It has become very clear over the past few years that Sony wants its Trophy lists to be straightforward and achievable for the vast majority of players. When you even have some users who won't buy a game because the Platinum trinket is too tough to unlock, it's easy to understand why. And so after MLB The Show 21 revealed another easy list of Trophies, Housemarque's Returnal represents the second in as many weeks.
Available to view now on Exophase, the Trophy lists awards digital gongs for completing three acts in the game and performing various tasks that sound like they'll be part of the story anyway. Scanning a Xenoglyph for a Bronze Trophy is one example. Gold trinkets are handed out for completing surveys in different areas and then there are also specific Trophies for defeating bosses. You'll also need to complete all House sequences, die for the first time (not hard), and have five Parasites at the same time.
Will you be attempting to unlock the Platinum Trophy for Returnal? Get planning in the comments below.
[source exophase.com]
Comments 73
Hopefully will be a straight forward plat, and hopefully the game will be good!!
Good, if the game's good (it probably is), I'll probably get the plat
“Sins of the Mother- Complete all house sequences”
Looks like there’s going to be multiple instances of those first-person house segments.
Does look like a straightforward trophy list. Shouldn’t be too hard to complete, maybe a bit grindy.
can't wait, but where i'm located all the eb games stores are closed ATM so i won't be getting this on release day even though i pre-ordered i assume, but we'll see. Same goes for RE8 i think
i personally don't care about trophies. if i unlock em cool if not meh..move on.
I'm disappointed trophies don't have any interesting way of achieving them. "Oh go complete this mission, unlock all weapons, complete main story..." How boring. Last Playstation exclusive game that actually had fun trophies to unlock was Uncharted 4.
Would love to buy this, but I’d need a PS5 first. If only I could find one of the buggers!
OK was fully expecting this to be a hardcore Plat, but not seeing any difficulty related trophies here which is a shame; kinda want this Plat to be a badge of honour ie. earned through sweat and tears and not just time-wasting collectathons with little to no skill.
Cool. I like chasing plats on games I enjoy, but I don't always have time to do it between work, home, life etc.
I like getting a relatively easy one now and then.
@Mince I don’t mind paying more than the going rate for top quality indies, but £70? I thought it was merely a placeholder or maybe even a mistake when I first saw Returnal listed on Amazon. Having said that, with so few quality games available on the PS5 right now, I’d still buy it. Though, like I said it my previous comment, if only I could actually find one 😔
@The_Pixel_King Housmarque's whole back catalog might be indie games but Returnal is definitely not one
All new PS exclusives will have one single platinum trophy called '£69.99'.
Sorry, couldn't resist.
It may well be though lack of general choice, and I'm aware that the price is steep, but I'm actually really looking forward to this game. Shooting, psychological gubbins, eldritch style horrors... I'm sold.
I love straifghtforward platinums, once I'm done with the game I don't have to grind for hours I don't really have so I can delete the game from my console and move to the next one
Hard Platinum's are the best assuming is all single player related and should definitely not go away. Online trophies on the other hand are the worst, would rather have difficult single player trophies then easy online ones.
Can’t wait to play it! Hopefully can get a plat in time for Ratchet
I dunno, whilst I am more likely to play a game through to completion if the platinum is somewhat achievable, I sometimes think some trophies can be too easy to obtain (not just platinums, though I would argue the Persona dancing games are quite easy to platinum).
I was playing Code Vein last night, brand new save, never played before, was playing for about an hour or two, and unlocked a silver trophy called "Together Until Oblivion". The condition was listening to a partner speak 50 times. That feels really easy for a bronze trophy, let alone a silver which it actually was. I wish games had better trophy/achievement balance in general. You don't need easy trophies to sell a game... a cheaper price though perhaps; £70 is a bit much.
I should point out hard platinums won't normally stop me from at least beating the game, I just won't go after the platinum.
@Kidfried trophy is just a way to say you accomplished something right? Its on games/developers whether they are hard or not. I like to collect trophy’s I don’t go for 100% on every game, just the ones I like. I don’t understand some people think why a game with easy trophy's should devaluate trophy’s of harder games.
Nice, I like platinum that's like god of war, nier automata and ghost of tsushima that's reward you to find every nook and cranny in the game 😃
@Kidfried yeah I think some trophy’s are usless, sometimes they don’t even reflect your 100% of the game.
Hi there fellow gamers.
I will definitely go for the Platinum as I tend to for most games I really enjoy.
However, It is true that some of them have been kinda easy to say the least.
