Last week, we shared with you our initial impressions of Marvel's Avengers after gaining early access to the PlayStation 4 beta. And while we think its main missions are of a fairly high quality, it's the optional content that gives us pause. Many of its side quests feel wholly similar with generic tasks of defending points, beating up certain enemies, and racing towards specific points. It got fairly boring after a while, but we're wondering if you feel the same way
After sampling the Marvel's Avengers PS4 beta this past weekend, what were your main takeaways? Did you thoroughly enjoy it or were you left feeling disappointed? And most importantly, has it convinced you to buy the game come 4th September 2020? For more information on how you can gain access to the Marvel's Avengers PS4 Beta, head on through the link. However, if you've already had a taste, place your vote in our polls and expand on your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 70
If they can fix the combat, and really support the end game... could be something really special.
Why bother asking this now, seeing as the only people who have played it are press and those that pre-ordered? Seems like it's a week early.
Was it an open beta or did you have to pre-order to participate? After Destiny 2 and the Division 2, I’m thinking pass.
This video doesn't give me much confidence that the game has solid gameplay....
@lacerz First beta was PS4 only and closed access from August 7 to August 9. Second one will be for all platforms but only PS4's will be open to everyone (August 14-16). Final one will be for all platforms again but open access to all from August 21-23. Start time will be 9pm in your timezone and end on the last day at the same time.
Was it an open beta? Thought only people who preordered or are youtubers had access? If so then square did a poor job bringing that across.
From what ive seen of people playing the beta il be holding off on it. Combat seems to be alright but basic. Could have benefited from a fresh voice cast imo. None of them are bad but im hearing Troy Baker and Laura Bailey in soo many games these days. Although i liked Travis Willingham as Thor and Nolan North as Ironman but Nolan will always be Drake to me.
I don't think so...... It's a destiny with third person
Not at all interested
Just waiting for 2077
While the game looks ok I don't have time for these massive online never ending games. I have a huge backlog of games to play and this just doesn't look good enough to bump up my list considering I haven't finished Ghost of Tshushima yet or horizon zero Dawn to name just 2. Maybe one day I will get around to this or if my kids want it then I will give it a try.
I'm mostly interested in the single player campaign, so I'll be holding off until the PS5 version.
Quite the opposite. Once they proudly announced last year it was going to be a live service, I was out. Now that I've seen the beta footage, it looks really bad.
@Danloaded Open beta starts on August 14th and ends on the 16th (PS4 only, Xbox and PC are closed access). For the start time, it's 9pm in your timezone and ends at the same time on the 16th. But there's also a third beta on the 21st which is open access to all platforms. Personally, I'm not interested in it that much so I'm holding off on the game.
Based on the impressions and footage of the beta I've seen I'm getting less and less excited for this game the more I hear about it. I also am not much of a fan of the existing roster personally because it seems like it's trying too hard to pander to the MCU crowd who only know the movies and nothing else, which was the exact problem that I found with the Marvel characters featured in MvCI. It's honestly amazing that the lower budget Switch title which was developed and released more quickly had a roster that had a much better balance of mainstream and obscure characters.
@Cutmastavictory it is just a few months out from release. i doubt there is time to "fix" the combat.
@Porco Not even a few months, it's more like 3 or 4 weeks out from launching on current gen platforms and PC
@Porco the better reply would have been asking what I think needs fixing. I would reply, the cpu canceling my attack animation, which I think is dumb in a game like this, and even worse, we can't cancel the cpu attack animation at times, especially during heavy attacks. This can be fixed, could actually be fixed before release. But I do think its something that needs attention. That will be worked out at some point, not sure when.
This poll should be asked after the open beta starts! Really looking forward to trying this game!
I really enjoyed my time with the beta. I won't be changing my pre order. I thought the combat was very fun and satisfying, while the characters were all well acted by the amazing cast. Some things about the game felt dated, and could use some post launch updates, but nothing that kept me from wanting to play the full game.
@TheFrenchiestFry That's my main problem with this besides the game trying to be Destiny. There is a giant roster of great Marvel characters that go unused and could use love.
Instead they are going for the safe movie characters, they think maybe if casuals see the Avengers they know on the cover people will turn their brains off and buy on impulse.
Forgot about the beta. But I’ll still be buying it once I get a ps5.
Preordered digital but after playing the beta regret it think I'm gonna ask for a refund
I really dislike liveservice games.
The moment they said it was a "live service" I said screw this game plus the actual game itself looks like total ass what a waste oh well Spidey Miles Morales is just around the corner
Didn't you have to buy the game to play the Beta?
@DarkHitman2020 Why ever preorder? Especially digital...
