PS5 PlayStation 5 1

An error message added to the source code of PlayStation’s official store page suggests that PS5 pre-orders will be restricted to one per person. An eagle-eyed ResetEra member dug into the website’s JavaScript, and found the disclaimer for customers attempting to purchase more than one system at a time.

The error reads: “You can only purchase one version of the PS5 Console: Disc or Digital. You have already added one PS5 console to your cart.” Presumably, this code is an example of the company preparing to release PS5 pre-orders in the near future. Unfortunately, we still don’t know the PS5 price or PS5 release date, so there’s still plenty for the organisation to communicate.

Speaking earlier in the week, marketing bigwig Eric Lempel indicated that the platform holder will give fans the heads-up on pre-orders, so you’ll have plenty of time to prepare. In other unrelated news, a ‘PS5 Compatible’ icon has been added to the aforementioned PlayStation Direct store page, which will presumably be used to indicate which items are supported by the next-gen device.

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