Sony’s published a list of PlayStation 4 games that won’t currently play on the PlayStation 5 through backwards compatibility. The good news is that selection is extremely small at this stage, and the manufacturer has reiterated that the “overwhelming majority” of its current-gen console’s library will be compatible with its fresh format – many of which will also support the system’s Game Boost feature, which “may make PS4 games run with a higher or smoother framerate”.
The following games, however, cannot be played on the PS5, and will be marked appropriately on the PlayStation Store to reflect this:
- Afro Samurai 2 Revenge of Kuma Volume One
- TT Isle of Man - Ride on the Edge 2
- Just Deal With It!
- Shadow Complex Remastered
- Robinson: The Journey
- We Sing
- Hitman Go: Definitive Edition
- Shadwen
- Joe's Diner
How do you feel about this, then? The list is relatively small and seems pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but perhaps you’d been holding out on one of these titles, and were eager to play it on the PS5. It’s unclear why the titles aren’t supported by backwards compatibility, but presumably it comes down to some programming quirks that are causing issues. You can find out more on PS5 backwards compatibility through here: PS5 Backwards Compatibility: Can You Play PS4 Games on PlayStation 5?
[source support.playstation.com]
Comments 110
Surely the Internet won't be upset over this!
I have tomb raider go on ps4 but luckily the game seems compatible with ps5 although hitman go isn't.
Aside from Shadow Complex, I'm not interested in any of the games listed. So that's a relief for me.
I don't think I own any of those so not affected. If anymore do crop up, my PS4 Pro will be connected in the Bedroom if I have any burning desire to play them.
At least there is more BC games than the PS4 offered - LOL
If this is the whole list, then Sony has really messed up the communication.... Guilty of being too precise and left-brained.
I’d honestly like to know why Hitman Go doesn’t work. I assume We Sing is due to a peripheral but it would be interesting to see what’s holding back some of these games.
Oh wow, that's a pretty small list. I was expecting a range of 20-50 games.
@get2sammyb you obviously don't know the internet - there will be people complaining its 100% of the games with EVERY ONE getting a major upgrade to PS5 standard for FREE...
No "we sing" no deal. Pre-order cancelled.
Got to love the title of the 4th game for not being backwards compatible 😂
@nessisonett It would be interesting to know what's going on with these games in particular, yeah. Think we can be very satisfied with such a microscopic list, though!
That's basically my entire catalog right there.
So is this the final list, or will be more games added in the future? when they find out said games won't work with ps5
I was expecting Driveclub to be blocked, even though it works single player with the disc on PS4 now.
Since i wont sell my 2 ps4’s i does not matter to me.
@Brasilkilla Potentially more will be added, but considering these are the types of titles they've had to test to find any faults, I think you can be pretty confident your favourite games will play fine.
So delisted games like PT will work? I find it a bit bizarre.
I was interested in Shadow Complex too bad, now what about my saves from my games would they carry over or I have to start from zero?
Great, now this can be put to bed as an issue. I've been concerned but pretty safe to assume most mainstream games will work!
@get2sammyb I'll take that bet.
Shadow Complex is a classic, wht the hell????
Much fewer games will be incompatible than I thought, so that's good, and I'm pretty sure even PS2 didn't play every PS1 game. Would be interesting to know why these didn't make the cut.
I’m really glad Rock Band made the initial cut. That’s one I was honestly worried about 😅
Cancelling my preorder, that I never got!! How dare sony not...hold on, gotta check the list again...upgrade Titties of Man!?
@Sub-Xero hahaha! money will spent!
I'm sure the expansive Joe's Diner community is up and arms about this!!
Glad all this is out, answered some of my questions as well.
I forgot Afro Samurai 2 even (briefly) existed! Too bad that one didn't pan out.
None of those titles are a deal breaker for me.
Now I just hoping to get PS5 ad launch with Spider Man and AC: Valahala + Cyberpunk 2077.
@get2sammyb also talk of game boost to potentially have higher framerates, presumably those with unlocked framerates that don't hit 60fps and confirmation that PS4 save files work on PS5
@artemisthemp that's exactly the trio I've got with my PS5
That's a very small and minor list. I was expecting a lot more, featuring a couple of well known games.
Forgot about Shadwen. I don't even think they fixed the ps4 port yet.
