Nathan Fillion’s turn as Naughty Dog’s wise-cracking rogue Nathan Drake has set tongues wagging right throughout the industry, and after amassing almost two million views in just 24 hours, there’s understandably some discussions taking place about what this means moving forwards. According to director Allan Ungar, speaking with Entertainment Weekly, it was very much shot with the intention of being a fun cinematic short – but understandably, the Canadian’s phone is currently on fire.
“I actually got a couple emails today, I’m not going to say from who, but there’s definitely people talking about what this could mean as a digital series or something further,” he admitted. “Obviously there’s interest in there, and I think if it makes sense and if it’s done right, I’d be thrilled to have a conversation about it and possibly see this specific story continue.” For now, though, he’s simply proud of it as a fan film.
Sony, of course, is plodding along with its own Uncharted movie – albeit with Spider-Man star Tom Holland rumoured to be playing a younger Drake. It’d be really great if a company like Netflix could get involved and make this Fillion series a reality, though – the fan film was excellent, and it’s been universally applauded across the web, including by Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End director Neil Druckmann.
[source ew.com]
Comments 36
Nathan Fillion as Nathan Drake. Yet another reason for me to not like the Uncharted series.
Tom Holland though... Doesn't that bother anyone else?
@Tasuki surely you jest! What's there not to like about the game series? Genuinely interested in your opinion.
I need this to happen, but I fear Sony has so many 'cooks in the kitchen', that nothing will get done about this.
These guys should be given a chance. They've done a fantastic service to the franchise. I'm happy that both Amy & Neil have endorsed it.
@Turismo4GT I just didn't like the game play over all. Story was good but a game like that I rather just sit and watch the story if that makes sense at all. I feel they make better movies then video games honestly. Which then it seems they ruin my interest in by adding Nathan Fillion.
This might turn out like that Mortal Kombat fan film that got turned into a series of shorts.
@Tasuki And a reason for me to like it more.
@Tasuki Fair enough. I take it you're also not a TLOU fan?
@Tasuki This comment is bad and you should feel bad! xD
Just watched this. Great stuff. Naughty Dog were clearly fans of firefly when making the first game!
But come on Sony, Tom Holland as a younger Nathan Drake? Why do companies always do that, take a part of what makes the a series great and then remove that part when making a film of it.
@Turismo4GT I liked it better then Unchaterd but not by much. I guess I am just old school where I prefer game play over story. If I want a great story like Uncharted I would watch a movie not play a game. That's the same reason I don't like the MGS series and think Kojima is overrated.
@Sanquine 😂
I would argue the game play in MGS is a lot more interesting than UC. Those stealth mechanics alone were very innovative. But I totally get all those cut scenes aren't for everyone. Some want either a film or a game, not a hybrid of the two.
Back on topic, I hope we do get to see more of Fillion as Drake. He was excellent.
@LaNooch1978 😂 so you don't think Jason Statham would play cutter well then?
@LaNooch1978 it does look good but there is a difference between looking good and actually being good 😂
@LaNooch1978 only if Jason Statham wins though
@Tasuki A good story can carry a game with bad gameplay and vice versa! I still think Uncharted has nice gameplay, I love the series! But hey, some people like turn based games, some people love fps, etc etc...
Anyway I do hope this becomes at least a series but I would rather have a full length movie! I'm happy if it continues, I was really happy with those 15 minutes
@LaNooch1978 Turns out I am not alone in my thoughts of this movie. 😂
@AFCC I feel like a series would fit so well for this medium. We could see many different adventures and more chance to see more than just one ‘movie’ (which we all know would somehow get ruined by Hollywood. Whereas a series with more audience feedback or maybe less big budget pressure would be great. (In my opinion)
@LaNooch1978 if there was a giant Chuck Norris everyone in the movie would be dead
I love the Idea, make it happen!
Sony Pictures really needs to understand that Nathan Fillion is perfect for the role. Hollywood always ruined movies about games, they are really clueless, and then cry about people not watching movies. Even some of them are complaining and saying that only Marvel movies are successful nowadays, like it’s something absurd. Well, Marvel Studios are doing things right, it’s not rocket science.
I love Uncharted gameplay personally. I've always felt that aspect is underrated, particularly in U4 and The Lost Legacy.
I honestly found the general tone of the movie absolutely perfect. The dialogues are so well written, it really felt like a nathan drake adventure. Kudos to the directing too, with this sequence shot exactly like the game. Nice surprise to tease the fans, even if it's not really relevant (you don't have to make your movie look like a videogame, especially when the videogame you base your movie on is so desperate to... look like a movie !!).
No really, it was all in the dialogues and the chemistry between the actors. The ending is so frustrating : we want to see what follows !!
I don't really see the point of an Uncharted movie, honestly. These games are already really cinematic, and there are much more interesting characters out there that deserve a movie more than Nathan Drake does.
If they do this they need a new Sully and Elena. I wasn't sold on either in the short film. Fillion did great as always tho...
I quite enjoyed this one, so I hope it happens (film or series), even if it's in addition to the Tom Holland one. I hope they get Emily Rose and Claudia Black to play their respective characters, if this gets made.
I was fine with Stephen Lang as Sully, but imagine if they got Richard McGonagle, that would be awesome!
@get2sammyb Yeah, it's true. For example, when people thinking about "chase scenes" in gaming, gameplay wise, it's usually the protagonist drive a vehicle, or the protag just shoot bad guys from a moving vehicles. But, in uncharted series, chase scenes means really chase scenes, where nathan drake or chloe jump from their car to moving train, to enemy dirt bike and after that, enemy car, and back to moving train again. That's insane! I think uncharted is the only game series in the planet that does that, for other games, that scene is 100% a cg movies.
@Tasuki For me the allure of uncharted games is "playable indiana jones movies", it's really cool rather than watching indiana jones shoot bad guys and doing adventure stuff, it's us that do that, searching for lost treasure, shooting bad guys and cracking jokes along the way. By seeing the story on youtube is, well, it's not the reason I play games, I rather see real movies.
I would love to see this happen, a few years after uncharted 4 is set where drake just keeps getting pulled back into the treasure hunting world. Nate and sully are perfect. I would get rid of the third person gun fight, replacing it with a proper one and clean up the dialogue but as a one off fan film its brill.
If you dislike Uncharted’s gameplay you must really hate most first person shooters.
I think the addition of the grappling hook in the PS4 games makes things a lot more interesting.
Loved the fan film and I think it could make a great little movie or even a fun short series.
@LaNooch1978 I’d have to agree with you. I fear a full feature film would doom the franchise to fall victim to the issues you mentioned. I don’t want to see my beloved Uncharted become a cinematic punchline or at best, a mere footnote in the history of throwaway movies. The short Fillion video that posted this week was surprisingly good, though and I’d like to see more if done with a little added polish and budget. A Netflix series seems like a wonderful option then, in the vein of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and all those Marvel series they have. Even just one season of hour long episodes, say maybe 5 or so to start with and just see how it goes.
Nathan Fillion was great as Nate Drake, Really encapsulating his personality and wise cracks. However the little bit of the action wasn't so great. We really needed a 10 years younger Fillion to play the role perfectly. I would be down for him playing an older Drake recounting his adventures whilst a younger physical actor does the heavy lifting action wise.
i could go for a mini series, with Fillion playing him would have to take place after the events of UC4 but before it's epilogue but that would be the perfect place to set one
@Stragen8 yeah maybe you're right!
I just prefer movies cause they don't require so much of my time! I learned this after seeing game of thrones 2 times lol
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