This week may have all been about the PlayStation 5’s new DualSense controller, but even as the PlayStation 4 nears the end of its life, we’re still learning new things about it. For example, did you know that if you hold down the DualShock 4’s PlayStation button for 10 seconds it’ll turn off? It’s true – try it for yourself.
We only learned about this after reading a popular Reddit post earlier in the week, and it seems the majority of users were equally flabbergasted to learn about the fascinating tidbit. We wonder what other hidden secrets the PS4 harbours? Let us know if you were aware of this controller shutdown shortcut in the comments section below.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 88
First time I hear about this as well!
Yeah...I knew this. Can't think of a scenario where I would want it to be off while the system runs.
@Cutmastavictory I didn't know this but I was thinking the same. If I have no need for the controller to be on I don't need the console on.
@Cutmastavictory @BearsEatBeets If you've been playing multiplayer with friends and family but you're switching to a single player game, for example.
It takes me about 2 seconds to press the PS button, devices, turn off controller. Handy to know, but not really that quick to be honest.
yeah i knew about this never needed to use it though
@get2sammyb Fair Enough. Instances where I have played local multiplayer on my PS4 I can count on one hand, so not my wheelhouse of experience.
Nice try but I heard about this on Reddit like four or five days ago
I can't think of a good reason for this if you're streaming Netflix or Hulu and you're watching a movie or half hour TV show you can turn the controller off save your battery till the show is done and then turn it back on
Ran out of Dualsense articles, time to milk the DS4, aw yeah.
Sure is PushSquare alright. All about those controllers.
Though really, I think the general rule for controllers now should be whatever your main button is/used to sync to a system is also your power button.
Didn't know about this, but I know I can turn off xbox one controller on pc with this trick. I never need to turn off ds4 without turning the ps4 console though, so I usually press ds4 home button for 3-4 second and choose "turn off ps4" from the menu when I want to turn off the console.
My R1 button is always on. I don't know why or how to fix it. I've taken the pad apart and can't see any reason for it. I've left the R1 button out when putting back together and it suffers the same issue. I have to turn off my pad every time I load up a game otherwise my pad doesn't work so for me this might prove to be a time saver. Yeah it's annoying as hell and I need a new pad. I just can't find one cheap enough for my tastes at the moment and I'm planning on getting a ps5 so don't want to spend nearly 50 beans on one.
If you try milion ways how to connect DS4 to your mobile to operate remote play on android 8.1 (without success) you will discover it quickly. ☺️ BUT I knew this feature before I had PS4, because I was using DS4 on PS3.
Globally it is quite meaningless feature for PS4, because DS4 switches off automatically when you connect new controller to your profile. ☺️
It's purpose is exactly because of PS3 where you use it as wireless device and DS4 won't turn off when you turn off PS3. ☺️ So you have to switch off DS4 by this trick. Mystery solved 😉👍
Lol, thats my Reddit thread. Your welcome.
@Cutmastavictory If I’m taking a short game break and using my TVs YouTube app. I have one controller in each hand and shut off the DS while I’m browsing YouTube with my tv remote.
Watching movies or Netflix is probably the only time you'd use it.
@No_Cartridge 10 minutes is the shortest setting, right?
Dualshock 3 does the same
Honestly it's a bit faster to hold the PS button down for a second and then go into devices and turn the controller off.
@BearsEatBeets @Cutmastavictory I often turn a controller off when it's low on battery, and I want to switch to a different controller so I can continue playing wirelessly.
Speak for yourself Sammy, I knew about this. Thought it was common knowledge. Guess I'm just a True Gamer.
And here I was turning it off from the quick menu.
Like some kind of animal!
Surprised they didn't say you've been turning off your controller wrong this whole time. But honestly I can't see any reason why you would use this feature. I just have it set to turn off automatically after 10 minutes of inactivity. I'd much rather the convenience of zero effort than a measly 10 minutes of battery.
That's old new and its maybe easy to go through the fast menu and about as fast than it is to remember that.
Yup, i stumbled upon this before. I wondered what would happen if i held it down longer, and sure enough, the controller shut off.
Pretty useful, i use it a lot if i need to leave my gaming area for food or other stuff so i save battery. Or you could replace the one inside with a higher capacity battery.
@Cutmastavictory while watching Netflix, or a Blu Ray would be good reasons. Too often I find myself accidentally fast forwarding
How is this easier and faster than holding it (1 second), going to Sound/Devices and Turn Off Device (3 seconds)?
Would be cool if the PS5 has voice commands for this since the controller has a mic. Like you'd say "PlayStation, turn off controller".
