We all thought Assassin's Creed Valhalla was launching on the 17th November — as per a leaked advertisement — but it's actually arriving sooner than expected. On PS4, anyway.
Ubisoft has confirmed that Valhalla will release on the 10th November (coinciding with the launch of the Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X). Since we still don't have a PS5 console release date, we don't know when the open world adventure will arrive on Sony's next-gen machine. Although it's fair to assume that Valhalla will be part of the PS5's launch lineup.
Are you looking forward to Assassin's Creed Valhalla? Will you be holding out for the PS5 version? Hurl an axe into the comments section below.
Comments 25
Can't wait. I love Odyssey but it does have its flaws so I'm looking forward to them possibly fixing them in the new one. Also Vikings are cool. It'll be cool to actually go to Birmingham (where I'm from) in the game, too. It was founded around 200 years before the game is set but didn't really grow until about 300 years after the game is set, so it'll be interesting to see what's actually there. If it's even there at all...
Series x same day then hopefully ps5 round sake date
I believe that the PS5 will launch on the 13th of November. So ill wait for it to release on the PS5 and get the full next gen immersion
I just hope this game isn't as bloated as Odyssey was. Either way, I'm definitely scooping it up.
@szsx Coincidentally I thought this date 13th November as for the call of duty trailer saying captured on ps5 so you might not be wrong but then news of amazon with the shelves and the date who knows.
@Matroska Same, i can't wait to walk around the countryside in Hampshire!
@hoffa007 Well they have two dates they could go for. 13 November thats on a Friday which is normal for a launch day. Or 19 November but thats way to late to release it.
I don't really think it has anything to do with Call of Duty it would be a awesome launch title but i don't see the connection there
This, The Avengers and the Sword Art Online game are all things that I’ve decided not to get on the current generation. But which I may get on the next generation if that fixes the frame rate.
Assassins Creed in good ole blighty what more could one ask for. After the Excellent rendition of cockney capers Syndicate..........I am looking forward to how Ubisoft see middle England before the 6 pirate kings arrived.
@szsx I agree and I know its probably late being 19th but ironically the ps4 was behind the xbox in the UK by like 2 weeks so its plausible it could be later.
Well i only say the date from the trailer but probanly has no tie in
Come on Sony, we’re all fed up of waiting now. MS have shown their hand, your turn...
Excited to see a few English cities and towns in the game. Don't often get to experience that!
To close to Cyberpunk
@Matroska a fellow brummie👍🏻
Come on Sony no excuses now.
Xbox is all out and done
Get your act together.
Series s and x preorders at Game UK
From the 22/09/2020.
Hopefully, the PS5 version is a release title. Crossing my fingers.
As much as I love the AC series, I can't see myself finishing this in 9 days. I'll get it sometime after my twelfth playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077.
Too bad it’s gonna get overlooked thanks to Age of Calamity and Cyberpunk.
CyberPunk 2077,
AC: Valhalla
Yakuza Like a Dragon.
I love November 2020! 😀
I gave a blood oath that I was going to boycott Ubisoft after all the level gating to sell XP boosters in the last AC. It only lasted till the next sale came around but still... I don't think I'm going to both with AC any more. But Watchdogs.. now that looks interesting
" It only lasted till the next sale came around but still... " hehe you Renegade you.
Cue Twitter Mob: "Oh jeez not another white guy in my video game. #smh".
But anyway, discounting the folk who don't actually play games, I always end up with a hollow feeling playing these games once you realise it was all just a game within a game and nothing you've achieved has any actual in-game consequence whatsoever.
@InsertGoodName Heh, since its all make believe anyway, you gotta look at it with some imagination. You're responsible for julius caesar's death in origins and basically the inspiration for the story of the clash of the titans and the sinking of atlantis in odyssey.
November 10th date nice, and it lines up with the Xbox Series S/X launch date.
I also suspect PS5 will be releasing around Black Ops Cold War.
I would’ve released the game at the end of this month. By the time the Avengers starts to lose interest, AC Valhalla would’ve been ripe for plucking. Well before Cyberpunk drops...
But hey... I don’t work at Ubisoft.
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