Square Enix has released some finer details on Episode Yuffie — the Final Fantasy VII Remake DLC that'll be exclusive to PlayStation 5 once Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade launches this summer. As shown in the reveal trailer, you'll be playing as the young ninja throughout this escapade, and you'll be joined by a new character named Sonon.
Sonon isn't actually fully playable in battle, but Yuffie will be able to pull off tag team attacks with his help. What's more, Yuffie's giant shuriken weapon lets her fight at any range, which should allow for some degree of strategy.
As for the story of Episode Yuffie, all we know is that it'll be spread across two 'chapters'. We obviously don't know how long these chapters will be, but if it's anything like the main game, then we'd probably bet on this DLC being just a few hours long at most. Hopefully it's entertaining while it lasts.
We don't know how expensive Episode Yuffie will be, either — just that it needs to be purchased separately if you're taking advantage of the free PS4 to PS5 upgrade for Remake. No doubt we'll be getting much more information over the coming months.
Oh, and that edgy looking guy with the mad hair from the trailer? More dedicated fans may have already recognised him: he's called Weiss, and he's from dismal PS2 title Dirge of Cerberus. Thankfully, it doesn't sound as though Weiss will be a part of the DLC's narrative. Instead, he's set to be a powerful boss that you can fight in the game's VR arena. Phew.
Are you looking forward to Intergrade? Do you have high hopes for Episode Yuffie? Steal some materia in the comments section below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 54
I cannot wait!
The price is around $20 (2178 yen). If it is around 6 hours the price is justified.
I believe ps5 will fix the background texture.
Considering how great Remake is it'd have to be a very high price to put me off getting it as soon as I can.
"Thankfully, it doesn't sound as though Weiss will be a part of the DLC's narrative."
Why is this a good thing? I'm rather disappointed Weiss isn't included in the narrative somehow.
I knew he wasn’t called Spoon! It did look like that on my stream to be fair.
@Arugula I reckon it’ll be as long as the FFXV DLCs. It does sound pretty similar to those, with the focus on a party member with a specified partner along for the ride. Honestly they were quite fun though.
Hell yes! I held off playing this to get Ps5 version, so the extra content is great news. Day one purchase.
Super hyped to replay the game with graphics upgrade on my ps5 😁
@Ah-Void Really? $20 is a great price, if the dlc at least have 4-5 hours of gameplay, I'm in 😃
I am totally relieved Weiss is not a part of the story 😂 now I need to get a ps5 before this drops 🤞🏻
So no love for a PS4? I've had no luck, like a lot of people, getting a PS5.
I’m glad people are happy for this, but I wonder how much they are gonna chop the game up? Makes me wonder if they are going to copy fighting game business models. I don’t want to have paid close to $300 by the end of this. I guess I’ll wait a few years and get the “ultimate” edition or whatever. I hope everyone enjoys.
Finally Fantasy: 2Chapters
It sounds like the Yuffie story is included in the PS5 version of Intergrade. On the PS blog, it only mentions people getting the free PS4->PS5 upgrade having to buy the Yuffie story separately.
got my money! il replay the game and this when its released i do miss johnny 😂😂😂😂😂😂
It sucks that they made Yuffie's DLC PS5 exclusive.
Tacking stuff onto the base game is weird anyway, though. Yuffie should have just been integrated into FF7R 2.
@Ralizah It's because it's included in Intergrade by default. It's only DLC if you do the free upgrade from the PS4 version. It's only like if the eventual PS5 version of TW3 comes with some new quests but if you do the free upgrade from the PS4 version, it's separate DLC.
I mean, look at Bowser's Fury on Switch; it's a visually upgraded Wii U port with a bit of new content added - same as Intergrade being a visually upgraded PS4 port with a bit of extra content - yet people don't expect them to make the new mode available as DLC for the original game on Wii U. (Nor is anyone even bothered that you don't get it for free if you have the Wii U version.)
So glad Weiss isn't part of the narrative, pretty much all of the FFVII spinoff content needs to go in the bin.
@Matroska Not really comparable situations, IMO. The PS4 is a system still receiving games today. The last major Wii U release was in 2017. Super Mario 3D World released in 2013, whereas FF7R, an exclusive for the PS4 until now, isn't even a year old. It's a LOT more reasonable to expect DLC for a not even year old PS4 game to be available on PS4 than it is to expect Nintendo to update a seven-year-old game on a dead system.