@Juanalf It wouldn't even be so much of a problem if they weren't so on the nose with the fact they just chose the characters based off who's trending in the Marvel movies. Bruce Banner in this game has the literal same exact get up as Mark Ruffalo in Avengers 1 with the purple-collared shirt, the light brown khakis and the same exact hairstyle and glasses
Given they clearly want to try and distinguish themselves from the MCU, i dont know why the characters still look so similar to their movie counterparts.
Rather than go for hyper realism, i'd have liked them to adopt a comic book aesthetic. That would have looked so cool. They could have revealed new characters frame by frame like you are reading from a comic.
Maybe then i'd have overlooked some of the game's flaws. Shonky combat? GaaS? No thank you. Should have stuck to Tomb Raider Crystal Dynamics!
@doctommaso Preordered plenty of games digital enjoyed almost all of them.
@ThaBEN that's the tutorial showing you what the attack button does
I was going to get it until I played the beta. It just didn't grab my attention at all. I felt in no way compelled to keep playing and cancelled my pre-order.
Yup, already had it preordered and enjoyed it very much. Won't win any GOTY awards and will probably average 7's I'd guess but we genuinely had fun with it!!
I'm just going to wait until Spider-man comes out.
Oh man this game looks like complete ass! If they iron out the frame rate issues, and give an option to turn off that horrible motion blur effect then maybe I'll give it a try, but I am hesitant to waste any of my my time on this completely cynical cash grab of a game.
@Bentleyma- If you get the PS4 version you can get the PS5 upgrade for free (although that will be digital even if you buy physical)
I just cant deal with Nolan North and Troy Baker being in this game. Its like why are Nathan Drake and Joel in this game?
Don't have the game pre-ordered so have to wait until the open beta. Reaction to it seemed pretty mixed but I want to try it for myself. There's no reason an Avengers game should be bad but I do have concerns about the structure of it.
@supergurr horizon is taking me so flippin long to get through. I love every minute.
@Constable_What motion blur is always adjustable I think
@Darylb88 Yeah I know, but seeing as I'm just going to play through the campaign, I want to do it for the first time with the best graphics. 🙂
@RinTohsaka cheers for the info. Il give it a go. Give it a chance to surprise me
As soon as i saw kamala khan was a main character i knew it would be worse then anthem.
No offence to anyone that wants this game, but I actually find it mind blownig that anyone is looking forward to what looks like a forgotten Xbox 360 game that's going for 75p at CeX. The power of branding, I guess.
@Jester1701one He is in a lot more games so?
@The_ghostmen Thats the most interesting character for me.
@theMEGAniggle It is not in the beta, and isn't quite a few games (most notably, and at the top of my head, Ghost of Tsushima), and it's obnoxious. It's honestly the worst motion blur I've ever seen, and as someone who absolutely hates that wack ass post processing effect I've seen some bad implementations.
@EvilRyu2164 Okay, but there’s no point in doing it that I can see. You can just wait to purchase until reviews or demos are available. Then you don’t have to worry about canceling or a bad purchase, etc.
I play mainly for story, so I don’t care as much for end game and loot progression.
In that regard i loved the beta. I’m still hoping for a good day one patch with further optimizations to performance.
And I’m very much looking forward to playing it on 4k60fps on PS5 as well later on.
@Flaming_Kaiser So they should not be in more games. They are in too many already.
@supergurr just so you know, it's largely single player. It's only multiplayer if you want to play the game with others
It was ok, I guess. Not great, but not terrible either. I'll probably still keep my pre-order and use it to fill the time between release and next-gen, just bc I've been waiting for an Avengers game for so long (though if I didn't like Marvel that much, I'd probably be waiting to get the game).
While the controls are largely the same as something like the Arkham series or Spider-Man, I did think there was a lot more variety to combat than what they'd shown in the gameplay demos. Each character felt unique and was fun to play as. The field of view is way too tight though, and it creates some problems with tracking enemies and locating/helping allies.
Story missions and major side missions seem like they'll be decent at minimum, and I could see them having some HUGE boss fights planned. But beyond that, the other smaller side missions that make up most of the beta after the story content and which I suspect were/are indicative of the live service aspect of the game sucked. They lacked life and were repetitive, leaving me concerned for the game's longevity beyond when new story content gets released.
Matchmaking with other people seems like it's in need of work, even if I understand none of the quickplay options were made available. The AI companions are ok/useful in battle and always revive you, but are otherwise useless for the most part. I'm not a fan of the fact that you always have to have companions for content outside of the main campaign, even if they're all AI.
I did not feel like the gear system is as confusing as some have made it out to be, but I also recognize a lot of people will not like it. The layout of the menus, however, is kind of a mess.
The monetization is about what I expected. While I don't like it or want to see it in my games, I'll at least give be them credit for not packaging skins and nameplates in loot boxes where you only have a chance at getting them.