The way I see it, trophies are essentialy another reason, or excuse, to either play the game some more, finish the game again, complete all quests and maybe get all the collectables (because those can be quite anoying).
It is basicaly rewarding the player to fully explore the game.
But in terms of difficulty, in a way, it depends on the game.
An example: my first Platinum was the original Dead Space.
I enjoyed the game so much that i wanted to do everything in the game and play the game again.
But what made me go for the third time was the challenge of doing two trophies at the same time.
Finish the game on Impossible difficulty...... But with only the initial weapon of the game, the Plasma Cutter.
I loved playing the game like that. It made me have a different apreciation of the Plasma Cutter and had to use every game mechanic to survive and beat the game.
And it was an awesome experience.
I´m not saying every game should have difficulty atached trophies, but some of them can be quite fun to get.
Cheers, stay safe good people and happy gaming to us all
@Kidfried I agree some challenging ones are good but the “simple” ones like Spider-Man, Horizon etc have you do everything there is in the game so for a developer, I think that makes sense as you want to have people see everything on offer.
I will be forever disappointed that I couldn’t get the Hollow Knight platinum as the Pantheons were too much for me. I definitely should have got something for finishing the Path of Pain though!
@The_New_Butler If I have to beat the game more than 2 times, the platinum is not easy already.
Capcom is the worst at making platinums. crowns on mhw and dmc 5 S on all missions on all difficulties are the dumbest ones I've seen.
You also have to beat resident evil games like 8 times. I didn't mind it for re2 and re3 since they were short, but maybe re8 is hella long compared to these.
Straight forward doesn't mean easy. I mean has anyone played the game yet. It doesn't have difficulty options, so just completing the game might be quite hard.
I'm sure a month after launch they will add 2 bronze trophies for ng+ and highest difficulty as usual. Sony games are easy to plat but difficult to 100%.
@phil_j Yeah, and we don't know how much of it is hidden/optional (disclaimer: I didn't look at the trophy list to avoid potential spoilers)
@Jayslow AFAIK there are no difficulty settings in Returnal
Remember God Of War's platinum? It was pretty straightforward too: basically find every collectible and do every side quest. Doesn't mean it was easy and didn't feel rewarding
Sorry for multiple comments in a row
I more about my own trophy list than the trophy economy. In general I prefer a trophy list to be fairly easy to obtain by playing a game to its conclusion. I've got a few hard platinums but have always preferred lists like GoW, Spiderman, Tlou2 etc
Of course if you want an easy platinum then buy crossy Rd or whatever it's called for a quid, this is a 70 quid game that is admittedly far superior but the article is about an way to get an easy plat after all.
I’ve never understood the point of trophies tbh.
Just play the game and enjoy it.
Challenge yourself within the game altering difficulty levels sure but who cares if you’ve a trophy at the end.
@JB_Whiting We won't be seeing anymore tough plats from Sony, they've even said market research supports better sales for easier plats.
@Juanalf Online can be a real pain, connections issues and if the game is over a year old servers can be sparsely populated.
@Voltan if that's true then we have no idea how difficult this plat will be and this article will age poorly lol. Without playing the game one could say this is a similar trophy list to Super Meat Boy or Crash 4 as its essentially beat the game and do the collectibles (little bit more to do with my examples but my point being that's its the difficulty of those games that makes the plat tough)
@Voltan I platted god of war recently. But I deliberately played on hard mode to get it and I didn’t switch it down. I wanted a fair bit of heft and kickback from the game. It didn’t disappoint 🤣.
@KayOL77 The Valkyrie queen fight is pretty tough even on normal
@Voltan They were. But a lot it is patience and memorising as much as possible their signals for attack. The worst fight in the game for me the Niflheim centre portal against 3 reavers. That required a dramatic rethink.
@wiiware I deliberately platted nier on hard too. It took 7 gaming hours to beat the prologue! One hit kills abound. It was magic though. Edit: no I didn’t plat it I completed the 3 main playthroughs. Sorry bout that.
"When you even have some users who won't buy a game because the Platinum trinket is too tough to unlock" really that's pretty sad.
I enjoy a harder list to get a platinum trophy makes you feel like you actually accomplished something hard, but mostly I will go for a plat if I enjoy the game and think that I can get it. Do hate online trophies though.
Yeah, look forward to getting the trophies...when there’s a price drop. I still refuse to pay $70 for new PS5 games at launch (regardless of that the Days Gone dev says, lol). Hopefully this turns out well though.
@Pushsquare, Will you be reviewing this ahead of release? I know its still a ways to go, but am genuinely curious
I have this game pre-ordered, and it will be the very first game that I play on my PS5.
