It’s not a huge surprise given the profile of the title, but Horizon Zero Dawn has shot straight to the top of Steam’s best-sellers list following this week’s release date announcement. In case you missed it, the title will launch on PC from 7th August – and it’ll also be available on the Epic Game Store if you prefer to do your shopping then.
In the UK, the Guerrilla developed role-playing game is currently outselling discounted copies of Football Manager 2020, DOOM Eternal, and Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Not bad company to have. We’ll still need to wait and see if this unprecedented endeavour pans out for PlayStation, but it’ll surely be buoyed by the early signs.
[source store.steampowered.com]
Comments 64
Persona 4 Golden did the same, it’s almost as if PC gamers are really chuffed at being able to play big PS games. I reckon the ‘enhanced ports’ on PS5 will also be released on PC like what Rockstar did with GTA V so we could perhaps see Bloodborne and such in the next couple of years.
Also not keen on the orange colour scheme, with that and blue on this site, my Fenian blood is boiling 😉
great game and it really deserves the no. 1 spot....glad to see a wider audience enjoying it
No doubt some PC gamers hope it encourages Sony to release more of their games on PC. Personally I'd rather Sony didn't becasuse it risks eroding PlayStation's importance as a platform if Sony continue to pander to a group of players who don't care about PlayStation as both a community and as an ecosystem.
@AdamNovice I mean, I don’t doubt that plenty PS players would be annoyed if The Outer Worlds 2 skipped PS5. I doubt many of them care about Microsoft’s ecosystem.
Yes! Another orange themed article. Pretty.
HZD was one of my favourite games this generation glad to see others getting the chance to enjoy this great game. Also imagine the mods lol. Should also create more revenue for PS5 games and in turn increase interest in HZD2.
I’d be interested to see if the successes of PS exclusives on PC (Steam & Epic) result in a partnership of sorts to get more PC games on PS.
Very happy for PC players and kinda jealous of those who’ll play it on ultra high settings 🙌🏻 And the mods! Oh the glorious mods 😍
@AdamNovice It might work the other way though as well. There might be quite a few PC owners who love it so much that they go out and get a PS5 to play the second one.
It could end up being a clever move on Sony's part
I still don’t support this.
hmm some are still salty.. this is not 1st game and it wont be last. get over it.. pandering ? really lol... bunch of hypocrites... if you are someone who is pissed because more can play these good games then you guys have some serious issues i suggest you work on that..🤨
I suppose it will be one of the free games for ps plus in August now. It's not asking much from Sony, since porting it to PC is showing to be financially succesful, especially if they plan to port it to PS5 (which, let's be honest, they will almost definitely ask you to pay for it and it still WON'T be as impressive as the PC version anyway). Hopefully it's only this game and they don't just give other exclusives as well. Otherwise, might as well be a 3rd party publisher and call it a day.
Sony putting games on PC doesn't affect your life whatsoever.
"Enticing PC players to buy a PS5 for the sequel" is a short sighted argument for multiple reasons.
Buying a console for a handful of exclusives over the course of a generation (like I do) iis nowhere near as impactful as everything thinks.
If you're making a console purchase (assuming it's at launch or close to launch) the profit margin for Sony is razor thin, if not a loss. They will only be buying one game every year or 2, whenever an exclusive they like comes out. And not everyone loves every Sony exclusive. They will continue to play almost every game on PC. They will not be buying PS Plus subs, large amounts of games, DLC on every game. Sony will get a single licensing fee from a game purchase every year or 2.
PC gamers will continue to play the vast majority of the games they want to play on PC, they aren't going to completely instantly change their platform of choice to play inferior versions of the majority of their games (not meant as an insult) just because there is 1 game exclusive to a platform every year or 3.
I hope this gives insight into the thought process, as myself and many other PC gamers feel this way.
@80sGamer I like how your comment makes Sony sound the Terminator lol
This will slowly but surely water Sony down as a brand. Let them continue to do this and the PS5 will be the last console they'll sale.
this is a tough one for me. On one hand it's great for Sony to see cash coming in for this port to PC, but from a customer standpoint (for me at least) I'm not a fan of this because I like to brag these exclusives to others and tell them to buy a PS and not an XBOX.
