How do you find and kill all 16 Colossi in Shadow of the Colossus on the PS4? They are the beating heart of Bluepoint's brilliant remake, and in this boss guide we’re not only going to help you to find all 16 Colossi, but we’re also going to share some strategies on how you can beat them, too. Whether you’re looking for tips, tricks, or tactics, read on for help leading Wander to victory as he mounts a siege on the Forbidden Lands.
Colossus 1
Colossus 1 in Shadow of the Colossus is also known as Valus or Minotaurus Colossus. He’s more of a tutorial boss fight as the game teaches you to get to grips with the game’s unique combat mechanics, but beating him will unlock the Valley of the Wanderer Trophy.

Where to find Colossus 1
If you’re not familiar with how Shadow of the Colossus works yet, then raising your sword overhead when out on the open field will point a beam in the direction of the next boss. You simply need to follow this beam to find your prey.
In the case of Colossus 1, head south from the bottom of the temple’s steps. You’ll eventually come to a small platforming area which teaches you the basics of navigation in Shadow of the Colossus. Once you’ve successfully clambered across the small cliff-face area, you’ll emerge in an open field where Valus will strut past you.

How to kill Colossus 1
Just as you used your sword to direct you to Colossus 1, you can also shine light on all of Shadow of the Colossus’ bosses to see their weak points. Doing so on Valus will reveal a small patch on the back of his left leg. Run up towards it and grab onto the fur, then stab the illuminating panel with your sword by holding the square button to raise your hand and then pressing it again to thrust forwards.
Valus will stumble, allowing you to clamber up his leg and onto the platform above his booty. Rest here if you need to recover your stamina before climbing up Colossus 1’s back and running across his shoulders onto his head. He’ll thrash around so make sure you keep holding on (you can retreat to his shoulder area if you need to recover your stamina). Keep stabbing the panel on his head until Valus collapses.
Colossus 2
Colossus 2 in Shadow of the Colossus is also known as Quadratus or Taurus Magnus. In terms of scale he ups the ante on Colossus 1, but he’s still relatively simple to dispatch once you learn how to deal with him. Killing him will unlock the The Mammoth Trophy.

Where to find Colossus 2
This time you’re going to want to go north. Head down the temple’s steps and hop aboard Agro, then ride directly behind the big building. You’re going to come to a canyon with a bridge facing due north, so ride across it until you see a cut-scene. Follow the path that leads down into the canyon and then turn right at the bottom and trace the inside wall. Beneath the bridge is a cracked piece of wall and when you approach it Colossus 2 will smash through it.

How to beat Colossus 2
While this beast looks big, he’s easily beatable. Colossus 2 will try to stomp you with your front feet if you stand in front of it, and that’s basically what you’re going to want to do. Switch to your bow and wait for him to lift those giant hooves off the ground, then stick an arrow right in the bottom of his foot. He’ll fall to his knees, allowing you to climb on.
Once you’re up, run across Quadratus’ spine and grab onto his head. Again, remember to cling on when he thrashes around so that you don’t get tossed off. Stab the weak point on his head until it disappears, then run back down his spine to the rear area. There’s another panel just by his booty, so stick your sword in it until the boss fight is over.

Colossus 3
Colossus 3 in Shadow of the Colossus is also known as Gaias or Terrestris Veritas. He’s arguably one of the most iconic bosses in the game due to his sheer scale. Beating him will unlock the Wake the Knight Trophy.
Where to find Colossus 3
Just like with Colossus 2, you’ll want to take the bridge heading north that’s behind the temple to find Colossus 3. Instead of heading down the path into the canyon, though, keep going across the bridge so that you come out in the desert area.
Gaias is slightly trickier to find because the beam of light can be deceiving. Essentially, once you’ve come off the bridge you’re going to want to head north-west towards an outcropping of mountains, but don’t go too western as you’ll end up in the wrong area. There’s a path between the mountains that takes you to a lake, so jump into the water and swim towards the arching path that leads upwards. Navigate your way to the large oval platform, and run towards its centre to awaken Colossus 3.

