Tying in with the latest Xbox Series X details, Cyberpunk 2077 developer CD Projekt Red has confirmed that the game will be coming to next-gen systems -- in a way, at least. The gist of it is that if you buy Cyberpunk 2077 on Xbox One, you'll be able to upgrade the title for free on Xbox Series X. Based on the company's tweet, we assume that the same will apply to the PlayStation 4 version of the release once the PlayStation 5 hits later this year.
"Gamers should never be forced to purchase the same game twice or pay for upgrades," writes the official Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter account. "Owners of #Cyberpunk2077 for Xbox One will receive the Xbox Series X upgrade for free when available."
Interesting stuff, especially when you consider that we don't yet know how cross-gen games will be handled. It's clear that CD Projekt Red has a stance on the matter, however, and hopefully, other publishers take note. Free upgrades for PS4 games? Yes please.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 43
May partially explain the delay
This is a good move from CDPR. It's now set expectations for cross-gen support. If other games don't offer free upgrades it'll seem anti-consumer. Tactical stuff.
Very good news indeed. Was expecting it but glad to have confirmation. May as well just hold off a couple months and play on the PS5
Lol @ thinking CDPR will treat PlayStation gamers the same as their chums over at MS, these guys charged the same amount for the PS4 CE of Witcher 3 even though it was missing items the Xbox version got.
Cool beans. I'll still play it first on my PS4, I can try out different stuff on my second run through on PS5.
Good idea, similar to PS4 Pro patches. You know the live services won’t be happy though.
The pressure really will be on Sony to do the same thing if possible, it also makes sense as CDPR won't want people holding back just waiting for the next gen version. Speaking of which Sony now really has to come out with some concrete information before Series X starts to really dominate the conversation about next gen
Hopefully it won't be a repeat of The Witcher 3 where they patched the Xbone X one first seemingly as a timed exclusive & then took several attempts at eventually doing one for the Pro.
Can you imagine how much does CDPR pisses off other companies with these kinds of policies? LOL
Love it! Tempted to buy Collector's now
@Robocod well it's not a patch, whenever the Series X version launches the Xbox will just download that version. The biggest factor here is whether Sony will have a similar system in place to allow it
"Gamers should never be forced to purchase the same game twice"
If they really think that, why did I have to pay for the PC version of TW3 after buying the PS4 one? And where's my free Switch version? I do generally like CDPR but most of what they say are platitudes that they know we want to hear but that don't quite add up.
Although it's not confirmation, surely the same would apply with the PS4-PS5, it's great news. I've been saying this is the way it should be since we found out the consoles would be backwards compatible. It's not like we pay extra for Pro enhancements. Hope this is the case across the board.
@carlos82 Your 100% correct here. They really need to start coming forth with some numbers before the buzz becomes all about Xbox. More importantly, their machine has to be on at least an equal footing with MS top spec machine or the whole dialogue will be power, power, power and MS will run with that.
I think Sony should pledge updated versions of their classic titles out of the box. And they need to support the stopping off double dipping.
These machines will be expensive. Consumers will support them, so let's support the consumer rather than fleecing them.
NEVER assume anything because it makes an ass out of you and me
ALWAYS wait for confirmation people
Thank you, CDPR. Very cool.
@Matroska that's 100% down to the platform holders and not CDPR
I was going to say I'll wait for PS5 confirmation before jumping to conclusions--they were late on the PS4 Pro update for the Witcher compared to XBoxX One XxXtreme.
Then I thought... yeah, I'm just going to wait for the PS5 version at that point. What if by the time the PS5 version comes out, I'm already through the game?
@carlos82 Not on PC on GOG, it's two parts of the same company. Also the platform holders don't set the price; you think it was Sony that decided Fortnite would be free? The publisher sets the price and they published TW3 themselves.
Fantastic. Good to hear.
@Matroska are you telling me that Sony would allow you to play your Xbox purchases on PS4 or vice versa?
It will be nice if cyberpunk have 4k & 60 fps patch ready for ps5 launch
@carlos82 No, I'm saying if CDPR really think you shouldn't have to pay twice for the same game, they could've given away TW3 download codes on any platform if you have proof of purchase on another platform.
The real reason they're doing this is so people don't hold off on getting the current gen version, thus making the game's initial launch less successful and damaging the image of the game. But if they phrase it the way they did it sounds generous rather than business-minded
This makes me so happy! I was planning on waiting for the inevitable ps5 versions but can now jump on board right away!!