For me it's the library that Sony brings (mostly it's exclusives) that you can't get anywhere. I don't care about the new features or how it looks. I could give a crap about all that. For me it's what games are offered which is why at this point in time Sony will kill it over XBOX or Nintendo. They just have better exclusives which will drive sales. To do this I agree with Ken_Kaniff that this may not be good long term if they continue to do this.
Exclusives like this one aren't meant to be shared, but to be enjoyed on a PS platform otherwise why stop there? They are supposed to be special, but hey I'm just a lowly consumer what do I know.
no quams here honest... I can't wait for next gen!
P.S. Horizon FW will kick TLOU2 3 days sales of 4M copies easily mark my words
@Menchi Agree.
I think it will be more acurate to say: "Enticing PC players for the sequel to come at Steam too"
@H4ilHydra If you really believed that then would you mind signing a few petitions for tlou2, ghost of tsushima and god of war for PC and Xbox? Xbox has almost an install base of 50m so wouldn't that be even more people that get to enjoy the games? Unless ur a hypocrite??
I hope they port it to XB Series X too.
Man I was pretty close to buying a cheap PS4 off ebay just to play a few games I wanted, Horizon was one of them. I haven't owned a Playstation since PS2 and don't have any plans in the future, I will however buy Horizon off of Steam to show Sony there's money to be made.
If the writer thinks I will buy PS5 which will already be inferior to my PC on release day just to play a dumb down 30fps version of Horizon II without mods, well you're not a sane fellow . Hopefully Bloodborne is next as the PS4 version barely ran at 30fps, FromSoftware games should always be played at 60-120 minimum!!
Sup everyone new here. I'm one of those sales! I'm going to be completely honest, Me and some others though of pirating the game cause we can't stand Sony's smugness recently. However if we did Sony would just not bring anything else in the future, so it was best to just cough up the money even though $50 is a bit high.
I really wanted to play Days Gone and the infamous games so hopefully we don't have to wait too long, will I maybe get a PS5 now? no way >_< all the games I want are coming to me with ultra settings so why would I waste money on a subpar version (No offense)!?
@Gremio108 more likely what they are aiming for. Sony aren’t going to let go of exclusive titles on PS4 at launch because it’s the exclusives which have seen them thump Microsoft in sales.
@NalgasGordas Good luck waiting. Won't happen.
@Half2398LifeTom what exactly is smug about Sony’s strategy which differs from any other platform?
Some games are only available on a certain platform. I don’t see anyone jumping up and down over Mario being exclusive to Nintendo consoles..
@Johnathan1987 Well it may come as a surprise to you, but...you're only one out of millions of potential PC gamers that will certainly own a next gen console. Many PC gamers out there have a PS4 just for the exclusives, so it's quite probable than improbable. Not every PC gamer thinks the way you do.
@Arnna People just love to hate Sony. Or just expect them to throw all their exclusives on PC. It's obvious these people don't understand business at all. It's also hypocritical that they don't hold Nintendo to the same standard. Just because MS does it, doesn't mean everyone has to. Sony's 1st party sell practically like hotcakes, so there's no need for them to bring their titles to PC. It's also why there is no Game Pass like service from them as well.
Oh no this is terrible! Now absolutely no one will buy a PS5, what are we to do!!!
@InsertUsername yeah completely agree with you. The whole reason I am loyal to Sony is they have a better variety of titles and higher quality exclusives than PC or XBOX.
Also, anyone releasing AAA titles on PC have to deal with rampant piracy, varying system specs. It’s far smarter for Sony to do what they are doing and releasing games like HZD a bit later on PC.
All these PC copies helps the developers as well so it's good news for Guerrilla.
@Juanalf lol sign petition that stuff never works ... its up to these companies
i am more than happy if they release those games on pc & xbox & switch.
i don't have loyalty to corporations because we are just cash machines to them..
acting like everything works on your whims oh no its releasing on pc this will ruin brand value / pandering /no i wont support this/ oh no pc means piracy ! what you gonna do lol stop buying games that is loss for you not for company people will buy games end of the day..
and i don't have to prove anything i am not the one with issue here. i am happy more people get to play my favorite game 😁.
Think of all those people that are going to want a PS5 so they can play the sequel. That's why Sony is doing this.
@SaikoWaifu2003 yeah I get that PC is sort of a wild west for ownership. But specifically for companies like Valve who own Steam, with Half Life Alyx potential on PSVR.