How to kill Colossus 3
This is a bloody big boss fight, so make sure you use L2 to keep Colossus 3 in your camera’s focus. To start this battle, get Gaias’ attention and run towards the edge of the platform. Make him follow you by using arrows if he’s stubborn. He’ll either stomp you if you’re too close or swing his big sword if you’re a bit further away.
Once he’s on the outside of the platform, run back to the centre and stand on the small platform in the middle. Attract his attention again and wait for him to swing his sword. Jump off the platform out of the way and wait for the sword to rebound off the platform. This triggers a cut-scene showing Colossus 3’s armour being damaged. You now have a route onto his head.
Get him to swing his sword one more time (this time in the grass) and dodge the attack. Now climb onto the sword while it’s stuck in the dirt and hold R2 to grab on in case he shakes you off. Once he’s steady, hold onto Gaias’ fur and climb onto his head. Stab him until the weak point disappears.
With that done, drop down his back and onto the platform surrounding his mid-riff area. Be sure to pause for a few seconds to recover your stamina if needs be. Then run around his belt to his stomach, climb up the fur, and stab the weak point until he dies.
Colossus 4
Colossus 4 in Shadow of the Colossus is also known as Phaedra or Equus Bellator Apex. This is one of the few forgettable boss fights in the game, but it’s still an interesting bout because it forces you to use your wits and the environment in order to overcome the foe. Killing him unlocks the Land of the Gravestones Trophy.

Where to find Colossus 4
To find Colossus 4, you want to head south-east out of the temple. Try not to go too south, you’re mostly going left from the bottom of the temple’s staircase; follow the beam of light out of your sword for the exact direction. You’ll ride into a dark mountain pass which is rather linear and easy to follow. Exit out into the valley and then follow the area around until you come face-to-face with the Colossus waiting at the end.

How to beat Colossus 4
Colossus 4 is not a difficult fight, but it can be a frustrating one. It essentially relies on you getting the AI to do what you want it to do, so those of you who shook your fists at The Last Guardian may get irritated by this one.
Basically, what you need to do is lure Phaedra to the trench area in the middle of the valley. Use arrows to get its attention. What you want it to do is follow you on top of one of the four trench entrances. When it comes over to stomp you, climb inside the trench and wait near the doorway. He’ll start stomping trying to get you out, and this is your opportunity to run into the trenches, take an alternative exit, and climb out.
When you come out, Colossus 4 will still think you’re inside, allowing you to jump onto its back. Stab it on the neck to get it to lower its head, then climb onto its bonce. Keep stabbing the weak point until the sucker slumps.
Colossus 5
Colossus 5 in Shadow of the Colossus is also known as Avion or Avis Praeda. This is the first colossus that you’re going to have to fight while it’s airborne, so we hope that you’ve got a head for heights. Killing him will unlock the Riding the Wind Trophy.

Where to find Colossus 5
Remember how you went south-east for Colossus 4? You’re basically going to need to travel the same way for Colossus 5, except instead of going into the dark passageway you took previously, go north-east and follow the small trail around until you end up at a temple-like area. Use your sword’s beam if you’re lost.
Jump into the water and swim towards the wall in front of you. Dive to get through and then swim towards the tall pillar. Climb up it, sprint along the walkway, and wait for the cut-scene to trigger. Are you ready?

How to kill Colossus 5
Colossus 5 is, for our money, one of the best boss fights in the game. To begin, just swim towards the three pedestals slightly poking out of the water. Climb on top of one, and fire an arrow at the bird to attract its attention. Now get ready because things will escalate quickly. Basically, Avion will try to swoop towards you to land an attack; you’re going to pick your moment, jump, and grab onto his wing.
If you’re successful, hold on for dear life as Colossus 5 soars into the sky. Once its wings settle, climb onto its back and let your stamina recharge. First of all, run down its tail and take out the weak point on its rear. Remember to hold on for dear life, because it will shake you off. Once you’re done with the tail weak point, climb back onto his body, and let your stamina recharge. There are weak points on each of Avion’s wings, but taking them out will cause the colossus to go into a frenzy, performing all sorts of barrel rolls and basically not keeping still.
If he does toss you off, then you’ll need to attract his attention with another arrow and leap onto his wing again. Take out both wings (and the tail) to defeat Colossus 5.
Colossus 6
Colossus 6 in Shadow of the Colossus is also known as Barba or Belua Maximus. This is a giant troll-like boss fight, and it’s another one of the game’s weaker battles. Killing him will unlock the Tomb of the Giant Trophy.

