Update: And just as quickly as this story got out, Geoff Keighley is here to debunk it. He says on Twitter: "Sources tell me the Xbox Series X release date is unchanged and still "Holiday 2020." There is no announcement today about a release date."
We don't know how this update to the website managed to get out all of a sudden, especially so when it is associated with such a key detail to Microsoft's next-generation strategy. This does, however, prove that Xbox is confident it can still hit its projected Holiday 2020 release window. Whether this is a future announcement which accidentally went live early or is a genuine mistake, we'll have to wait and find out.
Original article: Sony has just wrapped up its PlayStation 5 deep dive reveal, letting the world know the sort of components its next-generation console will contain. That's 10.28 Teraflops of GPU power, incredible 3D audio, and more, but it looks like Microsoft had an answer to all those details ready in waiting. The Team in Green has just revealed the Xbox Series X's release date.
The official page for the Xbox Series X has just been updated with a "Coming Thanksgiving 2020" tagline. Scroll right to the bottom and you'll get a good look at it. For those outside of the US, Thanksgiving takes places on 26th November 2020. This update has only taken place on the official Xbox Series X website, with the likes of Phil Spencer currently silent on Twitter.
This is extremely early to put a date on a next-generation console, especially so in the current climate. However, Microsoft is clearly confident in its next console and this could be a way to get ahead of Sony and the PlayStation 5 yet again. What do you think though? Share your reaction in the comments below.
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[source xbox.com]
Comments 47
I wish you stop with the xbox posts, me personally I don't give a damn about them and it's not I expect to see on a PlayStation site.
@AdamNovice If it's relevant to PlayStation, we'll cover it.
I'm very tempted by the new Xbox just for the fact I will be able to play 4 entire console generation's games in one box, props to them for learning from their mistakes this gen and coming out with a very impressive system 👍
Are they getting desperate to retain the hype? Certainly seems like it.
Game line up is most important so that's the news I'm waiting for
Surely it won’t release on Thanksgiving Day itself? Isn’t that a holiday?
Xbox clearly has a game plan going into next-gen.
@liamCroft It isn't really though is it? Oh wow MS announce a date, let Pure Xbox cover it. Push Square should be sticking a lot more to actual PlayStation stuff.
Microsoft certainly seem to have produced the superior piece of hardware this time. Still waiting for confirmation of whether or not they will hamstring it by forcing developers to produce games for an inferior series S as well.
Wow MS is killing it. After revealing the PS5 is quite a bit weaker with that snooze fest. Then MS doing this, it all but has to come with some really good games at release to win this launch.
@AdamNovice its the direct competition and they have both been releasing info on next gen consoles. If you dont think the specs and release date matter to the PS community and the gaming community at large you are mistaken
I will get both consoles in due course, but as it stands I'm also thinking I will pick up a xbox first. With game pass it will loads to play with added cost and it is by far the more powerful. Running a GPU at 2.3 Ghz seems like a desperate move to make up ground and I'm not sure its going to work out well. I'd rather wait for PS5 to work out the problems rather than be stuck with supper loud consoles like I have this gen. 😒
Wow. Not sure how well that date will hold given the current state of the world but interesting nonetheless
I don't really like saying it as I've nearly always enjoyed PlayStation much more than Xbox for whatever reason but Microsoft have been making all the right moves for a couple of years now. The final piece of their puzzle is exciting exclusive games (which we're almost certain to get for PS5). Once they have that in place, we're looking at a really healthy time for gaming hopefully wherever you play.
It's exciting times.
(Providing the world hasn't gone to complete pot by then I guess )
@get2sammyb I'd guess the day after? . I went to New York on thanks giving and everything was shut! Will a black Friday release day? sales will be absolutely mental!
wait so it does not have a date yet?
weird that happened .
I'll be there day 1. Definitely more excited for Series X than PS5 at this point.
And you r proven right. Theres no news. Just click bait for xbox.'responding'
@Ken_Kaniff That's assuming they get back any support from countries they've lost because outside America and the UK Xbox is barely relevant.
@Nyne11Tyme I'd argue Nintendo are more competition since their the ones who actually keep pace with PlayStation.
i agree with @AdamNovice.. what's the point in resurrecting the xbox site, if you're just going to post every bit of next-gen news about it here?
@beavis64 The Xbox One X is an amazing piece of technology crippled by the fact that it only plays the same games as the Xbox One original. It might be true to say that the Xbox One X is the best place to play multi platform games currently but the baseline of the PS4 is superior to the baseline of the Xbox One.
@JJ2 Please do not accuse us of click baiting over something which is absolutely not click baiting. The official Xbox site was updated with a release date, it's not our fault that proved to be untrue.
