According to the LinkedIn page of David Bull, Global Marketing Leader at PlayStation, Marvel's Spider-Man has sold more than 20 million copies since its September 2018 launch on PlayStation 4. That's an absolutely astounding statistic that builds upon the already supremely impressive 13.2 million sales from back in August 2019. We wouldn't take this as gospel — it is sourced from a LinkedIn page rather than the PlayStation Blog — but if true, it is clear proof of why Sony has invested so much into the marketing of Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales on PlayStation 5.
The LinkedIn profile reads: "Broke sales records with a recognized marketing campaign for Marvel's Spider-Man. Sold 3.3MM in the first three days, and over 20 million units globally." The Spider-Man brand really is a beast. Were you one of those 20+ million players? Get nostalgic about one of the best PS4 exclusives in the comments below.
[source linkedin.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 38
I bought it twice! Once in Hong Kong and once in the UK so I could play the DLC that I stupidly downloaded from the UK PSN store. Then got burned out on it halfway through the first DLC.
Find it a bit creepy to be stalking someone's Linkedin profile for news???
@Iroha Whatever you think of that, I'm not the one who did the creeping.
@LiamCroft lol ok
Spiderman is better than God of War for me. Less repetitive, more creative missions. Much better city to explore in Spiderman.
I hate that everyone says that good sale of the game is because of Marvel tag not because how good the game was.
Insomniac deserve the plaudits. Just next time no stealth segment and we be golden lol.
@jess3a3 unpopular opinion but I didn't like God of War to many puzzles and not enough bosses or enemy variety.
@L3GTRIGA yea I know what you mean. Although it did probably help sales. Me on the other hand was other way around I'm not big on superhero's but when I kept on hearing how good it was I decided to give it a go and loved it. Got my ps5 tomorrow and got the ultimate edition so will play miles first then play the other with dlc after that. Hopefully miles is as good.
@God_of_Nowt You wind up lol.
@L3GTRIGA meh, don't bother with those people. Anyone with a functioning brain could just take a look at the sales of all Spider-man games and see the vast difference with ps4 one. It's that simple.
The best Superhero game I've played and I'm a Batman fanboy, well deserved
I must admit I never understood the love for Marvel (and especially not Spidey). And have tried buying Marvel comics and games over the years (almost 40 years).
Guess I will always be DC man when it comes to superheroes.
@L3GTRIGA Well that's not to say the Marvel tag DIDN'T help though
Spider-Man being attached to it probably sold like a million copies in of itself regardless of the final product, especially since 2018 was a pretty major year of resurgence for the character with him in Infinity War, the relaunch of his comic series and Into the Spider-Verse coming out like 3 months later
@shgamer I think the difference between Marvel and DC stems from their character roster. I find that DC tends to focus a lot on the concept of gods among men and more abstract threats and imagery. That's not to say Marvel hasn't done any of that considering cosmic characters like Phoenix, Nova, Captain Marvel and obviously the integration of Norse mythology through Asgard, but the most appealing characters to the casual crowd are those who deal with human problems and view their powers initially as a curse since they'll never be able to go back to living a normal life, but eventually learn to live with and cultivate them. That's what naturally gravitated many of us to characters like Spider-Man, Daredevil and the Hulk. They're humans with real life and real world problems, and the fact they have superpowers basically adds additional problems on top of that
I would go so far as to say give me Plasticman over Spiderman any day (they're both a bit wimpy looking, but Plasticman is a lot cooler IMO).
Well done!
I really enjoyed the game but overall I thought the story was too short and the map too small. Hopefully they will improve these in the sequel.
There are plenty of PS exclusives that I preferred (Inc Days Gone!) and I still think Arkham Knight was the better superhero game but I get the appeal of Spidey. It's a bright, fun game with decent combat but a thrilling method of traversal. In the sequel though I hope they cut down on the Mary Jane missions!
That's. Not. ENOUGH.
@jess3a3 That's a tough one. I respectfully disagree. Outside of the main story Spider-man was very repetitive. The narrative is handled well in both games, but I'm giving it to GoW. A brilliant script and a re-invention of an old style.
@TheFrenchiestFry You're probably right about the 'cosmic' (kryptonite, Superman's home planet etc.) thing , but I must say Superman, Green Lantern etc. were never my favourite characters.
It was much more some of the more "earthly" characters like Batman, Green Arrow, Black Canary etc. I liked.
Woot!... amazing. I Sure was 1 of them
Those sales are Digital Artist jobs in Burbank, California. Sony Studios/PlayStation put a lot of food on the table here in the US 😎
Anyone who says that it sold that much beacuse of the Marvel tag just need to take a look to another game with the Marvel tag called Avengers. And that one released on three(four counting stadia) platforms.
@Lobbo95 Well Avengers already had bad word of mouth going into it and people were already turned off by the GaaS model so it's not like the odds were perfectly in their favor. That and arguable Spider-Man is more iconic than any of the Avengers characters by himself even in a post-MCU world. They even stuck him onto the front covers of Marvel games where we wasn't even necessarily the main focus like the Ultimate Alliance series and the Marvel vs. Capcom games
I bought it twice. Gave the first one away. Then grabbed the goty edition.
Batman is the greatest and coolest superhero there is.
Best films.
Best games.
Best score.
Best car.
Best villains.
Best costume.
Deal with it.
Spidey ain't too shabby either.
Yup, bought it day one on ps4, will buy it again when I have ps5
@Col_McCafferty let's agree to disagree on films, games, and costume.
@TheFrenchiestFry well maybe you're right. As you say the gaas elements didn't help much.
20 million copies sold, that's a LOT of profit. Shame they couldn't use some of it to provide us with an upgrade path for next-gen version.
@Lobbo95 Nah, best films, games and coolest AND most iconic costume all belong to the Bat.
Batman can even make Robert Pattinson cool.
But Spidey is great as well, was my favourite as a kid.
£50 X 20,000,000 = £1,000,000,000
A billion squid.
Now why are we having to pay £70 a flipping game?
@Col_McCafferty and if we agree both are best?

@themcnoisy I got mine for £12.50 from PS Store earlier this year.
@L3GTRIGA I already argued against this before Avengers came out. People argued that the Avengers game would sell better than Spider-man and the Witcher 3. Games like Spider-man and Witcher 3 sold well because of their high quality. Avengers clearly didn't have that and has suffered as a result.
Big time achievement for Insomniac and well deserved.
Twas my 1st platinum and loved it so much i actually replayed it (rarely replay games)
Going to get the Remastered version on PS5 too because i love it so much
@themcnoisy Yeah they dont get 50 a game. Making the game, distribution, adverticement, stores get some of the cash too sell it.
Spiderman was a pretty amazing game. Ive played alot of games and have a short attention span but i got the plat for spiderman so i must have liked it. 95% through Morales now and whilst its more of the same its not really a bad thing.
EASY money for SONY so I get why they wanted this on PS4 to(+ Horizon 2) I still want next-gen games to only be next-gen tho but SONY could make BILLIONS bringing he new God of War to PS4 to(but don't tell them that tho)
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