Whispers of a Bloodborne remaster have been doing the rounds for what feels like an eternity. Those familiar with the original game will know that it doesn't run perfectly on PS4 — it has some odd frame pacing issues and the frame rate does tend to drop during busier fights. Still, for our money, it's one of the the greatest games available on Sony's current-gen console.
Anyway, aside from some sudden retail listings — which rarely amount to anything — it's been a while since we've heard anything juicy about this supposed remaster. Enter RedGamingTech on Youtube — a channel that has a promising track record when it comes to leaks. They mostly deal with hardware information rather than software, but it's clear that they have access to accurate sources — at least to some extent.
Apparently, the same source that told RedGamingTech about the Metal Gear Solid remake also claims that the long rumoured Bloodborne remaster is absolutely real, and it's coming to both PS5 and PC. It's allegedly "quite far along in development", and it'll come with "additional content". As you may know, Bloodborne has quite a lot of cut content — stuff that was removed from the game during development. If the remaster really does exist, it sounds like it could restore some of these unused assets.
As is the case with any rumour like this, our only option is to wait and see what happens. The whole thing does sound feasible, though, and it ties into the many, many Bloodborne rumours that have come before it. No smoke without fire, as they say.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 99
I almost thought it was real from the headline stating that it was real. That good ol rumour tag here to spoil everything again.
Having "remasters" of games from the PS4/XB1 generation is going to be tough to explain from a marketing angle when the newer consoles are supposed to be backwards compatible.
I dont get Sony. Exclusives are important more than ever as MS has gamepass and no one will buy third party games when you have those games on gamepass. Lets publish pc games... facepalm. In still on team blue but team green is looking better and better every passing day.
I still haven't played Bloodborne, but I would be up for a remake.
Wait, what? Your headline is “Rumor: Bloodborne remaster is REAL”
How can it be a rumor and real at the same time? Reporting on these rumors is getting very annoying. Do some journalism and find the TRUTH stop reporting rumors.
Call me a mug...but I would absolutely love for this to be remastered. Bloodborne at 4K,60FPS,faster load times, new trophy list...that alone is exciting. The thought of additional content is awesome
Yes please. Sounds like a great excuse to spend another 100+ hours in Yarnham.
@Boxcar182 The rumour is that it's real.
Wouldn't this be somewhat discredited by the PS Plus collection on PS5 including Bloodborne? Hard to get people to buy a remaster if they already get the full game simply for subscribing.
@Quintumply And the real is that it’s a rumour

I would play Bloodborne again!
I have absolutely no idea why Red Gaming Tech is suddenly considered a reliable source on game leaks. PC hardware and AMD related tech news, sure, maybe, he has an OK track record there, but certainly not spotless... but games? No. Sorry, methinks he's trying to drive viewing figures and subscribers.
@Boxcar182 agreed. very clickbait indeed.
Hi there fellow gamers. Having to buy the game again to get better frame rate and other improvements, while I still have my PS4 copy.....
Who am I kiding, I´ll do it without a heart beat, since Bloodborne is one of my favorite games of all time, but it a little baffling to say the least.
And PC again huh? Do I still need to get a PS5 Sony? Please do tell.....🤷♂️
Anyway, Cheers, stay safe and happy gaming to us all
Rumor: Playstation 6 is real........... in 2030
Christ, you guys cannot win today. Personally the headline makes perfect sense.
@Porco The headline actually plays it incredibly straight, not sure how this is clickbait. It says "Rumour" right at the start, too.
Bloodborne 2 please
Would rather a sequel, its starting to feel like every 2nd PS5 game is a remake or remaster lol
That being said, I'm fairly confident both are coming, therefore everybody wins!
Can't we just skip the remaster and get Bloodborne 2?
"channel that has a promising track record when it comes to leaks."
No it doesnt. This rumour is fake too.
Whether it's real or a rumour, I'm in.
Would much rather have a sequel, but if this is real and features raytracing, native 4k, cut content and all tjose other next gen goodies then I will absolutely buy it. Hooboy.
Another clue that Jim Ryan should be changed immediately. What is the reason to make the console BC if the console is not even out yet and we allready have more remasters than new games coming out. What's next ?? GOW remaster, last of Us 1 and 2 ?? It's clear that Sony is losing more money on PS5 then they would like to admit. Their is no other reason for the price hike for games and all this remasters from PS4 games, wich should run better on PS5.
RGT and Moores law is dead often share sources and talked about it ages ago btw.
You want to remaster something ... How about Soul Reaver, MGS1, Syphon Filter, Silent Hill, Jak & Dexter, Resistance, Kill Zone, and the list goes on. You don't like to make PS5 BC compatible with previous iterations of PS ... That's fine, but bring back the IP that made those consoles GREAT !!
