Grand Theft Auto V will be coming to PlayStation 5 on 11th November 2021, but a few weeks before then, Rockstar has a big anniversary to celebrate. 22nd October 2021 marks 20 years since the launch of PS2 classic Grand Theft Auto III, and the studio is already putting plans together to commemorate the occasion. Some of them will take place in GTA Online, but Rockstar has teased it has some "fun surprises" in the works.
What the ones not taking place in the developer's cash cow of an online mode is anyone's guess, but fans have been hoping for a remake of Grand Theft Auto III for quite some time now. 20 years later sounds like the perfect moment for it, especially since a presumed Grand Theft Auto VI doesn't appear to be anywhere close to even being announced. In April of last year, it was said that the sixth entry in the gigantic series "is still early in development".
Would you be interested in a remake of Grand Theft Auto III? Let us know in the comments below.
[source gamespot.com]
Comments 35
It feels more like it's about to be the 20th anniversary of GTA5.
Honestly, I played GTA III last year and a remake wouldn’t work. It’s so incredibly dated down to the very core that you would be as well making a new game. It’s relatively enjoyable but pretty strange at times.
If they don't give us a remaster and use GTAIII's anniversary to get more cash out of GTAV, Rockstar are dead to me!!
Claude would have to talk first else it wouldn't fit for a remake. It's 2021, enough of mute protags, it's a shame FARCRY5 did that. Is it that some people think mute protags are immersive or what cause I don't think so. Joker and his annoying silence in P5, MHWorld ugh.
@nessisonett couldn't agree more, played some bully recently and as fun as it was, it didn't really hold up. It would need to be completely remade, like ff7.
I just want a vice city remake with better controls.
@nessisonett Just make GTA6 and a simple HD upgrade for the massive fans it will sell without a doubt.
I want GTA 3, GTA Vice City, San Andreas, LBS, VCS, Chinatown and GTA IV all come as one full package 'remastered' for this gen. Even if it's just PC/PS2/PSP ports on ultra with 60fps.
I mean, Ubisoft ported Assassin's creed from ps vita to PS4, I am sure rockstar could do that with Chinatown wars.
@Americansamurai1 Me too. I'm a sucker for the 80s stuff
Probably another mobile port
Would prefer a vice city remake tbh, GTA 3 was good but vice city is just brilliant great character and story.
I'd like a remake of the game or even the trilogy of Vice City and San Andreas. Yes, a remake, not another port. I already bought those twice. I need a better incentive to buy again.
I have a feeling it'll just mean skins, weapons, and cars for GTA Online.
What is more unlikely, GTA VI or Half-Life 3?
How much money would they make from a remastered PS2 trilogy? An absolute ton. Sadly I think that now they've hit upon GTA Online and remakes of GTA V for every single console generation until the end of time, we won't get what we want.
GTA III soundtrack in GTA Online as a new radio station would probably make me jump back in
Grand Theft Auto V is coiming to the PS5, as well as the PS6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13.
I want San Andreas remastered with Snoop
Dogg and Warren G playables lol
20 years already! I feel old. Now please bring the game to Switch. I would love to play GTA 3 in portable mode and not on my phone.
@Matroska haha brilliant and so true! Lol
@nomither6 no you got it the wrong way around!
GTA VC > GTA SA hehe
@__jamiie yeah true. I’d just love a PS5 remake of VC let alone trilogy…
@IMustardMitt isn’t it announced for PS14 yet? 😜
GTA PS2 Trilogy Remake would be awesome, with III, San Andreas, and Vice City included.
GTA IV PLS !!!! Do it!
I wish they would do more things for GTA 5 single player since I can't afford PlayStation plus to play online
@nessisonett that's what a remake is. A remaster is what wouldn't really work.
A full GTA Catalogue is what we need. Every game from GTA 1 right upto GTA IV available to play on PS4/PS5. I've the GTA Anniversary trilogy edition GTA 3,Vice City and San Andreas not remastered but would love to play them all remastred, even GTA IV.
I wouldn't mind a HD update of the original GTA 1 and 2. The top down style was fun
Is there no possible outcome where the anniversary surprise is that they're remaking the map to join GTA online?
Honestly, if they actually properly polished GTA V and made it feel slightly new on PS5 + this in store for all online players, I... I think that would work...
That would, of course, sadly be unrealistic, unless they also found a way to charge the existing player base more money for the new content... right?
I suspect this is more likely to be Liberty City (or a part of it) expansion to GTA Online than a remake sadly.
Though I crave a Vice City Remake (or even San Andreas) it's been downhill since
@playstation1995 Bully.you wrong.wise up son
@Dr-M. Villy bully sulder mully x files.😲😏😀😄.word up son
@Dodoo Give them time. lol
Here I am remembering the PS2 generation that gave us 5 GTA games. Compared to 2 in the 360/PS3 gen, and no new game in PS4/XBO gen. 😩
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