelihood of me actually playing this is unfortunately low. In general, we don't typically play "serious" games anyway, so even if we could all play it, we still probably wouldn't.
Okay Naughty Dog, I dare you to make a multiplayer game that I care two hoots about.
Looking forward to it whenever it's revealed. I just hope they don't go too overboard with features and microtransactions. Uncharted 2 MP was my life back in the day. And TLOU MP was great too until the microtransactions threw the balance way off. Uncharted 4 MP was a great step back in the right direction so here's hoping this is something like that.
For the first time in ages, Naughty Dog is the studio I’m least excited about what they’re developing on out of Sony’s Worldwide studios. That’s if it’s true they’re only working on Factions and a last of us remake. Love to see a new IP from them
Not interested. I was glued to online multiplayer when I was in my late teens to late thirties but at 43 Multiplayer is something that just doesn't interest me on the same level a good Single Player game does.
I liked Multiplayer before but today? not so much. All I ever seemed to meet during my time with it were/are a bunch of screaming loudmouths and Psychopaths.
Whatever this turns out to be I'll have a look ofc but I doubt it'll keep me interested for very long.
I loved Factions but I can’t make myself care about this. Maybe that will change once I see it but I bought TLoU2 digitally because I thought a MP was going to be patched in and now that is not looking likely and it’s been so long I just don’t care anymore.
I'm interested in what they do with this but frankly Naughty Dog need to step away from TLOU after that. Because if they do a follow up to Part 2 I think it'd be a massive mistake both critically and commecially
The only reason I'm slightly interested is because Naughty Dog is developing the game. That always warrants a look.
@AdamNovice I agree. I think its time for a new IP. I loved TLOU Pt. 2, but i think it ended well and should be left to breath for a while - even if there are plenty of directions a possible third game could still go.
It will be interesting to see the public reaction to ND's next game. Regardless of THAT scene at the start of the game, the misdirection in the initial trailers appeared to upset a lot of people
I’m not too big into the online multiplayer stuff, but I’ll most likely make an exception when it’s a new Naughty Dog game.
i still hope they make Savage Starlight as their next game
Really? I thought they’d be aiming to make it sh*te.
Don't care about multiplayer games, tried uncharted 4 & lost legacy multiplayer and don't like it. I rather have nd make new single player ip.
Quality and multiplayer are oxymorons though.
@AdamNovice they plan on remaking tlou 1 though. at this point in time, it looks as though nd won't make a non tlou game this entire console generation. i think that is a real disappointment and waste of their talent.
@Porco not necesserily the case. TLoU Remake and Factions for TLoU Part II is unlikely to take up a whole generation to make. I would expect at least one other game from Naughty dog in the next 5 years. Which, admittedly can very well be TLoU Part III haha
Good. A high quality MP focus TLOU game is fine. There is a better chance the next single player game is moving on to another IP.
The remake is still very much a vague rumour. I still can't see the point. Jason Scrieir buymybook article was full of unnecessary spins about nothing.
For instance he said Bend started working on an Uncharted game but later backpedalled in a tweet that they just talked about it at some point haha
@JJ2 ND being very precious about it to the extent of yanking it from the hands of another studio and making it them selves sounds realistic, because ND is a studio of absolute perfectionists and they care deeply about this particular IP reputation. And remake of the first game being made just in time for the TV show hype, which, with Witcher series proved to be quite a deadly combo for additional sales, makes a lot of sense also. So, it's really likely.
@Porco "they plan on remaking tlou 1 though"
Source? Unless we count rumours as facts now.
I mean it's certainly realistic and believable but just a rumour. It could also be that new studio shut down simply because Sony wasnt interested at this point and ND is just keeping the work that was done just in case and so it's not wasted.
Whatever makes them money so they can make good games (meaning single player) is not a problem for me.
Multiplayer games are built around repetitive activities that can only be enjoyed if you have friends who play games. At 38 I no longer have that, so I’ll never play them, but publishers have to make money to keep investing in development.
@thefourfoldroot I'm rowing that same boat mate, single player games are where I'm at. The day gaming goes multilayer only is the day I quit gaming.
i.e. we want to make a game for ***** gamers who only play online because they pay more for a different coloured shirt on their character and its less effort
Taylor Kurosaki, who left ND for Infinityward about 7 years ago, has now left IW. He didn`t say where he’ll go to pursue a great offer. But two days ago he tweeted «same thing, different decade» and enclosed a picture from a ND sound stage where they did motion cap for UC3. I believe he was involved in that title, so could this be a hint to that he moved back to ND and is actually working with the UC universe?