PS: pls don't make another Shadow of the Colossus remake ... That would be just ... Sad, 2 times is enough.
Their you go Sony dig that hole alittle deeper.
Great way to respond to the MS news.
@SirAngry certainly, he needs more subscribers in my opinion. Like there was a twitter account SlothMom or who. She said Sony will show the PC BB in their show. As it turned out, she just predicted, after the show I checked her twitter account and on that day she retweeted 100+ nonsense stuff to cover the BB rumor... I hate these rumor stuff. I would be grateful that Sony could answer on this and I can now decide what should I buy. A PC or PS5. Because our salary in my country not much as in other EU countries.
Enough dam remasters already. Just make Bloodborne 2 and stop wasting time. Doing remasters all the time theres no wonder why we have no new games. I dont want to replay I game I already beat a dozen times, same with Demon Souls, no thanks.
Rumour is, this is a real rumour. Rumours of real rumours are now really real and not just rumours. Can there really be any weight to these real rumours? It depends if it's really a real rumour and whether the rumour has some real weight to it. We will have to wait and see regarding the weight and whether it's really real or whether it's just another rumour...
@Andruil well, Sony are not going to do their first party games day and date release on both PS and PC. I also assume only a very small amount of PS games will make it across to PC also. So it depends on what you want from a gaming system really.
Please put "rumor" tag on rumor news, I thought it's official 😕
@Ken_Kaniff 🙄
I’ve really had a strong urge lately to hop back into Bloodborne! If this is real, I might just wait and pick it up on my PC! 😁
I don t really see the needs of that but I would love a sequel instead
@LiamCroft i think the word "real" in the headline comes across as manipulative. just my personal opinion but seeing as i am your target audience, i would say that the opinions of your readers should count for something and not merely dismissed (i am not the only one seeing issues with some of the headlines of late and i am sure you are aware of this).
Well I bought Bloodborne when it came out played a bit but was bloody hard lol, saw the demon souls for ps5 and it looked brilliant. So have just bought dark souls since it's similar (I think) it's still pretty hard but I'm actually enjoying it, I told myself that I have to play it and try to finish it. I also re downloaded Bloodborne to play after I hopefully finish dark souls. So far I have played two nights straight first night didn't get too far, last night a bit further, so hopefully bit more progress tonight lol. One thing that's annoying is that they don't give you a tutorial for what everything does, constantly using Google to see what this and that does, they just expect you to know. Thankfully there are loads of info on the net lol.
@SirAngry I guess you are right.
@wiiware "Rumour: Bloodborne Remaster Is Real, Coming to PS5 and PC" What?
Hopefully it's true. But I rather wait for official info from Sony before I believe anything. Too many broken hopes this year due to all the false rumours / and trolling out there.
Pass. Big win on it going to PC, though, if the rumors turn out to be true.
I think PC is the place to be next-gen. Sony "exclusives" + Microsoft "exclusives" and GamePass.
Very cool. I really hope this one turns out to be true. I have some friends on PC who would kill for a crack at this game, and I wouldn't mind taking another run through it... preferably with my old save, but it wouldn't exactly be a deal breaker either.
Again, I give Nintendo crap for this with the Wii U remasters. If this is true, what the hell Sony?
Is the industry so close to running out of ideas that they are reduced to spit-shining games from the previous generation? Just make new games for crying out loud.
@Porco Of course those opinions matter, and we always take constructive criticism on board, but there's literally nothing wrong with this headline. The subject is presented as plainly as possible with a rumour tag at the very start.
I don't know if I'm willing to spend for another Bloodborne after having to buy it twice because I had the HK disc and couldn't get the DLC for my American account without opening a HK account.
If they had a free upgrade to PS5 for having the original, this would be nice, but nah, not gonna happen....though assuming it adds a lot of content, it will be essentially a somewhat new game.
I missed the rumor part. Judging from how this is all going, i think it's time to get a PC.
@sikthvash sad to see that they're becoming a joke at this point. It'd be fine if they'd admit it, but defending this? Come on. Any high school teacher would mark them down for writing such a sentence.
seriously this is pathetic Push Square! clickbait! jack on youtube said come on!!!
Right, this kind of confuses me. They have already announced that Bloodborne IS coming to PS5 - it's part of the PS Plus Collection. Something you can download to your new PS5 and play along with a number of other games, meaning it has been optimised and possibly upgraded to work on PS5. Why not mention this in the article? I took that this was a PS5 upgrade as you can play using the DualSense controller, and not having to load old PS4 games onto a separate HDD and play using a PS4 controller, which Sony has discussed regarding other games via backwards compatibility.