I'm not overly fussed by Trophies, so will simply be playing the game to enjoy it.
What a double-edged sword. Like, it's cool that trophies aren't going to be a chore, but on the other hand, doesn't it kind of defeat the point of trophies?
To me, Platinum and Gold trophies as actual reward for the dedicated players. It is the reason people wanted to replay games over and over. If you can Platinum a game in one or two playthroughs, doesn't that devalue the accomplishment?
I am not a Trophy hunter, so I personally don't care; but I can see where the thrill of the accomplishment is diminished here.
I did Platinum Astro's Playroom, though; but that was mostly because my 5-year-old really likes to watch me play the game, so I figured I would at least have SOMETHING to accomplish when she asks me to play it.
@MarcurShaw We probably will be, yeah, but I can't say for sure yet.
Yeah, maybe sometime next year, when it's possible to get a PS5
This site should be call cheapsquare . I can’t wait for next week to play this game that I paid 70$ for on my ps5.
Just saw the trophy list, i am a bit disappointed. Seems too easy
Right now you can get Returnal on eBay for around £58 if you use a discount code. Eurogamer have the details.
@KayOL77 I missed a couple of nier automata trophy since one of the trophy is missable, in the end after I know I can buy trophy in-game (using in-game money), I bought the last 2 or 3 trophy lol. In my defense, I already spend 100+ hours in the game, I don't want to replay it again
Good! I like games where you can just relax and enjoy the game. I like straight forward platinums every now and then.
I'll probably give this one a shot.
@The_New_Butler i prefer them to be more challenging. Feels more rewarding in the end.
Developing a good trophy list is very much its own art. I appreciate it when a developer creates a list that both unlocks some trophies organically, and rewards some level of perseverance. Grindy trophies requiring countless hours of doing something mundane, or trophies that are depending upon RNG events are annoying sometimes ruin the experience for me. So I choose to skip the platinum in those cases. Persona 5 recently fell victim to this because apparently I didn’t hear all 250 of Futaba’s lines. Same thing happened in P4G with Rosette.
I've been on PSN since day one and I haven't earned a Platinum Trophy at all lol, I never really bother with them but seeing how straight forward this one seems I'll give it a shot.
@The_New_Butler I agree with all your points and am also torn.
However i'd add that games are meant to be fun first and foremost and until now far too many games have added arbitrary tasks and grind that just aren't fun in a bid to artificially extend a games length via trophies/achievements. Personally not a fan of that AT ALL, though I accept for some that can be a plus. We're all different.
But as with most things it's also more nuanced. In a long sprawling open world game missable trophies are a repugnant bane that genuinely hampers many players enjoyment. Whereas in a shorter experience replaying the game multuple times is far more acceptable. I don't think it's one size fits all and some common sense needs to rule. The Capcom examples @LiterallyDoNotCare mentioned are some of the worst, I should have to play a game 8+ times to unlock everything, it's simply not fun for 99+% of players to do.
That said I like some of the hard ones too. I'm proud of a few of the trophies I have and truly believe in some games they genuinely added another layer to the experience. (Dead Space with only the plasma Cutter is a favourite, you become a necromorph surgeon!) Sadly these are rare cases, the reality is MOST trophies are uninspired busywork and when they are like that i'd prefer them to be on the easier side.
@themightyant I hate grindy trophies. Not difficulty ones.
@Kidfried I really dont that much as long as i have fun getting the trophies. Dragon Quest Heroes 2 made me give up at the last trophies because of the stupid AI. And OMG these weapon collecting one doing a dungeon so many times hoping for a drop. It has nothing to do with skills just time wasting. As much fun as the first one was the second one was terrible and i didnt get a weapon because my storage was full...☹️
@LiterallyDoNotCare Those crowns even after 700 plus hours i still do not have them all and i just moved on. 🤪
@themightyant Japanese games have those so much. How fun is it when you found out you forgot to talk someone when with a trophy that requires you to talk to everyone in a RPG.... 😐
@Flaming_Kaiser I got them after 350h. You have to take advantage of the events. I don't have the iceborne ones.
I'm happy to hear this, love trophies as long as they're easy to achieve. I don't have the time to do New Game Plus or take on annoying challenges.
@The_New_Butler Agree with all your points too. Definitely a distinction between difficult and grindy trophies. And definitely agree they should make the game more interesting, adding a new layer to gameplay. I mentioned Dead Space, another great one was Half Life 2, get through Ravenholm with just the Gravity Gun... a LOT of fun. Dishonored clean hands (kill no one) [edit: thought that was glitchy on second thought]
Sadly so many games have meaningless dull collectibles many of which are entirely missable without a guide, what's the fun in that???