With a reputation like Naughty Dog, I really don't see the positives of overhyping a game in development, especially in light of everything that has happened in gaming the last 12 months.
I would just quietly make it the best game possible, let it go gold and then hype the last 4 weeks until release.
A live-service TLOU?
I think the biggest problem they face is that Fractions part 2, or whatever it's called, will probably be mature rated, pretty dark and po-faced. So this automatically excludes the younger teenage bracket of easily manipulated spenders who must have the new skin to fit in. As an addition to tlou it was pretty great, as a standalone project I think it has a lot to do to convince the old guard.
The rumour of a day one PC launch could change things though, and I think it's true. It would be a wise move to make it cross-platform with PS4, 5 and PC.
@Milktastrophe Bungie would like a word with you...
Seen a lot of doubt placed in Naughty Dog making multiplayer, yet TLOU Factions and the Uncharted multiplayers have all been stellar.
In this day and age it better be F2P or it will flounder, it's a blessing and a curse but multiplayer only games don't really succeed anymore unless they maximize their playerbase by being free. I suspect sony sees halos mp going standalone+F2P and they want to do the same with their big hitters as well. They even did a F2P uncharted 3 mp game back on ps3, it was a ton of fun, this will be the same deal I imagine
It's been the assumption that it would be stand alone ever since Part 2 released.
@Rob_230 I personally thought it was a great way to advertise the game without spoiling anything at all!
As someone with zero interest in multiplayer the cover title made me assume this was another new multiplayer title from Naughty Dog. You got me with your clickbait Push Square.
Thankfully it's just Factions which they've already announced.
And breathe....
Why are ppl moaning? All their multiplayer modes on their existing games have been amazing. Especially in U3 and Tlou
I can't be arsed with anything online really. Hopefully tho they can do something amazing that might change my mind tho
I smell pay to win in the horizon 🙄🙄🙄😑
Not a big fan of MP, but I'm curious to see what they'll do with the "sequel" to Factions. They do seem to be taking their time with it, could turn out to be pretty special.
For me this is a waist of time, money and people who could work on the next single player game that they are great in.
The market of multiplayer games is full and has many, many failed attempts where quality in graphics and story never are the reason as most mp gamers don't care.
@Marquez they prove my statement too.
Naughty dogs strength is story and characters which isnt well suited to multiplayer
@JJ2 oh, i hope you are right. last of us 1 remake + last of us III + factions would take them 7 years. i really hope they don't go in this direction. i want last of us to be over and see something radically new from nd. but at the same time, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if this is what we get. druckman seems hellbent to focus on nothing but last of us these days (including the tv series). might as well rename the studio: "last of us studios".
@RubyCarbuncle Same here, in my 40s, not interested in any multiplayer game... give me good single player stuff and I'm done. Ok, local couch coop to play with my daughter also : )
Hoping this doesn't go the route of rockstar and the cash it generates means they no longer feel the need to make a new game
@RubyCarbuncle For me its just time you have so little of it. If i go with the multiplayer COD to name something im busy with a seasonalpass and it sucks up all my time. And i love play different things and not feel forced to keep playing the FOMO (fear of missing out). That awsome costume or weapon its so time consuming.
I had a lot of games i just stopped playing. Overwatch, COD and even MHW which made feel like i had a job instead of having fun. Every event liveservice its such a drag in the end.
I just love finishing a game and feel like yes i finished it and i completed something.
Don't play multiplayer games but hopefully for people who do love the them, Naughty Dog will deliver. I just hope this doesn't mean we won't still be getting great, single player-focused games from the studio.
Sounds awful. I hate multiplayer with every part of me. Feels like they are stealing from my hobby.
@RubyCarbuncle I'm 34 and generally agree, but MP games can still be fun with a group of IRL friends.
@Omnistalgic Can't argue with that. I like to play games like Halo and Mario Kart with my friends and I do enjoy them plus even though I said I'm not interested I do like to play online with randoms from time to time as well and any loudmouth I meet I just use the mute function.
If there's a version of co-op PvE in the game, I might be interested, but not if it's just PvP gubbins.
Can't be bothered with PvP stuff, and Factions never really clicked with me (pun intended).
@RubyCarbuncle yeah, my MP games last gen were Mario Kart and Smash (offline with friends) Monster Hunter, SFV and Destiny 2 online. I think you only have room but for so much MP as they are very time consuming if you really get into them. SP the rest of the way for me.
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