@SilkySmile89 you are talking pure baloney
@naruball E+ article headline for a B+ rumour. Grading them is not enough though; they need tougher sentences! =0p
I hope this isn't true although it would explain why they haven't talked much about backwards compatibility if they plan on selling you games again rather than just updating the PS4 version to run better on PS5.
Is Sony really going to go all in on selling all these games to us again? 😕
Metal Gear remake, sure, anythng on that level deserves money, but remaster of first party PS4 games, paid for, no free upgrades.. It feels gross.
@David187 I need more than that. What is baloney ?
@LiamCroft It seems I didn’t see the rumor tag, but straight to reading “bb remaster is real” 😂
it seems like loads of remasters and remakes coming - whats wrong with new IPs?
PS Anyone know whats happening with Dying Light 2????
Does seems like Sony's plan this gen is to copy the PS4 first couple of years with the remasters and "complete editions".
Does feel a little tone deaf this time round considering Microsoft are bothering to make a decent console this time.
Wouldn't be surprised if we see a PS5 uncharted collection with Uncharted 4 redone front row and centre next.
Please don't be so predictable Sony, bring the A game.
@pip_muzz they should at least be honest and say that they don't want to invest in "PS5 patches" for free. I would rather pay a 5-10$ price for a PS5 enhanced edition than paying a full price for a remaster of a game I allready own just because it looks "shinier" and has 5 trophies additionally.
Yes spider-man I'm talking about you.
Isnt BB part of the PS+ Collection on the PS5, so would that be this rumored version or the original ps4 "boosted" to new gen specs.. Thats the only thing that makes me doubt this story
Yo, this console needs more original games and IPs. Bloodborne and MGS are dope, but they don't excite me about dropping $500 on a new machine.
@LiamCroft I personally think ''Bloodborne is rumoured to be coming to PS5 and PC'' would be a more straightforward title. I will admit, I had to read it twice because the first thing I read was ''real''. Just my two cents.
I loved the game, its one of my all time favourites. Am I going to pay 70 quid to play it again day one? Maybe if there are changes to pvp but otherwise ill wait. Bit deflated about a remaster of a game thats not that old.
Isn't ps5 backcompatible with ps4 games? Why remastering Bloodborne then?
Does it mean that we have to get used to basically "pay" for any visual update we will get on ps5?
The ability Game Pass has to boost your games on next Gen look more and more enticing each time.
Want Bloodborne in higher res? Pay up.
@arnoldlayne83 I think because not everyone has the game but i can be wrong.
How about a new Dark Cloud or Legend of Dragoon. I would love too see Warhawk or Socom too be resurrected.
So if this is real....it clearly seems to suggest it'll release on PC day and date. And then there will officially be precedent with Sony doing that with one if its exclusives.
And yet, people still want to believe that Sony isn't going the way of MS.
if you are asking why sony is remastering bloodborne on ps5 while its already coming to playstation plus. well... 70$. that's why. note: those ps+ collection games are not remastered
@Medic_Alert oh so basically I'm getting all the games I already collected through my subscription and this was just an incentive for people newly subscribing on PS5. Gotcha. Well I'm disappointed and I'm not paying for a remaster.
@art_of_the_kill With a game that came out years ago. If Bloodborne 2 comes out on PC at the same time, I'd agree with you. It's also not that new, like the original FFVII came out on PC just a couple of months after PS1. The key thing is that it wasn't on a Nintendo platform until 22 years later and was never on a Sega platform.
I mean, look at all the people that want a Mass Effect trilogy remaster. Right now you could play the ME trilogy in 4K at 60fps with improved textures, using a PS4 controller and your TV while sitting on your couch - but it'd be on your PC so millions of console-only gamers totally disregard that and still really want a console remaster. That said, you still want some exclusives.
@arnoldlayne83 because 70$ that's why
Mighty fine real rumor you've got there.... Anyways, does this game really need a remaster, its what 5 years old tops? Why can't they just do a "ps5 optimized" mode and charge people maybe 10-20 dollars for it so long as they can prove they own it.
@Ralizah just because 3 ps games now on pc doesn't mean they'll all be ported and besides Heavy Rain, beyond two souls, Detroit become human are from the dev team sony doesn't own plus they allowed Horizon Zero Dawn on PC cuz everyone should play it u won't see GOD OF WAR or spiderman or any other ps exclusive on pc or any other rival consoles on the other side Microsoft would love to put game pass on playstation but sony would never allow it better chance Microsoft trying to buy sony again never gonna happen
So it's not real, it's a rumour.
