Following the recent cancellation of WWE 2K21, publisher 2K was staring down the barrel of a year completely devoid of a wrestling video game. Considering how poor the TV product is right now, we wouldn't have exactly missed it, but plans have now been put in place to fill the gap left by the usual WWE simulator. WWE 2K Battlegrounds is a more light-hearted take on the sport, and it'll launch later this year. Get a taste for it in the announcement trailer above.
Developed by Saber Interactive, the WWE 2K blog describes the game as "a completely new WWE gaming experience that will feature arcade-style action and over-the-top Superstar designs, environments and moves. We’re focusing on social pick-up-and-play fun, but with plenty of depth for those who want to get way into it."

2K hasn't stated what platforms the game will be launching on, so we don't know just yet if it'll be a PlayStation 4 game or something saved for the next generation. Either way, this looks set to be an experience which brings fun and enjoyment to the forefront as it boasts of goofy visuals and special attacks which set Becky Lynch's knuckles on fire.
To be fair, this looks a lot more interesting than near enough every other realistic WWE title that has come before it -- reminding us of NBA 2K Playgrounds 2. After the disaster that was WWE 2K20, this light-hearted take on World Wrestling Entertainment could prove to be the break that 2K sorely needs with this series. The proof will be in the pudding, however.
Are you interested in playing WWE 2K Battlegrounds? Count to 619 in the comments below.
Comments 21
NBA Jam but for wrestling could be pretty fun. It’s 2K though so I’ll stay very cautious until launch.
Looks a lot like the WWE All-stars game on PS3. Still not excited though, I can see Battlegrounds pushing them card packs a lot.
after the last one why the hell is the WWE even still letting 2K make WWE games?
@FullbringIchigo Contractual agreement, 2K would've signed a deal to make a certain number of games in a set timeframe, so this game is a way to not breach that contract.
@DarthAmmii if i was WWE i would drop the contract and pay the severance
@FullbringIchigo I think WWE have more worries at the minute than worrying about the quality of their licensed games, which still sell loads by the way.
@DarthAmmii perhaps but it doesn't look good when they allow that kind of mess to be released without any comeback
Could be interesting, can’t be worse than 2K20 right?
The visual design is repugnant.
I wish netherealm would make a full console fighter out of that WWE game they made for mobile. It looked really cool with all the designs but if it was a full console fighter like mortal Kombat or injustice, it would be awesome!
They look less like chibi characters and more like straight-up midgets, lol. Also, I'm pretty sure that throwing a midget to a crocodile is one part murder, second part hate crime...
Looks more serious than 2K20 tbf
NBA playgrounds 1 & 2 were both excellent clocked up over 100 hours on 2. This could be great. Hope roster has enough legends content. Either way yes please. was hoping for legends of wrestlemania 2.... and this is more all stars 2 but it’ll do
I wonder if this means their NFL game is going to be NFL Playgrounds, too. Seems they're turning this into a franchise.
Presentation isn't pretty but hey, if it's better than WWE2K20 that's all it matters.
@get2sammyb I’m looking forward to NFL game greatly..... I’m missing NFL arcade games
I think the last great wrestling i played was on Nintendo64. I cant remember the name of it but it was awesome.
I wonder what the sick fffffffffffffffffffff will monitize this with. rent a wrestler lol
As The Broken one says. This game should be DELETED.
I was expecting a remaster. This is a pleasant surprise
Looks good to me. Of course looking like that it needs to be $20, $30 tops for physical, but it looks like fun.
I don't know too many wrestlers since 2000 but Cena, Rock, Stone Cold, those I'll play.
This is like the Teen Titans Go of wrasslin', and despite my initial hatred of Go it grew on me and now I like it for what it is.

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