October 2019's PlayStation Plus games have been revealed. The month's two PlayStation 4 titles were confirmed during Sony's latest State of Play broadcast. Subscribers can look forward to best-in-class baseball sim MLB The Show 2019 and The Last of Us Remastered. (Props to our esteemed editor Sammy for predicting the latter, by the way.)
It goes without saying that we're particularly fond of both these titles. In our 8/10 review of MLB The Show 19, we said that "Sony's flagship sports series keeps getting better":
MLB The Show 19 doesn’t appear all that enticing on paper, but step up to the plate and its gameplay is still pretty much unparalleled. The significant improvements to fielding mean that the series now excels in every discipline, while additions like March to October provide an entertaining way to play in short bursts. Diamond Dynasty is arguably the best card collecting game on the PS4, and despite some dry commentary, the overall presentation is borderline obsessive with its sheer attention to detail. The biggest disappointment comes in the lack of meaningful additions to Franchise mode, but this is still a feature rich option even if it has been left largely untouched. Simply put, Sony San Diego’s hit yet another homerun.
We were similarly satisfied with The Last of Us: Remastered, which we awarded an impressive 10/10:
The Last of Us Remastered was unlikely to be anything less than sublime, and that’s the expected outcome that we’ve arrived at here. While its PS3 precursor prevents it from possessing the level of next-gen gloss that its native PS4 contemporaries contain, this is still a mighty fine looking title, and its framerate and resolution improvements only serve to solidify that. Of course, the onboard add-on packs and smattering of superfluous extras ensure that this is the definitive edition of an already outstanding affair – but, unsurprisingly, it’s the touching tale at the heart of the package that once again sets it apart from its peers.
Are you happy with October's PS Plus lineup? Feed us your honest opinion in the comments section below.
Comments 89
Crap unless you like baseball and for some reason haven't played TLOU. Haven't they learned from the pes debacle that sports games should be left out of plus?
Eww lol. I miss indies.
I'm trying to work out whether I can fit in a replay of The Last of Us before the sequel is released...
boo! boring! 💤 zzzz
Why are people so against sports games? Doesn't make sense, it's possible for gamers to be into sports too.
Nothing to download for me, I guess. TLOU makes a lot of sense, though, what with the SoP presentation. I won't even bother adding a sports game to my library.
@AdamNovice that's true, and most of my friends are big on soccer. However, these annual sports titles are like CoD. Fans buy them every year, and people who don't buy them usually don't want them.
Sony tried to give away PES with Plus a few months back and people weren't happy so they changed it. Now they try it again with a sport that even less people are interested in. Seriously?
I'll give MLB The Show a try, and I'll give another playthrough of The Last of Us.
i would imagine that anybody who was vaguely interested in TLoU would have played it already.. it's sold, what?, 18m copies or something across PS3/4 and not counting PSNow rentals.
would be curious to know if it will bring a fresh influx of players to the factions multiplayer.. might be worth booting up again for that if does. i did enjoy it for a while when it first came out on PS4. liked it much better on PS4 than i did on PS3.
Meh. In Europe so nobody is bothered about baseball in the slightest and obviously already played TLOU like everyone else.
Ewww i own both aready
Will download both games.i dont have a baseball games.and last of us is legendary.word up son
I actually was going to wait for the show to be cheap, just got a PS4 and have wanted a good baseball game since the bigs 2. So happy about it, y'all better stop complaining.
Might give the last of us another play through, such an amazing game! Plus it bugs me I finished the game but still have only like 5 % of the trophies!
Not interested in the rounders game, perhaps it makes sense for some parts of the world but can't see it being viewed favourably for majority of Plus subscribers. I'd have preferred the uncharted trilogy to last out us, which i didn't enjoy either time I bought it.
@LaJettatura.im happy. I will download both games .so i dont have a baseball game.word up son
the problem for me with MLB:The show is nothing to do with the quality of the game, it's just that i don't like baseball in real life (though preferable to american football). i actually fell asleep at a live game in the US when i was there on a trip as a grad student.
@Eternallover21 - if i remember correctly it was KC royals v NY yankees.
Played TLOU when it released in ps3 so might have to play through again on the updated version.
Like a lot of others I have no interest in baseball, for me it's the worst of the American sports but the game might be OK but I doubt I will ever play it.
@BridgeToClarity @R1spam - i finished two playthroughs and got 58% of the trophies i think - there's a trick (not sure if they patched it out or not) to start new game+ on a higher difficulty from the first playthrough to get 4 trophies instead of 2.
For the record I’m in Europe and I care about baseball and the 160,000 fans that watched Yankees Vs Red Sox over two days In London in july quite like it too.... and it sold out in 30 mins with lots disappointed....
But no one likes it yeah.
