PS4 PlayStation 4 Firmware Update 6.02

Sony has released a new firmware update for PS4, taking it to version 6.02. This mandatory update is available to download now, and weighs in at 447.4MB, which won't trouble most connections these days.

But what does update 6.02 do? Well, the official wording from Sony is its usual statement: "This system software update improves system performance." However, it's entirely possible that this small patch fixes the infamous PSN message problem, where users are sent messages the PS4 can't read, forcing it into a crash loop. The platform holder hasn't said anything more about the update, so it's not confirmed to remedy the issue, but we'd wager that's what this firmware update is all about.

We'll keep an eye out for official word that the message issue is 100% gone. In the meantime, get your PS4 downloading this update asap.