Robinson: The Journey is an interesting one. That alone being on the list tells us most other PSVR games are fine. But I do wonder why that one in particular doesn't work. Nothing about it seemed particularly different from any other PSVR game.
Though I'm a bit gutted. Now where will I go any time I want crippling migraines and nausea?
I won't be losing any sleep over that list
Shame about Robinson the Journey, but it is indeed a very small selection. Should hopefully ***** people up now.
@get2sammyb Yep, it’s smaller than I expected to be honest. Surprised at games like Guitar Hero Live and Rocksmith seemingly having full PS5 support.
This list will grow surely this isn’t it? If it is I’m more than happy
@carlos82 Guess you also went with Cyberpunk 2077 due to Studio Project Red name alone.
Spider-man due to first one being pretty good and AC Valahala since you just can't stop playing AC
Shadow Complex: Remastered can be remastered
I only own shadow complex, so not a big deal. What is joes diner?
@artemisthemp not far off, Keanu Reeves certainly helped and its looked excellent so far. Weirdly I've never finished an Assassin's Creed game but really enjoyed the 2 recent games so maybe I'll finish it this time and I platinumed Spider-Man 😃
I'm sure all four people who bought that Afro Samurai game will be devastated.
The only title I've even heard of on this list is Shadow Complex.
@carlos82 don't forget PS5 Spider-man won't take your PS4 save (I think).
Then again was planing on Playing my PS4 copy, yet I most likely need a second DualSense and the charger (because I'm lazy)
@ellsworth004 a lot of crap
@get2sammyb I will assume all 3 shenmues will be playable,and yakuzas?
@artemisthemp I'd have started again anyway, my save file was 100%
@Medic_Alert Pretty much, yes. Legally they can't say that, but that's what this list tell us.
@hulkie If it's not on this list, it works.
What a loss, those Xbox fans were right. Time to cancel my preorder.
@Gamer83 The only PS1 games that didn't work on PS2 (that I know of at least) are MGS Special Missions and GTA London, those only worked if you had the slim, top loading PS2. Anything that was an expansion disc basically.
@belmont Maybe they forgot about it entirely
So I should be able to transfer over P.T?
That's verr nice, a great success
South Park mob noises
In reality nobody should be that upset. I am glad sony told us.
@get2sammyb you never know... There is always that guy that doesn't play We Sing in PS4 but will be upset...
Shadow Complex is the only one that matters imo, hopefully it will get supported later. And hopefully the others do for anyone who wants them.
Seriously Hitman and Lara Croft Go are great though. Especially as mobile titles
@get2sammyb awesome!!
mostly trash games so no worries from me. hitman go is great but it really doesn't matter at this point since there are so many ways to play it (vita, mobile, pc, ps4 etc).
If this is all then I'm perfectly fine with it.
I don't own any of those games anyways...I think. Ugh my brother just has too many PS4 games that l can't keep a track.
Love the fact Sony felt it necessary to state “ PS4 game discs can’t be used with the PlayStation®5 Digital Edition” 😂
Odd that the first "TT Isle of Man" apparently is compatible, but the second is not. What nefarious tech did Bigben add under the cover of darkness? Hmmmm... I want Doritos.
If this is it then I'd argue PS5 has full backwards compatibility, most of those I didn't know existed till now.
So at least for me, it is technically 100% BC.
I suppose I could just buy Shadow Complex on XBox if I really got the urge to replay it as I would like to be able to get rid of my PS4 completely.
I wonder how conclusive this list actually is - the omission of PT has me a bit skeptical.
A little thought for all the journalists (especially from DF and Eurogamer) who had such a hard time understanding :
'Results are excellent! We recently took a look at the top 100 PS4 games....'
And people will still rage about it haha
@carlos82 wait you getting Ultimate edition?
@ztpayne7 I'm with you on that, major worries about this, just hoping ps3 guitar still work as ps4 ones are incredibly expensive now!! 😀
@artemisthemp yeah, I fancy another go with some ray traced reflections
@aric201812 I wouldn't mind them providing some kind of way to make it possible to digitize a game so long as the person can prove they actually owned the disc. Like how ultra violet DVDs and stuff worked even if it was for a fee.
Lol. "Just Deal With It !"
You gotta love the irony !
It's nothing that I play so I don't care. I do think it's kind of ironic that one of the games is titled, just deal with it. 🤣
Finally some news, those games are 100% irrelevant lol. I'm glad backwards compatibility is officially a thing!
