As far as keeping a reveal under wraps goes, Mafia: Trilogy hasn't exactly done a good job. Nearly every possible asset has leaked before tomorrow's official announcement, including screenshots, key art, and even trailers. Now, we can give you a glimpse of Mafia III: Definitive Edition, but there's a good chance you actually already own it. That's because it doesn't look like the package will be receiving any enhancements that the original game didn't already sport.
We can say that with some confidence thanks to the leaked trailer you see above. And if you're feeling a sense of déjà vu, it's not ill-placed. It's actually a repeat of the trailer 2K games used to promote Mafia III at Gamescom 2016, except for the fact that it uses the definitive edition title at the end. So, when the package arrives on the PlayStation Store tomorrow, we'd only expect the base game to be bundled with its DLC to form a complete version. Nothing more, nothing less.

Does this now become a piece of the puzzle you can safely skip? Do you already own Mafia III? It was actually a PlayStation Plus game back in August 2018 so the likelihood of that is fairly high. Let us know in the comments below.
[source, via]
Comments 28
So basically the Deluxe Edition that I already own?
@TrueAssassin86x This will include the DLC?
A bit of a shame but not surprising. With them redoing the first one and "remastering" the second, it was unlikely they'd have another team doing work on a third project.
Ideally I'd have like to see them completely gut Mafia 3 of all the bloat and just make it a linear story like the first 2 games. The game has very little benefit being open world and it actually drags down what could otherwise be a great game.
I enjoyed mafia 3 but I played all the DLC and platinumed the game. No reason to return, mainly waiting on Mafia 2
Honestly the Faster Baby dlc breaks the game. Youl have more money than you can spend
Already have and completed the base game. Guess i'll just get the season pass at some point as it Will be cheaper that way.
Think I’ll pass on this. I’m more looking forward to the remake of the first Mafia game, which for some reason I never played.
Not goona lie, I hoped it'll have a few exrta changes but can't really complain since I already got it thanks to Plus so it's alright.
Still haven’t played this but it’s on PS Now so I’ll probably play it through there
I'll be interested in this. Haven't played any of the Mafia games before.
@TrueAssassin86x it's the definitve edition and those always include all dlc's.
It’s a shame but not surprising. Still a good game even if it does get extremely repetitive.
But the Deluxe Edition has all DLC so what's the meaning of Definitive here...
I have this game love it but omg to play the original game again been so long and those graphics. Im gona love a replay of the 1st 2nd and 3rd again all on the ps4. I have all 3 mafias on steam. This whole mafia series getting redone awesome. I am really hoping on masseffect trilogy getting the same deal! Love this site 👍 thank you for the read.
@TheArt Just a rebranding to match the first two.
Is this essentially the deluxe edition, or is it a separate game, like with its on set of trophies?
Because I'd be down for buying it as part of the trilogy package and playing it twice after already downloading the original version on PSN+.
Or are we looking at a situation where I just need to get the Mafia 3 season pass at a reduced price, then buy Mafia 1&2 separately?
what an absolute joke, utterly bizarre
My big interest here is the remake of the first game and hoping it is more like the original or 2 than 3. Definitely looking forward to playing the remasterd 2 and dlc.
Mafia 3 provided me with some fun game play, but after 2 plays i have little desire for another replay .
@get2sammyb @LiamCroft Any word of the Mafia games getting physical releases?
I don't care if it's only as a Collection box set, just want to own Mafia 1 and 2 on PS4 physically.
I never did finish this one. I just enjoyed cruising around in Clay's Ford Torino listening to the ace soundtrack.
best thing they could do with mafia 3 is delete it and try make it again. loved the first 2 but god i didnt finish this one got bored
Still not played this after it came with ps plus. Not sure what updates they could do to the game? It only came out a few years ago this gen so graphically it would not be much of an upgrade anyway. Suppose they could fix any bugs or glitches but i assume those would've been patched by now. It sounds like a lot of work has gone into the first two games though.
@KidBoruto I’m afraid not, and I’d doubt it happening to be honest.
1 of the worst games on PS4 it's bad enough to buy it once! Why buy it twice? Why buy it at all considering it's free on PS Plus obviously an out of season April Fools joke
When is all of this mafia news actually going to be officially announced? Is there an expected time today?
I like Mafia 3 enough, from the minimal amount I've played to be more than happy to purchase the definitive edition in a complete collection with the first two. Would probably wait until its sub-£30 in a sale though.
Read this literally today "listing says that Mafia will be "faithfully recreated" in the Definitive Edition, "with expanded story, gameplay, and original score. This is the Mafia you remembered and much more.""
@LiamCroft Thankfully it turns out they're doing a physical release for the Mafia 1 Remake.
Already own Mafia 3 Deluxe (includes all DLC) physically, so the only game I'll have to grab digitally is Mafia 2 Remaster.
Just played this game and it took way too long and was way too redundant in the gameplay
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