The official PlayStation 5 website has been updated, following last week’s behemoth blowout from lead architect Mark Cerny. The page now says ‘PS5 is coming’ and reiterates the console’s Holiday 2020 release date. It also includes brief information on the device’s super-fast SSD hard drive and 3D audio.
“With these capabilities, PS5 will allow developers to maximise their creativity, building expansive worlds and new play experiences in the games they design,” the website summarises. As before, there’s a form for fans to fill out in order to receive regular email updates on the next-gen console, with the platform holder pledging dibs on “the PS5 release date, PS5 price, and upcoming roster of PS5 launch games”.
That’s some good SEO there, Sony.
[source playstation.com]
Comments 28
Next-gen last gen was so exciting. This is all so lame. And not just Sony. Nothing about next-gen sounds exciting thus far.
Money saved (upto £450) finger cocked for preorder whenever its fully announced. 2000+ titles owned digitally so no matter what xbox does i am to ingrained in the PS ecosystem. I have purchased every xbox (except the onex) just for individual exclusives (titanfall being last i can remember) but since 1995 its been all about playstation for me.
At this point I'm not expecting anything launch date wise until whenever we get a price point, everything is still up in the air tbh.
just waiting for pre-orders. Not sure they will end up making that many this year with how things are going.
Great. Here's my wishlist.
Rayman M remastered
Mortal Kombat 9 remastered
A new Power Rangers openworld game based on 3 seasons of mmpr
A Sonic 30th anniversary game
The Simpsons Hit and run remastered
A new South Park game
A new Family Guy game
The Sims 5 on consoles
The situation has changed now. China will be able to pump them out in the thousands, but we won't be allowed out of the house to go and buy one! 🤣
@sabaki08 I couldn't disagree more. Im excited for next gen.
It's coming....but not with that logo. Have a look at the 5. Time to start using pictures of the correct logo in your articles.
@Cutmastavictory I was thinking the same, next gen sounds very exciting. This gen had some great games but they were basically the same as last gen albeit with improved performance. It sounds like the shackles are off and we might genuinely get some new gameplay experiences
@twenty90seven Trust me, they have bigger problems than a silly 5. Looking at you Horizon Zero Dawn.
@sabaki08 sorry but with all respect, this is a truly next-gen next gen 🤣... The custom design of PS5 via it's SSD (and to less extent Series X) will allow many things you don't even imagine. Maybe we have to wait two more years but it will pay off.
@Cutmastavictory Agreed the stark differences in console design between Sony and Microsoft have me more excited for this gen than maybe any other previously.
@Octane And don't forget the ever bigger problem of Knack 3.
Everyone saying Sony doing it wrong for the reveal. I think they are being smart actually. Imagine a full reveal with games and fast SSD demo. Awesome right? Then they give the full specs... Everything they showed is drown under the idiotic Tfloppers cultists cries.
Now we got that couple of less Tflops out of the bag (and glad the rumours are over) , the hype momentum is getting going and the games will look incredible.
And I couldn't be any less excited or interested about it
This gen.. Went fast i guess all those delays of games makings it go faster since we wait so much.. 😴
This time in the pre launch, PS5 era, will be the topic of a talking point editorial a couple of years from now. The topic, reflecting on these uncertain times and how Sony is kicking ass in the present.
I am more excited for the PS5 than any previous console. Some people simply don't understand the exponential increase in power and speed we are getting. Simpletons can't get past the Tflop number.
Definitely picking a PS5 at launch, China is almost back on it's feet now. Japan is next to China yes? So how have they managed hardly any infections from COVID 19, but Italy is on its knees. I am picking up a XSX also but probably a year later, mainly because I'll be able to play exclusive's like Halo Infinite on my XboxOne X.
How many of these have you played?
Just completed Control. Really good game, with no real in game performance issues on the Pro, but damn, after those load times I'm ready for a super fast SSD.
@MattSilverado Exactly! Last gen was basically low end PC/Mobile parts. A console with a true 8 core CPU with 16 threads, A high end GPU with ray tracing and PCI-E 4.0 SSD support. This is true next gen and I am very excited.
''PS5 Is Coming Sony Insists ...''

(sorry could not help myself)
@Netret0120 Probably most of them for at least 5 minutes. They are spread over ps3 and ps4. According to truetrophies website i have trophies for 700 of them.
Hopefully it won't get delayed and 'once it's out' we can then see all the new features then
I wish they would start announcing the games coming at launch I'm not paying a fortune unless I know it has some great games coming within the first few months
Can’t wait, going to be great.
Love the smell of a freshly unboxed next-gen PlayStation 😆
No loading screens/instant startup of games will almost be worth the upgrade alone.
Can I place a pre-order yet?
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