Where to find Colossus 6
Colossus 6 can be a bit of a pain to find, but you’re basically heading south-west this time. Head down the temple’s steps and onto Agro, then ride towards the woods in the south-west corner of the map. The forest can be a bit of a maze with multiple exits, but you’re looking for the exit in the south-west. Use a combination of your map and your sword if you get lost – it can be confusing.
Follow the trail out into the plains and use your sword to direct you towards a structure in the side of the mountain. Find a path leading inside the building and then complete some simple platforming sequences before you come face-to-face with your considerably-sized foe.

How to beat Colossus 6
Colossus 6 is an easy enemy to beat. He’s going to try to stomp you right from the start, so get moving quick. You’re going to want to run away from him basically, but there are hurdles along the way. Climb over the walls and just keep running until you reach the end of the room, and there’s a little cave-type area you can climb into.
Shoot an arrow from the safety of this area to grab Barba’s attention, and wait for him to bend down towards you. Leap towards his beard and grab on; he’ll lift up his head so be careful not to fall off. Once he’s steady, climb up and rest on his shoulders. Then navigate onto the top of his head and start stabbing. Be very careful here because Colossus 6 really tries hard to shake you off.
Once the spot on his head disappears, a new one will appear on his back. Climb down, ensuring to recover stamina when you can, and then stab that final panel until Barba dies.
Colossus 7
Colossus 7 in Shadow of the Colossus is also known as Hydrus or Draco Marinus. It's the only water-based battle in the game, and thus is one of the more memorable bouts you'll have during your campaign. Killing him will unlock the Waves of Lightning Trophy.

Where to find Colossus 7
Colossus 7 is located to the north-west; head out of the temple, ride to the rear of it, and take the same bridge heading north that you followed for Colossus 2 and Colossus 3. Travel in parallel with the giant bridge that overlooks the desert about two-thirds of the way, then cut to the west and into the mountain pass. Follow the trail until you reach a lake-like area, where you’ll need to follow a bridge and leap across to a spiral pathway. Follow it around, and then dive into the water below to start the fight.

How to kill Colossus 7
Colossus 7 is basically the eel that you can see snaking through the murky water. The “lights” on his back help you to keep track of him easier in the pond. What you need to do is swim so you’re basically positioned above him. He’ll slowly come up to the surface and if you’re in the right place, you’ll be able to grab aboard his tail.
As soon as you’re grabbed on, just hold on. Hydrus will start swimming under water, but as long as you’re holding on tight he’ll take you with him. Eventually he’ll surface again, allowing you to let go and recharge your stamina. Your objective is to basically put out the big lights on his back. Be careful because these can electrocute you, but once you’ve stabbed them you’re safe. If Colossus 7 throws you off, then you’re going to have to repeat the process of swimming above it and grabbing onto its back.
Work your way up the Hydrus’ back, turning off the three lights. Once that’s done, a new panel will open up on its head. Stab it to kill the water-based beast.
Colossus 8
Colossus 8 in Shadow of the Colossus is also known as Kuromori or Parietinae Umbra. This colossus is a bit of a wall-climber, but once you figure out the tactics for dealing with him, he's fairly easy to dispatch. Killing him will unlock the Scaler of the Colosseum Trophy.

Where to find Colossus 8
Colossus 8 resides in the south-eastern portion of the map, so head down the steps from the temple and follow your sword’s beam through a passage in the mountains. You’ll eventually emerge in an open field with a shrine. In the mountainous area almost opposite the shrine is a dark cut-through you can enter. Follow this around until you see a building; dismount your horse and enter it on foot. There’s a spot of climbing involved here but it should all be straight-forward; keep platforming until a cut-scene triggers.

