Sony has just wrapped up its deep dive into PlayStation 4 exclusive Ghost of Tsushima in the latest State of Play livestream. The near 20-minute showcase focused on combat, exploration, and how we'll be getting about the open world. This was our first proper look at gameplay outside of a few glimpses during cinematic trailers, so what did you make of it? Is Ghost of Tsushima shaping up to be everything you hoped it would or are you feeling slightly disappointed with what you saw?
To catch up on what the Japanese giant revealed, head on through this link to check out gameplay. Alternatively, you can watch the full showcase here. Don't forget that the game has suffered a slight delay to 17th July 2020. So, will you be buying Ghost of Tsushima? Did the State of Play livestream convince you into a purchase? Place your votes in our polls below and expand on your thoughts in the comments section.
Comments 96
Looked pretty good to be honest, hard to get a real feel for the combat from the video but it looks fairly involving. I reckon I’ll probably get it!
I was always getting it but it helped me decide to go for the special edition. Looks amazing, can't wait.
I literally started drooling when they showed samurai cinema.
Eh, I’ll have to see more. From what I watched it looks like a mix of Breath of the Wild, Horizon Zero Dawn, Assassin’s Creed, & Sekiro which is a good thing. I will likely wait for reviews.
Looks amazing! The combat looks really fun, and I'm glad enemies drop quickly, because, ya know... samurai swords. Already pre-ordered, can't wait!
love the stealth kills.
also why would ubisoft even bother making a AC in japan after seeing this? it would always feel lackluster compared to GOT.
the BW is cool but i'm not going to use it,it seems to be wasting the collor pallet of the game. still great for those who do want it though.
TLOU2 and GOT are 2 heck of console gen swan songs!
Really digged the way you go around exploring the island.
And that Kurosawa filter!!! dude!!
Honestly The Last of Us was my favourite PS3 game, but id happily push Part 2 aside to get this first. It looks so good
That was fantastic!!! What I love is this in a way is the natural evolution of Infamous.
Be good & bad in one single playthrough.
Dare I say I’m more excited for GoT then TLOU2...
@BearsEatBeets that steelbook is gorgeous.
I am convinced. It looks like a higher profile, more streamlined Akira Kurosawa AC dream. I need to try that combat, though...
Looks incredible PS4 Swansong.
Already preordered. Just 1 thing I want to know.Will this have difficulty levels to choose from,or only 1 difficulty level?
I thought it was great. I have some reservations for the combat but overall I'm excited. Loved the black and white mode, too.
And I guess we don't really need an assassin's creed set in Japan anymore.
Amazing as a fan of Samurai's this game is mind-blowing.
Lone wolf and cub would be proud.
It looks alright. Didn't tell me too much that's new, really. Photo mode, the art style, and music are all great. I like the focus on exploration, too, and the less obtrusive HUD elements.
The combat... eh. Could go either way. Depends on how the controls are.
It's very pretty, with the colours reminding me of something like House of Flying Daggers and the music was great. It does look like pieces of other games stitched together if I'm honest, although the stealth gameplay did get me back on board and looked more interesting than the samurai gameplay style. I'm not sure yet, too much of it is too familiar which isn't necessarily this games fault
@jdv95 that is my issue with Ubisoft’s open world games in general. They have the money/resources to make something amazing in the genre but just milk the same thing over and over again. This will knock Valhalla out of the park.
This is an absolute day one purchase. The visuals are great, the combat looks solid (although I’m still not sold on it completely), the exploration looks rewarding, and the game is downright stylish. I can’t wait for more.
It looked nice enough but I'm still not really feeling this one.
I bought the collector's edition before this State of Play and my God I am so happy I did!
Looks great obviously, but there's still a lot to know before I commit.
1 hit kills look great when it isn't you, how hard are those moves to pull off? I am so not into a challenge these days, easy mode or bust.
How's the PS5 going to improve it?
Paid DLC?
Wouldn't turn it down as a gift but may wait on a purchase. I mean, I still own but haven't played Witcher 3 yet. And I just finished Tomb Raider 2 but don't even own 3 yet.
But I will play this, if I live long enough.
