Isn’t it funny how fast we forget? The PlayStation 4 felt like a revolution after almost a decade of PlayStation 3’s unwieldy game installs and barely functional PlayStation Store, but Sony’s current-gen console is considered tedious by contemporary standards. Huge patches, update copying, and a flaky operating system have all contributed to the PS4 feeling a little long in the tooth.
The exciting thing is that the more we learn about the PS5, the more it sounds like it’s been designed with all our gripes in mind. At the forefront of that is the PS5's SSD, of course, which will not only enable developers to build bigger and better worlds – but will also get you into games faster than ever before. As architect Mark Cerny elaborated last week, “fast travel will finally be fast”.
This increase in speed will expand to everything, of course: no longer will you have to wait 20 seconds twiddling your thumbs when you die in Dark Souls; those lengthy delays before matches in NBA 2K will be a thing of the past – although 2KTV fans may lament that. The immediacy means you’ll spend more time playing and less time sitting around.

Naturally, this expands to the patching system as well, which will no longer require copying time – perhaps one of the most common complaints pointed at the PS4. Patents suggest Sony plans to bundle game menus into the operating system itself as interactive widgets, meaning you’ll be able to circumvent entire user interfaces in order to play what you want to play.
It sounds like Sony has been listening, not just to developers, but also to consumers – and PS5 sounds like a direct response to the problems that have plagued PS4. They’re little things on the surface, but when bundled together it’s easy to see that next-gen is going to be all about immediacy, and getting to the good stuff faster than ever before.
Are you excited for the immediacy that PS5 looks set to provide? Get into your games quicker in the comments section below.
Comments 38
what were those again?
@dudewithcioc Did you know the PS5 has a SSD?
Sony if your listening make a gaming machine without thrilly bits we know you make movies but I am a Gamer.
@OmegaStriver yeah I know
Interesting to see that the speed of the SSD is the focus for Sony. Increased pixels and graphical fidelity can only go so far. Processing speed is where we are going to notice a big difference, as well as how that speed makes for expanded larger open worlds.
I’m going to miss staring at those splash screens for 2 minutes while the game loads and reading the helpful hints scroll through the screen for 30 seconds after you die. How will I ever learn that pressing square makes me dodge?
My PS4 peeves? Like the RP's default Vita scheme acting in denial of the console's own remapping options or the inability to autoreboot after a power outage? All context considered, I wouldn't hold my breath about those.
It's like....a few months ago the press was full of 'diminishing return' talk and how there wont be any jump in graphics anymore and NOW.... wow 2 Tflop will change everything 🙅♂️
Yes the SSD is the true game changer.
I'm excited for the speed of ps5 ui and games using that superfast ssd, if I can already see the difference on win10 pc, I can't imagine how fast it will be on specialized console like ps5.
So does this mean we’re gonna get a decent capacity battery in the controller?
Bluetooth headphone support... thanks!
So I can expect the console to be reasonably quiet and for the controller not to fall to pieces then. Would be nice...
Compared to the Xbox OS, the PS4 one is a helluva lot less stressful to use
It looks like someone has been peeking at the forum. We were discussing this last week. 👀
BLUETOOTH better be the norm.. I don't understand why you can't connect all Bluetooth headphones
Oh so they actually released the PS1/PS2 emulators they have on PS4 but refuse to release so we can play our physical copies of old games?
Well the PS4 fixed all my pet peeves with the PS3. I believe in Mark Cerny to make the PS5 AMAZING in lots of ways I hope they make the UI as easy to use as the PS4 to.
I just can't get excited about a SSD. Yep, it will be miles faster than PS4 but been using NVMe for years on PC. PS5 may be quicker but they only take 2 seconds to load into the biggest games as it is, saving 1 second is not all that meaningful. I need to hear more than old SSD stories.
I was playing horizon today and I could not help myself thinking what the sequel could look like, play like and sounds like on a ps5.
XSEX "power your dream"
Ps5 "power your reality"
I want the following:
@Ridwaano yeah this seems to be by design and it’s one of the dumber things Sony has done.
I bought new audiotechnica headphones only to find they aren’t supported. Not exactly an unknown brand!
@TooBarFoo going from 100 mgbs to 5500!!!