Moves to bring big PC titles like that to PS may present a valid and enticing option for other PC game developers to seek out partnerships with Sony to port their games over
Wow. There sure are a lot of PC gamers who apparently don’t want a PS5. 😆
That’s fine, but I’m not sure why so defensive about it. It’s like PC gamers are having to explain and rationalize why a 3 year old Sony exclusive is the number one game on their platform. It’s okay guys. Don’t worry. Just buy the game on Steam and enjoy it. No need to backtrack and tell everyone (on a PlayStation site no less) how useless you think Sony’s next gen system will be. Enjoy your PC port.
@H4ilHydra No one expects you to since you're just a consumer. However, from a business standpoint, that would be insane to do. Lol. PC isn't a competitor to neither Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft, so there's a reason they are released to PC.
@Th3solution PC elitists are usually insecure. What else is new? Lol.
@Matroska There will be PC gamers who say they won't buy the sequel until it's on PC. Of course, these are just the minority speaking on the internet. I'd imagine a significant number of PC gamers( who aren't crazy elitists) will buy a PS5 to play it, as well as other 1st party games. I mean there are plenty of PC gamers who own either a PS4, Xbox One, Switch or all three.
@Half2398LifeTom We are at the point in the consoles lifespan where it’s at its weakest relative to PC. It’s not hugely surprising that a modern PC performs better than a 7-year-old device. The PS5 will probably perform better than most PCs sold this year so it’s going to be awhile before it’s worth releasing PS5 games on PC. What matters is that there is a sufficiently large pool of PC players with a computer capable of running these games, not whether a small minority of the most powerful PCs can surpass PS5 performance.
The amount of fists thumping on desks just because somebody else gets to enjoy a single player game they played on their own a few years ago is astounding.
I’m over the moon about this news. Have bought the game for a really great price of £27.99 on steam because of the £5 discount during their summer sale. Ecstatic & can’t wait for 7 August to come around.
Regarding strategy, I and I doubt anyone else in the comments are business majors or strategists, so it’s just opinion. I predict Sony will keep exclusives for 3 years on ps5 and then release some of them for pc. It’s a timed win-win for all three parties if so (Sony, PS5 players, PC players).
@Juanalf dude if you want to play TLOU and Ghost so much why not just get a ps4? Putting your energy towards getting them on Xbox is a total waste mate...
wow so many pc elitists here claiming their pc is always top of the line beating ps5...still i can't find any pc game so impressive as tlou2 graphic-wise...good luck giving nvidia your money year after year..
No it anything it's good for sony. It's usual years later these games come to PC and it helps sony get more money for more exclusives .
My poor Aloy is going to be vandalized and objectified by the PC Virgin Race modding community just like the Resident Evil Remakes.
Such a horrible fate for an immaculate character.
This just let's you know how desperately PC gamers want to play Playstation games... but yet, they love bashing consoles.🤔🤦🏽♂️
Honestly, there was never any doubt that this was going to be a huge seller. It's freaking Horizon Zero Dawn, not The Order: 1886. Nevertheless, I fully expect that rather than encouraging most PC players to buy a PS5 for the sequel, it'll more likely encourage them to just wait for the sequel to appear on PC as well, even if it does take upwards of three years.
It'd be nice if the existing PS fanbase benefited from this move in some way. At least MS believes they're benefiting Xbox gamers by putting their own exclusives on PC, but Sony doesn't exactly have their own "Play Anywhere" system, so instead PS users just get the honor of owning the inferior versions of Sony's own exclusives and nothing else.
Still, all I really ask is for Sony to get rid of the "Only of PlayStation" labeling if they plan on continuing to do this. No reason for it to exist anymore if it's just going to keep being undermined like this.
There will never be a time where the general term for consoles will be playstations.
Not surprised. Great game, and nothing like it right now on PC.
Seeing how most people on the Steam Survey do not have a great PC. They are not turning on most of those new upgrades or hitting 60fps. Just because PC games “can be better” does not mean people can actually play it that way.
Can’t wait to play the next one on PS5
@RealFeelings PS Now hardly counts because it's limited by what the console version offers + worse because of streaming.
This is going to play much better at 60+fps, wish more releases would come to PC. For games I really love if even double dip to get a PS physical for the collection and steam version to play.
It didn't stay there for long before it got knocked down my Sea of Thieves and then Halo: The Master Chief collection. It's Currently sitting at number 5.