Sure this isn't April's free games for fools day?!?
@Johnnycide I am both of those things lol
Haven't played a Baseball game since All star Baseball 2005 so I will happily download and play The Show, is nice that it's a recent one too!
Damn! Why are people so reluctant to try something new? Maybe it sounds odd but even though I don't care for real life baseball, I've always enjoyed the virtual version and have played numerous iterations of the sport from serious simulations like RBI though to fun arcade games like 2020 Super Baseball. Considering MLB receives consistently stellar reviews, why not give it a go? I know I will.
Bloody rounders?! Give us Brits/Europeans our PES back.
Chuffed about TLoU.
@Neolit. I nevee play mlb the show games so im happy i will play my first baseball games since. Baseball ⚾ stars 2 on neo geo.thats a amazing game.and i veat the last ogmf us back in 2013 on my ps3.i dont remember tge game tgat much its been a long time.and im definitely downloading it and i never play the dlc.so i will play thus game from the stat.since in dont remember this game that much.word up son
Haven't played The Last of US since last gen, so I guess playing the Remaster again will be alright.
Have never played tlou, so tres happy with that one! MLB couldnt care less tho 😊
@Eternallover21 Easy mode might be a good call
@Ralizah I hope with that attitude that you refrain from the baseball mini games in the Yakuza series.
No interest in sports games but TLOU is a great freebie...for people that haven't already played it.
Meanwhile I have plenty of games to get on with..
Happy with Baseball! Have 18 and thought it was fantastic.
TLOU continues my roll of already owning at least one game every month for what seems like the whole year. Grrrrr.
@AdamNovice I pretty sure the gamers who don't play sports games hate the fact that one is released every year and is pretty much the same game, with some changes obviously, but people keep buying them anyway. I am one of those who don't really play sports games either, but i have played them before and have no problem with it.
Absolutely horrible lineup. I've been on Plus since 2011 and this will honestly be the first month I dont download either game.
Haven't played The Last of Us since the PS3 days, so this is great for me. I was saying I might buy Remastered to catch up before the second game comes out. Problem solved!
I actually haven’t played the Last of Us and was literally about to buy this! Best month yet!
Pretty good month for me since I only own TLOU on PS3 which the disc is broken :/ and I've been meaning to play a baseball game.
Not the best but pretty good.
@CB7Tuner91 k
@Johnnycide had the last of us on ps3 and had been holding out on getting the remaster for my ps4, assuming they'd bundle it with the 2nd on release. Now, I don't need to worry about it, because it's here for free, so no complaints from me on that front!
I think i might actually cancel my ps plus this month and use that money to buy an indie game i want.
Have them both and played them both. I wish we could get some smaller indie games! All these games are so huge and if you live in an area like Surry Virginia your internet runs on a hamster running in a wheel!
As someone who ended up beating Bad News Baseball several years ago, I've long lost any right to claim disinterest in baseball despite never watching or playing anything outside the VG realm (but the latter is my story with almost every sport out there). So I might try MLB sometime... but TLoU is the real deal here. I've been curious about this game for a while and, provided it controls well, it might revitalize my Remote Play attention even despite the evergrowing competition backlogs on the nonstreamed platforms.
Have TLoU and MLB 17 so...nada for me. But both great games.
God damn it...bought MLB 19 in the last sale and not even booted it up yet ! When will I ever learn ??
Well I am one of the five people left on this planet who hasn't played The Last of Us so this is a nice month for me. MLB The Show 19 isn't bad but I'm not sure how much I'll play it. I'll give it a go I suppose.
Overall pretty happy.
I’ve never played a baseball video game. I don’t really even like the actual sport of baseball. But everyone raves about The Show, so maybe I’ll try it.
TLoU is awesome, of course. Maybe worth a re-play since I only played it once on PS3.
....Who am I kidding? My backlog is too big to replay last gen remakes, no matter how fantastic they are.
The problem with giving out TLOU is its so old now that anyone who wanted to the play game would have already, as for the sports game yeah a pass at that as i hate sports games.
@FinneasGH So all Europeans think alike, and you speak for all of us? Transatlantic sneering is so lazy.
Me and my bredren will both be downloading MLB, heard it is pretty good.
Got TLoU on PS3, have been hoping for the remaster on plus for most of this gen. Cheers Sony! Now i'm just waiting on The Order 1886...
@KnightWolf everyone can't be winners here.
@Gatatog 3 of MLB the show are on the list of top selling PS4 exclusives while only uncharted 4 made that list.
@leucocyte if it has sold 18m copies but both PS3 and PS4 has sold close to 100m units each then there are a lot who haven’t played it.
I’m one of them and have had it on my wish list for ages. Personally I don’t have a big budget for games so have to eek things out. I almost bought it a few weeks back was waiting until closer to Christmas to enjoy over the holidays. So I’m happy.