Is just going to change everything. Not loading screen. Fps too as well. And how many things can be on the screen and no pop ups.! Even less heat! Since nothing is spinning and noise from the console
I have been using my PS3 (fat) since it’s release. I bought it so I could still play all my old ps1 and ps2 games as well as the new library of ps3 games that we’re going to be released.It still works to this day , although I did have to change the main board and thermal paste .( crappy thermal paste on original cpu ) Anyway I wanted to buy a ps4 on its release but I didn’t as to many models were to choose from. I am glad I held out because it did not take long for Sony to decide to release a PS5, with that said I will most likely wait to purchase as well. I am a old School gamer and still have my Atari 2600 , Sega Genesis , Nintendo , Nintendo Wii ( soft modded still 😘) , Sega Gamegear , and My baby Commordore 64 ... The one I use the most is still the PS3 , why because it’s just a solid console ... The morale of this comment wasn’t to brag , it’s simply to say Sony if you need to wait till you release another console do it right wait and get the right one out just like you did with the PS3 , mic drop 🎙
This Digital Foundry video was made long before we learned about the incredible PS5 SSD speed (2x the SeX )
..they need to overhaul the store... group add-ons together so you're not scrolling through reems of virtual coin bundles... ensure PSVR is all one list of games, not "games" and "experiences"... also... your game library - better filtering for games you've purchased over the years, if you want to re-install / hide / etc. - most importantly they really need to integrate the social side more (like XB) - get groups / communities in there, feeds from people on your home page, proper game forums / communities you can join / share pics / meet other players with (REALLY important for VR - so you can play MP, etc.)... not just tinkering, it needs a ruddy good overhaul... PS4Pro looks AND FEELS archaic against XB1X... and they really need to look at their streaming games service - if they don't get a grip before PS5 - XB Game Pass is going to trample all over PS5... the race is on!
@Dodoo If it can manage 10-12 hours of battery life, that'd certainly be a step up.
So the game disk will never be loose in the case after being shipped?
I dont comment to make 'points' haha
I thought you'd be interested. Sorry about that then
So the PS5 won’t randomly eject the disc for no reason, update for a couple of hours when I have 30 minutes to play, the controller will have more than 3 hours of charge, and they’ll ship games that won’t need patches larger than the actual game?
Well that’s peachy.
My friends don't understand that the SSD is more important than the Teraflops 🤷🏾♀️
I doubt it. I expect a lot of remasters
With the SSD being so fast, the suspend mode may be unnecessary for games. If games for the PS5 can save all the variables of what was happening at the time of quitting, then when you load the game, you're back at the same place, no reason to suspend and no reason it can't be done.
Dreams will really benefit from this too. Media Molecule may even be able to change the way levels load.
And in regards to expanding solid state storage, I hope they have more than one extra M.2 slot and that the original SSD slot is also compatible with M.2 cards, just in case it dies (I wonder if Sony will also sell official PS5 drives).
I love this point in the news cycle before a new console come out. It’ll do your dishes while simultaneously ironing your shirts!
Remember when [redacted] was reporting the Switch would be more powerful than a PS4? Good times.
I want selective updates. I don't want games I don't plan on playing for a while, yet still installed, to keep updating (like rrd2). Right now I have it set to only system updates in rest mode, but I want to select which other games get updated as well.
@Wesker Sorry the controllers are fine i dont know but no problems here only the battery could better.
@MrGawain The eject was the first PS4 only and patches is not up to Sony that up to the developers.
@Arnna Never heard of that brand. 😆
‘MY’ problem with the PS4 is I paid £349.00 for something that stopped working correctly a year after warranty, similar to the fate of my PS1 and my PS2, and 2 Sony DVD players I have owned. And I’m a little sceptical the PS5 will be any different in it’s build quality to be honest. I do not see it as a fair solution that I can fix this problem by buying a more expensive model.
Plus there must be greater rules put in by Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo that stops broken, unfinished games being released before they are ready. With the size of patches getting bigger and taking longer to download, this goes against the concept of a console where you just put the game in and play it. That’s why we choose to play on consoles instead of PC, because the product should come to us fully formed, or as close as it can be.
@MrGawain The replaced all my consoles no charge. My PS3 got replaced for a refurb after 3,5 years no costs. 👍
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