Media hub and streaming app Plex will be available on PlayStation 5 at launch, according to the company. A Reddit user shared a conversation with the company, where it confirmed that the client will be available day one on Sony’s next-gen console:
This comes after the confirmation of several other media clients earlier in the week, and you can see the full selection of all PS5 apps through the link. Will you use Plex at all? Stream your chain of consciousness in the comments section below.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 29
I love my internal Plex setup. Still not got round to paying for the lifetime version yet though
what is plex? never heard of it. sounds dodgy af
Crunchyroll was already confirmed as well!
wow is plex still going
@LemonHaze Yeah, I don’t think Plex-provided TV shows or movies are much of a draw for anyone.
The main benefit of Plex is that it provides a way to organize and view your own media collection. I recently ripped backups of my CDs, DVDs, and Blu-rays before moving most of my collection into storage - and Plex makes it easy to access all of them just by connecting my external hard drive.
I also find it an aesthetically pleasing UI, which helps.
So yeah - Plex isn’t great as an alternative to Netflix (etc.), but it is great if you have your own library of music and movies that you want to keep organized and accessible.
What is wrong with VLC Sony We need a decent video player in our next Generation Console.........geez it it really that difficult.
@LemonHaze Not sure if you are serious? Plex (recently-ish) added some pretty terrible free movie and tv selections, but that's a tiny side feature (that I honestly hope they remove at some point) that doesn't really have anything to do with its real usage.
For anyone not aware of what Plex actually is, it takes your own media library, and puts a Netflix like UI around it. Complete with trailers, screenshots, box art, reviews, etc... It even has the option to allow your library to be played from anywhere (if your home internet is good enough to serve up the media)
Never heard of it.
@LemonHaze It sounds like you didn't really understand what Plex was and were just commenting on one of its bonus features as if that's what Plex is. The confusion was whether or not you were trolling, or actually think that's the extent of Plex. In case its the latter: Plex is primarily an amazing media player for your own media, that does have some very limited (and mostly pretty terrible) free content.
Plex is great and use it all the time, good news.
I have been using Plex every day for at least two years. I have several terabytes full of 1080p movies lying on my NAS. I don’t know how it would be possible to organize all that without Plex. It’s THE best tool to stream content on your local home network.
I’m happy it will be on PS5 at launch 😉
well, it's good that there is a ps5 app. that said, the ps4 plex app runs sluggishly and crashes often so i don't know how well the ps5 app will perform. it is poorly optimized. you are better off getting yourself an amazon fire stick and running the plex app from there if you wish to stream your media collection to your tv. works flawlessly.
That's good news, means they're pushing app support from the very beginning. However when it comes to streaming video, I'm more interesting in the PS5's native Media Player app since 3rd party apps aren't likely to use all system capabilities like decoding certain formats. Plus they're never designed in-line with the system's philosophy when it comes to button functions etc.
I will stick with the open sourced UMS as my server. As for the Plex media player, its literally just a fork of Kodi hidden behind a Plex UI with less options. Plex does some pretty shady things that I don't want to get into here.
Plex is pretty great. Just wish it handled 4k. Also I've always just used the TV app but I guess if you've got a better connection with the PS5 then this is good.
Edit: it does 4K now.
I've been using Plex for almost a decade, so this is good news when my aging Android TV doesn't support newer formats.
@zupertramp Plex handles 4K just fine for me
@johnny30 it's like beeg.com
@Saucymonk I've never heard of that one either. I'm from the UK. Is this a US thing?
@conman15 is that a recent patch because it only streamed up to 1080 when I was using it. I stopped needing it after I bought a PC for the living room TV, pretty much specifically for 4K media.
Edit: Having looked into it a little, I guess it's had 4k capability for a bit now. Didn't realize it had been that long since I last used it.
@zupertramp You can also try Emby which will stream 4k content
@thefourfoldroot @johnny30 Plex is an app/service that streams any media related content you own from your PC (computer) to consoles, TVs etc.
All you need to do is create an account, install the app on both PC and console (or PC and TV), and you're good.
More info about Plex here: https://support.plex.tv/articles/200288286-what-is-plex/
That would be why I haven’t heard about it. Don’t have a PC. Sounds useful, especially for material less than honestly owned I guess!
@thefourfoldroot There is a method to stream media from your phone to a TV, console etc, but it needs to be an Android phone.
Let's hope in an option to keep all the non-gaming crap away from my next console and it's tiny SSD.
I'd love to turn it on for the very first time getting something like "Do you want to uninstall all the non-gaming apps and prevent any future download of non-gaming apps?"
Hopefully it supports proper Dolby Atmos passthrough
I use Plex a lot since Google Play Music went down. I've not really touched it on my PS4, though, can it play music while I'm gaming?
@LemonHaze I think you are the one that is confused. I don't need to google Plex I have used it for many years and it's just absolutely amazing. Nothing else even comes close.
Plex is a media player that uses your own movies and TV shows, and puts a really nice UI on top of it and allows you access to all your media (the media you already own) from almost any internet connected device, anywhere in the world..
My guess is that you didn't use Plex to serve up your own media, and just logged in to the client expecting it to be like Netflix, saw an included selection of terrible movies and shows, and assumed that that's what Plex is. It's not. That's a recent (and in my opinion, unwanted) addition to Plex.
Plex is for those that own hundreds of movies and shows and want to have a Netflix-like media player to play them. It is only as good as the media you add to it, and you can add anything.
It's an easy mistake to make, I hope this clears things up for you.
@LemonHaze What on earth are you even talking about? As a Plex user for many years I have tried to explain to you what Plex is because you seem to be confused about that. I have not tried to attack you in any fashion. In fact I believe its an easy mistake to make for someone going into Plex thinking its supposed to be a streaming service now that they added the movies and shows to it.
I don't actually think you have read any of my posts, so I am certainly wasting my time trying to explain it to you, since you don't seem to care about what the actual truth is and want to continue to spin your narrative.
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