Did you know that the PS Vita still receives new games on an almost weekly basis? Sony may have pulled the plug on the platform years ago, but smaller developers are continuing to support it in 2020 – an impressive feat for a format which apparently limped to around 16 million units sold. Many of the new titles are cross-buy with PlayStation 4, but it’s neat that there’s still reason for you to power the portable up.
Among the latest releases include Rush Rover, a thoroughly likeable dual-joystick shooter that does little new but will keep you entertained while you’re on the khazi. Then you’ve got side-scroller Random Heroes: Gold Edition, a simplistic platformer with plenty of protagonists. Wurroom is an interactive art experience that will cost you less than a packet of crisps, while Battle Rockets is an actual exclusive from Gumbo Machine and is described as a “sh’mup fighter”.
Alright, none of these titles are going to set the world alight, but if you invested in a PS Vita and still enjoy playing it, then it’s neat to know that the indie development community is continuing to support it. Sony’s largely abandoned the handheld’s PlayStation Store these days, so most titles don’t even appear in the new releases section – but you can filter out fresh handheld titles on the web-based storefront, so have a browse if you haven’t already.
[source store.playstation.com]
Comments 44
This is pretty nifty. I do wish that Sony would do some maintenance on the Vita Store. Firstly, they have not updated it at all and secondly they have stopped virtually all price promotions. Now the format is 'dead' I sort of wish that they would do large scale promotions to squeeze some more cash out. The last Vita sale was Boxing Day sales in 2018.
I would say “no signs of slowing” is probably a bit much but glad it’s still getting some support!
I was just playing some games on my Vita this morning...
Psvita is dead, long live psvita!
I wish Sony would host more digital Vita game sales. You get one every blue moon or so, but it seems like it'd make sense to try and milk the last few pennies you can from the small corner of the market that actually bought this thing. Especially now that so many physical Vita games are hard to find.
I started playing Vertical Drop Heroes HD on vita and had a blast. Such an addictive game.
P4G and AC Liberations were good memories. I also managed to platinum MGS3 on the Vita. Good times.
@Ralizah Exactly this. Physical prices are still very very high (largely second hand) in the UK compared to digital and there are so many games I would like to get on Vita.
Well, duh. It's Sony's only handheld, at the moment - what with PS Store being unaccessible via PSP and Nintendo Switch showing that yes, handhelds actually have a habit of, y'know, selling, Sony might as well as make the most out of it.
The vita is amazing I recently bought windjammers with the intention of playing it on PS4 but it just seems more suited to the vita i just wish more vita games got a ps+ discount
New Utawareumono launches on vita next month, so its still hanging on. I still play mine most days. Thanks @get2sammyb for continuing to cover it.
Still among my favourite consoles of all time.
Jailbreak? I bought the neon Orange Vita recently just to Jailbreak it.
I still use it regularly for Salt and Sanctuary or Dragon's Crown. Such a sold little handheld.
I'm playing through dynasty warriors 8 on it right now. Now that I think about it most of my current backlog is psv titles.
I do like my Vita, it’s great for PS1 titles and I love the buttons, they have such a satisfying click. I have to say I did jailbreak mine though, I have quite a few imported games and being able to translate them just saves time compared to following a guide.
Sony HQ be like.
"...Vita? Vita?... Now where have I heard that name before?"
@Rudy_Manchego They have never even touched the PS3 store for years it's been showing Ronaldo for FIFA for god's how long and yet it's that far out of date he's in a Real Madrid shirt when he plays for Juventus.
Then sometimes it will show the FIFA 20 poster it's slow and never gets any deals yes it's an old system like the Vita but people can't afford a PS4 especially now. I still play my PS3 and some play the Vita Sony may not produce any hardware for these 2 machines but at least maintain the stores for them and give out deals
Great little handheld. Really was years ahead of its time.
@Rudy_Manchego A couple games I wanted were on sale in January of this year, I seem to remember, but I passed on them at the time. Like Dragon Quest Builders was 50% ($20). Kickin' myself over that one, mainly, because the number of Vita titles on my wishlist that have been on-sale since then is exactly ZERO, lol...
@Nakatomi_Uk I still play my PS3 too, Daytona USA and the SEGA ages stuff never showed up on PS4 as for whatever reason, they only seem to put SEGA ages on Switch these days.
@Rudy_Manchego I’ve recently been buying a lot of the physical games I missed or had on digital to free up space on Memory stick... I wish there were sales on PSP games and digital only games - such a great console. Just wish it was supported properly with big games for longer
Playing castlevania sotn and dragon crown (cross-save with ps4) is a dream on vita with that oled and dpad, I know it's unlikely but I hope sony make another handheld for playing indie games and ps5 streaming.
clearly the idiots at sony pullet the plug to early, the psvita is on a high when it comes to new releases, and there is big demand for the psvita at the moment at the secondhand marked. but whats dying and sony dont talk about anymore, is the psvr crap sony was trying to push on everyone the last two years. i said it a long time ago, psvita is gonna live longer than the psvr crap even when sony killed off the psvita. sony should have released a psvita2 more powerful and bc with psvita1 games. it would be a killer product that would take down nintendo switch a few notches. but no sony had to do psvr crap instead and lose money, idiots.
I’ve been looking for a Vita in stores for about four years now. Guess I’ll have to buy a second-hand one.