How to beat Colossus 8
At the start of the Colossus 8 fight you’ll find yourself atop a pretty large tower, and if you look over the edge you’ll spot Kuromori towards the bottom. The first stage of this fight is to get his attention, so shoot a bow at him and begin your descent down. Watch out for the clouds of lightning that he flings in your direction because they can be pretty deadly.
When you’re about two levels from the ground, fire a few more arrows at the enemy to get its attention. Then wait for it to climb up. As soon as it starts climbing up the wall of the coliseum, dive down to the ground and shoot the glowing parts of its legs with an arrow to make him fall. The higher up the tower he is when you fire this, the longer he’ll be incapacitated.
When he’s crashed back down to the ground, climb on top of him and stab his weak point with your sword. He will eventually throw you off depending upon how long he’s stunned for, so simply climb back up to the second layer of the tower and repeat the whole process if you aren’t able to kill him on your first attempt.
Colossus 9
Colossus 9 in Shadow of the Colossus is also known as Basaran or Nimbus Recanto. This is a bit of a gimmick boss fight where you need to rely on the environment in order to succeed. It's an easy enemy to beat, but you may need patience as you wait for the foe to move into the exact spot necessary in order to execute him. Killing him will unlock the Lurker of the Cave Trophy.

Where to find Colossus 9
Fortunately, Colossus 9 is an easy enemy to find. All you need to do is take the bridge west of the temple and travel slightly north-west into the big open space on your map, ensuring to follow the direction of your sword’s beam. The skies will slightly darken if you’re going the right way.
You’ll eventually end up in a large area of land where geysers are shooting up in the air. Look for a cave towards the north of this area in order to trigger a cut-scene and start the fight.

How to kill Colossus 9
To beat Colossus 9, you’re going to want to spend time on your horse if you can. While Basaran resembles a crab-type creature, he opts for a laser beam attack instead of standard pincer strikes. Keep on the move and try to direct it towards one of the geysers. If you need to get his attention, then fire a few arrows his way.
What you want to do is get the enemy to stand over a geyser; when the water shoots up you’ll knock it off balance. If you want to be efficient, try to stick with one geyser, as luring it to different geysers takes a lot of time and won’t necessarily give you an advantage. Just be patient with your positioning, and remember to use arrows if you need to get the enemy’s attention.
When Basaran’s in position and the water shoots up, he’ll lift up his feet, and you’ll need to hit at least two before the geyser stops. Finally, Colossus 9 will tip over, allowing you to climb up its furry tummy. He’ll eventually stand up, so make sure you’re holding on, then climb up its backbone towards its head.
Stab the weak point on his bonce to finish this foe off, and get ready for the next battle.
Colossus 10
Colossus 10 in Shadow of the Colossus is also known as Dirge or Harena Tigris. This is a great boss fight, but it requires mastery of your horse and arrow control, so if you're not great at multitasking you're going to want to remain patient. Killing him will unlock the Mystery in the Sand Trophy.

Where to find Colossus 10
You’re going to the west again just like Colossus 9, but instead of heading slightly north-west to the area with the geysers, go slightly south-west instead. You’ll be able to travel a lot further, but once you can’t go west any further, look for a gap in the mountains. This is the lair of the beast that you’re about to face.

How to beat Colossus 10
Colossus 10’s attack patterns are easy to learn, but this boss fight may frustrate some who struggle to multitask. You’re going to need to stay on your horse throughout much of this fight; try to ride centrally through the sand pit to avoid obstruction. Get the attention of Dirge by riding close to it, and let it chase you. Use L2 to fix the camera on the enemy's position if you need to.
Eventually its head will come out of the sand, and you need to put an arrow in its eye. If you hit, the colossus will smash into a wall, stunned. This opens the opportunity for you to leap onto its back and stab its weak point with your sword. You’re going to have to repeat this process a few times to kill it, but the pattern remains identical throughout. Just try to be patient and you should be fine.
Colossus 11
Colossus 11 in Shadow of the Colossus is also known as Celosia or Ignis Excubitor. This is one of the more creative boss fights in the game, as you're going to exploit his fear of fire in order to beat him. Killing him will unlock the Guardian and the Pit Trophy.

