Crystal Dynamics has confirmed that the first superhero coming to Marvel's Avengers after its launch on 4th September 2020 will be Hawkeye. The character will be a free addition to the game, much like every other piece of content planned to arrive after the initial PlayStation 4 launch. As is the case with every other Avenger, the movie-likeness hasn't been used by Square Enix. Hawkeye in Marvel's Avengers has ditched the mohawk for a classic bald look, and you can see him in action in the trailer above.

Hawkeye will also come with his own series of missions, introducing a new story and villain. As part of the second War Table livestream, the contents of the upcoming PS4 beta was also confirmed. Check out the Push Square guide for more information on that. The pre-launch test kicks off on 7th August for those who have pre-ordered the game while everyone else gains access a week later.

Are you happy that Hawkeye is the first superhero addition? Aim your bow in the comments below.