Sony surprised us all earlier this week by confirming that it would indeed be hosting a State of Play livestream, but instead of being all about the upcoming PlayStation 5, it would mainly focus on the current-gen PlayStation 4. The Japanese giant certainly lived up to that commitment, but it did spare some time for PlayStation VR titles and a few quick glimpses of PS5 experiences.
The State of Play contained gameplay for Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time on PS4 while a look at next-gen footage came from The Pathless. Hitman 3 also put in an appearance and confirmed PlayStation VR support for the entire trilogy, Spelunky 2 got a release date, Bugsnax gameplay was there and so too was Godfall. That got a deep dive for sure. As always though, we want to know what you thought of Sony's latest digital presentation. Were you happy with the PS4 reveals? Did you see enough PS5 gameplay to leave you satisfied for now? Place your vote in our poll and expand on your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 84
Really quite good. I liked almost every game shown and Godfall’s intrigued me more than I thought it would. Honestly better than anything Nintendo have done in a year or two and they invented the format.
Hitman in VR was enough for me. I can’t wait for that!!!
did not have any expectations so it was good enough for me.
godfall looked actually interesting to me for ones,and genshin impact looks realy good for a "zelda clone" .
also control dlc was a nice suprise as i was wondering when that would release.
Best state of play yet
I don’t think Godfall could look any more uninspired if it tried.
It was solid. Definitely good. Nothing there for me really but it's good to see variety, and I always love to see indies getting some limelight.
Meh. If you like Indies then you'd probably have enjoyed the show but a distinct lack of AAA titles for my tastes.
Crash looks good though whilst Godfall seems decent.
That's about it though.
Quite decent, was what Sony promised. Hopefully another SoP is right round the corner.
Good, Hitman VR all three games.. Great, Just not on PSVR. Time for PSVR2. Think that was my highlight
Lack of first party news not withstanding, I have very little to complain about. I've been waiting ages to hear more about Genshin Impact and The Pathless and they both look excellent. Crash looks dope, I've always wanted to play Braid so I'm looking forward to that as well, and Godfall continues to look right up my alley.
Also Bugsnax. Gotta love them Bugsnax.
It was good because it was presented beforehand as exactly what it was.
Bugsnax, Crash, Godfall, and Hitman VR all piqued my interest.
Bugsnax honestly reminds me alot of slime rancher or a first-person Animal Crossing, it looks really good.
TemTem is potentially a big deal for anyone looking to scratch that Pokémon itch.
Crash 4, Spelunky 2, Braid Anniversary and some cool looking stick man platformer...it's not the big hitting show some people want but there's some really cool stuff in there.
And somehow Bugsnax actually looks good 😂
Terrible, aside from Crash Bandicoot, which actually looks pretty good. That wasn't a new reveal or anything, though.
@Col_McCafferty Indie games aren’t a genre though, I can’t imagine discounting a game based on how much money has been chucked at it. It would be like saying you’d rather go see Transformers 5 because it has a bigger budget than Parasite.
That was decent, Crash, Hitman VR, and Godfall were the highlights.
It’s was cool, kept expectations in check as we were told before hand to.
Godfall looking better for a third party release title. Crash looked good as well.
This was excactly what I expected to I’m very satisfied with it.
Decent for variety. Nothing really exciting but Godfall once again looks better every time they show it. The Vader VR game looks fun but that'll only be 10 hours max probably. They tempered expectations and even still was a bit disappointing for me.
Very solid. Nothing mindblowing obviously but they definitely seem to have the formula for these down now.
I was very impressed with Godfall too, looks like my cup 'o' tea!
I got what I needed, Spelunky 2 release date - Excellent!
It was pretty good. Sony communicated the contents of it very well, so people hopefully went in to it not expecting Earth-shattering reveals (let's face it, people don't listen, so many probably did).
There were some interesting games in there. I have yet to play Control, but I am a little disappointed that the DLC looks to be related to Alan Wake, when Remedy could just make another Alan Wake!
Godfall just doesn't do anything for me, and I usually like those sorts of games. I just don't think there's anything in it that says "This is PS5!", which a launch title should be aiming for.