10 games that I don't own or even remotely care to ever own won't be playable on PS5 on day 1!? I am outraged!!
Oh weird, it's almost as if people online blew the backwards compatibility issue way out of proportion.
@carlos82 You have a point it's a good way to compare if they upgraded anything or just blow steam out their ass.
Other than Shadow Complex which is a classic, i can't give a s--t about any of these.
Anyone think that the "issues" they've been talking about when it comes to PS4 games that DO work on the PS5 just have to do with online features, for the most part?
I thought there were some others but maybe I'm not remembering correctly.
Complete disregard for the Joe's Diner community, arrogant Sony at its worst
This is a lot better than I expected. That's it then, after my AC Odyssey playthrough is done I'm going to leave my PS4 alone and carry over my backlog to PS5!
Genuinely gutted about Hitman Go!
That and Tomb Raider Go are two of the best puzzle games on PS4!
Literally my top 10. Not happy.
@aric201812 true... but maybe some people thought it might be possible to do a transfer (via ps4 hdd) between ps4 physical to ps5 digital? its not completely beyond the relm of possibility. it would just be a transfer of game license(s) from one console to the other when you break it down, but obviously sony wouldn't do it and would prefer that people re-purchase their games on ps5.
Those 10 games are my favourite games ever!!!...only joking I am thinking of waiting now to play my 6 big PS4 Exclusives I still haven't played yet on the PS5 now
Doesn't matter because none of those games are on PS4 for my region.
Might look into trading my PS4 in for a PS5 seeing as every game i own will be playable
It's strange that Sony's messaging about BC was so fractured and confusing when they could have easily just said all PS4 games will be backwards compatible from the beginning and assuaged all fears immediately. There's barely any non-compatible games here, I think 99.9% of PS4 games being supported qualifies as "all" in a functional sense.
Could be they didn't know at the time or the list isn't yet complete.
In any case, good news!
Bummer for Shadow Complex and Hitman Go. These are good games. Hope they will get a PS5 reedition.
Nothing that I will miss here being such a small list
If they would have showed this list 6 months ago they could have saved themselves a lot of criticism. With all due respect to these games, we can assume these aren’t the games people were biting their nails over not being compatible
This is such a weird list, I'm genuinely very interested in what it is about these specific titles that causes an issue.
@Mega-Gazz I was thinking the exact same thing. What the hell were they thinking? I was expecting a list 100+ games long.
I reviewed Shadwen, and if memory serves, the PS5 is now objectively better for it not being on there.
Canceling my preorder
If that's we've lost, it seems like no big deal! Was expecting a much bigger list
Never been so glad to have bought a game on Xbox. TT Isle of Man 2 is probably the best bike racing game I've played this gen (better than Ride 3 and Moto GP) so that not working is very strange. Especially since it only came out a few months ago.
So, taking Sony at their word that about 4000 games have been released for PS4 (though Wikipedia only lists 2943...), the incompatibility rate is around 10/4000 = 0.25%.
That makes Sony's public estimate of "99% compatibility" not only safely correct, but pretty close to the actual best estimate they could've given - even the next natural step of claiming 99.9% compatibility would have been a lie.
Kudos to accurate and precise messaging.
Probably, many gamers played there, and have been satisfied.
No problem.
@nessisonett Do we need too make a effort for such a list? Shadwen is so bad im happy its not working. Afro Samurai was not too great either.
@zupertramp What that avatar i thought you had more class come on. 😆
You know what. A little while ago I listened to JFK assassination live reporting again. What a contrast with nowadays reporting. 'We heard 3 shots, repeat, we heard 3 shots', 'The secret agent said he is dead, the first lady said oh no, there is no official word, repeat no official word' etc etc
That was reporting.
I only focus on gaming news now because it's too depressing but the press doesnt know how to report facts anymore. I see it every day. Every day poor, misleading, biased or even agenda reporting
@get2sammyb no but I’m upset about finding out shadow complex is on PS4 and I had no idea! Love that game!
Just to point out if assassins creed unity runs at 60fps on xbox series x wouldn't it also run 60fps on ps5 aswell since both can run up to 4k/8k 60fps or 120fps
As obscure titles go, this list is full of them.
NO! Not Afro Samurai!!!! 😢😭😭
I completely cockahoop that Life of black tiger will work on my new Ps5. I will be loading this up for another playthrough right away!
At least they're games most people care nothing about.
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