But even collectables can be done well. Bioshock's had audio recordings that added to the lore, meaning they were interesting on their own. CRUCIALLY you didn't need to collect 100% of them only 80-90% so as long as you were vaguely thorough and didn't just run AtoB you could get this. No punishment for missing one or not following an online wiki/guide.
@Flaming_Kaiser So much THIS. Japanese games are often the worst, often 50-100+ hours for a single playthrough and there are easily missable trophies or ones requiring mandatory playthroughs. They really know how to take the fun out of a game.
Ultimately If it doesn't add anything enjoyable to the game and it's just grind, or requires a guide, then it shouldn't be in there.
@Abarth_71 this..agree 100% as i cant stand it when trophys require you to spend time online trying to unlock them..ubisoft i'm pointing 2 fingers at you as you are the main culprits here..the division 1 and 2..most of the trophys i've unlocked but the platinums are out of my reach because of the online requirements..
@LiterallyDoNotCare i agree with you to a certain degree..there were some diablo 3 trophys that were a grind but because d3 is such an enjoyable game it didnt bother me too much..dark souls remastered has that knights honor trophy where you need to collect every special weapon in the game..so thats going to take something like 3 and a half play throughs because it has to be done on one save...thats some serious preperation h going to be needed after that..
I dont mind trophies that are difficult but still achievable for most. I'm really not one to care if my gamer e-peen is bigger than someone else's. Besides, I generally only compare then with my brother and a close nit group. Where not super competitive, we just like to go for them as something extra to do in a game.
That said, there are some I have no desire to go for even in games I love. Take Arkane's Prey for example, I think you'd need to complete the whole game 4 to 6 times to unlock them all. That's far too much effort. Sure, I replay games often, but because I want to, not because I need to for one stupid trophy.
Then there is the whole PvP trophy/achievement issue. I think PvP should not be included in a games trophies. PvP modes already have numerous accolades for gamers to strive for in things like emblems, titles, cosmetic looks, etc. on top of leaderboards. Basically, a trophy list before trophies were all the rage.
Take Gears of War and its absurd 'Seriously' trophies.
I played the original Gears religiously with a group of friends for years, I still never made it anywhere near getting the 10,000 kills in PvP needed to unlock it.
Gears 2 upped the ante to 100,000 kills, even with all modes counting, that's an insane amount of time for something as trivial as a achievement or trophy.
@ShogunRok cheers, thanks
I skipped outriders to get this and only due to getting it free on games pass. I did want it on ps5 but buy not actually buying a game that came out, has actually helped abit in me making the decision to pay full retail. Don't get me wrong I don't justify 70 pounds one bit for a game. Especially having two kids and a misses to feed. But again gaming is a passion for me.
Not because I want to show off on YouTube but because I've bn a gamer for best part of 30 years. I'm now 40 And won't pass on a good game that's got replay value. But again after all the releases of late, can you blame people. Aslong as the game has replay value and won't die in a year I'm OK but I will wait a few days after realease to see if its worth it because common sence is a must with these prices and games. If only we got a demo first. All games should have demos before a purchase. Especially ones with a big price tag. Godfall cough cough.
@Kidfried Thats what i mean and i hate things like being number 1 in the world rainking KZ2 that made me quit the trophyhunt straight away. 😅
@LiterallyDoNotCare Thanks for the tip im gonna try that.
@Kang81 That sound like Dynasty Warriors amounts. 🤪
@themightyant Or a boring and dead online tacked on mode looking at you Tombraider 2013 i boosted that so much and in the end i could not bring myself to finish the singleplayer i started to hate the game. 😅
@The_New_Butler I think it's important to have both honestly. I have rare trophies that hardly anyone has (SFV) and some that are just being a completionist in a game (HZD). both are equally valid ways of adding value to a game.
Not quite sure how you can say this list looks easy when you’re just reading words. You have no idea how this game plays or works. The game will be harder than the Souls games. At death, you lose pretty much everything except for a few permanent perks that you will pick up after multiple deaths. Same goes for turning the game off. It’s procedurally generated so level layout is never the same after each death either so you are forced to just get good. Sure, the trophies could very well be rewarded for the easier parts of the game, but I doubt it. I’m interested in seeing comments from all these people complaining about an easy plat after they’ve played the game a while. How many of them will be complaining about how hard it is?
Now the game is out....might be worth updating this article 😂
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