The Hitman VR reveal was great, and I'm definitely interested in picking up VR again to give that a go!
I'm happy to see Braid again. I adored that game, but I do wonder why 13 years is an anniversary to celebrate?
That was so good, now I can't wait for the next one
Better than I expected. I wasn't going to watch but it turned out I had nothing else to do at 4:00 so I did.
A little slow with the heavy emphasis on PS4 games but considering that console is now 6 years old there is still some stuff going on.
They've mastered the format, so that's a plus.
Some decent games there. Obviously Crash 4 at the beginning and Godfall at the end but one or two of the indie titles did get me noticed like The Pedestrian (love a good puzzle/platform game). I think some people expected far too much on YT.
@nessisonett Didn't say they were all the same BUT they're definitely from independent studios!
Films though generally look the same i.e. feature real people and are in the main using the same equipment. The Pathless doesn't look like Horizon Zero Dawn as an example.
I just prefer AAA titles and therefore, not being a Hitman fan, there was little that interested me in this showcase.
If others feels differently that's cool, we each play the games that we want to play. Cant play everything!
For a third livestream focused on third party PS4 and PSVR games, it was pretty good. Crash Bandicoot was the best thing there for me, and it was nice to see some more Hitman and Godfall.
It was ok. It was announced as a low profile SoP and for that, was good.
What i really like is that seems like Sony is starting to nail SoPs. What they did here with Crash 4 and Godfall reminds me the lengendary Ghost of Tsushima SoP.
This kind of segmented overview, relaying on gamaplay mechanics is the way to go, that's how you should advertise GAMES.
The Pathless looked great, along with Crash. Godfall looked decent, it could be a decent launch game for the PS5. Then we have the amazing Bugsnax which will be fun for hours and hours on end. Hitman in VR is going to be insane.
That Ign live chat was toxic.
@Arugula This is essentially what my thoughts were. The presentation was the best it could be for the underwhelming content it showed.
They managed expectations with their rundown of what was going to be shown, so that's good. But even with low expectations, I was bored to hell.
I think it was pretty nice. Kept expectations in check of course. There are some cool games coming to PS4 that I'll definitely play until I can get money to buy a PS5 xD
I wasn't expecting anything major and it was nice to see more of Godfall, a couple of indie games looked interesting but Hitman 3 in VR was the star of the show for me
I'm quite suprised that's it's good, there's some games that I like to play in that stream. I'm buying anno mutationem, spelunky 2 and playing genshin impact (already played the ps4 beta, it's ftp game but good), and I'm interested in braid remaster plus godfall.
@get2sammyb I think the people that made this state of play know about games, the one with tlou 2 back then seems so bad and filled with random games.
I thought it was very good. Decent mixture of deep dives and trailers. Good selection of content. And they aligned expectations properly beforehand.
Good show!
It was fine. Some of it was actually really cool. If people are disappointed they should only blame themselves.
It was fine for what it was but cause it wasn't about PS5 people will hate it, State of Play can't catch a break.
I enjoyed it; was expecting PS4, PSVR games with a little smattering of PS5 and that’s what happened, though perhaps a little light on PSVR.
What there was though, I REALLY LIKED! Vader! All Hitman! Wooo!!
The indie games looked quite interesting and I could’ve sworn I saw Kat from Gravity Rush in at least one of them.
Good format, enjoyed, though didn’t hit the WOW spot. A well earned 4/5
It was okay. Nothing properly new or exciting, a few good dives into some ok looking games, Crash looks amazing but nothing else apart from that did it for me. I wish Godfall would stop getting this much attention, it's not that it looks bad or anything - just show something different, it's been at every show/event Sony have done since announcing the thing!
Comment Section from live streams are really bad !
The third party PS5 "updates" were mostly b roll footage and provided little to no actual update.
Crash 4 was fun to see but aside from that and maybe Bugsnax nothing made me even merely interested.
Godfall looks even worse than Anthem somehow and resembles early access steamware rather than a fully fledged title.
Sony have REALLY dropped the ball here, they didn't set any expectations, but then why have this event in the first place, if not just to meet contract requirements.
If they don't deliver a big PS5 event this month, then they are really mishandling this hype train so far.
