We got a good long look at Ghost of Tsushima during its dedicated State of Play broadcast, but if you're keen to see more, PlayStation has released a number of very short gameplay clips. The first (embedded above) does a great job of showing off some combat mechanics, despite being just 24 seconds in length.
Main character Jin can switch stances, which helps him deal with different enemy types. It's also clear that this footage is taken from a newer build of the game -- the environments look absolutely gorgeous thanks to bold lighting and lovely fog effects. Phwoar!
The next clip is even shorter, but it demonstrates Jin's ability to heal his wounds. You can opt to do this by using up some of your 'resolve' which is basically like Jin's super meter. You'll need to decide whether you want to spend resolve on healing, or on special attacks.
This third and final clip goes for something a bit different. It shows Jin making use of vendors to upgrade his equipment. You'll need to gather materials from out in the world to beef up your gear. Again, the visuals are incredibly pretty.
Are your hype levels rising for Ghost of Tsushima? Draw your blade in the comments section
Comments 33
I am liking the look of this combat system.
Looking great. When do you expect your review to land guys?
This genuinely could be my Game of the Generation. I have waited so long for a game like this. Fingers crossed it turns out as well as i hope
Looks similar to The Witcher combat to me.
@ApostateMage Sorry what?
Currently playing witcher expansions.. I'll jump in Tsushima after that.... Wow... It's all about swords
In that second clip, just two hits and your health is around 1/3 or so.
Feels like the bar is being raised for combat here. That dodge in second video looks very cool. Just a nice little roll along the ground.
Cyberpunk, GOT, TLOU2... The PS4 isn't going away quietly
That combat looks great. It seems like they've really captured the feel of taking down foes with a samurai sword.
Looks awesome I can't wait, I know it is about the combat but the scenery is just awesome 👌
I haven't seen that stance element before. When I saw the state of play, I wasn't wowed but that element looks interesting.
@Flaming_Kaiser The way Jin waits for opponents to strike, the parries, pirouettes and dodge rolls is very similar to The Witcher. It's funny the way people are drooling over the combat now because it's a Japanese setting.
@ApostateMage TW3 combat felt fun but was pretty bad. You were invincible against almost all enemies as long as you hammered dodge. No timing necessary and it wasn't balanced by needing stamina. Geralt does random animations of varying lengths instead of having an actual moveset. It doesn't even work how combat should since it's not actually working by his sword colliding with enemy hitboxes; it works as if Geralt cast a short range damage spell which is accompanied by a random sword movement. The actual sword movement is irrelevant, he just projects damage ahead. So weird that they did it that way.
I dig that.that clip was off the chains chief.samurai legend in the making.word up son
@ApostateMage. It looks nothing like the witcher🤔😒wtf.word up son
A stunning open-world samurai game is what I've wanted for a long time, ever since I played Assassin's Creed and fantasized about what it'd be like to a ninja Assassin.
I'm really hyped for the first time in a long time!
Very much looking forward to this. That setting.,audio and combat looks sublime... If a decent story holds up......
Been playing TLOU2 and although that's a ground breaking game in many areas I am kind of getting a bit drawn out with the latter parts.... Death Stranding was odd but kept me intrigued all the way through... as did God Of War... If Ghost can hold up to its promise it will be amazing...
Im super hyped for this. The only concern i have is that the battle system still reminds me of the assassins Creed series where its only to easy to block then counter. It also seems that when there are a few enemies, only one seems to attack at a time (again very like Assassins Creed). If my concerns are incorrect, this could end up as one of best games potentially.
@80sGamer No need to be salty just because you couldn't beat Sekiro
@80sGamer i think it was far from rubbish but we’re all entitled to our opinions. I personally wish i’d beat it, but it’s tough as nails.
I'm not watching any of this as I want everything to be new to me when I jump in.I just get very excited when the games mentioned..can't wait!
Damn I am actually getting super hyped for the last game I will buy on PS4 (likely)! This seems right up my alley
This is a "PS5" game for me.... Although with CP77 being delayed things may change and I may just end up playing GOS on release...
@80sGamer. Same. I couldn’t really get into them. I used to love Tenchu back in the day and always wished for them to remake it in a open world...This looks close enough for me can’t wait.
The game looks incredibly lively. Everything moves. It's so impressive when Jin moves walks to that shop to upgrade. This game is going to be quite the spectacle on the big screens. Looking forward to it.
@Beetoe agree. Sekiro is bloody fantastic. Im only just starting it again after getting quite a way through then putting it down for quite some time. When i came back yo it id forgotten everything and naturally got my butt handed to me 😂. One of my favorite games and imo the better souls style game for me.
Have to agree on this game. I think its going to be one of my favorite ps4 games ever! Love anything samurai set in a feudal Japanese setting or there the like. It just looks and sounds beutiful. Gorgeous pink blossom trees popping on a green backdrop and the score sounds sublime. Trying to avoid almost everything on this but i have watched the state of play about 4 times 😂
@ApostateMage Lol looks like you need better glasses if that's what you think.
@DragonSlayer1759 Do you want to have a frustrating experience by having multiple enemies attack you at the same time? Anyways they said that multiple enemies will attack you. While you are being attacked, one will wind up to attack you. Basically overlapping enemy attacks.
Hi there fellow gamers. My Hype is as real as it can get. I am so stoked for this game. I´ve been waiting for an open world, feaudal japan, samurai/ninja game for decades and it´s closer than ever. It is by default my personal GOTY already. In Sucker Punch I trust. Cheers and happy gaming to us all
@Kidfunkadelic83 I'm in the same place, I put it down at the Guardian Ape and regretting it. Tough game, but excellent as every other From/Souls.
I don't mind Suckerpunch so I expect this to be a fun release, albeit more mainstream that Sekiro - perhaps more along the lines of a Nioh?
Banger incoming.... 🥳
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