Overall, I guess I am hoping that they let us play another piece of story content or two during one of the next two beta sessions, as that seems like what will make or break this game, along with the endgame (which I'm sure people would like some remotely vague details on at minimum) and whether they can make the needed improvements to combat, like adjusting the field of view.
I got it pre-ordered and i'm glad i did as i really enjoyed the beta, that said i'm concerned about the MTX side of it as so far it ain't looking good.
@Jester1701one If they do a good job they can be in everything for all i care.
I really enjoyed it and I look forward for full version. I like superhero movies and games so not a chance to pass by me.
@MJ Just wanted to say nice one for your comment, it was that brief description I was after having not taken part in the Beta. I have pre ordered but kind of don't want to try it out beforehand (bit like not wanting to watch trailers for films). Sounds like I should enjoy it as a big Destiny and Marvel fan.
Let me be short and sweet.
Popular ip,thats also popular with children+GAAS+money from exclusive deals+Mobile game loot boxes=profit?
Are we sure,this is not EA,in disguise.
Need to see more of what single player will be offering.
@Constable_What oh wow that sucks. I'd thought it was always adjustable. Why don't you like it? I think its a great feature
@Flaming_Kaiser idk why you keep arguing with me. I just have a different opinion than you. Just accept that.
@theMEGAniggle It makes everything blurry when you move the camera around. I think it makes it hard to focus on things when you're trying to target enemies or objectives with your eyes, and it all comes at the cost of performance. I don't like overly busy presentation in video games because I like to see what's going on, and I don't care of they look cinematic either. In cinema you're seeing what the production crew wants you to see, and things like motion blur can force you to see the film the way it was intended.
Video games are not meant to be like that. I'm in control of the action, and I want to see whatever it is I want to see unimpeded.
Not to mention this implementation is really bad. When you move the camera it feels like a snow globe. It's horrible.
I will wait for it when it's on sale for $30 bucks. for sure i'll buy it then.
@Jester1701one Same here just my opinion.
@MFTWrecks I agree. I thought I was missing something.
Honestly looks boring and like terrible fan service. Then again, it is brought to you by the same company that thought the Tomb raider rehash was a good idea. Suffice to say it was an overwhelming pile of meh.
I liked the start of it. It felt like it could have been a decent single player game and I would have bought it if it kept going like that. But then after opening my first box, it started to feel like another Destiny so I started to dislike it. When we got to a certain part of the game after that, it became even more Destiny-alike. Went from liking it to disliking it because of that. It felt like I was playing a poor Destiny game with super heroes replacing Guardians. Couldn't even get a single online co-op game going so I quit playing.
Ew live service.... nope.
Looks so blurry/low res on PS4 beta..
Even on PS5, they can't handle native 4k 60 FPS so you can imagine the resolution and frame rate on PS4.
I missed the preorder beta time, so looking forward to playing the open beta this weekend.
@Constable_What wow that's annoying. I used it in ratchet and clank I thought it was very useful
I played the beta yesterday, and I have to say I really enjoy beating things up as the Hulk. The first mission was pretty good, but oh man does it go downhill from there. The frame rate... Is... Absolutely balls. It sucks so much. The motion blur causes gives me a headache on top of that. I actually get eye strain and motion sickness from the constant stuttering, slowdown, screen shake, and blur, and this game isn't even VR. Only Fallout 76 could get that reaction out of me. Holy crap. It's way worse than I thought.
Also the writing is pure cringe. Kamala Khan being a fan fiction writer should have been shelves for something else. The fact that they reference it so much is so...soooooooo cringe! Ugh! There are good fanboy/girl characters like Izuku Midoria from MHA, but this is too much. That's not the end of it though, everyone's lines are straight up epic cheese and cornball. Disgusting.
If the graphical presentation doesn't make me vomit the writing and dialogue will.
i have played the beta on ps4 it is not a proper hero game and looks and feels like a game that should have been out on gamecube a while back it's just more arkham trash with boring repetitive gameplay that's done in stages not at all even open world and has capture point bs like warframe the skins are pretty meh there is no target lock on just crappy fine aim it's hard to line up shots and widows guns are too big for her hands and have to much recoil for just pistols and hulk is not as bad azz as he should be and gets downed to easy and can't leap as high as he should be able to the other avengers survive more than he does and go down a lot less and the boss battles are lame and don't really give anything the normal bigger enemies are more of a challenge and lame rng loot crates and pointless comic collection and crappy gear and upgrades and unimpressive abilities this game is like it rips off arkham warframe destiny 2 and deadpool it's not a properly built hero game at all just a lame cheap cash grab pretty much a mobile game made for console
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