I thought it was meh outside of Crash 4. I'm a little more interested in Bugsnax and Godfall now. However, The Pathless was a huge letdown. I was really looking forward to it, but the overview did nothing for me.
Props to Sony for setting really specific expectations ahead of time for this though. If you're complaining about the lack of anything major, that's on you.
Bugsnax gameplay was the highlight. Couldn’t care about Godfall in the slightest and honestly tired of seeing it
Meh. The Pedestrian was the most interesting thing there. By PS4 standards was poor, by PS5 standards was poor. Also, no idea why they couldn't have shrunk Godfall, The Passageway and others and just made it a very good 10-15 mins. The 45min runtime was far too excessive for what was on show.
I'll be watching the next state of play as a rerun and not live after that...
It was ok but a bit like the PS5 never happened(it wasn't a dream was it, the PS5 Event) I just want to see more PS5 stuff really. I still enjoy my PS4 but we are hardly going to get another big SONY EXCLUSIVE on it so I can't really get excited about PS4 stuff really. Anyway can't wait for Crash 4 anyway
Nothing mind blowing, but some good stuff.
Very hit and miss. Crash looks great, the Alan Wake stuff was a great surprise, but most of it was boring as heck. Godfall continues to look terrible and that auto chess thing was the worst trailer I’ve seen in a long time, looked like it was cobbled together in 5 minutes.
Really liked the look of Aeon Must Die but it looks like all the devs have quit recently due to crunch and various disputes so looks like I won’t be supporting that either.
A real mix, really don’t see why they bothered with this stream.
Crash 4 looked pretty great. Nothing of interest otherwise for me; a lot of filler imo. Overall poor to very poor
Didn't watch it, but I'll go over the videos that interest me tomorrow. I really wasn't expecting anything after Sony made it abundantly clear that we should reign our expectation in, so while I'm disappointed that it wasn't what I wanted it to be, I'm unlikely to be actually disappointed at what was shown. I'll be interested to take a look at the Godfall footage because so far it's seemed underwhelming and the combat some what derivative and uninspired. Still, I'll give it a fair hearing.
I went from close to zero interest in Bugsnax after the first trailer, to really wanting to try the game out after the second. Gameplay looks pretty fun!
It was okay.
I expected nothing and came out of it with AWE's release date, so that was pretty cool
Good to finally get the release date for Vader but I was kinda hoping for an 'available now' announcement. Bit of a waste of a state of play otherwise...
They showed a bit of everything. I thought it was way better than the last one. And HOOD just went on my list.
Had no expectations. Was still disappointed. Complete waste of 40 minutes as far as I'm concerned.
PS4 will die on its arse if this is a taste of what's left for it. Which is possibly what Sony is hoping for to help move everyone to PS5.
That said, hopefully there will be several more titles of the calibre of Forbidden West announced with or shortly after PS5's full reveal, because the likes of Bugsnax aren't going to shift many units of a potentially pretty expensive system.
Nothing of interest
The thing that stood out for me was that more than one presentation felt the need to specifically point out that their games won't have microtransactions. Aside from the sad fact that it's got to the stage where they are expected, this is hopefully a sign that gamers are starting to get fed up with the all that nonsense.
I said good. I was Impressed with pathless and liked the gameplay that was shown.
BOO! They need to stop playing with our emotions and show and tell us the stuff we wanna know.
Bad show, mostly stuff we've seen before, is it me or did the ps4 games look better graphically than the ps5 games?
I thought it was ok. Pathless looked amazing. I haven't played any Crash in decades, but this new one looks fun. I thought it was funny during the Crash presentation, the speaker says there are no microtransactions needed to get alternate costumes...that's a joke if that is now a selling point for a game these days.
I was disappointed, and will most likely have forgotten everything by next week.
I will say, though, that Crash 4 looked rather good.
Aon Must Die and Godfall were my personal highlights. I am very intrigued by both these games.
The Pathless is another game that was intriguing, though I am confused on the gameplay dynamics but, I am sure as I learn more it will make more sense. Look very unique.
Meh Crash was ok, Godfall & Hoods were ok the Indies were fine, but it's Aug 6th it's getting absurd we don't have a price or release date, & can't even pre-order.
