Now that The Last of Us: Part II has been available almost six months, Naughty Dog has decided to release an all-new story trailer which focuses on some aspects of the story kept secret prior to release. The video focuses on Abby, setting up the beats which lead to her revenge mission. If you haven’t played the game yet we’d probably recommend not watching it, although it’s a very good video.
“With the year winding down and new players picking up the game for the first time over the holidays, we’ve put together a new trailer that provides an expanded look at the story, and, for the first time, focuses on Abby’s emotional journey as it intersects and collides with Ellie’s,” senior communications manager Scott Lowe explained. “It explores her origins, the events that spark her search for vengeance, and the devastating repercussions that follow.”

The game recently won a bunch of awards at the Golden Joysticks, and is nominated for even more at The Game Awards next week. Will there be a PlayStation 5 remaster announced? And what’s going on with that multiplayer mode that Naughty Dog promised? We’re looking forward to a lot more The Last of Us news over the coming months.
Comments 60
Awesome trailer!
The comments section is going to be a hellscape on that video.
Giving me the feels all over again.
Great trailer. I wanna play it for the 4th time now.
@RBMango it already is, they 10000% gonna turn it off
No Factions news? No DLC news? No PS5 enhancement news?
Puzzling why this trailer came out today then, as good as it is.
I disliked the big creative decisions of this game. I found the story to be flawed and it was a dark game to get through during a dark year in real life but I have nothing but a good memory playing this game and I’m glad I bought it.
That is a freaking great trailer.
They should have put this trailer out before release instead of the misleading ones they did do.
This 100% should have been the original trailer. Mind you I was spoilt before I played it so nothing in this would have ruined it for me.
I really want to play it again on grounded on my PS5, but I know that an upgrade will be announced as soon as I do.
Lol of course ND release this trailer only now, if they're honest and release it before the games launch, I don't think the game will sell that much on the first month.
Seriously though, that's dishonest, ND know the story will be divise so they're doing everything they can in their trailers to make tlou2 story looks like "the adventure of joel & ellie" just like the first game. Considering the game fall out of npd chart after only 1 month (unlike ghost), yeah, Sony/ND marketing know what they're doing.
My prediction is sony gonna disable the comment section and trailer like/dislike ratio when the ratio fall more to the dislike rather than like.
Can’t wait to play it
What I mean by that is I’m getting it for Christmas
@wiiware I would have pre-ordered the game if this was the trailer. Instead with the first trailer I bought it a couple of weeks after launch. Movies do exactly what this trailer did and nobody complains. They can’t spoil the story in the trailer so they have to change things around.
@Waffles12415 I preordered the game digitally because of the trailer, if I knew this game is about abby and her band of friends I never preordered it and only bought it when it's discounted to $10
I hate the game dumb, misery porn story.
I preferred Abby's story over Ellie and found the second half of the game much more emotionally gripping. This was a story of actions having consequences. How one man's actions could absolutely destroy the lives of others unknowingly. There are no heroes or villains, simply survivors. Yet one man's decision had a ripple effect.
This game is absurdly good. Period.
@DonJorginho Maybe new content is being announced at the Game Awards next week.
Great trailer, but honestly I would be gutted if I watched that without playing the game, so many spoilers in it you think ND would put a warning of spoilers in the start of the video. Great game though might play it again over Xmas if I get the chance already plated it but only played on base ps4, so might give it a go on the ps5, or wait for an actual update from ND.
Love the game but absolutely hate the marketing
The comments section on that video:
@Waffles12415 Sorry but nope movie give you cliffhangers and leaving you guessing that different then what ND did they straight up LIED !!! Showing a trailer of Joel ALIVE later in the game when he was DEAD DEAD DEAD by then. ND knew if they showed joel DEAD this game would crash and burn and they had so much money invested in it that they didn't need people to like it but it had to sale.
Great trailer and honestly Abby was my favourite thing about the game and one of my favourite new characters of last gen.
@wiiware Trying to make out the game failed when it didn't again? Now whose being dishonest haha. Also right now at the time of posting 10K have liked the video compared to the minority what disliked at 3.7K.
I knew when I had Joel take a flamethrower to the entire hospital staff that there would be consequences - I just didn't realize how severe they would be
@wiiware It's the 4th best selling game of 2020 in the US.
The only exclusive game that sold better in 2020 was Animal Crossing.
@WallyWest @Voltan Yes, just like anthem sold a couple of million because of the hype trailer alone. But when people know the story isn't what they're expecting, the game isn't selling anymore. It's cheaper than ff7 remake in black friday sale.
Also the dislike is 4.7K now, I'm interested in seeing the like/dislike ratio at the end of the day.
LOU2 reminds me of Game of Thrones. They ended one of my favourite characters from season 1. How dare they do that. They should have just had everyone living happily ever after, because that's the impression I got when I heard it was about kings, queens, brutal deaths, sex, dragons. #Outrage
Yes everything else about it was technically brilliant, it left me guessing where the story would go, so in turn I found it thrilling - but after season 8 I refused to watch any more of it - and now it's on sale cheaper than yesterdays newspaper so I was obviously right. #teamsprouthatebecauseIdidn'tlikeit.
Right now I'm off to the Lion King homepage to spread more rage - didn't like what they did to Mufasa!
Have they announced any upgrade path for PS5? The game literally came out this year. You would think they would have planned for the PS5 as well. I refuse to buy it until there is a statement on whether we have to pay for a remaster or it gets improvements for free like Days Gone. I find this very odd that none of the Naughty Dog games play much better on the PS5. I would love to play all of their games in 60fps or more.