Where to find Colossus 11
Colossus 11 is another relatively easy boss to locate. You’re essentially going north from the temple, taking the bridge that you used for Colossus 2 and heading into the desert area. Follow the bridge leading to the temple all the way until you see a crack in the ground; climb off Agro and investigate. Fall through the crack and then climb into the room ahead. A cut-scene will trigger, notifying you that it’s time to fight.

How to kill Colossus 11
Describing Celosia as a colossus is perhaps a little misleading, as this bull-like creature is actually pretty small. He’s fast, though, so you’re going to want to dodge pretty quickly. Look for the torches in the room and climb up the pedestals. If Colossus 11 hasn’t follow you, then attract his attention with an arrow – you know the drill by now.
He’ll head-butt the pedestal, knocking free a torch. Jump down and pick it up; climb back up the pedestal and light the torch, now jump down and swing it in the colossus’ face. He’s scared of the fire, and will begin to back away. Your objective is to shepherd him to the rear of the room where natural light is seeping through, remaining wary of the swipes he may aim in your direction.
Once you’ve backed him up far enough he’ll slip off the edge and his armour will break. Leap down and grab onto his back, and begin stabbing him. He’ll rush about, but cling on while he’s moving and take your opportunities to strike. Once you’ve chipped away all of Colossus 11’s health, you’ll be taken back to the temple.
Colossus 12
Colossus 12 in Shadow of the Colossus is also known as Pelagia or Permagnus Pistrix. This is a cool colossus that you’re going to direct by using some “tooth” like panels on its head. Killing him will unlock the Thunder of the Lake Trophy.

Where to find Colossus 12
You want to take the north-eastern bridge from the temple to find Colossus 12. Follow the path into some woodland and take the path beyond the waterfalls. Save at the shrine and shimmy around the circular pillars that you find in this area before dropping into the lake and swimming forward for the boss fight.

How to beat Colossus 12
To start, you’re going to want to swim behind Colossus 12. Check the colour of his tusks because when they glow he’ll be about to blast you; you’ll be fine if you keep moving. Just swim close to him and go around his side and round to the rear. You’ll eventually happen upon a furry area which you can grab onto and climb.
Make your way onto his head and use the “teeth” to steer him by striking them with his sword. Your goal is to march Pelagia towards one of the large circular buildings in the stage. When Colossus 12 is close enough, leap across and stand on one of the circular buildings. Attract his attention with an arrow if you need to and wait for him to put his front feet on the structure.
Now’s your chance to leap towards his belly and stab his weak point with your sword. Eventually he’ll crumble the circular building and you’ll be thrust into the water. You’ll need to repeat the entire process until he dies.
Colossus 13
Colossus 13 in Shadow of the Colossus is also known as Phalanx or Aeris Velivolus. A giant sand worm, this is arguably one of the most spectacular and iconic boss fights in the entire game. Killing him will unlock the Signs amidst the Storm Trophy.

Where to find Colossus 13
You’re heading to the desert to take on Colossus 13, which is actually in the same general direction as Colossus 6. Head south-west out of the temple and travel to the woods yet again, but this time take the western exit out of the forest. If you’ve gone the right way, you’ll come out in the desert; follow your sword’s beam to an area of ruins. Once you run inside it, a cut-scene will trigger introducing your next boss fight.

How to kill Colossus 13
If you don’t like Colossus 13 then you either have a stone heart or you’re playing the wrong game; this is an unbelievable battle. You’re going to want to stay on Agro and use L2 to keep track of the giant flying serpent. The big sacs on the base of its body are your target to begin, so shoot all three down with an arrow. You may need to aim ahead to account for the distance your arrows have to travel and the speed at which everything is moving.
When you’ve taken out all three sacs, Phalanx will swoop down to the surface, and you’re going to need to ride alongside it on Agro and leap across to the wings scraping the desert floor and climb up. Hold on until it assumes normal flying position, and then while in mid-air, run to the first of three flaps sticking up off Colossus 13’s body. Climb inside and stab the weak point.
There are three of these across the body of the beast, but unless you’re highly skilled, you’ll only get chance to take out one per attempt. Once you’ve taken one out, the beast will fly back into the sand, so make sure you hold on and then leap off just before it hits the surface. If you hold L2 you can keep track of Phalanx while it’s underground; be prepared with your arrow and you can take out the sacs quickly before it flies back into the sky.
Take out all three flaps to win this incredible flight, and slaughter Colossus 13.
Colossus 14
Colossus 14 in Shadow of the Colossus is also known as Cenobia or Clades Candor. After the excitement of Colossus 13 this platforming-heavy bout can be a bit of a letdown, but beating him will unlock the Shield of the Colossus Trophy.