Quality clickbait journalism, there.
@Boxcar182 pretty dumb AF article
Is this hint?
It's PlayStation Blog(JP). Bloodborne's T-shirts and goods.
If this is happening, and it's a remaster, does that mean people who own it will get a free upgraded version? Ie the witcher III and other games. Or is it akin to a spiderman ps5 "remaster"
Honestly this gen, you are better off with a PC and a Switch. Best of all worlds. Finish your backlog and by the time you are done you can stream games on PS now to your PC or just buy them on PC.
@Tharsman Everyone knows selling PS4 "remasters" is totally unacceptable. Except Sony execs and Push Square staff.
I'd like to see it but I'm still not sure about it. Also, additional content seems too much of a dream come true.
@RudeAnimat0r That's why they're not only releasing remasters.
@rockertherockgod Who says there's something wrong with new IPs? We're still getting those.
I love Bloodborne, I love Metal Gear, I love Spiderman but damn there’s too many remasters of games I’ve played before right now...
No no no no no. I am a dyed in the wool, git gud, grant us eyes, Bloodborne fan. Loved it so much I got the platinum (I’m not really a trophy hunter but I just HAD to for Bloodborne). But a remaster right now is a TERRIBLE idea. If you want to push out new consoles it shall go like this:
Bloodborne 2 - then - Dark Souls 2 remaster - then - some souls like sci-fi game - THEN - Bloodborne remaster.
They need to get their messaging straightened out - the PS5 is already backwards compatible with PS4. Trying to re-sell remasters of relatively recent PS4 games (Spiderman, Bloodborne) is not alright by me and comes off as slightly desperate. PS3 remasters worked last gen because the PS4 was not backwards compatible. That is not the case anymore.
@Broosh Yea but the Old Hunters dlc isn’t included on PS Now, and if the additional content rumour is true, then that’ll be a better selling point.
After seeing Demons Souls Remake, I hope Bluepoint does this next. What a classic game! Would love to play it over with the DLC @60fps looking as good as the DeS PS5 game.
@Wavey84 pass on fully remastered bloodborne 4k 60fps with ray tracing and additional cut content and all the dlcs, improved aliasing and very high textures for.. demons souls? I think you lost your mind or don't have a mind. sorry
@Sanquine the PC is an open platform anyone can publish on and the game is still exclusive you won't be able to get it on the competitor's platform so what's the issue? it a great game and deserves a remaster I think and the PC guys will buy it like hot cakes me included I want to play again but no PS4 anymore it broke
@Broosh not necessarily depends on what version you are gonna get the PS4 version for the plus collection more than likely a direct port. the remaster probably gonna be enhanced and the rumored added content is more than enough incentive to buy I think
@SilkySmile89 actually as a developer myself who works doing C++ coding for character models and animations I think it's like this. I think that the hike in game prices is because cost of development is going up. they are adding things like ray tracing and higher HDR support more performance options they add up. that is also more than likely the reason both sony and microsoft are releasing on the PC at this point in time. exclusives are just becoming less financially responsible in the current market.
@Severian nice name btw and region locks are a thing on PlayStation?
@Falkirk4life I wouldn't be so sure about that. I work in this industry and it is undergoing a massive shift especially lately. I think the cost of games going up and the new pricey features of next gen such as ray tracing and higher HDR support the performance options etc... it's just less financially responsible to release and exclusive game at this point because of the razor thin profit margins. you will be seeing more and more PC ports and timed exclusives in the future. I know you won't like that but brace yourself it is coming.
@SeverinMadara I understand this, you can see everywhere that the price of living has gone up. I have nothing against developers expanding to PC or even Xbox. Finally everything will be multiplatform. But all this remasters are such a bad ideea especially for gamers who allready bought the game. Make at least a paid upgrade path, and newcomers can play the full price of the game. If you are honest and fair with your costumers they will continue to support your platform.
@SeverinMadara As far as save files, yes. My HK data does not get read by my US data.
The short story is, I bought Bloodborne Asian edition on disc. Downloaded the DLC with my US account. Incompatible.
Bought the American digital edition--it couldn't read my Asian data.
So: I put in over 100 hours in the Asian disc and now have to start over in the American digital purchase. I won't be buying it again unless they have significantly more content.
Ah I see sorry for your troubles good luck to you my friend
@SilkySmile89 I don't think they are being dishonest with you they are being sketchy and they are hiding thimgs. Corporations do this all the time it's not surprising really, but I believe the remaster is immensely important for the PC players who missed it. I played and loved the game myself but it ran poorly a 60FPS port would make it even more appealing
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