I'm wondering how many people use VPN for this Steam. I saw another article, where the game is 12€ and 15€ in several countries. I think Guirrella won't see that much money from this port. That's why HZD is the number 1 on Steam.
Worse News EVER :-/ Let's hope SONY doesn't bring more PS Exclusives to PC or it won't be worth even buying a PS Console in the future :-/
@AdamNovice nope you’re opinion on PC gamers is wrong, i play on PC also, and i love Playstation. It’s just always fun to be able to play current games on more powerful hardware and see how far you can push the game to look better and play smoother. It doesnt take anything away from Playstation, especially when the game is a few years old and is not selling many copies now. If anything it introduces new players to these game franchises and then maybe wanting more. Therefore potentially selling more consoles in the future, since the new Horizon will be on PS5 for years before it ever releases on PC, if it ever does.
@AdamNovice Yes I agree. I’ll never own an Xbox now that they extended all the exclusives to PC.
@AdamNovice how does the game going to PC affect the playstation ecosystem or community?
@AdamNovice how does it risk eroding the Playstation platform? doesn't this help Sony make more money and gain more interest in their games?
@Ken_Kaniff what do you mean by that? The people who want the console will still buy the console regradless
@SeverinMadara What I mean is alog of people that buy Playstations do it solely for the exclusives. If Sony continue to port them over to PC there will be no need to buy a Playstation anymore.
again I am a PC gamer and in that light I look at it this way even if someone like me buys a playstation solely for exclusives we aren't contributing much very few exclusives have interested me at all I bought a PS4 for bloodborne in 2015 and that is the only exclusive I wanted to play so I didn't stick around I didn't pay for PS plus after I was done playing the game they sell the consoles at a loss and make up revenue by selling software isn't making the software available to more people a viable strategy to do that if we aren't gonna remain in your market anyway? should you not expand your market to gain more consumers?
and btw I am a business owner myself so I know there will not be day and date releases if they are trying to push hardware sales that makes no sense and that is not what I am trying to say either so don't twist my words like the last guy tried to
@zebric21 never seen half life? the witcher games were exclusive to PC for a while bc it didn't have the power to run the game either, so I fail to see your point here man
@Arnna that is becuase nintendo has never shown any interest in bringing ports to the PC to begin with if they did you would see the same thing happen salty fans complaining about more gamers getting to play a game
I don't think most commentators realize that PC isn't the competition for Playstation. I play most of my games on PC and I own a PS4 for exclusives, the only way software companies make money off of me is if I buy a digital version of a game. People still buy Xbox One despite owning a PC because of several reasons.
1. Play Anywhere (bring their console on vacation is easier than bringing the whole PC).
2. It's more convenient (not as many hook ups for couch gaming)
3. Builds on their eco system and is far cheaper than buying a whole PC with all the accessories.
I know a lot of people say they can build a PC for 500 dollars, but those PC's don't last more than a year or two before they're outdated and you have to upgrade. A good graphics card by itself is going to cost more than a console if it's going to last a while and keep the frame rate advantage (which most PC enthusiasts care about).
Not only that, PC is all digital. I tend to borrow PS4 games from friends, and Sony usually takes a loss on hardware sales.
Sony would be better off financially if people like me who only buy hardware and borrow games instead bought their game on PC digitally. I'm just saying even if you want your Playstation games Exclusive so you can brag about them, the PC gamer honestly won't care and most of them who do want to play will buy a cheap PS4 refurbished and by the game second hand or borrow it.
Not only that, most PC gamers I know have a huge backlog.
It's the same with the Switch I own. I borrow a lot of games, but at least Nintendo doesn't lose money on hardware sales like Sony does.
Also Nintendo is a niche market which doesn't have a direct competitor Console on power and is made to be portable (which was an incredible business decision). I'm just saying most of the people here complaining about exclusives have to see how it goes.
And also, with PSNow, a lot of people can play PS games on PC without the console and for only 14 dollars, but even with that most PC gamers want to play it natively and pay the 49.99 just to have a PC version despite the PS version selling for 15 dollars... I already played the game (borrowed) but I'm probably now going to buy it because honestly it's the superior version and aiming Alloy's bow with a mouse and Keyboard sounds incredibly fun.
@Ken_Kaniff https://www.pcgamer.com/sonys-new-strategy-brings-more-of-its-titles-to-pc/#:~:text=Sony%20has%20said%20in%20a,further%20growth%20in%20our%20profitability.%22
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