I already knew this mostly because it's the only way to turn off the controller when I use it on the pc
@Cutmastavictory @BearsEatBeets @MattyHammo if you accidentally turn on the controller with the system unplugged or not around its handy for sure. I often repair my dualshocks and this trick I utilize when having to open my controller up, before unplugging the battery. Also when paired to the ps3 you can still use this trick and it's very helpful. Still in normal scenerios, I just use the quick menu to turn off devices, or just let the system turn off the controller when I power down or go into rest mode.
@Serisak effort? Lol.
but there's a lot of reasons for this feature outside of normal scenerios. But really normal scenerios isn't why Sony added this option to begin with.
Didn't Know this, Well now I get to use it for 7 months. I have the dongle touch charger so I always set down my controller on it when not in use. Almost never have to switch to a second controller because of a dead battery.
Wow I uh legit didn't know this lol Appreciate the article!
I've known this for years but that's because I bought a PS4 controller to play my Steam games before I even owned a PS4 itself.
I knew this one, but not from PS4 usage. It worked when I'd paired my controllers with PCs and such. Cool to know it works with the PS4 itself
@No_Cartridge and why xbox is still sticking with AA setup nothing beats a set of 5000mAh+ batteries that provide 500% of the power that's built in to the DS4.
And when they won't hold a charge (years later) you just swap em out with another $5.00 set in a 20 second process.
I swear everytime i see an article that says "SECRET TRICKS YOU DIDN'T KNOW FOR YOUR PS4" i already know about everything. But i actually don't know about this. So props.
As we all know the ds4's battery is not the greatest whatsoever, so i often turn it off to change to my second controller, or when I'm watching something.
At this point I'm probably faster with the quick menus. But still, nice to know.
@JohnKarnes the idea of needing a whole nother controller when your battery is drained is why the Xbox is sticking with AA compatible setup where a set of 6.99 LADDA rechargeable AA gives you 2x sets of 5000mAh+ (which is 5x as much as the DS4 and its 1000mAh capacity).
So for 7 bucks you get 10x as much usage as the PS4 controller and when they finally wear out you're not buying another nother controller just a new set of $7 rechargeables.
@soy I personally always turn mine off this way as I find the menus in the Playstation 4 to be a lag fest almost to the point it feels locked up. I leave my system on for media and other such things and this battery already needs to get charged 4x as often as my rechargeables in the elite so I keep it off as much as possible.
Really? I thought this was common knowledge... It's the exact same logic as the PS4 power button. You press it to turn on, hold it down to turn off. Not that hard to figure out.
@Cutmastavictory you can't? How about while watching a movie or TV show? It doesn't need to stay on during these things. And if you need to quickly turn it on to pause you can do that. Better than letting it sit on wasting battery.
Why is this a surprise? I already knew this hidden feature ever since I got the PS4 first time I know I'm the type I always look for hidden features 😉👍 Not many people don't even know how to properly delete your PS4 system cache 😑
I knew about this since last year when my PlayStation frose and I was tapping and holding the home button and was surprised it turned off the controller also the ps3 controller can turn off by holding the home button down to
@Matroska yes hopefully it will work but also the mic is mainly for game chat
Yeah, I've know this from when the ps4 first came out. People have just forgot. Simpletons!
@get2sammyb my tv remote can control my ps4 when using netflix, hulu, etc. So ill definitely use this when i use those apps.
@Cybrshrk A small group of idiots doesn't mean something else is better. A lot of people don't realize you can replace the hdd's in them. Others think it voids the warranty, despite everything saying otherwise. Some people also don't realize the ps4 pro has sata 3.0 and can be upgraded to an ssd.
Why people find it an issue to just use one of the dozen phone chargers they have lying around, I'll never know. Or spend the couple of bucks to get a 10'-12' cord, but will dump $60 into an extra controller.
What about when you're using apps like Netflix, prime video or Disney +.
Are you leaving your controller on?
If so, that's a waste of energy.
Slamming it into the ground after an infuriating loss works as well
@Cutmastavictory Watching a movie or listening to music, etc. I don't personally use it as a media center, but some people do.
@Cutmastavictory watching a film?
@BearsEatBeets watching a film
Think I'm going to purchase a couple of new pads my original with console the right sticks rubber pad is slightly ripped abs I swear my R2 button is going. In GTA5 sometimes the bloody game doesn't shoot
@Cutmastavictory when switching controllers or going from multiple users to just one, but yes, there are other ways to do this.
@Nakatomi_Uk yes these are fairly common problems with early PS4 controllers. I went through 4 of them myself.
@Cybrshrk granted but will not quite as easily replaced you definitely can replace the battery in a DS4. It's really not that hard or expensive. Even for a better battery.