Ill get it when it has some PS5 bells and whistles
Is this a dlc or a stand alone, akin to lost legacy
Man, some of the most respected movie directors and even game directors (Hideo Kojima f.e.) subvert expectations and mislead audiences, in order to surprise, shock etc. Why does ND get the blunt stick for that? The biggest internet pansies go as far to say that they've been "lied" to, get a grip.
At least they had the decency of cutting out the 'older' joel and fake lines that they attributed to him.
Unpopular opinion. Spiderman was better than last of us 2. Should ve been an hbo series instead
While I personally didn't like the story I would still say if asked that it was a great game, it should get all the goty awards that it will probably receive. I just wish Naughty Dog puts TLOU and the Uncharted ips to sleep and make a new IP after they release the multiplayer.
I absolutely loved this game but I agree that it suffered from severe marketing missteps. The pre release trailers really rode the coattails of the first game instead of presenting this sequel as it’s own unique thing, which I think is ultimately more enticing. This is a fantastic trailer and for me, should have been the direction they went in from the very beginning. It gives nothing away outside of altering your perception of who Abby is for the first 2 hours of a 30 hour game. Instead of cleverly fooling the audience, they pulled a cheap trick and honestly they paid for it. Life is a learning experience and I’m looking forward to what they do next.
@wiiware 16K are now liking it vs 6K disliking it, the likes increased by 6K while the dislike only increased by 3K so yeah. Also Ghost was going cheaper then FF7 Remake, come on you should know that Sony always discounts its exclusives by a lot in various sales, Spider-Man and GoW were going cheap within a few months after release. Fact is the game has sold, loved by the majority of players and is winning player voted awards. You lost buddy except it and stop twisting facts and making up stuff as it just makes you a hater troll.
Almost through the game, and I love it. Abby, too. But now I want a ps5 optimized patch for my next playthrough.
@Texan_Survivor I don't take it seriously but check who my comment was replying to because that person very much takes it seriously hence why i used his logic against.
Probably to remind people why it will be at TGA
@Hopewell this isn't Mario
@AdamNovice omg stop whining
I suggest this short, no ***** review from Zero Punctuation to everyone :
Man I am glad I played the game before this came out as it has spoilers all over it. Not knowing Abby, and her plight was what TLOU2 a great follow up
@WallyWest Hey, I'm just a normal tlou1 fan that don't like tlou2 story, it's great that you like it, but we'll know the game is successful or not maybe 1 year after the game release date, if it sell better than tlou1 in the 1 year period than maybe the game is more successful than the first one.
The like/dislike ratio is 23K/11K, nearly half of the people didn't like the game/trailers, compare that to the fist game, yeah I think most people like the first game more 😃
@Voltan Can you provide numbers for that? No one can ever seem to provide sales numbers outside the 1st month/few weeks when it comes to TLOU2.
@wiiware your comparison between Ghost and TLOU2 is flawed, but you're once again transparent as a window.
You're comparing a well established IP with huge preorders with a new IP that didn't sell anywhere near as much. Of course at some point TLOU2 would disappear from the charts. There are only so many people interested in the game in the first place.
And people like you bashing it every single time there's an article about it, definitely dissuades people who are on the fence from giving it a try. Congrats, I guess?
@Texan_Survivor Of course those ones will have a lot of likes. It's like posting a video making fun of women on 9gag. Incels will upvote it like their life depends on it.
I think it may be time for my second play through. I really enjoyed it, I get what they were trying to do, but Abby's story was just a little too long for me and I didn't really connect with her. But, the game-play was just awesome.
@WallyWest it's like the US election
@naruball I actually want to know are the people that didn't like the game story is just a fraction of tlou1 fans, or a large part of it. I guess we have to wait maybe about 1 year after the game launch for the sales data.
Cucc boys thats all I see
@readyletsgo I agree that I didn't connect with her on the first play through but I guess it was because of my loyalty to Joel and Ellie. Having said that, on the 2nd play through I found that I actually had a lot of sympathy for her, after what happened to her father and the relationship she built with Lev, shows she is actually a very caring person and would do anything for the people she loves, including becoming strong and giving up her love of her life to someone else. I think when you see her through these eyes, you'll gain a deeper appreciation for who she is, yes you might still not like her but will understand her motives better
@Emperor_Rusty yeah that's what I'm thinking, second play through will open her up more for me.
Just felt it was too long of a campaign for her. Maybe if her story was first, or if we didn't know the whole joel story until the end, might have landed better for me.
Still though, loved it!
@Menchi aw *****, it was just a ranking with no specific numbers unfortunately but the source seemed legit. I'll try to find it again. Anyways - I think it had Call of Duty, Madden (those were US stats) and Animal Crossing in the top 3 and Ghost of Tsushima was 5th
New story trailer? Looks like snippets from her playthrough?
@eltomo new story trailer as in "new trailer featuring story", not "trailer featuring new story"
Loved playing as Abby.. even ‘role-playing’ lol jk
I'm assuming this was created in a sad effort to make more people have sympathy for Abby, well I can tell you in my case its NOT working I still HATE that Bitch and I'm still pissed that ND took away my Choice to skin her alive on that pole. ND can premote Neil Cluckman to whatever position they like he still a backstabbing, lying POS in my book.
@SurvivorGirl1 why do you hate her do much? What you have done if you were in her situation? Ironically based on you name, I would have guessed you'd have done the same as her. Best way to view Abby is not in the eyes of Ellie but in the eyes of Abby
Gaming for grown ups. There is nothing like this game, nor will there be.
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