In case you missed it, this is what the PlayStation 5 looks like from behind. The image – which appears to have been uncovered on a Chinese website – shows two USB ports, an HDMI port, an Ethernet port, and a power connector. All of the inputs are, as you’d expect, surrounded by vents, which all contribute towards the console’s purportedly silent operation.
The system’s distinctive shape is rather striking from this position, isn’t it? It bulges a little bit on one side due to the inclusion of the disc drive, giving it a lop-sided Coca-Cola bottle-like look. Are you satisfied with the available ports? Remember, there’s a further two USB connections on the front, although one is the smaller Type-C format.
[source vgtime.com, via psu.com]
Comments 83
3 USB ports, plus an extra USB C port. Pretty decent.
Ooh Matron, care for a spot of tiffin?
Oooohhh, look at its great big bottom
Baby got back
bit of a fat assssssssssssssssss
My anaconda don't.
I would prefer if it had more usb ports on the front
Shawty lookin' THIC
It would seemed I've logged onto "Carry on PlayStation" today with that header and sub-header 😂
There's never enough USB ports
But where's TOSlink?
@Medic_Alert It is a Kensington security lock from my understanding, yes!
@pip_muzz Gives a new meaning to ‘expandable storage’ (insert dirty old man laugh)
Isn't this from the previous ps5 showcase?
@NeoTechni No Toslink of course.. Need of upgrading system to HDMI one or wait for HDMI optical splitter by Astro Gaming.
The whole Sony approach has been odd just like the back of the machine. Think I will be keeping a PS4 for the next 12 months at least.
I like big butts and I cannot lie.
@nessisonett 😂😂
Why all the secrecy in the Japanese YouTube videos at the weekend about not showing the rear of the console? A power-hungry, internet enabled multimedia device like the PS5 unsurprisingly has a power cord, an internet port, and an AV out port on the back, along with some peripheral connectors - what was there to hide?
@NeuralDeclan A lady does not simply show off her ports and peripheral connectors on a first date 😉
Looks perfectly normal, no idea why they are so hesitant to show it off.
3 usb ports!??? (And a micro usb too).
External HDD
Headset dongle
Where's my PS camera go? I heard something about an adaptor, which will probably be a usb adaptor.
So run out of USB already, can I use a usb multitap for external drives, PSVR etc?
Not enough USB ports:
One of the back ones for a USB HDD.
The other back one for the new camera, or the free adaptor for the PS4 camera.
The front USB-A for the PULSE 3D dongle.
And I'll plug my PSVR in where? Adaptor into USB-C?
Hope that a USB3 hub will work if plugged into the back...
This is old news. It was shown in the PS event when they announced the price.
@Futureshark I've been doing these kinds of calculations as well! I also feel like I'm going to end up one short.
Now that's what I call ventilation. These, as in production units, are starting to drop into the hands of Devs in decent quantities now. So I fully expect journalists to get hands on soon, particularly for reviews. If stuff doesn't leak in the next week or two... well... it's going to be shocking.
This was revealed a while ago at the ps event.
@God_of_Nowt My TV has optical, but there's noticable lag when used for PS4. No coaxial unfortunately.
We shall see about the splitter, dedicated with no-latency for PS5 should be released ($60). Others on the market have latency or do not passthrough all the nice stuff from PS5 (4k, 120Hz,..). T
Plenty of connection points for me then. PSVR, TV. Erm...that’s all I’ll need I think. Bigger storage and smaller games means an external HDD will never be needed thankfully.
The ports are all normal but this means that you need to remove one of the sides in order to connect the external SSD.
No power switch?
I'm going to put my cable right into that HDMI slot.
Not that great to look at, but you still would.
@nessisonett what are you implying about miss series X then, who's been through the hands of two dozen YouTubers already, ports and all? 😳
I’m gonna miss the optical port. It’s how I connect my PS4 to my sound system without getting any audio lag ARC creates an approx 1 second lag that’s just too jarring to ignore.
@get2sammyb maybe they finally let you connect the headphones to the console without the need for a dongle. Obviously thats a big maybe
T H I C C E S T Console Around
so l take it the camera plugs in with USB? either that or it's wireless. no more special connection for it anywho
@deathaxe I hope so. I miss the days of hooking up my old Ericsson bluetooth headset as a mic.
The side panels make this thing look weird, it's so thin on the bottom right but the left side and the top of both sides are a bit bulky, looks like a penguin about to trip over its own feet.
If you rub it does a Jeannie come out?

Glad to see so many vents. Seems like Sony listened (and responded) to all the noise complaints of the PS4.
Showing off it hip's and trunk, pure dirt.
I mean this been out for weeks but looks good
So this is what happened to 2b after her death.
I presume the ps5 camera is a straight usb ? If so I’m happy with this the other one can be taken up by the PSVR usb and I can still have the wires hidden in the back of the tv stand - it’s all shaping up nice - plus I remember reading in here I think that Sony will send you an adaptor so you can use the current cam with ps5 too , very generous of them
No scart? I've a bag full. I'm not throwing them, they'll come back in the moment I do.
