RAGE 2 is back once again with another slice of downloadable content to give those still playing the game something else to do for a handful of hours. Titled TerrorMania, it is pitched as an alternate take on the wastelands that are full of curses and twists. It's out on PlayStation 4 next month on 14th November.
Much like the previous Rise of the Ghosts expansion, TerrorMania comes with a new location to explore called The Deadlands. While you're there, you'll encounter a new enemy type that resembles an undead Captain Hook a little bit more than we'd like. There's no need to worry, however, as you'll be equipped with the all-new Sword of Transitus. An ancient relic with the capabilities to of unlocking pathways, but as the Bethesda blog puts it, it's also "a really cool sword you can stab people with, and that’s way more important."
The DLC comes packaged with the game's season pass, or you can purchase it separately for 500 RAGE coins, which works out at $5. Are you heading back to RAGE this November? Get crazy in the comments below.
[source bethesda.net]
Comments 7
This game came and went fast.. Didn't feel it pop up so much.. Just like vampyr. And metro exodus.
I played rise of the ghosts. Not bad but not great. Very weird way of unlocking dlc tho
@Danloaded yes i agree, odd way to unlock dlc.
The fact that I bought this game is my biggest gaming regret this year.
@Danloaded They just learning you how to buy microtransactions .. what is weird about that. ... Its more predatory, than weird
@majklpetr it's weird for dlc to do it lol usually using currency is reserved for skins and such but dlc you go to the store and just buy it. Instead I had to go to the store, buy coins to buy the dlc. Just seems like an unnecessary step and has probably affected dlc sales
@Danloaded I woudn't be surprised if next time they make it that you will have to buy more coins than you need for DLC. Like for example you will need 400 Coins but least you can buy will be 500 coins or something like that. Just so they push you to buy something else just to not waste the remaining coins
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