Where to find Colossus 14
Colossus 14 can be a pain to find, but rely on your sword and the map and you should be fine. Exit the temple west and take the western bridge, then look for a gap in the mountains near to the west of where you found Colossus 3. Take the path leading north-west and follow it around into a cave.
You’ll have to leave Agro behind once you get inside the cave because there’s a lake that you need to swim across. Just keep on following the path around until you get to a big courtyard-like area. Jump down and look for a pillar that’s fallen over; it’s to the left. Climb it to access the main courtyard area, then head up the steps to the right to trigger the cut-scene and begin the boss fight.

How to beat Colossus 14
Colossus 14 is more about platforming than anything else. He mostly rams you so try to avoid his attacks and look for a downed pillar in the courtyard. Climb atop it and run towards the standing pillar nearby. Climb up it and wait on top. If the boss doesn’t follow you then fling some arrows in his direction, and wait for him to ram the structure you’re standing on. After a couple of hits it’ll collapse, allowing you to reach the next standing pillar. Repeat this process like dominoes until a cut-scene plays showing a wall collapse.
Head into the new area and leap onto the ledge on the opposite side. Be quick because in this new small space, Colossus 14 will attempt to trample you. Climb onto the platform in this area and stand atop it; either get Cenobia’s attention with an arrow or wait for him to ram the structure. The platform will land on top of him, breaking his armour.
Now you’re going to need to get on top of him; use the remains of one of the columns in this area to get the height you need to climb atop. You know the drill now: stab the weak point until Colossus 14 dies. He’ll sprint about and shake a lot, but as long as you use your stamina efficiently, you should be able to dispatch him without too much fuss.
Colossus 15
Colossus 15 in Shadow of the Colossus is also known as Argus or Praesidium Vigilo. This arguably the biggest colossus that you'll have encountered thus far, so brace yourself. Killing him will unlock the Valley of the Fallen Trophy.

Where to find Colossus 15
If you’re getting sick of all the monster hunting, then Colossus 15 is pretty easy to find. Take the northern (or eastern) bridge behind the temple, and follow the giant bridge about three-quarters of the way, similarly to the way you went for Colossus 11.
This time, however, cut east until you reach large monument area. Enter by foot and navigate the various obstacles in this area. It’s fairly straightforward stuff; eventually you’ll find yourself in an enormous arena-type environment. Run to the end to trigger the boss fight.

How to kill Colossus 15
Colossus 15 may look like a giant brute, but he’s easily beatable once you know the steps. Be careful of him stepping on you and lure him towards the edge of the arena. You’re looking for an area that looks climbable but can’t quite be reached. Catch Argus’ attention with some arrows and stand on the fringe waiting for him to stomp you. Dodge at the last moment and he’ll lift up the tiles, creating a ramp to the second level of the arena for you to climb up.
Now, hiding behind the columns, attract the enemy’s attention with some more arrows and wait for him to smash up the building, lowering the roof and allowing you to climb up to the next level and reach the staircase around the sides. Climb up and run to one of the bridges overlooking the arena. Again get his attention but be careful: he’s going to break the bridge and if you’re not careful you’re going to have to climb all the way back up. Let him smash the bridge while maintaining your vantage point.
Jump off the broken bridge and stab him in the head, ensuring to hang on while he tries to shake you off. When the weak point disappears, climb down Colossus 15’s shoulder and assume position on the arm that is carrying his sword. Stab the weak point until a cut-scene triggers, showing him drop his weapon.
Now let go and fall into the arena, then tempt Argus into trying to squash you with his fist. Avoid his attacks and grab onto his hand. Stab the final weak point in Colossus 15’s palm to kill him, and set yourself up for the final battle.
Colossus 16
Colossus 16 in Shadow of the Colossus is also known as Malus or Grandis Supernus. If you thought the previous boss was big, he's got nothing on this absolute behemoth brute. Brace yourself, because you've got a big battle ahead. Killing the final enemy will unlock the Last of the Colossus Trophy, and trigger the ending sequence.