I know I’m in the minority but I really disliked the changes to the story in FF7R, thought it was a confusing mess especially towards the end, it’s basically put me off buying any future FF7R games. This Yuffie DLC looked awful to me and only solidified my feelings. Making it PS5 only kinda sucks too.
@Ralizah I knew you were gonna say that. Here's a selection of Wii U ports on the Switch which, apart from BotW as far as I know, had extra stuff added that was never released on Wii U. If Bowser's Fury had released in the first year of the Switch, it still wouldn't have had the new stuff released as DLC for Wii U.
Also, Nintendo just released a system update for the Wii U so they seem to regard it, even in 2021, as still worthy of at least some attention.
Am I the only person who liked Dirge of Cerberus?
@Matroska BotW is probably the most comparable example. Two versions of the same game released at the exact same time, but one version was left out in the cold when it came to the DLC.
With that said, even considering that Nintendo really should have added DLC to Captain Toad and BotW on Wii U if possible, it always has to be pointed out that almost nobody bought that system. Whereas the PS4 was wildly popular and is owned by 100+ million people. It makes a LOT more sense to expend effort making sure new content works with the older version of FFVIIR. Especially since so few people seem to be able to buy a PS5 atm.
Keep in mind, I'm not saying "Nintendo good, S-E bad." The pricing for this DLC/added content is probably going to be fair, and the game is a free upgrade otherwise. Whereas, if this were Nintendo, you'd have to pay full price again for the version with the added Yuffie content. But it seems like a strange choice to make it next-gen exclusive for no readily apparent reason.
The way the Miles Morales expansion was handled is the ideal, IMO. The PS5 version was heavily marketed, but a very polished and playable PS4 version was also made available. Spider-Man fans on PS4 didn't have to wait however many months it'll take for Sony to sort their stock issues out.
I don’t buy dlc unless it’s very cheap. Usually not even then because I’ve already traded in, sold, or given away the game by this point. Shame. But, as I now have the digital full game from plus I might get this when it’s down to £3 in a sale.
@Exlee300p Check to be sure but I think it would work out cheaper to buy FFVII now on sale and upgrade to Intergrade for free when it releases.
@Fenbops I hated the changes to the story, and really wished they had used the new style and gameplay, but kept the original story exactly. It was a great story as it was, and now is full of wafty 'meta' suggestions that it didn't need. Haven't played the original since I was a kid, and was SO looking forward to reexperiencing it all again, so I totally understand your disappointment. Will still like to play part 2, whenever it's released, but I hope they stick to a more streamlined and tangible plot.
@Ralizah I imagine it'll come to ps4 eventually. Somehow, it doesn't make sense to keep it ps5 exclusive, especially after giving ff7 away as part of plus. Now there's that many more people who would want to play it, and as far as I'm aware, hardly anyone has a ps5?
@J2theEzzo I suppose compared to the number of PS4's out there, hardly anyone has a PS5 indeed. There's about 5 million of them in the hands of gamers though and that's not nothing. That number will still grow a bit by June too.
@J2theEzzo glad I’m not the only one. There’s no subtle anymore, Sephiroths build up in the original is slow and steady, it’s such a moment when you find Shinra dead and a sword in his back, the remake couldn’t even respect that properly. The end of the highway is ridiculous too, it should have just ended like the original without all the convoluted ***** they chose to throw in.
It’ll be interesting to see how they handle Remake 2 since the original goes somewhat open world after Midgar but after 7R I have no faith they’ll do it justice.
@J2theEzzo @Fenbops
Hard agree with both of your takes. Let’s hope the narrative does not fall off the rails and can be salvaged in the sequel(s)...
Very excited for this, and the upgrade. FFVIIR is an absolutely fantastic game, and man did I whiz through it fast, a testament to how generally engaging it was overall. Super pumped to play through again with PS5 enhancements and fresh content. #%$&!!
I'll make sure to play this on the Ps5 when ever i get one.
This is like filler until the canon episodes come out. Doesn't feel proper
Also, I really need to get out of Midgar and see some different environments
I get reusing assets to make as much money as possible, but I do wish they would just focus on bringing ff7 remake part 2 out as soon as possible
Some of the textures in this game are just flat-out bad. Waiting for a PS5 isn't going to fix them. I'd say if you have a PS4, this is a good game to jump in on, as the upgrade probably won't look as good as most other games' upgrades.
