Bloodborne. PS5. Bloodborne. PS5. Bloodborne. PS5. Bloodborne. PS5. How many times must we write those two words in the same article? That's right folks, we're back here once again to talk about the possibility of FromSoftware's exquisite PlayStation 4 exclusive making its way to Sony's current-gen console.
This time, Twitter user @zemariSpartans spotted something strange on the PlayStation Store (accessed on PS5). On Bloodborne's product page, the additional options tab brings up a supposed 'PS5' listing for the game (along with a PS4 demo, for some reason).
Alongside all of the previous Bloodborne PS5 rumours that just never seem to stop, it's easy to assume that there must be something to this new listing. As always, though, we wouldn't get your hopes up. The PlayStation Store has shown similar listings for other games in the past — and they're usually just caused by some kind of bug.
That said, logical reasoning isn't going to stop these rumours anytime soon. Given Bloodborne's success on PS4, an eventual PS5 version — that corrects the game's odd performance issues — simply makes sense. We'd love to see it happen, if only so that this endless cycle of speculation could finally come to an end.
[source twitter.com, via play3.de, reddit.com]
Comments 28
Will probably happen.
Please make it happen
The demo is most likely due to the beta for the PS4 version before the gMe released.
It would be cool because this game needs to be in 60fps
Please sony we need 60fps patch right now!
Knowing Sony it will probably just be getting a pc port and nothing for ps5, just like death stranding and horizon zero dawn lol
Totally worth the hype and hope. It’s hard to replay the game now due to the janky frame-rate.
Don’t get my hopes up... first it’s the Xbox & Bethesda news NOW THIS
@TurboTom or a Blue Point remaster or free upgrade like Days Gone, GoW, Tsushima.
I would legit buy it again (Not a full price) Just to play this game in a similar performance as DeS on PS5.
I hope it gets the Bluepoint treatment , game of the generation for me.
I can’t see it getting a full remake with it being such a modern game but I’d get straight back in for 60fps and a resolution boost.
I just want 60 fps patch for ps5.
@Bliquid I think load times are faster.
It could run at 60FPS on PS4 Pro:
@Bliquid load times are quite a bit quicker. If they could do a PS5 version with virtually no load times that would make the game so much better.
40 second wait every time you die on PS4 slim is painful
@iamtylerdurden1 If the remaster from Bluepoint is akin to the Uncharted collection, then I would love that. Maybe add some additional trophies for some extra challenge?
Then again, this would mean that the idea of the devs adding cut content to the game is most likely out of the question.
@BloodEagle Agreed, though a remaster is much more probable. Making a remake for the game is a bit too soon (DeS is 12 years old, while Bloodborne is still 5 years old). Maybe for the inevitable PS6 lol
Personally I would rather bluepoint make something else such as the rumored metal gear solid remake. I have bloodborne on playstation plus and couldn't be bothered to get past the first boss. I'm interested in trying demon souls though sometime when I get a ps5.
a fresh 60fps update would be nice
Huge fan of Dark Souls here,
I didn’t care for bloodborne. I am not one to complain or comment on frame rates but WOW it was jarring going from DS1 and DS3’s fluid 60fps. That being said, I know there’s a massive fanbase for the game and so I hope this comes for those who want it! It would go a long way to make it more enjoyable.
I’ll keep playing my Demons Souls and Dark Souls, thank you.
I’ll settle for bloodborne 2 nothing less
Isn’t the frame rate fixed for bloodborne? I know some tech guy that says it’s not really possible to do 60fps without a remake.
If they do Bloodborne PS5 with a separate trophy list I will totally play through this again for a second platinum.
I'm playing on Pro at the moment. I've just beaten Rom. Amazing game that has made me feel like giving up me at times when I can't get past a boss and brought me great joy exploring new areas.
It's not exactly broken on PS4 and plays marginally better on Pro, but 60fps would be nice. Best game on PS4 imo.
@TeapotBuddha I think the one guy who said that it wasn't really possible without the remake is the same guy who made the unofficial 60 FPS patch. I know that Digital Foundry did a video with the guy, and they went over what issue and complications he ran into get it working.
@TeapotBuddha Yeah. Apparently everything from animation to effects is tied all to the framerate, so the guy had to reverse engineer the engine using stuff he found in the code for Dark Souls 3.
This isn't like other games where developers may have to just check "Run at 60FPS on 'X' console". They developed the game like it was still the 90s where it was a normal thing to tie framerate to the stuff in the game... It would be a painstaking long process to go back and undo everything, and get everything in a good enough shape to release to mass market. As the game and engine would still need further optimization as even on the Pro. They need to drop the rendering resolution to 720P to hit 60FPS.
At this point, all the work that Sony and From software would have to do to get a patch out. It not gonna be free.
Blooborne for PS5 is bound to become a self-fullfilling prophecy and I'm fine with that.
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