@thefirst "How cool would it be if they let you make your own Dynamic background themes with photo mode? It would actually give photo mode a real purpose."
this could very well be a new ps5 feature we don't know about yet.
Day one♡ Amazing vibe
As only the 2nd PS4 exclusive game I've cared about (I dont care about Spider-Man, never had an attachment to God of War, Horizon came out at a bad time, and I havent been interested in Naughty Dog's work post-PS2, sue me), of course I'm buying it.
I need to justify having a PS4 Pro in some way other than DOOM Eternal.
Only gripe I'd say is colour blind modes please because blimey....some of those areas lose detail, I can tell there should be foliage and such but wow, the way its lit or something isn't doing me favours. Could also be stream compression, have to see.
Oh, and the ground looks remarkably shiny a lot, as if its been rained on, which makes sense, just an aesthetic thing I'm not big on in games for some reason. It always looks a bit less natural than it should, but maybe next generation will fix that.
Aside from one usability issue that will hopefully be addressed, and a gripe I have because it just doesn't sit with me, yeah I'm sold. Love the combat, its slower pace, and the wide world and how you are guided is creative and rewards observation.
Again, just hope I can observe clearly.
YES!!! Ghost of Tsushima is like the first game to accurately portray Samurai
They sold me the game today.
Gameplay focus, in-game HUD, exploration, customization, style, features, etc. And not political BS.
THIS is the path, Sony, make the rest of your 1º party studios come in line with this.
One perfect State of Play.
Congrats to SuckerPunch, beautiful game coming.
Had it preordered digitally since it was available. Looking good just wish the stream fidelity was a bit better hopefully they’ll put a 4K HDR video up tomorrow
ill wait for the ps5 version
Will pre-order the digital deluxe. Bit miffed that I can't get the Collector's Edition in Norway, would really have loved that mask. But, OK, I'll settle for the digital ed (sigh)
I already had the deluxe edition pre-ordered, so it didn't need to convince me.
@carlos82 Which Is Funny Considering The Composer For This Game Did The Music For The House Of Flying Daggers
Pre-ordered this ages ago, and glad I did. Looks great, the combat definitely looks different but that's what will make this game stand out.
WOW!!! Not sure whether to play it in colour mode or that brilliant Black and White mode
@Areus Really?! Maybe that's why I thought of it in the first place
👻 ghost of tshushima is my most anticipated games for the last 2 years.so its no surprise i. L💖ve the gameplay.and the graphics looks amazing.so its all gravy.word up son
@kyleforrester87 Odyssey is great as are most AC games.
Praise Sucker Punch for putting together such an amazing looking game (and one that could end up being the best PS4 exclusive of them all), leave the Unisoft jibes at the door.
Got the CE preordered. There were some nice bits in the state of play but nothing that blew me away (combat looks a little slow and I don't care about the customization aspect-- that being said the b&w mode is my new favorite thing). Lucky for me I've been hankering for this game since it was first announced. It and paper mario are going to eat up some hours.
I will have to buy a new controller though. I am certain this will not be comfortable for me to play on a dualshock.
For sure I’ll get Ghost of Tsushima, after I’ve had my fill of TLoU: Part II.
@Carl-G Why not both?
Maybe once in colour and second play in black and white.
What a stunning end to the PS4 era, unarguably the greatest console for single player games....ever.
@Col_McCafferty It's not a jibe this time, it's a valid comparison.
(Sorry if it hurt your feelings though!)
I was going to pre-order it anyway, (although not yet, the digital version is not going anywhere lol) but that just confirmed it for me. Looks cool, defo my kind of thang. I've seen enough of it though, I have no interest of hearing anything more of the story etc and would rather just play the game to find out how it all folds out.
July 17th can’t come soon enough I’m beginning to sense a theme here for the PS4 this will be my fourth Fedual Japan game I love Nioh one and I’m getting part two next month I also own Sekiro Shadows Die Twice collector’s edtion I’ve already got the collectors edition of Ghost Of Tsushima preordered I’m so excited for this game
Of course, I still want to learn about samurai combat though. I think I'll be playing the game fully in ghost mode for the first playthrough, I don't like it's called dishonorable, the end justified the means lol
For the second playthrough I think I'll be playing it fully on samurai combat with b&w filter, it's little weird seeing the game in full colour after the b&w preview..
