BioWare has detailed the kind of technical performance that we can expect from Mass Effect Legendary Edition on PlayStation platforms. Before we get into the numbers, we should reiterate that Mass Effect Legendary Edition is a PS4 game — but unsurprisingly, it'll run best on PS5 through backwards compatibility.
The remastered trilogy will offer two different modes: favour quality, and favour performance. The former prioritises resolution and graphical effects, while the latter prioritises frame-rate.
Anyway, here's a neat little table:
Platform |
Quality Mode |
Performance Mode |
PS5 |
PS4 Pro |
PS4 |
So, in summary, all three PlayStation consoles can hit 60 frames-per-second, but PS5 gets the best of both worlds with its quality mode, which pushes 4K support alongside what we expect to be a rock solid frame-rate.
How will you be playing Mass Effect Legendary Edition? Don't forget your thermal clips in the comments section below.
[source ea.com]
Comments 45
I wonder why Xbox can run this at 120fps and PS5 cannot. Any thoughts?
The ps5 specs are weird. You can play it at 4K 60 or 1440 60.......ummm ok then. Not sure why they even have 2 different modes.
Think I'll play on quality mode for this. Mass Effect doesn't get that crazy on the action side compared to twitch like shooters. Plus hopefully my photos might look better.
@fatalbubbles It's because PS5's B/C system doesn't support up to 120fps, for Mass Effect to do that it would need to have a native PS5 port.
Ps4 pro it is then.word up son
@munstre Thanks, this is what I was missing, appreciate the reply.
Sounds good to me! I wonder if the frame rate will change much between modes on PS5?
As much as I want to get the trilogy of platinums again, I might have to get this on my Series S instead.
@nessisonett I imagine that both modes will hit 60FPS on PS5, a bit like Ghost of Tsushima. Probably be no point in using performance mode!
Yea I'm tempted now.
4k 60 is the way.
Is it really worth it/recommended to play this/buy it even though I've already played it before?
Up to 60fps
so its 1080P 60 fps
@Ridwaano seeing people like you still get this information wrong is honestly hilarious
Very nice. At least on PlayStation (and Xbox) they actually put some effort on these remakes.
Having never played a mass effect game and i get this at 4K 60 and I havent heard a single spoiler in my life I feel blessed lol
I expected this, but great to have confirmation. This is going to be a ton of game for the money.
May 14th can't come soon enough.
I even booked 3 days off work to dive into this.
Are there any major differences between 4k and 1440p?
I can’t believe the devs didn’t make a ps5 version. I mean, I don’t care really as, like 99.9% of people, my TV doesn’t output at 120hz anyway, but it would have been good to have at least the super fast loading and dualsense features. Surely they’ll release a port later(?). Or maybe they’ve made a deal with MS.
Mass Effect Legendary Edition is what they call it.
I just call it Summer.
Still on ps4 so performance for me.
Not played a single Mass Effect game but I'll definitely be buying this edition for my PS4, hopefully in June.
Getting to the point now where all the new games which are released I can't play until I get a PS5, either because they run like ***** on PS4 or they're PS5 only. Add Resi 8 to my ever growing wishlist of PS5 games along with the likes of AC Valhalla, Returnal and Cyberpunk.
@FatalBubbles "I wonder why Xbox can run this at 120fps and PS5 cannot. Any thoughts?"
This is a PS4 game. In order to keep backwards compatibility high PS4 games on PS5 don't have as much access to the new hardware as Series X does so 120fps is off the table for back compat.
@QueenOfHearts38 "You can play it at 4K 60 or 1440 60. Not sure why they even have 2 different modes."
1440 60 will likely be more stable/locked to 60fps. Many people prefer the smoother framerate to a choppier one at a higher resolution
@Ridwaano "PS5 DONT SUPPORT 1440P. so its 1080P 60 fps"
It's confusing but not quite that simple. PS5 (and PS4 Pro) have supersampling which will present a cleaner image with less jaggies than a native 1080p, it's a smart upgrade and often the sweetspot. (Native 1440p would be nice though for those on monitors)
@FatalBubbles Because Series X is more powerful than PS5?
@Ridwaano What are you on about? PS5 does support 1440P?
@Snake_V5 Actually there's very little difference between the 2 systems if any.
@RubyCarbuncle In reality no but of course on paper yes.
@Snake_V5 Proof? seeing as you asked the other guy for proof I want to see proof from you now.
Why oh why didn't they rework this for PS5. It's just another lame cop out using boosted PS4 Pro backwards compatibility.
'up to'... that could mean all sorts of things. I'll wait and see how they actually perform.
You are of legendary status. We should bow on our knees for you lucky SOB
@themightyant that makes sense
I'm all for the game getting a PS5 boost, however I'd still rather wait for a PS5 native version with super fast loads.
@b1ackjack It's likely that the 60fps on base PS4 isn't really 60fps. Wouldn't be surprised if it had a lot of drops and hovered more around 45.
Nope it does not output 1440p but 1080p and 720p and 4k.
As you can see it does not output 1440p yet
@Ridwaano Nobody said it OUTPUTS at 1440p, you have misunderstood. The game RENDERS at 1440p and then outputs at either 1080p supersampled which gives a crisper image than at a native 1080p OR 4K upscaled, which as I said is often seen as the sweet spot.
Yes. Best to wait and play it on PS5 for an awesome experience at 4k 60 and fast loading. I finally just ordered from Amazon. They plan delivery only on May 19th. £55 is a good price by nowadays standards. You will get it even for cheaper later. 👍
Even if 1440p 120fps was a thing on ps5 like the SX I would still choose the 4K 60fps for this type of game that doesn’t really require or feel much better with a high FPS like a racing game or a face paced shooter especially the multiplayer kind, I tried 120fps in some games and it’s great in a couple mainly for multiplayer but not really worth the sacrifice in image quality and res in single player games. I would rather have the high res with 60fps and the last time I played this game was on ps3 with it just hitting 30 on 2 and 3 and rarely hitting 30 on 1 so 4K 60fps will still be a massive upgrade in comparison.
@JJ2 Can't keep on waiting though mate, at this rate I'm going to run out of games to play on PS4 if I'm holding out for a PS5!
Yes your right.
Sorry, I just felt its such an iconic game wished you to have the best experience. I actually only played ME3 and, at the time, didn't feel like going backwards so to speak, with less polished experiences. I guess the remastered should be great on ps4. Only the load times might suck.
@FatalBubbles Your response was a lot nicer than the salt in the comment you replied to
@Ridwaano Maybe I worded it wrong. What I mean is it's 1080P supersampled to 1440P based on what I read so my mistake.
@munstre Yeah but I wonder how difficult it is for them to create a PS5 native version. I would love to see Overwatch get one especially since OW2 has been delayed until next year.
@QueenOfHearts38 maybe unlocked frames up to 60 FPS on 4K and locked steady 60 FPS on 1440p?
@FatalBubbles @munstre @AdamNovice I normally don't care about high FPS, but it is very concerning that Xbox is able to do a steady 120 fps.
I may just hold off and wait for EA to eventually release a native PS5 upgrade in the future, hopefully for free.
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