It's funny even when there is something considered good news, people still find a way to get mad about it lol.
Games could be handled differently between the two systems. Xbox 'could' be upgrading via a menu system much like you see on PC's - If you buy a better GPU, you can change up the settings. Still not 100% sure the Series X is an entirely 'new' console, an iterative step up again or combination. My money would be on a combination - gives you the iterative bonuses on games but also will get its 'own' generational games - eventually from MS but initially from multi-platform devs.
Sony seems to be working more towards a new generational console that will 'downscale' itself (much like the Pro does) with PS4/Pro games. If the leaks are true, the 36Core GPU will run at lower clock speeds and even half the cores will shut down depending on the game - whether its just a PS4 game or a game with Pro enhancements. That could make it more difficult to offer a 'Free' upgrade - especially for those that buy Physical copies - unless a downloadable patch will 'change' the way the disc is recognised.
Anyway, as has been said, lets wait to see what happens and await official confirmation. CDPR have a history with MS and that includes Marketing Rights with Cyberpunk. Also as MS have revealed more about their console, it maybe that CDPR can't yet talk about the PS5 and its plans surrounding the PS4 potential upgrade versions...
What did they do the first time? This concept is not new. This was done with Sly Cooper on PS3/Vita.
I'm still gonna send them money. In fact, I still owe CDPR money from The Witcher 3 expansions because they were both a steal!
I can see this being the case in the US and then European users having to pay an upgrade fee
This is wrong though, they're putting the cart before the horse.
There will be no Series X version of Cyberpunk 2077, it'll be the Xbone version being played via the Series X BC, with a few 'sliders' turned up to use the extra horse power.
As people have said here, it's equivalent to a Pro patch for the PS4 currently, yet the world is reacting like it's getting a whole new game for free.
We already have this!
@ShogunRok what if sony want to gain profit not the developer?. CDPR is a decent team i don't know about ubisoft or EA.
@FullbringIchigo Assume = ass u & me
@Panic_Attache oops i put the wrong word ;P guess my brain is in dumb mode today
edited my original post
So this statement would not have been made with the OK from MS. So yep, just MS putting a bit of pressure on Sony. MS is desperate to start a clean sheet compared to the disaster policy announcements at the launch of the Xbone.
@Futureshark don't think so, They will update with ray tracing as per PC and multiplayer component will not be released until well into next gen. That would normally, in console land be sold as a remaster. Al la TLOU
I hope The Witcher 3 gets a PS5 patch as well. Looks beautiful running at 60fps.
@Matroska well the switch came out after the witcher 3 came out. And it needs to optimize. For a new platform.. Not on the same kind oft system. Two different gaming platform systems
It'll probably do that anyway once PS5 'boost' mode is enabled, as per the PS4 Pro.
@Neolit That's not what I was saying at all. I was saying they clearly don't think no one should have to pay for the same game twice since they haven't had a problem charging people for the same game twice before. As I said, this is classic PR spin not some gregarious act. The PS4 and PS5 versions of Cyberpunk are more different on a technical level than, say, the PC and XB1 versions of TW3 so your opening point doesn't work.
@ShogunRok "Gamers should never be forced to purchase the same game twice or pay for upgrades,"
From the same company who just sold you The Witcher 3 on Switch for 4th time.
@3Above because the Switch is the console replacing the Xbox one or the PS4? I'm not sure your comment makes any sense.
@ShogunRok agreed. I was planning on waiting to buy the PS5 for that game, but if they offer a free upgrade, I'll get it right away
@Rhaoulos they cant be all idealistic about not paying for upgraded versions when they are happy to sell you 4 different versions of the same game elsewhere. If they were so Pro-Consumer they would have done this long ago.
@3Above But you are comparing an upgrade from PS4 to PS5, to different versions on different platforms with the port being made by a different studio on the Switch. Of course Nintendo won't accept the game being given for free on their console since they didn't have a cut on other the platform's sale. Try to buy a game on Steam and ask GoG or epic store for a free key, I doubt it will work and this will have nothing to do with the developer.
This is entirely different since it will be the first time a console with an eShop will be backword compatible. So this offers a whole new range of possibilities for developers, and CDPR is the very first studio who is talking about free upgrade across console generations
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