First time too!
@Cutmastavictory handy for a number of different things especially downloading games or updates and leaving it on to go do other things in the meantime.
Don’t let Kotaku hear about this. They’ll have to write an article about how it’s too easy. 😂
😊 Well done 5o tthe people that were spot on with their comments, it is infact a feature for if you use the pad on another device or ps3 as the pad will just stay on otherwise 100% correct
It’s great for VR and the move controllers. Once finished playing just hold the PlayStation button on both controllers at the same time. Takes no time. Really useful 👍
Yes I accidentally found out about this when I had started to fall asleep after playing on the system for about 7hrs the night I got it a couple of years ago. Had started to doze off and was pressing the PS button to power it off, had realized that it turned the remote off automatically though after holding it for a bit to long. Wish this worked on the whole system though. I haven't tried it on there however. I know you can hold the PS button on the system and it week turn off, but other than restarting and turning off, that's all I've found for that. I'm tempted to back up the system on another disk, and good the PS button with the eject button at the sane time to see what that does. But I love my old ps4. She is still just as shiny as the day I got her.
The best use I've found for this is shutting off a DS4 that I've been using for gaming on PC.
@MattyHammo I've always put it on the the ten mins mark for turning it off so each time it's not getting used it automatically turns off after said while.
I'm surprised no one here knew this. I guess being a Xbox owner helped since this is a key feature
Helpful but I tend to hold the button then it brings up the sub menu and then go through that way through sound and devices can take only around 3 or 4 seconds tbf so I just do it that way usually.
Old news, 2007 DualShock 3 PS3
Been doing this for years.. occasionally use it as a bt controller for my phone, easiest way to turn it off when done with it.
Works for the ps3 controller too. Had hundreds of albums on my PS3, used to leave the windows open and blast some tunes while barbecuing under the tree out front... good times. Lots and lots (and lots) of whiskey and tequila.
I knew about the easy shutoff
"PlayStation 4 nears the end of its life"
thats the ps4slim and not the ps4pro, you will be completly fine playing on your ps4pro for 3 years until the ps5pro comes out.
Then there's me laughing. Dude it's in your ps 4 handbook under basic instruction. It post it numerous times a week on your system and show in your ps4 game screen under system and functions yet years later ..... omg look what I found. Sign signs everywhere just watch. hope you didnt miss out on your dream mate the same way by ignoring all the hints posts and signs.
@BearsEatBeets @get2sammyb
This actually comes in super handy. When I connect my controller via Bluetooth to my PC or Phone (to play cod mobile) , I would have to resort to turning it off via reset button on the back with a paper clip because I’m too lazy to jump into my Bluetooth settings and disconnecting it that way. I didn’t know this, now I do. Thank you!!
I only found out how to turn off a game while in the PlayStation screen. Saves me being permanently in the lobby of Fortnite.
@BearsEatBeets i turn my controller off when i get on netflix or hulu or something. Or if i am in a party while waiting for my game to update.
It's easier turning it off manually. I hate how the shortcut menu pops up and that you have to hold it for so long
@Cutmastavictory watching a movie on Netflix?
Actuawawry * ....
It is USB3.1 :3
To watch TV?
I'm also in the camp of "Why does it take 10 sec. to turn of, when you can do it faster by manually going into the option and turning it off."
I actually didn't know this, but because it takes 10 sec. and the only places I would use it is when using streaming services, such as Netflix, Youtube etc., and you have to sit and wait for 10 sec. while the thing you want to watch is paused, because it pauses automatically when you hold down the button, I'm not going to use it anyway.
No, make it 5 sec. and I might start using it.
................. This...... This is a joke article right? The quarantine's made you guys insane..... Right?
Y'all didn't know this? I've been using this feature for a couple years now.
I thought everyone knew this, guess I was wrong
@Cybrshrk I did not need to buy a second controller. I did not have one for years. The only reason I did was I loved the crystal see through red, white and blue controllers. I prefer the Sony's rechargeable over batteries or battery pack I need to buy. I feel Microsoft does this for more profit with less cost of putting in a rechargeable battery or selling you a battery pack. If they gave you Your first set of rechargeable AAA batteries I would like It.
I've Found That, Ages Ago !
There's a faster way to turn off.. (Hold PS Button : Press Quickly Square Button = DualShock Turn Off in 4 Seconds)
It takes 3 seconds to do this from the quick menu.
@BLOB I gotta try that!
I actually didn't know this. It's going to come in handy when I want to watch Netflix or Disney+ and I'll only have to use my tv remote for pausing and rewinding. Saving my precious battery.
@potter32 in the words of the cool Gen Z kids, "cool story bro"..
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