@JJ2 Exactly. I'm not one to brag but the fact that in less then half an hour I got 8 likes on my original comment shows that I'm not the only one thinking that. So for me PS have to be careful how they handle articles like this otherwise they run the risk of losing readers.
All right, we're all wound up over the PS5 deep dive and people going mental on Twitter. Let's calm down.
We did not write this article with the intention of posting about Xbox news. We wrote it because it, in the current climate, is relevant to PlayStation. That's the long and short of it, and our friends at Pure Xbox would do the same if the situation was reversed.
We're happy to take everyone's feedback on board, but let's not get carried away.
The Push Square homepage is absolutely covered in PS5 news today. Writing one Xbox-related article, that's still related to PlayStation, does not change that.
I don't see why people are getting so agitated about receiving news from Sony's main competitor. It's like reporting on a football match and then just talking about one team whilst completely ignoring the other.
Apologies if you feel offended. I'm not accusing you I'm just stating what is a tact. These no news. A mistake is easily done but a mistake nonetheless. Best to admit it as such.
I mean look at the way the ps5 news was treated.
I think its awesome and delivers beyond expectation regarding the SSD. All you see in pushsquare reports is negativity apart from 3d sounds that was old news.
@JJ2 That's not true. We're really excited about PS5 for a lot of reasons, but we don't think Sony did a particularly good job with its showcase today.
I'm sure it'll have a much better reveal in the future.
Delays for everything seem inevitable. I get wanting to deliver on schedule and from the business side maybe MS sees this as a chance to get a jump on Sony if PS5 goes into 2021, but you also have to be responsible, especially considering that damn near everything gets made in China.
@ShogunRok I don't have the extra interest to look daily as Xbox news, so seeing stuff like this that is directly related to the two is nice. Keep giving the major Xbox updates!
On another note, his wording of "sources tell me" is super weird. I don't have have any extra confidence honestly.... I mean, I imagine both will still launch this year, but this feels like it could change from how it's worded.
Oh well. You like pacing in presentation I know 😀
I'm more about real facts. Still, no kidding this time, you need report on the SSD. Like DF said on twitter, it goes even beyond just numbers. All is based on it basically.
@LiamCroft then just cover all news because we can get that news on any MP site we come here for PlayStation news not to hear what Xbox thinks & Xbox Specs & Phil spencer thinks this & that.
You're all as fickle as football fans. Mad gets.
I can imagine the team over at MS were laughing their heads off at the talk, the whole thing felt like "please understand".
@WallyWest yeah the team that cannot even sell 50 million Xboxs in 4 flavors in a whole generation it blows my mind how any of them are even in a job right now.
bet they grasped it in a much better light than you seem to have GDC talk is right up there street.
@David187 There there, no need to get vicious, they were only making a joke.
@ShaiHulud if you think that is vicious you have lived a sheltered life! that is a fact how Phil Spencer has held on to his job baffles me.
When you consider that the PlayStation brand has far more worldwide interest it's entirely possible they would attempt to garner as much attention as possible.
The PS5 logo got more hype attention over the internet than the actual Xbox console reveal after all.
@David187 I'm just saying it sounded rather harsh Good point re Spencer though, this gen was a massive cockup for them.
@get2sammyb Nobody is releasing a console T-day or BF. You're right, it's a shut down holiday. NO mail delivery. Considering how many people order stuff online that makes no sense. And BF is just madness.
Tuesday before 11/24 might be close enough for them to label it "Thanksgiving 2020". Nobody reads "holiday 2020" and thinks a game is coming out Dec 25th.
Games, games, games.
Until we see what exclusive titles either company intend on releasing within the first 12-18 months of their new consoles going on sale, I'm not sure how anyone can declare one side as being the winner over the other.
Third party titles won't really look or play different on either console so chill ladies and gents, we have a few other things to worry about in the meantime!
Today's PS5 announcement wasn't a PR triumph. The new PlayStation is at a raw GPU spec disadvantage, and I get that some people are disappointed.
"This does, however, prove that Xbox is confident it can still hit its projected Holiday 2020 release window."
So MS accidentally put the real release date out early, or the wrong release date out, and then have to hastily retract it? And your takeaway from that is that they're confident?
Good coverage, guys. I can’t wait to see what happens in the months to come! I’ll be hopefully picking up each console at some point.
I’ve been holding off on playing Control in the hopes that it’ll play better on PS5. Seems like it might be the opposite. They’re really giving us the PS3 treatment. It’s probably gonna be priced at $1000.
@LiamCroft Go post it on your new xbox site ffs
and how is that relevant?
Still early days you could have the most powerful console with poo games oh i still going to buy it because its powerful console its the games that make the console
@CmShepard It already has been, as did Pure Xbox cover the PS5 specs. We will continue to cover Microsoft news if it is relevant to PlayStation.
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