My only concern is the story and quest quality.
👻 of tshushima is my most anticipated games for the last 2 years.i l💖ve samurai and ninja games.watch movies like that when i was little.with budda monks also.so its a easy yes.word up son
I was already planning on buying it, this just made me more excited!
This has the potential to be the crowning achievement of this generation, I was hyped before but now I'm beyond sold.
Sucker Punch have never let me down. And I'm a sucker for Samurai games, this is like the Assassin's Creed title I've always wanted since I was younger.
Bring on July 17th! 🔥
Holy crap that was amazing to watch. Exploration looks like it's gonna be mesmerizing ride. And the whole shipyard mission looked very involved.
That said, this would have been the perfect game for me if it had been more fantasy like tbh. I can't imagine the enemies not getting stale to fight when they're all just humans doing the same or similar attacks. If there's bosses, how will they make them feel different from each other? I really hope I'm proven wrong but I'm still gonna be cautious about it. Still this basically went from buying it whenever I have the money to buying it as soon as possible
To be honest I was sold after they showed the very first trailer whenever that was!?
Looks great though I do have some reservations about the combat as many others have said...
Day one.
I expect there will be more videos coming up (particularly after TLOU2 is out the way), hopefully showing some more combat. Some things looked a little generic, but the overall style and atmosphere looks superb.
Game looks completely outstanding and i think is in with a strong shout of being among the games of the generation. I love the tactical side of things - adjusting combat stances to take account of the different situations you are in. I love the fact customisation if your character actually impacts your play style and that black and white mode!!
This is everything i wanted and could be my ultimate game. I cant wait to try it. Well done Sucker Punch
There was no doubt at all that id be buying this Day One.My most anticipated game of the year!
Only watched five mins of the stream and then turned it off...want it all to be fresh when I go in.
Cautiously optimistic. I still need to see more of the gameplay and combat. There is still something off about them. Or maybe I’ve seen these before. SP clearly took inspiration from other games. I’m less excited than before.
Yes, that livestream has hyped me up nicely. I'll definitely get it at some point.
2 more months. Just 2 more months.
Even better than I thought it would be.
Not that I'm waiting for a sale, it's more of I'm waiting for money to grow up on trees after buying Tlou2
I pre-ordered the special edition as soon as they announced them and before it was delayed. I was always going to buy before State of Play...
Was always going to buy the game, this just convinced me it's going to be better than I was expecting.
Tenchu/Souls/Mordor= Sign. Me. Up. And the Japanese audio and black and white...wow
Want to love it but the combat’s a concern for me...
Hopefully that concern proves to be fruitless
Wasnt even a question from the start. Of course I'm getting this!!
I don't see the hype more than an assasin creed game. Odyssey was my first ac game and just finished it days ago and this looks almost exactly like a samurai version of it. I'm not saying that's a bad thing,I love the theme. But really didn't see it do anything really that separates it from ac aside from theme. I'm looking forward to it since I enjoyed AC and this looks like more of it.
What a preview. Looks fanbloomintastic.
Not really my kind of game, but the visuals and music were sensational, and I loved the B&W cinematic version with Japanese audio. I'll probably get this further down the track, if I ever find the time, providing the difficulty level ain't too high (and it ain't too similar to Zelda, which bored me pretty quick)
This was fantastic. I really felt like it was a Jedi kind of adventure, set in feudal Japan. Deflecting arrows. One hit kills. I really liked the vibe. Now, knowing SuckerPunch, I'll have to play the game twice... once on the honorable side, the other as the Ghost.
@Dodoo same! It was E3 or the PS Experience or something many years back.
@playstation1995 right? Ever since it was shown at E3 or whatever, the other year, I knew it would be my type of game.
I don't do pre orders however I am very interested in picking this up at some point.
Was always Day 1 (just like TLOU2) The presentation was just icing. It looks incredible.