It was ok.word up son
I loved the music in the Aeon trailer, but the devs have been treated badly, so no buy there. Tem Tem is online-only, and Genshin Impact is free-to-play, so that's a shame.
However, I can't wait to play Bugsnax and The Pathless on PS4! They both look really good!
I thought it was decent. Crash 4, The Pathless, and Bugsnax gameplay were the highlights for me. The Pedestrian also looks pretty cool, so lot’s of stuff to look forward to.
Had low/realistic expectations but it was still super boring imo, not interested in anything shown besides hitman vr but im still not going to run out and buy it right away.
Im not disappointed mind you, this doesn't change the fact that im still SUUUPER excited for ps5 and i know there will still be some ps4 releases i will be into.
Im just all about the horror and fighting games so im use to things being far and few between
Sony did a good job setting appropriate expectations before hand. With that in mind, I thought this was pretty good. Crash 4 and The Pathless looked particularly exciting.
It was okay for what it was, but I'm not sure that what is was... was what we needed at this time.
Showing "The Pathless" and "Bugsmax" as PLAYSTATION FIVE titles, knowing that we're still eager to get what a proper PS5 title LOOK... I don't know what to think about it.
You show something as beautifull as Crash 4 and say "it's on PS4, the console you already own, right now" and then you show something as average (graphically speaking) as those two titles, and say "it's on PS5, and that's why you want to buy this new console". It just doesn't work.
Godfall was the real deal, thought. But I didn't find the appeal, unfortunately.
I missed it but I wouldn't really be interested in most of what was announced except the Control expansion.
@Kidfried Is it really so great that games release on old systems? If you think about it no especially with the PS5 extreme fast loading. Didnt a lot of developers said it changes the way games can be build. And you see with a lot of crossgen games they are always being hold back by the older gen. MS was the King of dropping support on older systems in a heartbeat.
@Kidfried Yeah i know what you mean but im happy that something like Ratchet & Clank is developed with the PS5 in mind. I know what you mean with dropping support but Sony has a insane trackrecord with long support even the "failed" PS3 got a great lifespan. Only a pity with the Vita if they would have made it a little more cheaper. With the backpad gone and the weird memorycards. so they could put extra cash in the processer and ram it would have made a killing but dont lose the touchscreen i loved that with a lot of games.
@Akurusu so true. What a waste of space.
It was okay for the most part, ending on Godfall (and for so long) was a mistake though.
@mrobinson91 I know it looks like fun dare i say.
Pathless and Anno look awsome, Godfall looked really great, Bugsnax looked entertaining.
I was ecstatic when I saw the new trailer for Aeon must Die, then I was heartbroken at the story behind it.
Genshin Impact looks like it could be really good, reviews will be key for me on that one.
Crash 4 looks amazing, really inventive and could be one of the best platformers this gen.
@nessisonett It doesn't work like that at all. If you have a company ploughing a lot of money into a game, they want to be able to guarantee a return on their investment.
To ensure this, they tend to demand a role in the development and will not want to try anything "exciting and new" when "PooP" just broke a sales record for the genre with old-school traditional gameplay.
They tend to worry more about securing the highest financial returns than the quality of the game.
An independent game maker wants to be as creative as possible.
PS: I only know because if you replace "game" with "film", I'm in the same position.
@Kidfried I don't want to be that nitpickig guy, but Sony dropped support for Vita exacly the same like Nintendo for WiiU
Did sony show, any japanese developers game,beside miHOYO(which is chinese).
Spelunky 2 will probably be my GOTY. I’ve been playing Spelunky on and off with my kids since the PS3, almost weekly and still really enjoy it. While many other games eventually bore me and I have no desire to ever play them again.
I guess Spelunky and Rocket League are two games I can always return too.
It was a good State of Play. Lots of games that are coming out this year that I’m looking forward to:
Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time
The Pathless
Spelunky 2
It didn't click with me at all. No new games I suddenly wanted to play. Also PS5 The Pathless (or how's it named?) was poor.
It was good. They showed exactly what they previously twitted.
I had to catch the recording but I liked what was shown off.
Anyone expecting brand new PS4/PS5 games to be revealed was crazy.
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