Are they seriously giving people outside of the US a rounders game on PS Plus?
Now I know how Americans felt when Pro Evo got announced.
@CountFunkula78 Clearly I don’t speak for all of Europe, but you’re wrong if you think Baseball is popular in Europe.
Source: lived and worked all over Europe for 20 years. Never heard anyone mention baseball, or play baseball, never seen a baseball pitch, never seen baseball on TV.
Well I wont say no to a free The Show, last one I played in as 17 and it's been years since I played The Last of Us.
So whats MLB going to be swapped with as they did with PES think they should offer PES or MLB or give both away. Sports games are very tricky as a lot of sports are American or European centric. You could probably get away with a tennis or golf game not that there are many for PS4 these days.
Anyone who wanted to play TLOU would have already played it. How many times has it been on sale? Sony not willing to put their hand in the pocket to get a more recent game.
Sony dropped PES because of an outcry yet they put a game which is far more niche a few months later. Guess there is logic some where.
Give the americas baseball and europe PES then atleast that would make more sense.
I do not think players are against sports games but its how niche the baseball game is.
Well I'm happy at least.
Baseball in Europe!? Really? This MUST be some mistake because 90% of Europe don't even know the rules of that game... It is like you wish Muslims a happy Christmas. Sony, shame on you and your marketing team!
Last baseball game I played was back on the Sega Genesis. I remember really enjoying it, so maybe I'll give MLB The Show a try.
To be fair, the chances that MLB is also in the European package, is very small.
I hope it will be changed.
A friend suggested the Yanks get a Cricket game for next month's Plus.
I always wanted to try an MLB game despite not knowing anything about baseball lol
Zero interest in either one, but no one can deny that they are two great AAA games.
@hotukdeals "Anyone who wanted to play TLOU would have already played it."
If people could speak for themselves, that'd be great.
Seeing big a kick off there was when PES19 was put up (then taken down) I wonder if they'll do the same with The Show
@hotukdeals Sony dropped PES because promoting it would of violated a marketing agreement they had with EA regarding FIFA. The outcry was just coincidental.
Already completed the last of us on PS3 it will add it to my library anyway and maybe go back if I want more after I’ve finished the last of us part two. It’s a brilliant game and left a really strong impression so I don’t think I’ll have any trouble remembering the story.
I’ve never played baseball and don’t know the rules so I’ll give it a try and see if it’s any fun.
@hi_drnick No worries. I'll ignore baseball minigames as hard as I ignore Blitzball in FFX.
Perfect, I'll be able to make progress on my backlog. I already have TLOU remastered. So nothing interesting this month
I wanted to play TLOU and picked it up aready. There is that better
Will not bother downloading either games, after last month a real disappointment.
They could do worse than TLoU, but correct me if I'm wrong... wasn't it a PS Plus exclusive already? This was clearly done for marketing purposes.
A rare Englishman who enjoys baseball, even saw a Yomiuri Giants game at the Tokyo Dome, so happy with MLB game. TLOU I've had for years but can't win them all..
Pretty chuffed with MLB as I was looking at buying a version the other day. Will not be surprised to see it changed before though.
happy with them thanks Sony have always wanted to try that MLB as well.
@Gatatog People b**** about everything you can give RDR 2 with the new COD and people will still b**** and moan. 😉
Never tried MLB now i can i already have the Last of Us remastered and the original with DLC. But its getting old i want new games for €60 a year. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
And again a sports game... moreover, American sports. I don't even know the rules of a baseball game.
This just increases the price I pay for the rest of PS Plus monthly games of my yearly subscription.
Some of yall don't know what a sport is or play sports and it really shows.
Well, I already owned TLoU: Remastered in physical form, but I will take the digital version without complaint.
MLB the show looks fun, I will try it on my dummy account but not add it to my trophy list. If it’s heavy with the microtransactions, I’ll probably just skip it.
@Neolit Well that's a bummer, hearing about the shadows. You'd think a remaster would be better. and 30fps cinematic mode is something I would have on as well. I've heard Batman's Arkham Collection isn't as good as the PS3 version games too.
@KnightWolf I wanted to play Batman: Arkham Knight but never bought it. Mind blowing. I know.
I'll have to try out Last of Us as I've never played it. I was disappointed with Darksiders 3 and glad that I didn't buy it.
Finally I can get to play the remastered version patched so that it should look amazing on my 1080p projector. Was literally going to buy that yesterday. As for baseball not a massive fan but love NHL or will give this a go considering the score it has got! Really impressed this month!
Nothing for me this month. Oh well!
The knack 2 demanding audience is denied again.
Yay... I can go back to factions after ps3 servers were shut off.. Good news for me. Care not about baseball.
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