I wasn't paying attention to this game because I thought it was just another game like Nioh, which wasn't a bad game, just didn't appeal to me. After watching the gameplay tonight, I'm all in.
@Bondi_Surfer this looked closer to Horizon Zero Dawn to me. Some elements of it anyway.
I will wait for the PS5. I really think that should've been a poll option so I haven't voted.
I have bought all firstparty games so nothing will change. 😃👍
I'am missing in second question, answer "No, I don't plan to buy GoT anyway. "
I'am not interested in another "open world" Actually even if I'm RPG fan, I don't like open worlds (except Assassin's creed, witch are more or less open world). And if I look at my backlog, I have a lot of open worlders and don't need more. I must say I'm missing quite corridor games ps3 had a lot. It seems to me, that corridor games have more interesting and intensive story, while open worlders changed into short plain main story focused on side quests and challenges (MMOs for single player). It is like to compare books against magazines (or comix sheets). I prefer book, where one story begins on first page and ends on the last. ☺️
Looked like if red dead and far cry had a Japanese baby
I'll probably get it but to be honest, it doesn't look very groundbreaking. Most of the stuff I saw in it has been in many other games. I just hope the story is good.
Open-world games need someone to break to mold at this stage I think.
I'm in, as mentioned previously this Cyberpunk and TLOU2 are all pre-ordered and will probably be my last pre-orders of the PS4 life cycle. What a way to go out, can't wait
It's a Sucker Punch game so I was always going to buy it at launch. That said it was nice to see more of the game. Hope it helped get more people interested b/c I've felt like this one didn't have much hype behind it.
After the first trailer, I was hyped.
After the first, very limited gameplay footage, I was left feeling disappointed.
I've just watched the State of Play video, and I'm off to pre-order. It looks fantastic, the combat isn't as simplistic as I'd feared, and the exploration aspect looks like great fun.
Nope (but none of the no options in the poll are the reason).
2020 is like 2013. Bioshock Infinite, The Last of Us, GTA V, they were all being held back by old hardware, and soon enough they got released on the next generation where they belonged. I'll be waiting to play Ghost of Tsushima, Last of Us II and Cyberpunk 2077.
I was blown away by the state of play presentation. The graphics, atmosphere and combat are things I’m definitely going to love. Pre-order is on the way.
Sold...at least if I can find some Xmas money still unraided!
@kyleforrester87 I agree 100%. They were onto something amazing with origins but I feel like they got lazy with odyssey even though it’s a bigger game. It’s just the same ***** over and over.
@Neolit. Whats going on playa.hows your family and friends.stay safe out there.word up son
@sciteach. Cant believe 👻 ghost of tshushima is the last major ps4 exclusive.wow.the graphics looks amazing.been playing video games since atari.and im shaking my head like amazing how video looks.its like watching a movie.and ps5 games will look even better than ps4 games.word up son
I've still got a big stack of games I haven't finished yet so I won't be buying it at launch, but it looks amazing and I'll deifnitely be getting it as soon as I have the time.
I gotta say movement animations in the 18-minute gameplay were a bit clunky for my taste.
It sucks pretty mediocre and the world looks pretty empty I'm going to need to see something pretty impressive about this game before it's even on my radar as of right now I don't really care at all about it
@Neolit. Yes everybody is safe.motostorm is and was amazing.playing the amazing prey right now.a fps classic.word up son
An emphatic yes from me.
Does anyone get a real feeling about the gameplay style? I'm not too sure how intuitive it might be.
I get that I'm in the minority here, but this looks boring. JUST MAKE BLOODBORNE 2.
Anything Sucker Punch makes is usually gold
The problem for me for this game is that I’m really afraid that it might be boring to play. Yes I realize I’m talking about Sucker Punch here but it don’t want to be lured in like a days gone situation. I’m currently playing days gone again due to quarantine so I’m kind of growing on it, but frankly another reason I’m not stoked for it is because I’ve been told by multiple sources from friends that I should know nothing about the game. To me that’s a problem because that’s exactly what happened with me getting days gone. I’ll probably wait until GOT is out to decide if I want to buy it or just wait until it’s on sale.
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