@Yaycandy There are sensors on the front for turning it on/off and opening the disc drive. No actual buttons.
@Medic_Alert https://i.insider.com/5ee3cae7aee6a82621271b88?width=700&format=jpeg&auto=webp
From what I've read these are purported to be soft-touch/sensors and not real buttons but they could be actual physical buttons I guess. It'd be nice if we were told this information as part of a console teardown but that doesn't seem like it is going to happen.
Shawty thicc 🤤
Never thought this site would come down to showing such pictures.
I'm more curious about what it looks like next to my TV... With the controller in my hands and me playing a game.
@Unffclcntrllerpd Do we have confirmation or details on the adapter? So far I haven't seen anything official, so it's kind of frustrating as my PSVR will sit unusable otherwise once PS5 replaces my Pro.
@710King @Medic_Alert If they went back to capacitive touch switches, I will rage so hard. They were a menace on PS3 Phat and PS4 Eraser. My PS4 was once running for 3 months straight and I had no idea because it just turned itself on without me knowing more than once because something must have brushed by it. That happened multiple times, though not as long as that once. I was so happy when the Pro went the PS3 Slim route and went for real buttons.
@NEStalgia im pretty sure the ps blog confirmed the adaptor will be provided free of charge and said more info will follow regarding how you go about getting one.
How long that will be, who knows
@LemonHaze yes, they have to do it.
Gurl, you thiccah than a bowl of oatmeal.
are you serious about this topic? coz back of the console literally shown at the last showcase from Sony.
chef’s kiss just beautiful
@thefourfoldroot Errr... Too bad it's less storage, and despite what has been said, most likely bigger games.
Accept that the launch PS4 I have has 500gb, 408gb available for games. So ps5 has more storage space. Plus the games announced are smaller in size by around a third...so...
I also think there will be the chance in multiplatform games to download 4K textures or not (given the series s and x will require different options in that respect this gen), plus it’ll be common to be able to remove the installation of, for example, multiplayer maps and such as long as devs play ball.
So, I have no issues. Especially as I commonly have around 100gb of space available of my 408gb limit.
Boy that console is theeeiiiiic.
Sony showing new pics of PS5 from behind.

Thank god ny samsung tv has an optical port, i can still use my surround sound and 2 15", an 10" subs. Whew
If this is Sony's marketing strategy to spoon feed information to people ... I'm getting really disappointed. Since the July announcement I personally got less and less excited. I will just wait untill next year to get the PS5 from a store shelf and wait to see some reviews.
@NeuralDeclan - yea, i was thinking that too.
@Medic_Alert it is a kensigton security slot yes
@I_Like_It xbox have done the exact same thing they havent even shown any accessories or anything yet so i think sony is doing better on this one
@deathaxe 100%
@NEStalgia it’s on Sony site and has been reported by pushsqaure . Sony say more details will be announced the adaptor as we get closer to launch so I’d say they will announce how to get one soon
Sad they removed optical out. A lot of sound systems still use that. Glad I picked up a HDMI to optical converter earlier in the year.
@nessisonett Please use this gif more.
So the back looks better than the front. :')
I don't want any cable(s) coming out of the front of the console and ruining the sleak lines. Rather have 4 usb slots on the back.
The back of it looks well SEXY to!!! I might get 2 so I can see it from the front and back at the same time
Can't wait to try out my 6tb of PS4 games on it knowing my luck it'll be a reformat lol
I knew this would happen because Sony’s prone to taking features off consoles! Heck they did this with the last generation of PS4 as well😔 Remember that cool feature that was on the PS3? That never happened on the PS4? “No change your voice!” As well as other things as well and “Home” never was established on the PS4 as well- sad but true. And now this?! Sorry 😔 but we need more USB ports etc. That console is not cheap as well because you’re going to have buy new controllers etc! So add it 🆙$399.99 $499.99 plus don’t forget tax as well 🤔😦🤑🤭
@pip_muzz Sony Pictures presents...
Do we know how fast the rear USB ports are. If they are 3.2 10 GB/s one port will out gun everything on the PS4. At full speed moving games from USB storage to main storage will be a snap. I'm hoping to plug both next gen consoles into my NAS via USB. It will open up 30TB of storage. Think I'll be good for a long time with that!
I wanna smack it from behind and stick MY TYPE C into the A$$ !!! Aaand hopefully it calls me daddy thru the speaker port on the controller !!!
Can't wait to fill all 3 of 'er slots if you know what i mean
with the HD camera, controller dock, and PSVR2 of course
Hideous console. So disappointed in Sony. Please get rid Mark Cerny
@SillyGamingIndus The Ps5 is designed that way to keep the components cool.
Or did you want a black box like the Series X? You do realize that EVERYBODY that got the review console early is reporting that the console gets VERY hot??? Not enough ventilation will cause a console to overheat and break.......... REMEMBER the Xbox 360 RROD?
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