Where to find Colossus 16
It’s the final battle, so Colossus 16 should take you no time at all to find. Head south from the temple and cut through the mountains as though you’re heading to Colossus 8. Instead keep heading south until you come to a door. Use the light beam from your sword to open it and enter the new area. You’ll need to navigate this area using your platforming skills, but we’re hesitant to say too much more as the plot develops quickly in this area. Keep climbing until you reach the bottom of a staircase – and brace yourself for the enormous figure waiting on the horizon.

How to beat Colossus 16
As you’d expect of the final boss, there are many steps to this fight. Before you can bring down Colossus 16, though, you’re going to have to get near it. Use the cover of collapsed platforms to protect yourself from laser strikes, which can be devastating if they hit you. Basically, you need to rely on underground passes to get you close to the colossus; the first is to the right of the staircase, in a pit.
Drop down and follow the passage through. Again take cover and look for another hole to drop into. Follow it around and platform your way. Use a combination of cover and more underground passages to finally reach the base of Colossus 16. Are you ready?
You’ve basically got to climb up the skirt of the boss first, so be precise with your platforming. You can’t really go wrong in this first stage as long as you’re moving up. Eventually you’ll come to the beast’s mid-riff; navigate around to the rear of its back and stab the glowing panel. Colossus 16 won’t like it and will try to grab you; jump backwards onto its hand.
He’ll now bring his arm around, but you can force him to steady his movements by stabbing his hand. Run up his arm to below the shoulder area and stab the new panel that appears here. Now this is where it starts to get complicated: the boss will bring around his other hand, which you need to jump across to.
Again, when you’re holding onto the hand, stab it to hold it steady. Now raise your sword and shine a beam of light on Colossus 16’s shoulder, revealing his next weak spot. Hit it with an arrow, and hold on tight. The boss will clutch his shoulder in pain, allowing you to transfer to the shoulder. Carefully climb onto the boss’ head and do your business. A few stabs into the skull and you’ll have completed the game.
Have you killed all 16 Colossi in Shadow of the Colossus on PS4? Do you have any additional hints, tips, or tactics for beating Shadow of the Colossus' 16 bosses? Look for a weak spot in the comments section below.
Comments 13
Nooooo.... A guide ruins this game! You can only experience the magic of discovery once. Why spoil it!?
@sketchturner It’s for people who want help. Everything is on separate pages so obviously don’t use it if you don’t want to be spoiled.
I'm sure Sammy worked really hard on this guide, but if you're new to this game, I recommend going in cold. This is the kind of game you'll want to figure out for yourself.
@get2sammyb Don't you have to beat all the Colossi to beat the game or are there missable ones?
The number in the title is a huge spoiler for some people. I'm happy to have played the game on Ps2 years back and would be quite annoyed to have known how many Colossi there are before playing the game...
my blu-ray copy arrived this morning. eager to get stuck in, but the guide will be useful for those like me who get easily frustrated just wandering around not being able to find what i'm looking for. there's only so much atmosphere and scenery i can enjoy before it becomes a chore.
@Fight_Teza_Fight You have to beat them all.
Took down four so far (without the guide!). I'm finding it all a bit depressing actually.
@JohnnyBastos That's the beauty of it!
16? Don't you mean 17? Climb the tower
@JohnnyBastos Oh ho, just you wait...
Edit: Ack... Didn't notice this was a guide from 2 years ago with comments to match.
@Matroska haha, no worries. Comment still valid: oh boy it was a rough ride!
If u use this guide it kind of kills the game what a waste.
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