I am looking forward to this, with the game being among my favourites from the PS4 generation. However, i do start to fear Square might be starting to make the same mistakes they made with Kingdom Hearts - and Final Fantasy 15 - with all the extended universe stuff. Just keep everything together on one platform (PS5, whichever other consoles it launches on) and dont drip releases that are relevant to story over multiple devices and wider media
do i have to buy it when i get free upgrade to ps5 version ??
@MichaelHawj yeah - these additional chapters are included if you buy the PS5 version but are available separately if you upgrade from the PS4 version
@starbuck2212 it's definitely a possibility. But we don't know how much the two Yuffie episodes are. I would guess 20 to 25. And you can get the Ps4 version for 30 now. For me however I like to have physical media so I can actually own it. So if the physical release has the Yuffie episodes on disc I will pick it up, even at 70 bucks. Because I like to support game companies I like as well as physical media because I would like it to stick around. I don't know why most people think physical and digital media have to be mutually exclusive. I prefer physical media but digital media has some advantages as well.
Dirge of Cerberus is the mf GOAT
@jack22 I hope so because it was dreadful
@Voltan true. I suppose in relative terms, I meant in. For example, I know of about 20 (give or take) friends etc. With a ps4. I know 1 of them has a ps5. Right now, I'm in the parry that wanted one quite eagerly, but am now pretty much happy to keep waiting!
FF VIIR was the biggest disappointment for me in last few years. I might pick up DLC whenever it will be really cheap. And it still surprise me that so many people wait for "part II" of remake, seeing the ending of FF VIIR and the fact it was called FF VIIR and not "FF VII R part I" I am really not sure if there will be "part II" of the "remake", more likely something entirely new FF VII Reimagined. I mean correct me if I am wrong SE usually calls it themselves "the next game" rather than mentioning "part II"
@Phelan I'm happy with that direction myself. So far anyway.
@Voltan oh that bummer
@Ralizah yeah I'm a bit annoyed that this is ps5 only I really wanted to play this one 😤😤
@J2theEzzo excatly my point, even if we wanted to we can't due to ps5 shortages this may hurt sales for them if not a lot of people are able to purchase this dlc
@Voltan Well... glad you like it I guess. I don't but that's how opinions works. Yours is as good as mine. Just don't be angry if Aerith will stay alive, Sephiroth will turn out to be a good guy trying to save the world or other shenanigans, and generally the original plot will be completely scratched to pursue something more Kingdom Hearts-ish. I liked the original, it definitely deserved to be upgraded and all the plot holes filled in, more mature and dark. As it is now FF VIIR for me is one of the weakest games in the entire series just after easily forgotten story of FF XV and of course the worst game of all times FF II.
@Ralizah it sounds like they wanted to give people new content to play while they are waiting for part 2
@Ralizah Miles isn't that great an example. It's only the DLC for $50.... That actually sounds very like a Nintendo thing to do....
@Fenbops " thought it was a confusing mess especially towards the end,"
Wait....I thought we were talking about the remake? I mean it's not like they could make the late story MORE of a confusing mess even if they tried than the original.
@NEStalgia absolutely I can’t argue with that 🤣 BUT they’ve managed to make the early story a complete mess with Remake, so much nonsense added to the easiest part of the story to tell.
@NEStalgia Nintendo actually only charged $29.99 for access to the Torna side game for Xenoblade 2 via the expansion pass, and that's a 30+ hour JRPG with graphical improvements over the base game. And that was with the additional season pass content in tow as well.
Anyway, I'm not talking about the pricing, but the release strategy. Pricing is up to the individual discretion of the buyer, but at least spidey fans without a PS5 weren't left out in the cold. Even if they had been, though, that'd have been far more acceptable: Miles Morales was a new side game, whereas Yuffie's chapters are part of the main game.
@twitchtvpat Absolutely. What I don't understand is why that content wasn't available for the PS4 version as well. Nothing in the footage looked like it couldn't have been pulled off on PS4.
@Ralizah True but that was pseudo-old Nintendo. Not quite Iwata Nintendo, but not yet Furukawa/Ryan/Matrick Nintendo. Furukawa would have charged 50. And made the final battle a free update a year later.
Fair enough on Miles being a new side game rather than main chapters though. Still, it's better to charge for DLC chapters that add onto the story on a different console than to release story-critical chapters outside the main game, several years later, and then cancel 2 of them before release (ahem XV)
Mostly I suspect it's unessential content and they came up with some fanservice to add to make some cash on the upgrade.
still need to go back and finish it =/ better get it done
Two chapters long worries me. Hopefully they are 3-5 hours long each, if not more!
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