I need to recharge mine and hack it so that I can use a memory card adapter. That 16gb I have is a pain to manage, so I just gave up. Sucks that the only option they gave me in the end is to hack it to make it useable. If only it used microSD cards from the get-go, I'm sure it would have been much more popular than it ended up being. Its quite a neat little device.
@AlexSora89 Well it's a mixed bag. As much as you might say the Switch shows handhelds sell, the Vita shows they don't. It's also very noticeable that the Switch is as much a home console as a handheld, and the purely handheld Switch Lite is selling far less than the normal one each week despite being newer. Also given how terrible the battery life is, like 2-3 hours with many games, is it really designed as a handheld? It seems more like a bonus mode for a home console than a handheld that happens to be playable on TV.
Sony's worst selling devices are two handhelds, and the best selling console of all time is a home console. But then again, 4 of the top 10 best selling consoles are handhelds so it's obviously not like they can't sell. I'd be interested to see how well a Nintendo handheld would sell if it didn't have Pokemon, though.
That PSVR "crap" is one of the best selling headsets. Exclusively plays one of the greatest VR games ever made.
Virtual reality is only moving forward. There will indeed be a PSVR II.
Sony, and moreso Oculus, is dedicated to bringing us fantastic VR games, experiences & educational VR content.
Those who choose to relegate themselves to pancake gaming are missing out.
Big time.
I occassionally notice a Vita games being discounted on PSN when I hit filter on the PS4 sales and set platform to Vita. I think it's always cross buy games though, and the choice of games tends to be pretty slim. Still worth checking though, I found a few decent games I've never heard of doing that.
@Nakatomi_Uk Agreed, I still play my PS3 and Vita and would love to see even minimal effort. I checked out the PS3 sale and it had AssassiNs Creed games for £15. The remasters are cheaper on PS4!
@keihtg Really? Maybe this is a Europe issue as can’t see anything going cheap here unless I am missing them.
@Stocksy Me too. I had a 64gb memory card that died so have been collecting as many Physical second hand as I can but they have started to go up in price from what I can see.
I recently rebought myself a Vita in doing so I noticed that the second hand prices are fairly high and on eBay the amount of bids on a system is shocking.
Personally I had always hoped that a Vita Go or a Vita128GB or Vita64GB (with built in memory) would happen.
I've been playing a lot of Need for Speed Most Wanted on mine lately. Well an hour a day at the minimum. Great fun! There's a lot of games I've added to my wishlist on PSN due to no physical copies but Sony isn't putting any of them on sale. Been waiting a long time for them to go in a sale.
What a pathetic way for Sony to treat their platform. They never believed in Vita for 5 minutes.
Vita means for life I got an OG a Vita with the OLED screen for my birthday this year, great little machine, fit’s in your pocket more easily then any Switch and has better games then a mobile phone. I did have a Vita when it came out but sold it, I managed to collect a load of digital games though which I’m no playing through:)
Vita was a great little machine. It's a shame that in the west it received marketing that was about as effective as the marketing for Nintendo Wii U.
Just got one yesterday!! I got it to play some Katamari. Realized it didn't have a memory card and am shocked at ebay prices. Whats the best way to go? I gotta figure out how to transfer my ps4 games. Do I need a cable?
..I turned mine into an emulator... I use it now more than ever... but this is absolutely no thanks to the zero support of Sony... the bad aftertase of buying this (and PlayTV, and EoJ, etc.) almost stopped me from getting PSVR... fortunately they chose to support PSVR moderately better than the Vita (although it looks like support has pretty much dried up down now..) fingers crossed for PSVR 2.0!
Thanks for the tip on the store and a psvita actual store update is much needed at this point - whats the worse that can happen someone might buy a game ?!?
I didn't expect people to still be making excuses for why the Vita failed.
@Mince The Switch is no different. It came out after PS4 gen was well on its way and can barely play @ PS3/360 last GEN quality. And by this Christmas it will be 2 GEN behind once PS5 comes out.
All Nintendo did was bundling what is essentially a USB-C TV dock in the box with a handheld and killed the Nintendo home console to consolidate their base.
A base that bought 104 million Wii and 154 million DS at the same time - yet now "Hybrid" is barely tracking at Wii numbers.
Regardless of what software support the VITA got. Almost 10 years ago SONY made a portable system that had Oled Screen, Folders, Themes, Bluetooth audio, Local back-up And an actual online service with Voice Chat, . All things that are still in-line with what is happening today.
I have nearly 300 games on the Vita and counting. I have a PS1, PSP and a Vita. The Vita is the most played out of the three.
All hail Ratalaika games!
On PSVita I finished Persona 3 a few weeks ago and jumped immediately into P4G (wow!) Vita rules! And for some reason I bought World of FF (b/c it was on sale?)
Anyway, the bigger story this thread calls out is the absolute failure on Sony's part to keep their stores alive. Sony - you sell games, so why don't you use every storefront you have. I am backfilling PSV and PS3, I have money, make me an offer on games I want to play.
Seriously, it boggles the mind that they don't keep up the storefronts in Vita and PS3, to have constant, attractive deals on games that no one is buying otherwise. Incompetence or does Sony sales team have a secret? Several years into the current PS era and I must go with the former.
I play my favorites game franchises on the Vida, "dead" !ol
I'm still playing Soul Sacrifice daily and I love it. Long live Vita!!!
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